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Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. -unimportant things here-
  2. [13:46] <@Metal> What I will try to do is look inbetween the shit flinging
  3. [13:46] <@Dynamo> also, is zap coming
  4. [13:46] <@Metal> See if I can find some decent feedback
  5. [13:46] <@Dynamo> Metal: plenty of feedback
  6. [13:46] <@Wartorn> Dynamo: I have not received a response.
  7. [13:46] <Dusk> there will be no shit flinging
  8. [13:46] <@Dynamo> unfortunately decay blew it
  9. [13:46] <@Wartorn> So I presume no.
  10. [13:46] <@Dynamo> so it became a massive shitfest
  11. [13:46] <Dusk> yeah
  12. [13:46] <@Metal> Hmm
  13. [13:46] <@Dynamo> and well, we are not here to defend decay
  14. [13:46] <@Dynamo> I think the ban was very much justified
  15. [13:46] <@Metal> What I gathered was verbal warnings were becoming a nuisence.
  16. [13:46] <@TheToxicAvenger> I don;t think anyone is here to defend him
  17. [13:46] <Dusk> i'm not
  18. [13:46] <@Metal> Anyone in favor of that?
  19. [13:47] <@Dynamo> alright I can say what I personally think, though personally warnings never bothered me that much
  20. [13:47] <@Ruin> no
  21. [13:47] <@Dynamo> because unlike people I don't post just to post/sound hostile in my posts
  22. [13:47] <@Dynamo> unlike some people*
  23. [13:47] <@Dynamo> but whatever
  24. [13:47] <@Ruin> TTA's post was fine. As history has shown.
  25. [13:47] <@Metal> While everyone is here, I want to clear something up
  26. [13:47] <@Metal> With EVERYONE
  27. [13:47] <@Ruin> People will shit post the hell out of things they don't like.
  28. [13:47] <@TheToxicAvenger> Shoot
  29. [13:48] <@Metal> Decays ban, I feel, was justified due to the amount of hostile posting he provided, I do apologize for my own, but when I had warned him once, he continued.
  30. [13:48] <@Metal> Swiftshot has had a looong history of useless agitating posts.
  31. [13:48] <@Dynamo> oh wait, seems decay is coming
  32. [13:48] * Essay ( has joined #zastaff
  33. [13:48] <@Wartorn> Hello.
  34. [13:48] <@TheToxicAvenger> I've been trying to get Swift to cut down on that
  35. [13:48] <Essay> hello
  36. [13:48] <@TheToxicAvenger> hi
  37. [13:48] <Essay> hi
  38. [13:49] * Antlint ( has joined #zastaff
  39. [13:49] <@Metal> Ok
  40. [13:49] <@Metal> [15:46] <@Metal> What I gathered was verbal warnings were becoming a nuisence.
  41. [13:49] <@Wartorn> I've assembled some of the staff together and some of you folk here in order to get something figured out. This thread happened for a reason. I want to determine why and get a solution together.
  42. [13:49] <LinkBot> Moderator Warnings [split from MM8BDM Challenge Thread]
  43. [13:50] <Essay> first and foremost
  44. [13:51] <Essay> let me be clear that if the thread was not a result of a split, i would've make the first post properly detailed, insofar as detailing what i thought was "wrong" and how it could be resolved
  45. [13:51] <Essay> so i take blame for not fixing said first post when it was split
  46. [13:51] <@Metal> And I take blame for retaliating the way I did.
  47. [13:51] <@Metal> And I'm sorry.
  48. [13:51] <Essay> and so am i
  49. [13:51] * Puhax (~TuPutaMadr@TeamCorruption) has joined #zastaff
  50. [13:52] <@Wartorn> I'm glad.
  51. [13:52] <@Metal> With the thread outof the way for now, can we get out of you what you would like to see?
  52. [13:52] <@Metal> out of*
  53. [13:52] * Legion_ ( has joined #zastaff
  54. [13:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Legion_
  55. [13:52] <Essay> well, i can do the best i can
  56. [13:53] <Essay> most of the time i do not realize i am being "hostile"
  57. [13:53] <Essay> and don't notice it until somebody has pointed it out
  58. [13:53] <@Wartorn> Passive aggression tends to be like that, yeah. It's quite hard to read anything but that in the format of text.
  59. [13:54] * ManiXa ( Quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  60. [13:54] <Puhax> I'll say something I feel is a bit wrong, and it's that lately the rules have been taken too literally. That's how I feel, and I could be totally wrong with this.
  61. [13:55] <Essay> at the same time though
  62. [13:55] <Essay> i'd request you relax a bit too
  63. [13:55] <@Metal> [15:54] <Puhax> I'll say something I feel is a bit wrong, and it's that lately the rules have been taken too literally. That's how I feel, and I could be totally wrong with this.
  64. [13:55] <@Metal> Agreed. I think we're looking into fine detailing a bit too much.
  65. [13:55] <@Dynamo> I think it's best to do one subject at a time, just me
  66. [13:55] <@Dynamo> but carry on
  67. [13:56] <@Metal> Bitch, I can multitask. Get out
  68. [13:56] <Dusk> heh
  69. [13:56] <@Wartorn> I'm in agreement with Dynamo for the time being, it's easier to deal with the blind that way. We can get on the matter of Puhax's concerns momentarily.
  70. [13:56] <@Metal> Mmk
  71. [13:56] <@Wartorn> Unless Essay has finished speaking?
  72. [13:56] <@Metal> [15:55] <Essay> at the same time though
  73. [13:56] <@Metal> [15:55] <Essay> i'd request you relax a bit too
  74. [13:56] <Puhax> I will also mention something from before, and as much as I hate to use examples from long ago for something current, I feel I have to. || A long time ago I actually almost got banned from IRC for trying to take a rule to literally to save myself from a warn.
  75. [13:56] <@Metal> Was this directed at me?
  76. [13:57] <Essay> correct
  77. [13:57] <@Metal> Do you feel my posting his hostile?
  78. [13:57] <Essay> yes
  79. [13:57] <@Metal> Fixed.
  80. [13:58] <@Wartorn> We'll see over time how well that settles.
  81. [13:58] <@Wartorn> As I'm sure everyone's aware it doesn't usually happen in an instant.
  82. [13:58] <@Metal> I think the staff is trying too hard to be perfect, or close to it, so we're following the book word for word and posting for every least little thing, but again, we do get mindless reports from people who want us to look over those things.
  83. [13:59] <@TheToxicAvenger> Perhaps I did jump the gun on the MM8BDM thread a bit
  84. [13:59] <Puhax> Didn't you guys warn people back then for using the report button too much when it wasn't necessary?
  85. [13:59] <@Wartorn> It will never be possible to become perfect. We can only hope to give our moderators experience that way.
  86. [13:59] <@Ruin> I don't have must stake here but I will say this. I do think all the warnings are a bit much. I'm fine with splitting the thread, saying my piece and leaving it at that.
  87. [13:59] <@TheToxicAvenger> I was going by past experiences with the "MM8BDM World Domination" thread when that slyfox fellow (was that his name) appeared
  88. [14:00] <Essay> well tta
  89. [14:00] <Essay> here's why i made that post in the first place
  90. [14:00] <Essay> there's gotta be room to grow
  91. [14:00] <@TheToxicAvenger> You raise a good point.
  92. [14:00] <Essay> we know that you guys are watching threads like that
  93. [14:00] <Essay> i know you meant well
  94. [14:00] <Essay> but maybe a solution could be to just cut the posts away, maybe warn
  95. [14:00] <@TheToxicAvenger> I guess I was being too preemptive there.
