
Old Drunk and Fluffies

Jun 28th, 2012
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  1. old drunk and fluffies Anonymous 06/10/12(Sun)14:39 No.2487816
  3. First attempt to write an fluffy story. Forgive me the language, I'm not the native english speaker.
  5. >be an old, fat alcoholic,
  6. >work in ironworks, 5 years to the pension remains
  7. >live with your wife in a house
  8. >you really love her but you still cause fuss and argues when drunk, ocasionally beating her up
  9. >one day you just got back from work, while getting your jacket off you notice the sound of pattering little hooves next to you
  10. >you are sober... yet... could it be?
  11. >you look down and see three fluffy ponies, a white pegasus mare with blue eyes and orange mane, one little earth filly, also with blue eyes but with light purple fur and yellow mane
  12. >the last one is a little earth colt, all so green it looks like a pile of vomit
  13. >as you stand still the white fluffy say "fwend? Why smeww wike mewaw?"
  14. >you call your wife "JUUULLLIIEEE!!! OUR HOUSE IS INFESTED! GET THE CLUB!"
  15. >fluffies are standing still in confusion, and you get he respod:
  16. >"Andy!? Sweet god no! Don't do anything! I'm coming!"
  17. >"Julie what the fuck is this?"
  18. >"Andy please! I founded them in rubbish this morning. They would die if I didn't take them out. Somebody cruel throw them away like trash!
  20. >"Actually I can imagine that pretty well. Are you aware what these things are? What trouble they make?"
  21. >"Andy I know you are good man and you wouldn't allow the poor creatures die. They need care!"
  22. >"Don't you start that bullshit again! Besides these are vermin not creatures and should recieve care anywhere but my house!"
  23. >As you argue with your wife, fluffies are trembling, and you drop your jacket on the purple fluffy.
  24. >"Nuuu! Hewp! Hewp! Dawk an no smeww pwetty! No smeww pwetty! Fluffy afwaid o dawk!"
  25. >white pegasus still trembling, but going to the resecue the filly
  26. >"and this green one looks retarded." You say and point at him, while he is sucking his hoof, salivating and making short, bass laugh
  27. >"hehehe. Fluwwy wan' be wewawded! Wat wewawded?"
  28. >"I am telling you, no more than four weeks, and this green retard will get adult, fuck those other too, and they will breed like fucking rabbits! I'm not dealing with this shit!"
  29. >"I will look after! I'm home all day anyway. They won't have babies!"
  30. >babies
  31. >White fluffy set her ears up
  32. >"Babhes? Where babhes? Peaw wan'babhes."
  33. >"I have no time for this shit. One situation and vermins are out. Keep them out of my way!"
  35. >Saturday morning
  36. >For two days you have been ignoring fluffy intruders
  37. >you want to throw them out, but your wife like little fuckers
  38. >but for now everything is cool,
  39. >you rest in your favourite sofa, with first your first cold beer today, your fat, glorious belly is out as you got only underwear and jeans on, with open fly of course
  40. >watching some western on tv,
  41. >life is good when suddenly your wife is entering the living room, with vermin just after her literally invading the room, running around like fuck and mentioning some "pway", "hugs" and "skitties"
  42. >"Julie, get them out! They will shit on the carpet or break something."
  43. >"Oh don't worry. They have had owner before and they are trained to use litter box and not to break things"
  44. >"Whatever, just get them out!"
  45. >"Andy. You can't see them like intruders forever. Fluffies come here. Look, white one is named Pearl, purple is shine, and green is cucumber! Isn't that sweet?"
  46. >It begins
  47. >"Cucumber huh? I would rather name his ramesses dick, because he has look like stoned pharaon while jacking off."
  48. >"Andy! We are going to watch the movie with you. Come on on the sofa fluffies."
  49. >Fluffy whores
  50. >Some minutes past, peral is getting bored, putting her head down, and closing her eyes half way.
  51. >"Moma why Anwdee has bwig bewwy and you haw fwat?"
  53. >Pearl is now crying, hugging Julie, two other ponies are disturbed too.
  54. >"Oh Andy!"
  55. >And she carries fluffy whores away.
  56. >Vicory, for now...
  58. >evening
  59. >you just finished your 7th beer
  60. >your wife is already asleep in bedroom, her fluffies as well, on a piece of cardboard in anteroom
  61. >Shine has left the cardboard, she's sleepy but walking towards you
  62. >"Andwee nu maw on fluffy now? Andwee hugs, Andwee pway?"
  63. >You are too tierd to tell the vemin to gtfo
  64. >She hugs your leg.
