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Jan 18th, 2016
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  3. TL;DR The Mittani lays the smackdown on Gorski Car, challenges the grr goons circlejerk on /r/eve, and explains the problems of /r/eve
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  6. [13:21:25] <themittani> You think this is parody, @daugan ?
  7. [13:21:25] <sweets> And to directly answer your question @themittani i consider myself a hybrid
  8. [13:22:02] <validpoint> @sweets: do u sexually identify as a prius
  9. [13:22:03] <daugan> I hope so. Or TISHU won the PSYOP war.
  10. [13:22:24] <timoxazero> @themittani: check pm
  11. [13:22:26] <sweets> No i sexually identify as a 2d waifu
  12. [13:23:01] <themittani> How would you distinguish parody from contempt over text, @daugan
  13. [13:24:03] <daugan> Good question.
  14. [13:24:13] <daugan> Intuition perhaps.
  15. [13:24:33] <sweets> Is that what u pay when u go to instate colleges?
  16. [13:26:49] <themittani> how does reliance upon a platform where small groups can make unpopular views vanish from sight in a hardcoded way impact the ability of those who identify with that platform handle unpopular views outside of that platform, where there is no escape from opposition or confrontation?
  17. [13:26:57] <themittani> let's find out~
  20. [13:31:41] <timoxazero> I think that platforms like reddit only contribute to contempt within the community
  21. [13:31:42] <timoxazero> much like any other social outlet that anyone is allowed to post under bearing any name they please
  22. [13:32:02] <themittani> we're big on experiments in gsf
  23. [13:32:12] <sweets> So lots of bisexuals?
  24. [13:32:24] <quickload> try experimenting with a good post lmao
  25. [13:32:31] <themittani> this is 'what happens when you isolate members of a conformist mob from their little pack and individually confront them about their shit, relentlessly, let's see how courageous they remain'
  26. [13:32:57] <poppler> the same is likewise for people in the imperium
  27. [13:33:07] <quickload> for :10bux: can I join the SA mob though?
  28. [13:33:22] <themittani> it's funny because tweetfleet slack was under our noses the whole time, had no idea how much of our wewlad crew were hiding under the rocks here
  29. [13:33:49] <daugan> I wouldnt call it hiding. Were a traveling circus.
  30. [13:33:51] <themittani> one problem about SA @quickload: you must post to be a member, and risk being hazed relentlessly for saying stupid shit, and cannot downvote the mean things away
  31. [13:33:55] <gorskicar> wew lad
  32. [13:34:19] <themittani> it's much safer to wew lad and nicememe in a peaceful echo chamber with no risk of being mocked by evil bullies
  33. [13:34:21] <quickload> eh, SA is just another kind of mob which happens to have a paywall
  34. [13:34:32] <poppler> so people are social engineered to conform?
  35. [13:34:39] <sweets> Yep
  36. [13:34:45] <themittani> your opinion matters to me @quickload please explain the distinction
  37. [13:34:46] <jo_bethany> Tweetfleet is more like what would happen if you put most of eve into a jabber server; lots of cat pics and talking about food
  38. [13:35:13] <themittani> who knows @poppler my new little theory could be wrong, i'm merely gathering data points
  41. [13:36:48] <themittani> tag what i say with something that makes you feel better
  42. [13:36:52] <timoxazero> reddit isnt a good platform for pushing any sort of views
  43. [13:36:52] <timoxazero> Because anyone can manipulate the vote system
  44. [13:36:53] <gorskicar> I am responsible for less then 10% of all mod actions on reddit yet you claim its my personal army))
  45. [13:37:09] <validpoint> but isnt automod the other 90%
  46. [13:37:11] <validpoint> :^)
  47. [13:37:15] <gorskicar> automod is like 50%
  48. [13:37:17] <daugan> 10% of all of reddit you say?
  49. [13:37:18] <poppler> needs an enemy
  50. [13:37:21] <poppler> narrative
  51. [13:37:22] <themittani> You think that 'mod actions' comprise the sum total of your agency @gorskicar?
  52. [13:37:29] <gorskicar> Whats my agency?