  96. [14:01] <Essay> qent brought up a good point about putting a negative spin on the thread too early
  97. [14:01] <Essay> furthermore, your posts do make it tempting for certain people to muck around with you
  98. [14:01] * @TheToxicAvenger notes this down
  99. [14:01] <@Wartorn> raaaape
  100. [14:01] * @Wartorn coughs
  101. [14:01] <@Wartorn> Excuse me.
  102. [14:02] <Essay> one moment please, i have someone to quickly deal with
  103. [14:02] <@Metal> So what you're saying is basically, let the thread run it's course, and when it's getting bad THEN split and warn, yes?
  104. [14:02] <@Metal> Ok
  105. [14:03] <@Ruin> There's going to be the issue of what to split and not to split.
  106. [14:03] <Puhax> Although it would be good if there isn't a warn if it's not really necessary.
  107. [14:03] <Essay> alright, sorry about that
  108. [14:04] <Essay> well, maybe not when
  109. [14:04] <Essay> but if
  110. [14:04] <Essay> theoretically it shouldn't be
  111. [14:04] <@Dynamo> the warns argument is a big one for many reasons
  112. [14:04] <@Dynamo> no thread is the same and the type of eventual insults and potential flamewar posts are always different
  113. [14:04] <@Dynamo> not to mention not everyone might see it the same way, i.e. a post might look like it might erupt into a shitfest to me but not to anybody else
  114. [14:05] <@Dynamo> that is why consulting everyone else before doing anything is a priority, but that's for granted
  115. [14:05] <@Ruin> People aren't always around.
  116. [14:05] <@Dynamo> sure, but we have a lot of staff
  117. [14:05] <@Dynamo> surely more than one person is online at any time
  118. [14:05] <@Ruin> Not always.
  119. [14:05] <@Dynamo> well, most of the time
  120. [14:05] * Tor-Bjorn ( has joined #zastaff
  121. [14:06] <Dusk> y'know
  122. [14:06] <Dusk> in zdoom when it comes to warnings
  123. [14:06] <Dusk> the offending post is edited to note that the user was warned for it and for what reason
  124. [14:06] * Retrieving #zastaff modes...
  125. [14:06] <@Metal> I would like that
  126. [14:06] <@Wartorn> I was thinking similarly earlier today
  127. [14:07] <@Dynamo> yeah that's a good idea
  128. [14:07] <@Wartorn> It may not be a bad idea to adopt that as a policy.
  129. [14:07] <@TheToxicAvenger> I don't see what would be bad about it
  130. [14:08] <@Ruin> I like it.
  131. [14:08] <Puhax> I wouldn't mind that.
  132. [14:08] <@Razgriz> So what would become of the trashbin?
  133. [14:08] <@Wartorn> TheToxicAvenger: Tampering of the original post may b-- nevermind I'm an idiot I just remembered we have a functionality to combat this
  134. [14:08] <@Dynamo> personally, although it has been said that warnings shouldn't be as frequent, my personal opinion is that we should not split every post just because it's not super useful of 100% relevant to the discussion
  135. [14:08] <@Ruin> ok but there's got to be a line.
  136. [14:08] <@Dynamo> oh sure
  137. [14:09] <@Wartorn> Right
  138. [14:09] <@Dynamo> posting random insults isn't good
  139. [14:09] <@Ruin> I'm tired of the pointless posts and meme garbage.
  140. [14:09] <@Dynamo> yeah the meme garbage has to go
  141. [14:09] <Dusk> the meme garbage can get out
  142. [14:09] <@Wartorn> I'm in agreement.
  143. [14:09] <@Metal> Damn
  144. [14:09] <@Metal> :(
  145. [14:09] <@TheToxicAvenger> I was a meme kiddie once. Never again.
  146. [14:09] <@Wartorn> That's unfortunate.
  147. [14:10] <@Dynamo> does this fall under meme garbage
  148. [14:10] <@Dynamo> out of curiosity
  149. [14:10] <@Ruin> swift's lego post is a prime example. since he likes to use that one a lot.
  150. [14:10] <@Wartorn> Right, so we got something out of this. It may be a good idea to address Puhax's concerns.
  151. [14:10] <Dusk> let's answer Dynamo's question first
  152. [14:10] <@Wartorn> I honestly believe so
  153. [14:10] <@Metal> Yeah
  154. [14:10] <@Wartorn> If it's in repetition, then yeah it falls under the category
  155. [14:10] <Dusk> and yeah i think that the lego reference in itself isn't too bad
  156. [14:10] <@Dynamo> well then it should be taken care of
  157. [14:10] <Dusk> but that image yes
  158. [14:10] <Antlint> Dynamo That's part of someone's signature, isn't it?
  159. [14:10] <Tor-Bjorn> [15:09] <@Dynamo> yeah the meme garbage has to go
  160. [14:10] <Tor-Bjorn> [15:09] <Dusk> the meme garbage can get out
  161. [14:10] <Tor-Bjorn>
  162. [14:11] <Dusk> heh.
  163. [14:11] <@Wartorn> lol
  164. [14:11] <@Ruin> the reference wasn't what got him in trouble. Though he apparently seems to think that.
  165. [14:11] <@Dynamo> Tor-Bjorn: because we are cruel
  166. [14:11] <Puhax> No seriously meme garbage is worse than everything else you can think of.
  167. [14:11] <@Ruin> It was a pointless post that had no business being there in the first place.
  168. [14:11] <Dusk> eh it kinda conveyed a negative opinion sort of
  169. [14:11] <Antlint> Isn't it...
  170. [14:11] <Dusk> i don't think the post was bad
  171. [14:11] <@Dynamo> to be honest as far as swiftshot's post goes I don't think it was worth splitting
  172. [14:11] <@Dynamo> just my personal opinion eh
  173. [14:11] <Essay> ^
  174. [14:11] <@TheToxicAvenger> AFAIK Swift does have one suspension on record since we came to Zandro
  175. [14:12] <@Dynamo> I mean he basically said "no I don't like it I think it's immature"
  176. [14:12] <Dusk> that doesn't mean anything, we're talking about the post here right?
  177. [14:12] <Dusk> yeah
  178. [14:12] <@Dynamo> which is... not that awful
  179. [14:12] <@Dynamo> it's not like he actively insulted people or something
  180. [14:12] <@Metal> Yeah but posting "No I don't like it" when someone asked "Anyone still play minecraft?"
  181. [14:12] <@Metal> Is kinda pointless
  182. [14:12] <@Metal> Actually, 100% pointless.
  183. [14:13] <Dusk> how is it? he's gathering opinions about minecraft?
  184. [14:13] <@Dynamo> I'm not saying it's the most useful post in the world but I simply don't think it was harming anyone
  185. [14:13] <Antlint> I think it was, actually
  186. [14:13] <@Dynamo> and I think that is where we have to draw the line Ruin mentioned
  187. [14:13] <Dusk> yeah it's sort of a.. neutral post kind of
  188. [14:13] <@Metal> "Anyone still play minecraft?" is not "Whats your opinion on minecraft"
  189. [14:13] <@Ruin> ^
  190. [14:13] <Dusk> i'm not sure should the thread title being taken that literally
  191. [14:13] <Dusk> be*
  192. [14:13] <Antlint> "I stopped playing with legos when I was 5" sort of implies everyone who plays it is childish.
  193. [14:13] <@Dynamo> well he could've just posted No
  194. [14:13] <@Dynamo> if he did that, I think the post would've been just as pointless
  195. [14:14] <@Metal> Still useless
  196. [14:14] <@Dynamo> if not more so
  197. [14:14] <@Dynamo> actually, way more so
  198. [14:14] <@Wartorn> Antlint: Yeah, if you'd like to generalize it like that, that is what it sounds like.
