
Luna's struggle snuggle /mom/

Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Today was horrible.
  3. >You were supposed to ride home with mom and go watch a movie.
  4. >But the Sunset friendship pack had different plans.
  5. >Supposedly they thought the Dazzling sisters were some evil sirens that wanted to take over the world.
  6. >So mom has to give them the drug talk and how it can fuck up your life which is probably going to take a few hours.
  7. >Drugies are hardheaded.
  8. >So no movie -and- you had to walk home.
  9. >But wait! There's more!
  10. >Apparently walking five miles home wasn't enough! So we'll throw in hard rainfall to really piss you off!
  11. >At least you're finally home.
  12. >”Tia?” Luna calls from her room.
  13. “It's just me Luna.”
  14. >You call back while taking off your soaked clothes and throwing them in the laundry room leaving you in your underwear.
  15. >”Where's your mother? We thought you two were gonna see a movie.”
  16. “We were, but she had to deal with a couple students and their bad drug trip.”
  17. >You walk into Luna's room to see her in nothing but a shirt and underwear on her bed playing some game were you tame dinosaurs.
  18. >”Really nephew? Have you no couth?” She says after a quick glance.
  19. “No. Neither do you. Now scooch.”
  20. >She scooches over a bit giving you room to sit down.
  21. >So you do.
  22. >Then lay your head down on her legs.
  23. >She gives you a brief glance before petting your head a bit.
  24. >”One of those days?”
  25. >You simply groan in response.
  26. >”Do we need to call Cadence or Shining?”
  27. >You mumble a “no".
  28. >”Just gonna lay on our legs till Celestia get's home.”
  29. “That's the plan.”
  30. >Luna snorts in amusement.
  31. >”You know if we ever get a man you can't be doing this?”
  32. >You glare at her.
  33. “You're not allowed.”
  34. >Sparing a glance from her game she looks at you.
  35. >”Not allowed huh?”
  36. “Yep. Not allowed.”
  37. >”And why pray tell are we ‘Not allowed’?”
  38. >You hug onto her waist.
  39. “Cause, I'm all the man you need.”
  40. >”Lewd.” She mumbles.
  41. “Damn right.”
  42. >You let go of your aunt's waist and turn back around to watch her play her game.
  43. >The graphics suck and you can see dinosaurs rendering in.
  44. >Not to mention the FPS sucking ass.
  45. >You continue to watch her play like this for a bit until mom gets home.
  46. >”I'm home!” She calls.
  47. >Luna kicks her legs a bit.
  48. >”Alright, time to get up.” She says nudging you.
  49. “Nah.”
  50. >You look towards the door and see mom looking at the two with a amused smirk.
  51. >”So, how've you two been?” She says walking to the opposite side of Luna's bed.
  52. >”Well we were fine until your son decided to come home and molest us.”
  53. >Celestia snorts.
  54. >”Good.” She says laying her head on one of Luna's legs as well. “You needed a good molesting.”
  55. >Luna groans dramatically flinging herself back to lay on her bed.
  56. >”You're the reason he's like this!” She yells.
  57. >”You like it!” Both Celestia and you yell back as you both crawl up and lay on a tit.
  58. >Luna groans even louder.
  59. >You love your family.
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