  54. [13:37:59] <daugan> Literally the CIA
  55. [13:38:09] <themittani> I imagine that you can claim to be naive about human nature and communication and your +damagecontrol clique will agree with it
  57. [13:38:50] <themittani> well if you append 'damage control' and mash upvote to something I say on slack, I'll just vanish, right?
  58. [13:39:13] <gorskicar> If I wanted you to vanish I could do that anytime
  60. [13:39:16] <themittani> this is the fun stuff: on sa or slack you can't make the mean words go away
  61. [13:39:34] <gorskicar> Maybe we should have devs go on SA instead
  62. [13:40:00] <gorskicar> actually entire eve community lets go full :10bux:
  64. [13:40:39] <themittani> pfft, they shouldn't go on SA any more than on a subreddit, but that's not my issue with you
  66. [13:42:17] <themittani> you wave your hands around going 'oh my hate mobs oh no stop' or deny they exist while you sit here on slack bragging about how you're the primary mod, yet expect to be considered innocent and blameless due to whatever flimsy excuse works for the moment
  67. [13:42:29] <themittani> then play the victim when we hold you to blame
  68. [13:42:54] <gorskicar> wew lad
  69. [13:42:57] <themittani> tip
  70. [13:42:58] <themittani> nice meme
  71. [13:42:59] <validpoint> mittani dropping :fire:
  72. [13:43:39] <themittani> this is not an argument, by the by: this is a statement as to the world you live in, and the fact that our directorate knows you are to be responsible for what takes place on the platform you brag of running
  73. [13:43:57] <themittani> downvotes will not make that go away
  75. [13:44:42] <themittani> you've seen how many mobs go after me and my people now? perhaps more upvotes and another mob - perhaps you should go screenshot this right now and get 500+ comments about how i'm so mean~
  77. [13:44:51] <gorskicar> how mean
  79. [13:46:50] <themittani> this is an experiment then, what happens when brigading results in the kind of accountability in the aftermath that cannot be brigaded away
  81. [13:47:08] <gorskicar> You are very vague
  82. [13:47:18] <sweets> Intentionally so
  83. [13:47:26] <themittani> oh no
  84. [13:47:39] <mrkuub> the thing I'm missing here
  85. [13:47:58] <mrkuub> is what blame should gorski get for modding r/eve?
  86. [13:48:00] <dunkdinkle> The issue is the mods have little direct control over brigading. We encountered this on our own subreddit.
  87. [13:48:06] <mrkuub> because reddit is brigading against goons?
  88. [13:48:17] <gorskicar> There is no way with the current mod tools to detect vote brigading
  89. [13:48:27] <themittani> pfft, like we give a fuck about vote brigading
  90. [13:48:34] <gorskicar> You seem to give a fuck about reddit
  91. [13:48:38] <sweets> ^
  92. [13:48:51] <daugan> Then why do you do it...
  93. [13:49:08] <poppler> you have put an unnecessary amount of effort into complaining about it here
  94. [13:49:11] <themittani> you see hate mobs going after sion over bullshit and you do nothing even though you can shut it down; you see them go after myself, you do nothing and sit back going 'oh no i'm powerless i can't lock threads'
  95. [13:49:56] <validpoint> but didn't sion say mean things about eve's community
  96. [13:49:57] <themittani> you can misinterpret what i say if it makes you feel better @poppler but that implies your platform of choice matters to us beyond bringing accountability to those who try to shirk it
  97. [13:50:16] <themittani> r/eve is a platform, not a community: deal with it
  98. [13:50:31] <themittani> now make some rage threads
  99. [13:50:40] <sweets> Tip
  100. [13:50:44] <themittani> let us see if those votes and comments can change the reality
  101. [13:50:49] <gorskicar> ~community~
  102. [13:50:51] <validpoint> well, it is a platform, I agree with that i guess
  103. [13:51:05] <validpoint> but there are plenty of r/eve meetups, how are they not a community then?