  199. [14:14] <Dusk> yeah it would've been pointless enough i would've split it
  200. [14:14] <@Dynamo> but anyway while we are on the subject of swift's post
  201. [14:14] <@Dynamo> I have a question since I'm not sure I fully understand this
  202. [14:15] <@Dynamo> how come redshirt received an inferior warning level?
  203. [14:15] <LinkBot> [split] I challenge everyone to MM8BDM
  204. [14:15] <@Dynamo> I mean, he posted the same thing as swiftshot (in a much more offensive way), and it was also a way to mock swiftshot himself from my understanding
  205. [14:15] <@Dynamo> not exactly classy behaviour
  206. [14:15] * ManiXa ( has joined #zastaff
  207. [14:16] <@Dynamo> also he posted it later than swiftshot as well, if one looked at the trash and saw swift's post there, I believe it must act as a sign to demonstrate you aren't supposed to make posts like that
  208. [14:16] <@Metal> Hmm that was TTA who warned him
  209. [14:16] <@TheToxicAvenger> I figured at the time that Redshirt wasn't as much of a repeat offender, but you're probably right
  210. [14:16] <Antlint> I agree with Dynamo
  211. [14:16] <@Ruin> as do I.
  212. [14:16] <@Dynamo> I mean he even went as far as put it in his signature, heh
  213. [14:17] <@Dynamo> then again I guess other people have done things like that before, but still
  214. [14:17] <Dusk> putting that stuff into signatures like that isn't a very nice thing to do either imo
  215. [14:17] <@Dynamo> I believe if we want a cleaner forum overall it has to be a two-way thing, no need to be nice all the time if people just like to antagonize other people all the time
  216. [14:17] <@Dynamo> antagonizing is in fact one of the main issues
  217. [14:17] <@Dynamo> it seems some people here hate others so much it's ridiculous
  218. [14:18] <Essay> sometimes
  219. [14:18] <Essay> there is a very good reason for it
  220. [14:18] * @Legion_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  221. [14:18] <@Dynamo> I think redshirt is actually a good example of this, often starting flamewars against other users just because he doesn't like them
  222. [14:18] <Antlint> I think there will be antagonizing no matter what gets done.
  223. [14:18] <@Dynamo> some people need to understand the antagonizing needs to stop or they will face consequences
  224. [14:18] <@Wartorn> I'm in agreement with Antlint. It cannot really be eliminated.
  225. [14:18] <@Dynamo> imho, at least
  226. [14:19] <@Metal> [16:18] <@Dynamo> some people need to understand the antagonizing needs to stop or they will face consequences
  227. [14:19] <@Metal> dis
  228. [14:19] <@Ruin> It cannot be eliminated, but it won't be left unchecked.
  229. [14:19] <@Metal> I dunno why people are all at war here, we're all playing the same damn game.
  230. [14:19] <@Dynamo> I'm not asking people to be nice to everybody, there's a good handful of people I don't really like at all
  231. [14:19] <@Dynamo> but you don't need to come off as a dick about it is what I'm saying
  232. [14:19] <Dusk> speaking of playing the same damn game i'dh
  233. [14:19] <Dusk> i'd want to note a thing about that but let's take that later on
  234. [14:19] <@Dynamo> there's dragon for example who I don't really get along with at all but you don't see me stalking him on servers or mocking him on the forums
  235. [14:20] <Antlint> Is Red's signature breaking any rules?
  236. [14:20] <@TheToxicAvenger> Antagonization can be considered human nature to an extent, but that nature has to be controlled a bit
  237. [14:20] <@Dynamo> ^
  238. [14:20] <@Metal> Antlint: Yeah, and I didn't notice it until earlier today
  239. [14:20] <@Metal> I'm waiting for him to come online
  240. [14:21] <@Wartorn> So what do you all propose for reducing the problem?
  241. [14:21] <@TheToxicAvenger> Antlint: I've brought it up a few times with the others, since I didn't want to act soley on my own belief on that.
  242. [14:21] <@Dynamo> the meat of what I'm saying here is that useless posts are not good but compared to repeated antagonization, I think the latter should take the priority
  243. [14:21] <@Dynamo> again, just my opinion
  244. [14:21] <@TheToxicAvenger> but I didn't get that far on that
  245. [14:21] <Dusk> i think that useless posts don't really need action taken upon them
  246. [14:21] <Dusk> i think that the line should be where indeed it gets to insults or antagonizing
  247. [14:22] <@Dynamo> agreed, unless useless posts become too frequent
  248. [14:22] <Puhax> yeah
  249. [14:22] <@Dynamo> posting "cool" on every thread is not okay
  250. [14:22] <Dusk> yes
  251. [14:22] <@Dynamo> but if it happens ONCE
  252. [14:22] <Puhax> I was about to say that Dynamo
  253. [14:22] <Puhax> :[
  254. [14:22] <@Dynamo> I don't think it's a big deal
  255. [14:22] <@Wartorn> Yeah.
  256. [14:22] <@Metal> Yup
  257. [14:22] <@Metal> Would've been the case for someone like swiftshot but his were almost constant.
  258. [14:22] <@Metal> And some were antagonizing.
  259. [14:22] <@Wartorn> Off-topic but I really do wish this channel would be used more like I originally hoped when it started.
  260. [14:22] <@Dynamo> yes swiftshot didn't exactly have the most brilliant post history
  261. [14:23] <@Wartorn> I guess I didn't do enough to say "Use this pleaaaaasssseeeeee"
  262. [14:23] <@Dynamo> Wartorn: hopefully this is a start for that to happen
  263. [14:23] <@Metal> Oh
  264. [14:23] <@Wartorn> I especially hoped to see folks like Essay in here.
  265. [14:23] <Essay> maybe to help cut down on the excessive/pointless posts, get rid of post counts
  266. [14:23] <@Metal> ^
  267. [14:23] <@Dynamo> agreed
  268. [14:23] <Dusk> in zdoom the post count is only visible on the profile page
  269. [14:23] <@Wartorn> I think that is a solid idea, yeah.
  270. [14:23] <Dusk> in doomworld it's there but invisible
  271. [14:23] <@Ruin> I'd rather not see threads filled with one liners from people who think they're funny, but that's just me.
  272. [14:23] <@Dynamo> Ruin: neither do I
  273. [14:23] <@Dynamo> but one thing is a thread full of that
  274. [14:24] <@Dynamo> another is one post every once in a while
  275. [14:24] <@Wartorn> But disabling forum functonality would have to be collective agreement so this has to be elevated to the public forum first
  276. [14:24] <@Ruin> that's the thing
  277. [14:24] <@Ruin> it doesn't usually happen that way.
  278. [14:24] <@Dynamo> it really depends on the thread in question I suppose
  279. [14:24] <@Ruin> once one person starts, more try to join in.
  280. [14:24] <Essay> there is a severe problem with the group mentality
  281. [14:25] <Essay> when a particular person posts, those who post after are generally predictable
  282. [14:25] <Essay> with similar results
  283. [14:25] <@Wartorn> Right, and it's hard to isolate as well
  284. [14:25] <@Dynamo> it's not just that though
  285. [14:25] <@Wartorn> It's incredibly difficult to pull one away from the group without the rest of the monkies coming out of the barrel
  286. [14:26] <Dusk> is that so?
  287. [14:26] <Dusk> if it's posted on the public forum i think that actual argumentation would be needed
  288. [14:26] <Dusk> aka no useless posts in that thread, since it has by far more meaning than `do you still play minecraft`
  289. [14:26] <@Dynamo> if all posts were super long, detailed and unique (something I don't see happening anytime soon...) and smaller posts were frowned upon, I'm not sure it'd be the right atmosphere to even post
  290. [14:26] <@Dynamo> and yes
  291. [14:26] <@Dynamo> there are threads and threads
  292. [14:26] <@Dynamo> "do you still play minecraft" is not a big deal but others require more effort
  293. [14:26] <@Dynamo> but that's for granted I guess
  294. [14:27] <@Ruin> I'm not saying small posts are frowned upon. From what I've seen, one pointless post in a thread usually brings on more. Because people try hard to be funny. Looking for some perverbial pat on the back.