  65. >You shake your leg slowly to get her of.
  66. >disappointed she walk away and lie on the carpet
  67. >you need to piss
  68. >you get up from the sofa, go to the bathroom, do your thing, get back to the living room and see:
  69. >Shine just shat herself plenty on your carpet, propobly not even noticing it as she's sleeping tight on her warm crap
  70. >You are taking your belt off with the intention to beat the shit out of her
  71. >"You little shit! My favourite carpet! You fluffy fuck! You will pay for this!"
  72. >Shine wakes up confused at first, but she quickly notices her fresh shit, and you with the belt, ready to strike
  73. >She looks on shit and back on you, again at shit and on you
  75. >"Nuu! Swine sowwy! Don' huw swine! Swine no wanwew! Swine be good! Promise!"
  77. >"NUUU!!! PWEASE NO HUWT!"
  78. >She is trying to spin up, but she ended in running in place, rolling the carpet covered in shit and falling on her side
  79. >You hold her neck tight with your left arm, and begin to make justice with your belt
  81. >"Too late bitch"
  82. >You woke up yor wife
  83. >She's turning on the light in bedroom and immediately coming to the living room
  84. >"What is going on?! Andy stop! You are drunk again! You are going to kill it!"
  86. >You drop the belt and stand up. You are mad and looking at your wife.
  88. >Pearl and Cucumber already pissed themselfs, feared, trembling and hugging each other they are shouting from the anteroom
  89. >"Moma hewp! Peaw no now wat gowin on! Peaw scawed! Peaw scawed!"
  90. >"Andy please calm down! Go to sleep I will clea everything!"
  91. >You are searching for Shine with your look. The path of piss leads you to her with no problem. Curled up she's trembling in the tight corner next to the sofa.
  93. >You are heaing in her direction.
  94. >As your wife notices this, she runs past you and takes Shine on her arms
  95. >"Leace her already! You will kill her!"
  98. >"I will not! But the revenge must be served."
  99. >As you say that, you pull Shine out of Julie hands, and you are leaving the house with her.
  101. >"Shut the FUCK UP!"
  102. >You switch on the light on the porch
  103. >"Remember this. You shit on my carpet, I shit on your fluff!"
  104. >You head to the garage, switch the obly little light in the corner on, take duck tape and stick fluffy whore to the ground with it.
  105. >She pissed herself again.
  106. >Seeing this you unstick her, turn her so she face the piss, hold her tight with both arms.
  107. >"Lick it!"
  109. >You force her face into the piss
  111. >"I have no time for this!"
  112. >You stick her to the ground again.
  113. >You pull your jeans off.
  115. >Now standing there in your all fat glory, drunk, with only socks on, with only one little source of light in this mess
  116. >You touch Shine's face with your huge, fat, hairy ass and make a juicy fart along with amazing acoustics thanks to the narrow garage and flat, concrete floor
  117. >"Meanii smeww! Meanii smeww! Swine don wann meanii smeww!"
  118. >"Shut ENGGHH UP ENGGHHH bitch!"
  119. >Finally you manage to deliver the amazing stream of diarrhea to her face.
  120. >You don't forget to move with your ass here and there to make sure she's all covered with feces
  121. >She vomits, and wisper to herself
  122. >"Wwy Andee meanii, Swine wiww be good fluffy. Swine pwomise. No moww huwt Swine"
  123. >You pack her to the plastic bag
  124. >You go outside, its deep night already
  125. >You throw the bag with the fluffy to a trash can as two police officers are passing by your fence
  126. >It's hard for them not to notice you
  127. >"Goodevening Sir. Umm, is everything allright?"
  128. >"Goodevening. Yes, thanks for the care officers. I'm just throwing away the garbage."
  129. >"For sure? But you are naked."
  130. >"Because I like to sleep naked with only sock on. I'm just throwing the garbage away and going back to bed"
  131. >"But..."
  132. >"BESIDES! I'm on my property and I can walk here naked If I like so."
  133. >awkward silence
  134. >"Allright then. But in case something happend call one of this numbers, one of us is almost always patrolling this suburb at night, so we should arrive faster than if you call 911"
  135. >"Thank you oficcers! Have good night."
  136. >You say as the trash can is starting to trembling and making muffled sounds.
  137. >"You know... rats..."