  104. [13:51:07] <themittani> hide in the mob and passively gain validation from the idea of participating in a group of isolated individuals
  105. [13:51:11] <poppler> reddit is as much a platform and community as SA is
  106. [13:51:32] <themittani> this is not a matter of debate vOv
  107. [13:51:47] <poppler> you've often spoken of the SA community within eve, why can't reddit have a community within eve?
  108. [13:51:58] <luciadenniard> we've had a lot of those
  109. [13:52:03] <themittani> there are communities which use the reddit platform
  110. [13:52:15] <themittani> r/eve itself is not a community, however
  111. [13:52:22] <validpoint> interesting
  112. [13:52:29] <poppler> SA isn't a community then?
  113. [13:52:35] <validpoint> is tweetfleet slack a community or is it only a platfom?
  114. [13:52:50] <poppler> just another platform with people recruited from it's eve specific section
  115. [13:53:00] <themittani> i'd say platform, sa has many communities using the forum platform, ditto tweetfleet slack
  116. [13:53:44] <luciadenniard> a community usually comes with shared values and interests
  117. [13:53:50] <luciadenniard> so #devfleet could be called a community
  118. [13:54:00] <poppler> so there is no such thing as a SA goon community then? simply people with joined from it's platform
  119. [13:54:07] <themittani> but i do think there's a false expectation of community which comes from the crowd effect as well as the democratic framing invoked by 'upvote' and 'downvote' which is down the rabbit hole of psych
  121. [13:57:03] <themittani> i think there are a couple of interesting dynamics that make reddit a particularly toxic environment. first there's the democratic framing, instead of rep/negrep, upvote/downvote itself gives rise to expectation and entitlement of democratic action, ie if the mob votes one way then the expectation in western culture is that thus the mob's desires 'pass' then there's rage when reality isn't altered
  122. [13:57:37] <validpoint> so how does SA combat mobbing?
  123. [13:57:56] <quickload> so? tons of good stuff gets downvoted on reddit every day, just as people who say otherwise good stuff on SA get trolled or ignored every day.
  124. [13:58:05] <themittani> the fact that opinions which are 'downvoted' are hidden from view is a major factor in echo chamber creation, plus over time as the subreddit habitually downvotes the same unpopular ideas, when confronted with those ideas they become both more reactive and less capable of coping with them in contexts which cannot be censored
  125. [13:58:13] <quickload> the key for the reader is to decypher the differences for themselves
  126. [13:58:49] <validpoint> @quickload: but appealing to the mob is the fastest way to rack up upvotes
  127. [13:59:06] <luciadenniard> interestingly reddit's based on hacker news, which has a pretty high activity requirement to unlock downvoting
  128. [13:59:07] <poppler> votes have no value, bar personal gratification
  129. [13:59:12] <themittani> also, by nature the ablity to 'participate' in the platform by passively voting but not commenting rewards socially risk-averse behavior; i don't need to call out someone I disagree with, I only need to downvote them and the unpleasant argument/statement literally vanishes
  130. [13:59:14] <quickload> if incrementing that upvote counter is your goal, I guess
  131. [13:59:15] <luciadenniard> so you have to be a contributing member of the community to be able to downvote
  132. [13:59:26] <timoxazero> upvotes and redditors are equivalent to goodboy points and tendies autists
  133. [13:59:31] <cassandra> @themittani: if you don't like up/downvotes sort by new, job done
  134. [13:59:39] <timoxazero> they will appeao to a group of autistic people and do retarded shit
  135. [13:59:43] <timoxazero> for the validation of the community
  136. [13:59:45] <themittani> if you think that upvote/downvote has no impact on psychology from a framing perspective then none of what i said will make any sense and/or seem totally crazy
  137. [14:00:05] <themittani> on the other hand i think i have a pretty good record which is based on objective data that i know a thing or two about mass psychology
  138. [14:00:20] <themittani> and if you'd like to argue that then let's do this~
  139. [14:00:47] <themittani> @luciadenniard: i want to chat with you about some shop stuff privately in a couple of days when shit clears up, if you're amenable
  140. [14:00:56] <luciadenniard> sure, you should still have me on skype
  141. [14:01:12] <themittani> hail satan, dunno if you're still doing freelance shit, figured i'd ask
  142. [14:01:18] <luciadenniard> yeah I do when I get the time
  143. [14:01:23] <luciadenniard> usually backend
  144. [14:01:30] <alpmighty> World/regional news related subreddits are a mess because of one point of view quickly dominating the general flow of news and discussion
  145. [14:01:30] <quickload> upvote/downvoting exists in any medium. it just happens that on reddit, you can see it. There's people on SA and FHC and countless other forums and mailing lists where one Bad Post early on tanks their standing in the forum's collective mindset from then on, sometimes irrevocably, no matter how compelling or good they might be later
  146. [14:01:49] <quickload> welcome to human nature
  147. [14:02:02] <themittani> what happens when someone disagrees on forums, @quickload, compared to on reddit?