  295. [14:27] <Essay> this
  296. [14:27] <Dusk> keep things under control
  297. [14:28] <@Dynamo> yeah
  298. [14:28] <@Dynamo> I'd say just intervene if they escalate
  299. [14:28] <Dusk> if useless posts start racking up, say "yo cut out with the one word posts"
  300. [14:28] <Dusk> cut it out*
  301. [14:28] <@TheToxicAvenger> Dynamo: I can work with that
  302. [14:28] <@Dynamo> speaking of the whole atmosphere thing though
  303. [14:28] <Dusk> because by that time it's probably went offtopic anyway
  304. [14:28] <@Wartorn> Ultimately though if the thread is unable to produce a sizable discussion it could be argued the thread be put down
  305. [14:28] <Dusk> i'm not sure
  306. [14:28] <@Dynamo> dunno
  307. [14:28] <@Ruin> I've been doing that. I bet of the other mods went back and looked at my history, I probably hardly have no warnings passed out in regards to splits involving that subject matter.
  308. [14:28] <Dusk> i'd imagine such threads die out anyway
  309. [14:28] <@Wartorn> This is subjective
  310. [14:29] <@Dynamo> depends on how worthless it becomes
  311. [14:29] <@Ruin> if*
  312. [14:29] <@Wartorn> So I guess we'll see
  313. [14:29] <@Dynamo> keep in mind that removing postcount might make some people not so inclined to post
  314. [14:29] <@Dynamo> like AENIMA
  315. [14:29] <@Metal> rofl
  316. [14:29] <@Dynamo> registers on zandronum, custom message is "used to have 5000 posts"
  317. [14:29] <@Dynamo> yo, very cool achievement bro!
  318. [14:29] <Dusk> yeah
  319. [14:29] <@Wartorn> lol
  320. [14:29] <Dusk> i'd say have the post counts appear only at the profile page
  321. [14:29] <Essay> <Ruin>I've been doing that. I bet of the other mods went back and looked at my history, I probably hardly have no warnings passed out in regards to splits involving that subject matter.
  322. [14:29] <@Ruin> I usually split, say what I need to and leave it at that.
  323. [14:29] <Essay> sometimes warns are simply not necessary
  324. [14:29] <@Metal> You'd think having a lot of post would suggest someone has nothing better to do....
  325. [14:30] * Antlint ( Quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  326. [14:30] <Dusk> if someone really wants to know, it's at the profile page but it's not that visible and definitely not a status counter like how it is
  327. [14:30] <Essay> and they generate more anger than you might think
  328. [14:30] <@Dynamo> Metal: indeed
  329. [14:30] <@Dynamo> but unfortunately aenima is not the only one
  330. [14:30] <@Wartorn> Oh, as a reminder, please do refrain from singling out certain people as I do hope to post this log up publicly when we're finished
  331. [14:30] <@Ruin> Speaking of.
  332. [14:30] <@Ruin> I'd really appreciate it.
  333. [14:30] <@Dynamo> Wartorn: ops, sorry
  334. [14:30] <Dusk> yes this log needs to go public
  335. [14:30] <@Wartorn> It's fine
  336. [14:30] <@Ruin> if, say, I've handled something and the situation is done and over with.
  337. [14:30] <@Wartorn> I'm sure he'll understand :p But anyway
  338. [14:30] <@Dynamo> I think I have told this to aenima personally before though on #afts so whatever
  339. [14:30] <@Ruin> if other mods didn't go back and pass out warnings.
  340. [14:31] <Dusk> yeah retroactive warning is bad
  341. [14:31] <@Metal> [16:30] <Essay> and they generate more anger than you might think
  342. [14:31] <@Metal> This will happen regardless.
  343. [14:31] <@Ruin> which is what happened with aenima.
  344. [14:31] <@Metal> Even warning people for justified reasons
  345. [14:31] <@Wartorn> It would be nice to have a thread handler system (*pokes Blzut3*) where our moderators can easily communicate "Hey I got this thread"
  346. [14:31] <@Metal> they get pissed off.
  347. [14:31] <Dusk> i guess it should be noted really that a warning is exactly that
  348. [14:31] <@Ruin> I split his post and dtdsphere's, and someone went back and warned them after the situation was dealt with.
  349. [14:31] <Dusk> it's a message to cool down
  350. [14:31] <@Wartorn> Yeah
  351. [14:32] * Dis|AFK is now known as Disguise
  352. [14:32] <Essay> some people take it too personally though
  353. [14:32] <Essay> like post counts!
  354. [14:32] <@Blzut3> Wartorn, if our moderators have to take care of threads that often don't you think we're overdoing something? :P
  355. [14:32] <@Wartorn> ...
  356. [14:32] <Essay> they see a number and get riled up
  357. [14:32] <@Wartorn> I suppose you're right
  358. [14:32] <@Wartorn> Yeah that scales way back now that I think about it
  359. [14:33] <@Metal> dafuq is going on in #zandro
  360. [14:33] <Dusk> oh yeah
  361. [14:33] <@Wartorn> Right, so I think there's not a whole lot to say on this subject. I think we should address Puhax's concerns
  362. [14:34] <Dusk> #zandronum has also become the same hive of stupid as #skulltag once was
  363. [14:34] <@Wartorn> If I can find it.. hang on
  364. [14:34] <Puhax> Metal: I was going to say that rofl
  365. [14:34] <Dusk> what's going on there now
  366. [14:34] <Tor-Bjorn> must be a gas leak in #zandro
  367. [14:34] <@Metal> [15:56] <Puhax> I will also mention something from before, and as much as I hate to use examples from long ago for something current, I feel I have to. || A long time ago I actually almost got banned from IRC for trying to take a rule to literally to save myself from a warn.
  368. [14:34] <@Wartorn> Yeah that's the one
  369. [14:35] <Puhax> oh I mispelled something there
  370. [14:35] <Puhax> too*
  371. [14:35] <@Dynamo> I was once banned on #zandronum for posting a picture of some guy with his balls cut
  372. [14:35] <@Dynamo> am I cool
  373. [14:35] <@Wartorn> lol
  374. [14:35] * Dusk slaps Dynamo with a glassy torch
  375. [14:35] <@Dynamo> this was like 5 years ago
  376. [14:35] <Puhax> goddammit Dynamo
  377. [14:35] <@Dynamo> well, #skulltag *
  378. [14:35] <@Wartorn> Same thing I guess?
  379. [14:35] <@Dynamo> indeed
  380. [14:36] <@Wartorn> Anyway, I think this concern lies into what we talked about earlier in regards of taking things by the book
  381. [14:36] * Water ( has joined #zastaff
  382. [14:36] * Tor-Bjorn is now known as Torvald
  383. [14:36] <Water> a
  384. [14:36] <@Metal> b
  385. [14:36] <Torvald> c
  386. [14:36] <@Ruin> That's the thing
  387. [14:36] <Puhax> c
  388. [14:37] <Puhax> #zastaff can't count to 10. [/offtopic]
  389. [14:37] <@Ruin> you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. People try to work it either way no matter what we do.
  390. [14:37] <@Dynamo> well later I wanted to mention stuff like the brony threads but yeah puhax comes before
  391. [14:37] <Puhax> but yeah, I feel the rules are being taken too seriously.
