

Jun 22nd, 2011
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  1. Thelosa-Aisa was born to a pair of modestly successful Tarutaru black mages and scholars in the Imperial city of Cemjan Fehkc. He took after his parents in every way, inheriting his mother's analytical mastery and curiosity in all things magical and his father's almost overbearing arrogance, hardly fitting the mage of few notable accomplishments. A childhood spend studying at a quaint magical academy in the city - quite a few ladder rungs below the most esteemed that the most elite of mages attended - seemed to seal Aisa's fate to being completely average in every way.
  3. Unfortunately for Aisa, he has summoner capabilities, which awakened early on in his magical education. The first Aeon he acquired was Atomos, which set him on the path to becoming a Time Mage. Every bit his father's son, Aisa attempted to carry out magical experiments and projects far beyond his skill level, especially given that Aisa was much better at time magic theory rather than application, having focused most of his time honing his practical skills in summoning.
  5. Aisa has always been a bit of a catastrophe magnet, and these experiments were no exception. One ruined magical academy and an ass-load of debt later, Aisa's family quietly emigrated to Callalypso and Aisa himself jumped on board with Cid aboard the Syldra as soon as the emperor put himself in self-imposed exile. Aisa does not like talking about what happened back in the academy.
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