  148. [14:02:21] <themittani> gonna go socratic here for a bit so it becomes less assertive shit and more drawing out the assumptions
  149. [14:02:22] <quickload> anything? some stay quiet, others are vocal. it's always subjective
  150. [14:02:44] <quickload> I see tons of what I think is awful stuff on reddit every day that I don't downvote. It's not like it's a duty
  151. [14:02:44] <themittani> @quickload: those who choose to stay quiet on forums, do they have any impact?
  152. [14:02:56] <validpoint> but writing out a post takes a lot more effort than clicking a single arrow
  153. [14:03:09] <mrkuub> upvotes/downvotes are comparable to likes on any other social platform though. But, the difference with reddit is that they offer the ability to downvote something. I get your points, but I don't see how reddit is in any way worse or better than any other social platform. The only thing reddit does, is if a post/topic reaches a certain amount of downvotes, it is no longer shown to everyone. But its not 'removed'.
  154. [14:03:33] <luciadenniard> being able to collectively hide things is quite powerful
  155. [14:03:35] <luciadenniard> it does censor the debate
  156. [14:03:36] <validpoint> @mrkuub: yeah, but "likes" on facebook show who liked/disliked
  157. [14:03:39] <naclac> His point is that on reddit, downvotes alter the listing of threads. On a typical forum, it sorts by latest post. So an unpopular thread is always visable.
  158. [14:03:41] <themittani> @mrkuub: are you saying that it is meaningless if something is labeled a 'vote' vs a 'rep'?
  159. [14:04:00] <mrkuub> to me, it means the same thing
  160. [14:04:06] <naclac> Regardless of the opinion of it.
  161. [14:04:15] <mrkuub> a like or an upvote has the same gratification I think
  162. [14:04:31] <cassandra> haha oh shit
  163. [14:04:32] <jensar.antak> gratification =/= impact
  164. [14:04:39] <themittani> @mrkuub: fair, then your argument flows reasonably from that. i disagree; in my experience, names and labels have incredible power, particularly in terms of framing
  165. [14:04:41] <porkbutte> oh lawd @sion_kumitomo is here
  166. [14:06:01] <poppler> yeah it was said in tsc to join in the "trolling"
  167. [14:06:05] <themittani> so since @quickload has not responded to my inquiry about his views, the question goes to everyone: if someone disagrees on a forum but says nothing in a post about that and stays silent, how is that different from activity in our hypothetical toxic subreddit?
  168. [14:06:29] <luciadenniard> are we including forums with rep systems here?
  169. [14:06:37] <luciadenniard> because kugu rep cartels were a thing, I forget why
  170. [14:07:08] <themittani> i think that rep systems have a lesser impact but similar @luciadenniard
  171. [14:07:10] <naclac> Mechanically, I already listed what happens. A disagreeable thread or post remains visible unless actively deleted by the author or mods.