  392. [14:37] <Puhax> er
  393. [14:37] <Puhax> litereally*
  394. [14:37] <@Wartorn> lol
  395. [14:37] <@Dynamo> I think your spelling is not taken seriously enough
  396. [14:37] <@Dynamo> but anyway
  397. [14:37] <Essay> my biggest issue is different punishments for different people
  398. [14:37] <Essay> but let's look at things one at a time
  399. [14:38] <@Dynamo> this one is a bit different because every mod may see the rules in a different way
  400. [14:38] <@Metal> ^
  401. [14:38] <@Wartorn> Right
  402. [14:38] <@Dynamo> so I can't speak of others but as for myself I always see the rules as more of a guideline than anything
  403. [14:38] <Essay> ah but this isn't about the rules
  404. [14:38] <Essay> this is about favouritism
  405. [14:38] <@Dynamo> Essay: one thing at a time.
  406. [14:39] <@Dynamo> let's address the rules first, and then that
  407. [14:39] <@HeavenWraith> hi guys, what's happening
  408. [14:39] <@Wartorn> HeavenWraith: hueg discussion
  409. [14:39] <@Metal> hueg
  410. [14:39] <@Metal> sorry
  411. [14:39] <@Dynamo> for example I see bans as something that needs to be done in order to prevent further damage to the forums if someone is taking it to the extreme
  412. [14:39] <Torvald> ermagahdheugdiscussion
  413. [14:39] <@Dynamo> not as a "punishment"
  414. [14:39] <@Dynamo> as contradicting as that may sound
  415. [14:39] <@Metal> [16:38] <Essay> ah but this isn't about the rules
  416. [14:39] <@Metal> [16:38] <Essay> this is about favouritism
  417. [14:39] <@Metal> I try EVERYTHING not to bias
  418. [14:39] <@HeavenWraith> I just spilled my drink
  419. [14:40] <@Wartorn> I try not to as well. That's pretty much my reason for calling this together in the first place- To do what I originally hoped to months ago.
  420. [14:40] <@Metal> I don't get close to people in the community for that reason.
  421. [14:40] <Torvald> well, is a 2 week ban really a ban, or more just a suspension?
  422. [14:40] <@Dynamo> as favoritisms, this is something that has been discussed many times before but here we go
  423. [14:40] <@Wartorn> I'd think of that as a suspension, yeah
  424. [14:40] <Dusk> and well yeah
  425. [14:40] <Dusk> i've said this before
  426. [14:41] <@Dynamo> no matter how you look at it, banning someone who has a lot of friends and possibly owns servers and stuff is not the same as banning some noob cheater
  427. [14:41] <Dusk> but temporary bans should be distinct from permanent ones to the pbulic
  428. [14:41] <@Dynamo> everybody knows this
  429. [14:41] <@Metal> ^
  430. [14:41] <@Dynamo> but this is why we should be as objective as we can, even at the risk of taking flak ( and this has been done many times before)
  431. [14:41] <Dusk> yeah it's different to do that
  432. [14:41] <@TheToxicAvenger> What Dusk said should be implemented
  433. [14:41] <Dusk> but if the reasons are irrefutable
  434. [14:41] <@Dynamo> however at the same time I still think we should be careful on who we deal with properly
  435. [14:41] <Dusk> the ban should be the same for whoever it is
  436. [14:41] <@Dynamo> there are people who have caused trouble for years, and are still around for some reason
  437. [14:42] <@Dynamo> past cheaters, flamewar starters, game ruiners, and so on
  438. [14:42] <Dusk> and yes i'll stress this again, bans are there to prevent stuff from happening
  439. [14:42] <Dusk> for me
  440. [14:42] <Essay> were there *
  441. [14:42] <Dusk> when i judge should i ban someone (from gv), my primary question is `is this person likely to cause shit in the future if i keep him free?`
  442. [14:42] <@Dynamo> some of those people, regardless of what they have done, still have many friends in the community
  443. [14:42] <@Dynamo> I'm pretty sure the banning of tenchu after cheating years ago came as a bit of a shock to a lot of people, for example
  444. [14:42] <@Dynamo> and many complained
  445. [14:43] <@Dynamo> it wasn't the same as banning your average aow cheater - however unfortunately it has to be the same
  446. [14:43] <Dusk> yeah, but there was irrefutable evidence
  447. [14:43] <@Dynamo> if anybody crosses the line, the punishment should apply regardless of whoever he is
  448. [14:43] <Dusk> it was tenchu, he cheated, therefore he should be banned like anybody else
  449. [14:43] <@Dynamo> yes exactly
  450. [14:43] <Torvald> mhm
  451. [14:43] <@Metal> Dusk: Exactly
  452. [14:44] <@Metal> I'm going to be blunt and honest here
  453. [14:44] <@Ruin> that was something I wanted to ask. Why was his ban lifted along with shane's ban?
  454. [14:44] <Dusk> i'm seeing a lot of complaints about tenchu being free
  455. [14:44] <@Metal> I banned Decay, and the shit started flinging instantly
  456. [14:44] <Dusk> since he kept on evading and everything
  457. [14:44] <@Metal> (People who are friends with him possibly)
  458. [14:44] <@Dynamo> Metal: me and dusk are probably some of decay's best friends on here (if you may call it friendship) but we both agreed on the ban
  459. [14:44] <@Metal> If this was anyone else (Someone new) Nothing would've been said.
  460. [14:44] <Dusk> yeah i wasn't around when it happened
  461. [14:44] <@Dynamo> that is what I mean by being objective
  462. [14:44] <Dusk> but yeah i do agree with the ban
  463. [14:44] <@Dynamo> I like decay but he took it too far, I told him this myself
  464. [14:45] <@Dynamo> just like how zap for example, while being friends with tenchu, still called him out on his first ban
  465. [14:45] <@Dynamo> on altdeath I think
  466. [14:45] <@Metal> I had no previous problems with decay, just his hostile posting, which I had complaints about via PM before.
  467. [14:45] * iphone ( has joined #zastaff
  468. [14:45] <Essay> lol people complained?
  469. [14:45] <@Metal> I did to Decay what I would've done ot anyone else in that situation
  470. [14:45] <Essay> i'm mildly surprised
  471. [14:45] <@Metal> Yeah
  472. [14:45] <@Wartorn> a wild iphone appears
  473. [14:45] <@Metal> I got 3 maybe 4 PM's about it.
  474. [14:46] <@Metal> Things along the lines of "Why do you let him post like that?"
  475. [14:46] <@Metal> And "Why are you biased towards him, why don't you warn him?
  476. [14:46] <@Dynamo> anyway tenchu has not cheated once
  477. [14:46] <@Dynamo> twice I think?
  478. [14:46] <@Metal> Twice.
  479. [14:46] <Dusk> that kind of makes him a repeat offender
  480. [14:46] <@Dynamo> and some of the people he is affiliated with, like dr noob, have also cheated in the past if I'm not mistaken
  481. [14:46] <Dusk> noob cheated once
  482. [14:46] <Essay> and ban evaded
  483. [14:46] <@Metal> I lost respect for tenchu, greatly.
  484. [14:46] <@Dynamo> and cheating is not the only thing, but also disrupting games, ban evasions and starting flamewars
  485. [14:46] <Dusk> noob's ban was just and he served it
  486. [14:47] <Essay> attempting to destroy tournaments
  487. [14:47] <Essay> but the question is
  488. [14:47] <@Dynamo> these people are the example I was talking about earlier, of people who really won't change their attitude since they've been around for years, at least that's what I personally think
  489. [14:47] <@Metal> ...what?
  490. [14:47] <Essay> why do these people get let in again
  491. [14:47] <@Metal> Keeping range bans is not easy...
  492. [14:47] <@Metal> Considering the amount of people who get caught in them.
