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Apr 30th, 2014
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  1. Name: Noel Schoech
  2. Class: Mage Trainee
  3. Character Specific Skill: Vantage
  4. Affinity: Wind
  5. Personal Fault: Can't Focus: If Noel is suffering from Poison, -2 Base Damage for duration of ailment
  6. Personal Skill: Lost In The Crowd: If Noel is within three spaces of Allied Units, +10 Hit & Evasion
  8. Preferred stats: MAG, SKL
  10. Weapon profs: Dark (E)
  12. Level: 1 (0/100)
  13. Total Level: 1
  15. Progression spent: 300/300%
  17. HP: 17 (50%)
  18. STR: 2 (0%)
  19. MAG: 5+1 (70%)
  20. SKL: 4+1 (60%)
  21. CON: 3 (-)
  22. AID: 2 (-)
  23. LCK: 2 (10%)
  24. DEF: 0 (20%)
  25. RES: 3 (20%)
  26. SPD: 4+2 (70%)
  27. MOV: 4 (-)
  29. Code: [Select]
  31. Inventory:
  32. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  33. Flux Dred (E) 1-2 8 9 0 80 40/40
  34. Vulnerary (3/3)
  36. Battle Stats:
  37. RNG: 1-2
  38. AT: 14
  39. Hit: 92
  40. AS: 1
  41. Eva: 4
  42. Crt: 2
  43. DG: 2
  46. Bio (WIP?):
  48. Noel, despite being only eighteen years old, has a somewhat chaotic and troubled history. Born to the noble Schoech (pronounced Shay) family of Denoss, Noel was the second son of four children (the daughter being the eldest). Noel's father was a worshipper of the Dark Lady, unknown to all of the family but Noel himself as he discovered early in life by accident.
  50. As a youth and growing up, Noel was always fascinated with cryptozoology, the unknown, and the dark in particular. Where most would hide from the shadows, he would lose himself in them, exploring the dark nooks and crannies of the Schoech estate. It was while he was exploring that he came across a hidden room filled to the brim with arcane texts detailing worship of the Dark Lady and the beasts she controlled.
  52. The young Noel would sneak in every chance he got to read more and more of the books, unaware that this was his father James's collection and that he was aware someone knew of them. Eventually he caught Noel sneaking in... but rather than berate him, they had a long discussion of the Dark Lady and James welcomed him into the local cult. Under his father's careful eye, he began to learn magic that would eventually set him on the path to be able to summon and control the Dark Lady's beasts himself.
  54. His brothers were jealous of Noel suddenly having their father's favor and attention and began to try to outdo him to earn it for themselves. This usually manifested itself in cruelty and pranks to Noel, all done in an attempt to make him seem the weakest of the three brothers rather than the heir apparent to the Schoech name. This continued on for several years until Brian and Edward also stumbled upon the secret library and took it to be Noel's.
  56. This was their chance. The great noble family of their county of Denoss, Belvoir, had had their eye on Camilla Schoech for some time to marry their oldest son Geoffrey as a way to take the Schoech fortunes for themselves. When they heard the rumors that Noel was a worshipper of the Dark Lady (spread by his brothers in an attempt to get him exiled), the head of the Belvoir family proceeded to proclaim the entire family heretics and put them to the sword, giving Camilla the chance to 'repent' and marry Geoffrey or die with her family. She accepted rather than die.
  58. The only other member of the family to survive was Noel, and only because his father had sent him on a journey to Irat merely the day before to learn more advanced magic than he was able to teach him. Devastated and panicked, Noel abandoned his original journey in case he was being pursued and fled to Veros instead.
  60. He's now worked for the Lekal family for just under a year, as they were kind enough to take him in. Although he's grateful, he does resent being just a servant to Princess Elvira, feeling it's beneath his noble blood and he should be on more equal standing. He does his best to not complain and keep his hopes up, maintaining a cheerful and friendly demeanor, even if sometimes he just wants to snap at people. His main ambition in life is to finish his training as a Dark Summoner and return home to obliterate the Belvoir family, thereby reclaiming his family's honor and possibly taking over the Belvoir lands as well.
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