  172. [14:07:10] <luciadenniard> I guess it never censored posts, it just made mean comments
  173. [14:07:22] <jensar.antak> rep for the person and rep for the idea (thread) are different and have very different impacts, though. One highlights the person as a shitlord, the other hides the thread
  174. [14:07:26] <themittani> i'm not sure i like rep/negrep either
  175. [14:07:41] <svara> @luciadenniard: iirc kugu rep cartels were a thing, and then rep became anonymous
  176. [14:07:43] <themittani> we have it on but we periodically randomize everyone's rep when it is taken too seriously
  177. [14:07:45] <svara> where is your rep cartel now
  178. [14:07:53] <timoxazero> idk i think forums of all kinds foster angst within a community
  179. [14:07:56] <timoxazero> @themittani:
  180. [14:07:57] <luciadenniard> in a database that got deleted, rip
  181. [14:08:05] <svara> actually
  182. [14:08:05] <luobotekong> came looking for a conformist mob. left disappointed
  183. [14:08:20] <themittani> @naclac: correct, and those who disagree with the post but say nothing have no impact on the discussion
  184. [14:08:28] <poppler> in razor there used to be a lot of complaining when people shitposted on people's lossmails
  185. [14:08:31] <themittani> only those who post and risk social disapproval or more disagreement have an impact
  186. [14:08:35] <timoxazero> peoplenwill always have disagreementd
  187. [14:08:35] <timoxazero> there is no real way to stop people from arguing
  188. [14:08:35] <timoxazero> Any 2 people will always disagree
  189. [14:08:50] <luciadenniard> people actually got trolled out of black legion over comments on lossmails
  190. [14:08:53] <luciadenniard> people get very mad about those
  191. [14:08:54] <themittani> oh hey gettin more press
  192. [14:08:58] <porkbutte> An example of the great injustice the_mittani talks about.
  193. [14:09:05] <porkbutte> #freeporkbutte
  194. [14:09:26] <timoxazero> unblacklist me pork and i will upvote you
  195. [14:09:33] <jensar.antak> I think the point isn't that people should/shouldn't argue, but that if you want to argue, you need to be IN the conversation on a traditional forum where as on reddit you can simply downvote from the shadows to suppress the idea
  196. [14:10:01] <porkbutte> "but it's not suppressed you can still see it."
  197. [14:10:15] <quickload> sorry @themittani switching between computer and tending to some vaca frita on the stove. Those who stay quiet on forums. Well, it's their choice in the end. If they don't like something, they can either say so, or not. I guess in SA's context, paying to post encourages responses from its members if they feel what they say will fit in with the general atmosphere of the forum's usual suspects.
  198. [14:10:29] <porkbutte> I think another problem is people forget 9 out of 10 people on reddit are lurkers so the lurkers only get what the default settings on reddit tell them.
  199. [14:10:38] <naclac> I wouldn't go as far as saying quite members have no impact on the discussion. As communication is not limited to just that singular thread. The impact of disagreement can occur in varying places. Example. Someone stating a controversial opinion in a thread might find themselves targeted in game or excluded from future gatherings.
  200. [14:11:02] <poppler> or blacklisted from certain allainces
  201. [14:11:11] <themittani> so my point is this: subreddits get increasingly toxic when poorly moderated because dissent is ever more rare, so when dissent occurs it creates an ever-more-extreme reaction, eventually leading to hate mobs and actual doxxing (not the shit DHD whines about) and this is exacerbated by the democratic framing invoked by 'voting', and the population becomes increasingly radicalized as the democratic frame is 'betrayed' when 'voting' does not result i
  202. [14:11:14] <svara> sorting by controversial is the best reddit experience
  203. [14:11:16] <markus_reese> Yay us social outcasts!
  204. [14:11:16] <luciadenniard> I quite liked slashdot's rep system, where you had to pick _why_ a post deserved more or less posts
  205. [14:11:17] <quickload> really this whole debate is more appropriate for the pages of an academic journal. The reasons why people gravitate towards one "mob" or forum or another is entirely subjective.
  206. [14:11:29] <cassandra> so tl:dr - let goons moderate /r/eve
  207. [14:11:38] <themittani> hah
  208. [14:11:46] <themittani> fuck r/eve, you can have it and enjoy it
  209. [14:11:49] <poppler> #deadtear for r/eve
  210. [14:11:49] <luciadenniard> there was actually a dude in LAWN who was an r/eve mod
  211. [14:11:54] <luciadenniard> he kept deleting my LAWN sota leaks
  212. [14:11:57] <svara> oh my god
  213. [14:11:57] <markus_reese> Rip r/eve
  214. [14:12:03] <jensar.antak> let's just make Chribba the only mod and call it a day
  215. [14:12:11] <svara> deadtear for eve would actually be phenomenal
  216. [14:12:13] <quickload> @themittani: toxic in your opinion, not toxic in the opinion of others. Every forum has its own tone, it's not like there's One True Forum that is completely devoid of an overarching mindset.