  139. Want more?
  141. >sunday
  142. >you wake up in your unused son's room, he left you 5 years ago to start a life with his own wife
  143. >you remain this room unchanged for years, just cleaning and ocasionally sleeping in his bed after argues like yesterday
  144. >"I woudn't drink if he didn't leave us"
  145. >At first you only know that you were druk last night
  146. >You stare at the ceiling for a minute, pulling you mind together
  147. >Now you remember
  148. >you get some clothes on and search the house, everything is celan, your wife and fluffies are gone
  149. >unsure if they were for real or just some drun hallucination you head to check on the trash can
  150. >It's empty
  151. >You hear some stupid giggling from the backyard, and your wife speaking
  152. >"Good girls! Cucumber, move more!"
  153. >As you reach the backyard, fluffies immediately shut up and freez. They were playing with beach ball.
  154. >"Good morning Andy, you want breakfast?" She is trying to act like nothing happened, while stroking Pearls mane.
  155. >Pearl and shine pissed themselfs. Cucumber just got back to beeing an ultimate idiot, farting on his hoof and smelling it.
  156. >"Oh girls. What did I tell you about litter box?"
  158. >Fuck this shit.
  159. >"No... Thanks... I will do some shopping and eat something in town"
  160. >Get on sandals, cream shorts, white shirt look at you in the mirror
  161. >You look like walking tragedy, just in clean clothes, but you won't look any better in your age.
  162. >Finally get out and head to the market.
  163. >As you are going through the town, you are passing by the italian restaurant.
  164. >Behind it, between brick walls, where garbage is kept, there is local fluffy pony gettho
  165. >little army of dirty fluffies of all kind, foals, colts, adults, unicorns, pegasi, earth, red, blue, brown and so on.
  166. >They some of them search for food in garbage, some drinking from puddle, some teenage abuser scare them away, piss to the puddle and adding laxative
  167. >Some orange dirty stallion is happily raping little purple mare unicor, perhaps even yet to young to have babies
  168. >"Nuuu! Fluwwy bad! Nuu! Weawe Fluffy! Fluffy no wanna! Fluwwy no wana!"
  169. >"Fluffy big and fluffy giw speciaw hugs wen want!"
  170. >She escapes him, and goes to the coner, so this time he holds her tighter, and holds her horn with teeth so she can't escape
  171. >*ENF* *ENF* *ENF*
  172. >*Crying*
  173. >When he is finished she runs away
  175. >As you go you see a pack of young men from anti fluffy pony organisation, with crossed fluffies on theri shirts,
  176. >One of them is giving away their propaganda leaflets
  177. >"Please Sir, take one. Do you know that fluffies are danger to the environment?"
  178. >"Nodoby knows better than I son, thanks I will have one."
  179. >His friends, with shavers, scissors, webs, sitcks, metal pipes and even with one German Shepherd are preparing assault on the ghetto
  180. >When passing by really close to the ghetto, one can hear fluffies silent beggings:
  181. >"Pwease fluffy hungwy give nummies" "Pwease give nummies. Tummy hungwy and cant feed babhes" "Pwease be fluffy daddy/moma"
  182. >"Pwease be new fwend" "Pwease take fluffy, pwace scawwy" and so on
  183. >They do not beg loud, they do not follow people, surprisingly they do not ask for hugs, they come out only at night as hey know how good humans are at abuse.
  184. >Sometimes somebody gives them something, in such situations they take the food and quickly run back inside the ghetto to his hideout.
  185. >If any other fluffy sees the one with the food its immediately ambushed at least by a dozen others.
  186. >You also notice mare who just gave birth to 4 foals, but she is hugging, cleaning and feeding only two of them,
  187. >while remaning two are instinctively trying to suck her, she kicks them away and shouts about no nummies for too many babhes
  188. >She probably calculated that in her circumstances it is more likely that two babies with taken good care will remain alive
  189. >then if she had to take care of, defend and feed four
  190. >First rat is already attacking one of the abandoned foals
  192. >waiter is out of the restaurant to throw away the leftovers,
  193. >fluffy swarm immediately tries to surrond him,
  194. >He is talking with italian accent. (Imagine it, because I can't imitate it)
  195. >"Get out you fucks! Don't you touch mu shoes fucks! Get the fuck out!"
  196. >It's still not enough to drive them away, he puts the bucket with leftovers on the ground.
  197. >They are trying to overturn it to reach the food
  198. >"IT'S NOT FOR YOU FUCKS! EAT THAT!" He shouts as he splits in the eye of one dirty, grey pegasus.
  199. >He takes newspaper out of his pocker, rolls it and begin to hit and drive fluffies away.
  201. >He finally drive them out. The area wich were overrun moment ago is now a sea of piss and a minefield of shit.
  202. >Waiter throws the leftovers to the highest container so fluffies can't reach it.
  203. >He splits one last time at some hidden pony in the corner and gets back to work with anger
  205. continue?
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