  493. [14:48] <Essay> does iphone want to tell us the dirty underhanded stuff they do?
  494. [14:48] <Torvald> especially for brazilians
  495. [14:48] <@Metal> ^
  496. [14:48] <@Metal> the worst bans ever.
  497. [14:48] <@Dynamo> range bans have been a huge problem
  498. [14:48] <@TheToxicAvenger> and some people who evade end up with 10,000 rangebans, which ends up in a big mess
  499. [14:48] <Torvald> gotta get that hardware ip
  500. [14:48] <@Dynamo> and that is why some deals had to be made, such as the one for aladdin
  501. [14:48] <@Metal> Yeah
  502. [14:48] <iphone> Well isn't it obvious spak is just manipulating metal to get them unbanned?
  503. [14:48] <iphone> I'd say mission success
  504. [14:48] <Water> IQ dropping
  505. [14:48] <@Metal> That's just starting rumors.
  506. [14:48] <@Ruin> here we go..
  507. [14:49] <iphone> It's so obvious, you were the butt of their jokes years ago, and why are they nice all of a sudden?
  508. [14:49] <@Metal> I'd like to ask that you don't do that.
  509. [14:49] <@Dynamo> alright let's slow down a bit
  510. [14:49] <Torvald> [15:48] <iphone> Well isn't it obvious spak is just manipulating metal to get them unbanned?
  511. [14:49] <Torvald> jiggs up guys
  512. [14:49] <Essay> i'mma step back
  513. [14:49] <Essay> for a sec
  514. [14:49] <Torvald> he found out
  515. [14:49] <@Metal> lol
  516. [14:49] <@Wartorn> lol
  517. [14:49] <@TheToxicAvenger> oh crap
  518. [14:49] <Dusk> huh
  519. [14:49] <Torvald> it was our mastermind plan all along to secretly brain wash the staff
  520. [14:49] <@Wartorn> It's not easy to maintain the banlist, this we've confirmed a millenia of times. We can only hope IPv6 comes soon.
  521. [14:49] <Torvald> with Metal under our control
  522. [14:49] <@Dynamo> this isn't deus ex: zandronum wars
  523. [14:50] <Torvald> we could expand outwards
  524. [14:50] <@Dynamo> the illuminati are not among the staff
  525. [14:50] <@Wartorn> Torvald: And then Wartorn saves the day by calling this huge meeting
  526. [14:50] <@Wartorn> you're fired torvald from staff
  527. [14:50] <Torvald> on our quest to conqur the world
  528. [14:50] <Torvald> f-f-f
  529. [14:50] <Torvald> fffff
  530. [14:50] <Torvald> fired?
  531. [14:50] <Torvald> D:
  532. [14:50] <Dusk> rofl
  533. [14:50] <Puhax> Guys
  534. [14:50] <Puhax> Can we get back on topic
  535. [14:50] <@Dynamo> yo let's go back on track
  536. [14:50] <Puhax> :c
  537. [14:50] <@Wartorn> Right, back on subject
  538. [14:50] <Dusk> alright guys *bang bang* order in court
  539. [14:50] <@Metal> Yes please
  540. [14:51] <Essay> now
  541. [14:51] <Essay> the word on the block was this
  542. [14:51] <@Dynamo> this isn't about spak, it's about people who have been repeated offenders for years and make our community worse, regardless of whatever clan they belong to
  543. [14:51] <@Dynamo> be it spak, bomf, or whatever
  544. [14:51] <@Dynamo> it's not the clans, it's the people
  545. [14:51] <Torvald> bingo
  546. [14:51] <@Dynamo> anyway yeah Essay can talk
  547. [14:51] <Essay> a certain person gave spak the rcon pass to the gv wdi server
  548. [14:51] <Essay> for the sheer purpose of trolling it
  549. [14:51] <Dusk> gv wdi server?
  550. [14:51] <Essay> and the logs were deleted
  551. [14:51] <Essay> to prevent uncovering this
  552. [14:52] <Essay> yes Dusk
  553. [14:52] <@Wartorn> Oh wow.
  554. [14:52] <@HeavenWraith> huh
  555. [14:52] <Water> when did this happen
  556. [14:52] <iphone> Yes
  557. [14:52] <@Metal> What
  558. [14:52] <iphone> I can confirm this
  559. [14:52] <Water> i assume konar would be flipping out if this happened
  560. [14:52] <Torvald> how would you know that the logs were delted?
  561. [14:52] <Torvald> deleted*
  562. [14:52] <iphone> Uknownjackass's best-ever server, his control panel had the logs mysteriously deleted
  563. [14:52] <@HeavenWraith> when did this happen
  564. [14:52] <Dusk> wait wait now
  565. [14:52] <Dusk> gv
  566. [14:52] <Dusk> or be
  567. [14:52] <Dusk> which is it
  568. [14:52] <Torvald> best ever is not be...
  569. [14:52] <iphone> BE
  570. [14:52] <@Metal> ^^
  571. [14:52] <Torvald> <.>
  572. [14:52] <@Metal> Oh
  573. [14:52] <Essay> oh BE
  574. [14:52] <@Metal> lmao
  575. [14:52] <Essay> my apologies
  576. [14:52] <Torvald> derp
  577. [14:52] <@HeavenWraith> phew
  578. [14:52] <@Wartorn> Yeah you scared a lot of people just now
  579. [14:53] <@Metal> Ban.
  580. [14:53] <Water> lmao
  581. [14:53] <Essay> already banned
  582. [14:53] <Puhax> lmao
  583. [14:53] <Torvald> [15:52] <Torvald> best ever is not be...
  584. [14:53] <Torvald> gv is not be*
  585. [14:53] <Essay> sorry!
  586. [14:53] <@HeavenWraith> that'd be quite a stunt to miss
  587. [14:53] <Torvald> there we go
  588. [14:53] <iphone> Apparently, it was edd and two other individuals.
  589. [14:53] <@Metal> how did they get the rcon password?
  590. [14:53] <Water> unknownjackass told everyone
  591. [14:53] <@Konar6> lmao
  592. [14:53] <Dusk> well heh
  593. [14:53] <@Metal> well thats uh
  594. [14:53] <@HeavenWraith> BE WDI is anarchy
  595. [14:53] <@Konar6> >unknown jackass
  596. [14:53] <@Metal> kinda his own stupidity
  597. [14:54] <Water> yeah he just gives his password out ot almost anyone
  598. [14:54] <@HeavenWraith> not much we can do about it
  599. [14:54] <iphone> Watermelon or Jenova, unknownjackass thinks someone hacked the website, but obviously that's not it.
  600. [14:54] <Water> unknownjackass is one of the few members in the community who is so dumb i think he shouldnt even be allowed to host BE servers, but thats jen's call, not mine
  601. [14:54] <Dusk> hmm really
  602. [14:54] <Dusk> is this worthy of being brought up in a community reform discussion?
  603. [14:54] <@Metal> What Water said.
  604. [14:55] <@Metal> Dusk: What do you mean?
  605. [14:55] <Torvald> HARDWARE IP GUIZE
  606. [14:55] <Dusk> this is be business
  607. [14:55] <@Metal> Ah
  608. [14:55] <Dusk> obviously something up to watermelon and jenova
  609. [14:55] <@Metal> Yeah
  610. [14:55] <Dusk> do we need to concern ourselves with it?
  611. [14:55] <@Dynamo> the staff is not responsible for what people do with their own servers
  612. [14:55] <@Dynamo> but at the same time
  613. [14:55] <@Dynamo> I don't think abusing of a leaked rcon password is a good idea
  614. [14:55] <@Metal> If it gets out of hand it is.