  217. [14:12:17] <themittani> we're just eager to test our experiments about those who actively use it and identify with it losing the ability to handle direct confrontation and conflict
  218. [14:12:22] <quickload> I'm not sure what problem you're trying to fix here
  219. [14:12:43] <quickload> given enough time, any forum will assume a demeanor
  220. [14:12:43] <themittani> i'm gathering data, not proposing a solution~
  221. [14:13:05] <gorskicar> I was actually approached about putting a cfc guy on the mod team
  222. [14:13:31] <naclac> Gathering data implies there is a problem to be fixed or rather a problem that is fixable.
  223. [14:13:45] <svara> people forget that reddit is a conde nast venture
  224. [14:13:48] <sion_kumitomo> mittani might be quoting cagali on that. brave's csm guy was the guy who first really highlighted /r/eve being toxic in a public fashion :simple_smile:
  225. [14:13:58] <themittani> @naclac: there is a problem: those who seek to hide from accountability in their mobs on r/eve
  226. [14:14:15] <luciadenniard> there are people like that in many EVE groups
  227. [14:14:27] <svara> @sion_kumitomo: given that /r/bravenewbies is the only instance in the entire history of eve online wherein an alliance managed to rapecage itself, that's not surprising
  228. [14:14:28] <themittani> this is part of data gathering on the reaction of those who identify so strongly with that mob and how they hold up when confronted with, say, me.
  229. [14:14:28] <luciadenniard> the number of times I've had to deal with random nerds DDOSing my servers is unreal
  230. [14:14:40] <luciadenniard> and it's always some jackass in an alliance I'm fighting ingame
  231. [14:14:42] <luciadenniard> who thinks he's cool
  232. [14:14:43] <naclac> Accountability in what form? Not being held responsible for misinformation?
  233. [14:14:46] <poppler> people/corps/alliance join coalition in game to hide from accountability, why should reddit be any different?
  234. [14:15:02] <poppler> simply a different form
  235. [14:15:20] <themittani> @naclac: my theory is that those who passively join mobs and wewlad/nicememe have over time lost the ability to cope with being called out or held to account in a way that cannot be brigaded or 'damage controled' away
  236. [14:15:26] <themittani> i could be wrong! i'm often wrong
  238. [14:16:13] <themittani> the point is that there is an expectation in @gorskicar's little playground that you can go after my people without being called out, identified, and confronted - now, does that matter? perhaps everyone holds up just fine under pressure and sunlight
  239. [14:17:09] <themittani> when the r/eve cliques and @gorskicar as head mod decide to go after my people, do they behave differently knowing that after the torches and pitchforks have been put down, they will be confronted about their behavior in a place where they cannot downvote the confrontation away?
  240. [14:17:14] <themittani> or make the warfleets vanish
  241. [14:17:17] <luciadenniard> didn't the SMA posts against IWantIsk get pretty upvoted?