  615. [14:55] <Essay> server names are bannable offenses
  616. [14:55] <@Dynamo> from my understanding these people abused of it, didn't bother to report it to jenova or whatever
  617. [14:55] <@Metal> But I'm not banning BE for one server when Jen or Water can just shut it down.
  618. [14:56] <@Dynamo> and yeah that's not exactly good behaviour
  619. [14:56] <@Dynamo> then again if it was dr_noob I can't say I'm surprised
  620. [14:56] <@Wartorn> Yeah, that's a no-brainer. It's not fair to Jenova if he's not notified before-hand that he's got someone causing problems.
  621. [14:56] <Dusk> to be quite honest
  622. [14:56] <Dusk> if you just say your rcon password out loud you can expect someone to abuse it
  623. [14:56] <Dusk> not just spak
  624. [14:56] <@Dynamo> sure
  625. [14:56] <@Wartorn> Yeah
  626. [14:56] <@Metal> Common sense.
  627. [14:56] <@Dynamo> but that's still not an excuse to do that
  628. [14:56] <@Metal> Has left the building.
  629. [14:56] <@Metal> Or maybe was never there.
  630. [14:57] <iphone> I really, doubt unknown has any friends that are affiliated with spak
  631. [14:57] <@HeavenWraith> ok... can we leave BE matters on the side
  632. [14:57] <Dusk> ^
  633. [14:57] <@Metal> yup
  634. [14:57] <Torvald> yeah
  635. [14:57] <Dusk> yeah please
  636. [14:57] <@Dynamo> moving on
  637. [14:57] <@Wartorn> Yeah, it's for the best right now
  638. [14:57] <Puhax> yes
  639. [14:57] <@Wartorn> What's next.. uhh, hm
  640. [14:57] <@Dynamo> I think there is another concern people have been voicing
  641. [14:57] <@Dynamo> and that is the matter of bans
  642. [14:57] <Torvald> next item on the agender
  643. [14:57] <@Dynamo> you might remember slaerd's first ban
  644. [14:57] <@Metal> Which bans
  645. [14:57] <@Dynamo> <Slaerd> brb guys, be back in one week
  646. [14:57] <@Dynamo> after cheating
  647. [14:58] <@TheToxicAvenger> Yes, I remember that, mainly because it happened on my 22nd
  648. [14:58] <Dusk> slaerd was bannde for the full year
  649. [14:58] <Dusk> banned*
  650. [14:58] <@Dynamo> apparently some people have the impression that permabans in zandronum don't mean anything
  651. [14:58] <Essay> in zandronum, nobody is banned forever
  652. [14:58] <@TheToxicAvenger> Not necessarily true, Kalfoxis was never unbanned
  653. [14:58] <@Metal> It's hard to
  654. [14:58] <@Razgriz> He was for a moment no?
  655. [14:58] <@Metal> Again, with banning ranges.
  656. [14:58] <@Dynamo> and indeed there are a lot of people who have been supposedly perma banned (wasn't tenchu among those?) who were eventually let go
  657. [14:58] <@Metal> Yeah a couple days.
  658. [14:59] <Dusk> i think that the permaban is something to be saved for the worst of offenders
  659. [14:59] <Dusk> kalfoxis, shadowfox, the likes
  660. [14:59] <@Metal> Like nipaz
  661. [14:59] <Torvald> cheaters?
  662. [14:59] <Dusk> yes
  663. [14:59] <Essay> shadowfox was given 2 extra chances
  664. [14:59] <Dusk> no
  665. [14:59] <Dusk> repeat offenders
  666. [14:59] <Essay> and blew each of them
  667. [14:59] <@Dynamo> wasn't kalfoxis unbanned at some point?
  668. [14:59] <Dusk> multiple cheaters who have been given so many chances it's not even funny
  669. [14:59] <@Dynamo> or my memory super hazy
  670. [14:59] <@Wartorn> Dynamo: I don't think he was ever unbanned from the game
  671. [14:59] <@Dynamo> or is my*
  672. [14:59] <Dusk> permaban means that he's banned for EVER
  673. [14:59] <Essay> the thing is
  674. [14:59] <Dusk> not unbanned in a year
  675. [15:00] <@Wartorn> I know he was given a chance on the forum, but that's to the extent of my knowledge
  676. [15:00] <Dusk> not in 5 years
  677. [15:00] <Dusk> not in a decade
  678. [15:00] <Essay> he claims to have cut a deal with the admins
  679. [15:00] <Essay> and that is troublesome
  680. [15:00] <@Metal> who?
  681. [15:00] <@Wartorn> I keep hearing that but I don't recall any one of us actually doing that
  682. [15:00] <Dusk> for anything lesser than worthy of a permanent ban i think that the ban duration should be well defined
  683. [15:00] <Essay> kalfoxis
  684. [15:00] <@Metal> No.
  685. [15:00] <@Wartorn> There is no deal, never was.
  686. [15:00] <Dusk> even if it's multiple years or so
  687. [15:00] <Essay> not with you
  688. [15:00] <@Metal> There was no deal, I unbanned him in an amnesty or something.
  689. [15:00] <Essay> he singled out cyber
  690. [15:00] <@Metal> oh
  691. [15:00] <@Metal> that
  692. [15:01] <@Metal> Tenchu did the same thing
  693. [15:01] <@Ruin> I didn't agree with it then either.
  694. [15:01] <@Dynamo> and then cheated again :p
  695. [15:01] <@Metal> yeah, right after
  696. [15:01] <@Metal> jerk
  697. [15:01] <@Dynamo> after being forgiven once
  698. [15:01] <Dusk> hmm, yes
  699. [15:01] <@Dynamo> if we have to be objective in this case tenchu isn't any better than kalfoxis
  700. [15:01] <Dusk> why did cyber let him off the hook like that?
  701. [15:01] <@Dynamo> the only difference is he doesn't wear diapers anymore
  702. [15:01] <@Metal> ...oh god
  703. [15:01] <@Metal> dynamo, no.
  704. [15:01] <@Metal> just no.
  705. [15:01] <@Metal> Dusk: I wish I could answer you.
  706. [15:02] <@Dynamo> in any case
  707. [15:02] <@Dynamo> it's not just cheating
  708. [15:02] <@Wartorn> We can't be responsible for everything our predecessor did. We're unable to answer that.
  709. [15:02] <@Dynamo> not to keep bringing up noob, but how many times has he been banned?
  710. [15:02] <@Dynamo> for cheating once, and numerous times for other reasons
  711. [15:02] <Dusk> i think noob is kind of on the edge right now
  712. [15:02] <@Metal> I don't remember, honestly.
  713. [15:02] <@Dynamo> not sure if redshirt was masterbanned but I am pretty sure he was banned from the forums more than once
  714. [15:03] <@Dynamo> other people like mr cheater also come to mind
  715. [15:03] * Jenova ( has joined #zastaff
  716. [15:03] <@Metal> Mr cheater is a lot better than he was
  717. [15:03] <@Metal> still
  718. [15:03] <@Metal> but better
  719. [15:03] <@Dynamo> yeah he has improved somewhat
  720. [15:03] <@Dynamo> he wasn't banned for cheating though IIRC
  721. [15:03] <Torvald> I felt bad after my post got trashed, I sorta defaulted to any big post by mr cheater was a troll thread
  722. [15:04] <Torvald> but good for him if he's turning it around
  723. [15:04] <@Dynamo> in any case I think we have to draw a line here
  724. [15:04] <@Dynamo> some minutes ago I said how banning tenchu was not like banning a nobody
  725. [15:04] <@Dynamo> but at the same time
  726. [15:04] <@Dynamo> a nobody might have not played any internet games in the past, and might not really be aware of the consequences
  727. [15:04] <@Dynamo> while someone like tenchu surely knew what he was getting into when he cheated the first time, nevermind the second time
  728. [15:04] <@Dynamo> so not only did he disrupt games
  729. [15:04] <@Dynamo> but he also pretty much antagonized the staff and the community with it
  730. [15:05] <@Dynamo> again, I'm using tenchu as an example here but it could be anybody
  731. [15:05] <@TheToxicAvenger> CHeater's nowhere as bad as he was, but he's still got a ways to go
  732. [15:05] <Essay> are you sure
  733. [15:05] <Dusk> hmm i dunno
  734. [15:05] <Essay> he busted into an odamex server during a scrim to petition jenova to ban me
  735. [15:05] <Essay> for no reason
  736. [15:05] <Dusk> if a random noob decides to pick up an aimbot
  737. [15:05] <Dusk> why does he do that?