  242. [14:17:27] <luciadenniard> I guess IWI are more hated than SMA
  243. [14:17:39] <gorskicar> Gen eve made a good post
  244. [14:17:42] <naclac> Well, considering the number of people is that post on reddit and slack with their in-game names, accountability is something hard to stretch. If you want to say that johnny-troll-69420 needs to have accountability over his posting, that's more systemic of any anonymous posting venue than specifically of /r/eve
  245. [14:18:05] <themittani> r/eve isn't always hostile to the imperium, this is about individual accountability for mob behavior rather than a simple 'grr gons want votes' as we don't give a fuck about a platform run by our bitter enemies
  247. [14:18:17] <gorskicar> Simonvc is the head mod of r/eve
  248. [14:18:19] <gorskicar> not me
  249. [14:18:27] <themittani> @gorskicar: slack is logged now
  250. [14:18:30] <gorskicar> to be honest there is no such thing as a head mod
  251. [14:18:51] <themittani> you know the bit where you bragged about being functionally the head mod as the 3 ones above you were inactive? that you typed out four days ago or so, @gorskicar
  252. [14:19:16] <themittani> you must be careful with the wibbling and dodging here in public @gorskicar, you're in a world of transparency now~
  253. [14:19:50] <gorskicar> Don Gorski Car head of the r/eve wew lad mafia
  254. [14:19:55] <themittani> tip
  255. [14:20:03] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
  256. [14:20:03] <themittani> nice meme
  257. [14:20:32] <themittani> you can try to fall back on spewing squid ink @gorskicar, i'm sure someone will find you to be sticking it to the man and say i'm salty!
  259. [14:20:53] <themittani> hey, i know, make a 'damage control' icon on my slack post and get some upvotes, that worked a few minutes ago, did it not?
  260. [14:21:09] <aryndelvyst> I did a social experiment where I posted an AMA on reddit that was a direct window into the "illuminati" and I got downvoted into oblivion just because of my flair which sort of proved my theory that it doesn't matter how poignant you are if you're a goon, you don't belong here etc.
  262. [14:33:41] <thexenuria> Let me give you a hypothetical, if somebody on the goonfleet forums made a callout thread for a member of MOA. Itt they linked personal info or said "hey go fuck with this guy irl" or anything of the sort, it would be locked
  263. [14:33:43] <timoxazero> so you can't highground OH HE IS SPYING ON ME IN THE IRL LIFE
  264. [14:33:43] <timoxazero> because anything he knows about you,you released to the public domain urself dude
  265. [14:33:44] <thexenuria> and people would be banned
  266. [14:33:48] <markus_reese> Address who you want to hear.
  267. [14:33:50] <themittani> wait what's the opposite of a normie, a neckbeard?
  268. [14:33:52] <thexenuria> But on reddit, it's A OK
  269. [14:33:56] <gorskicar> there was nothign personal to sion linked in the callout sion thread
  270. [14:34:06] <weaselior> lawl you're such a coward gorksi
  271. [14:34:07] <luciadenniard> do we actually have proof of gorski leaveing content like that up?
  272. [14:34:11] <luciadenniard> leaving*
  273. [14:34:16] <gorskicar> and if there were press report and I would have done teh exact same thing
  274. [14:34:17] <thexenuria> Nothing personal about sion.... in the callout sion thread
  275. [14:34:24] <thexenuria> ...
  276. [14:34:29] <thexenuria> I don't even
  277. [14:34:38] <dareaper> looks around.. has no idea whats going on.. but gets popcorn anyway
  278. [14:34:40] <themittani> @gorskicar: wew lad
  279. [14:34:47] <daugan> Real talk. When people make RL threats regardless of affiliation they get castigated and shit on.
  280. [14:34:51] <themittani> w e w l a d B O I S
  281. [14:35:03] <themittani> @daugan: how cute, and no, they do not on r/eve
  282. [14:35:05] <aryndelvyst> Not on reddit they don't @daugan
  283. [14:35:13] <5pitf1re> @themittani dropping dem memes
  284. [14:35:16] <weaselior> ahahaha nobody has ever gotten shit on for that
  285. [14:35:19] <weaselior> on reddit
  286. [14:35:20] <daugan> You say threats are being made, but never will name the folks doing it.
  287. [14:35:21] <themittani> your little assertion is wrong and unconvincing regardless
  288. [14:35:22] <markus_reese> @themittani I am heading out though so wont be able to get really into that discussion more. Sorry.
  289. [14:35:22] <thexenuria> So... let me get this straight. A thread titled and populated to the effect of a callout on sion... had nothing personal linked to sion.
  290. [14:35:26] <weaselior> as long as the threat went the right way
  291. [14:35:37] <aryndelvyst> Only if you're non-Imperium have you ever gotten the protection of the supple bosom of upvotes
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