  738. [15:06] <Puhax> because he wants people to think he's good?
  739. [15:06] <@Dynamo> I'm not saying he's doing a good thing
  740. [15:06] <@Dynamo> he should be banned
  741. [15:06] <@Wartorn> Continue discussion, I'll be collecting the points we talked about earlier.
  742. [15:06] <Torvald> the most simplist answer is the most logical
  743. [15:06] <@Dynamo> but he might not be aware of the consequences, or the time set for the ban
  744. [15:07] * Grymmoire ( has joined #zastaff
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  746. [15:07] <Dusk> hmm
  747. [15:07] <Dusk> speaking of not knowing the time set for the ban
  748. [15:07] <@Dynamo> in any case the bottom line here is that people who purposefully do this (slaerd is another example though I think I've already mentioned him) simply just want to tease others
  749. [15:07] <@Dynamo> and that's not good in my book
  750. [15:08] <Dusk> i recall there being a problem with the master and it not being able to parse temporary bans?
  751. [15:08] <Water> yeah it was slightly broken for who knows how long
  752. [15:08] <@Metal> It doesn't parse any ban sometimes.
  753. [15:08] <Torvald> I remember that
  754. [15:08] <@Metal> That's a huge issue.
  755. [15:08] <Dusk> no i mean that it can't deal with temporary bans at all
  756. [15:08] <Dusk> like how a normal server can
  757. [15:08] <Dusk> i recall something like that
  758. [15:09] <@Dynamo> well those are technical issues
  759. [15:10] <@Dynamo> surely it's a problem
  760. [15:10] <@Dynamo> but something that we already know needs to be addressed, not something that should be discussed on imo
  761. [15:10] <Dusk> ok
  762. [15:11] <Dusk> furthermore i do think that the master banlist - a link to the actual banlist itself how gv does it - should be available
  763. [15:11] <@Metal> That would be up to Wartorn and Vicious Pariah.
  764. [15:11] <@Metal> I wish we had it back though
  765. [15:11] <@Metal> Updating the thread gets annoying.
  766. [15:11] <Dusk> ok
  767. [15:12] <@Dynamo> anyway regarding server-related stuff
  768. [15:12] <@Wartorn> Dusk: I've been meaning to do this and I've never found the time to do it. It's mostly incompetence on my part that is preventing it from happening at the moment.
  769. [15:12] <Dusk> ah alright
  770. [15:12] <@Dynamo> there is something I've been curious about, since I don't know much on the subject
  771. [15:12] <@Wartorn> I'll try to get it up and going soon.
  772. [15:12] <@Dynamo> from what I've been told the spak city servers or whatever it is use some custom code that has not been released as open-source
  773. [15:13] <@Dynamo> and (again I don't know much about this) I heard that would violate the license
  774. [15:13] <@Dynamo> is that true?
  775. [15:13] <@Wartorn> License enforcements on the master is something I've never heard of before
  776. [15:13] <@Dynamo> Water, you're one of the admins for that right?
  777. [15:13] <Water> yeah
  778. [15:13] <@Dynamo> oh
  779. [15:14] <Essay> word on the block is that a mod asked for the contents and it was denied
  780. [15:14] <@Dynamo> really?
  781. [15:14] <@Dynamo> hmm
  782. [15:14] <Essay> is there any particular reason it is locked?
  783. [15:14] <Essay> a lot of people i've spoken to do not like or trust wbuild
  784. [15:14] <Water> they should go play on another server then
  785. [15:15] <Water> i've never heard any complaints
  786. [15:15] <@Dynamo> that does not answer the question though
  787. [15:15] <Water> only one person complained
  788. [15:15] <iphone> Question, why isn't Wbuild open source? People have a lot of suspicions on that wad and it'd make everyone a lot more calm if the server-side source was released.
  789. [15:15] <@Dynamo> I'm not one to believe in rumors or anything but I'd like to know more about this, yes
  790. [15:15] <Water> what kind of suspicions?
  791. [15:15] <Water> there is nothing malicious in it
  792. [15:15] <Dusk> i've heard that people suspect there's a backdoor
  793. [15:15] <Essay> in a nutshell
  794. [15:16] <Essay> a lot of people think it does more than is claimed
  795. [15:16] <iphone> I can't really take your word for it not being malicious, I mean carnevil said the same thing and it had a backdoor rcon pass.
  796. [15:16] <@Wartorn> Right, the thing with custom server-side builds is that anything can honestly be hidden in it
  797. [15:16] <@Dynamo> that doesn't sound particularly safe yeah
  798. [15:16] <@Wartorn> Which does make it a good talking point about maybe enforcing something about custom server builds, much to my chagrin.
  799. [15:16] <@Dynamo> the "hidden in it" part I mean
  800. [15:17] <Water> then we will have to go the non-obfuscation of acs as well
  801. [15:17] <Water> and apply that to every single mod
  802. [15:17] <Water> since (ways i wont discuss here), you can crash a hard drive with ACS alone
  803. [15:17] <Jenova> wait
  804. [15:17] <Jenova> what happened w/ bluewiz
  805. [15:17] <@Dynamo> I'm not personally aware of any mods that have closed acs...
  806. [15:17] <@Dynamo> if I did then I'd think twice before downloading them
  807. [15:18] <Torvald> zdoom wars?
  808. [15:18] <Water> zdw used to
  809. [15:18] <Torvald> thought that was closed
  810. [15:18] <Torvald> oh
  811. [15:18] <@Dynamo> but the difference is that the mod is something you choose to download, while this code seems to run natively on the server
  812. [15:18] <@Dynamo> at least from my understanding
  813. [15:18] <@Dynamo> so yeah once again I ask, is there any particular reason for it being locked?
  814. [15:18] <@Dynamo> just curious is all
  815. [15:18] <Water> i've been working with alexmax on it, i have no idea how to use git hub
  816. [15:18] <Water> i've used mercurial before
  817. [15:18] <Water> though alex said if i can do a branch off of zandronum's bitbucket it'd be better
  818. [15:18] <@Dynamo> oh so you are working on releasing it as open source
  819. [15:18] <Water> just i have no idea how to
  820. [15:19] <Water> yeah i'm trying ot learn it
  821. [15:19] <@Dynamo> well that's good to know
  822. [15:19] <@Wartorn> The thing is the difference between closed source ACS and closed source binary is that one's a tangible binary and the other isn't capable of doing anything outside of the original binary's scope
  823. [15:19] <Dusk> i could guide you on that
  824. [15:19] <Water> yeah i need people to show me what to do
  825. [15:19] <Water> i tried learning it on my own (hence the delay)
  826. [15:19] <Water> but when exams rolled around i just sort of forgot
  827. [15:19] <Water> since no one has ever complained about it to me except one person
  828. [15:19] <Water> i figured all was well
  829. [15:20] <@Dynamo> who was it
  830. [15:20] <@Dynamo> Antlint?
  831. [15:20] <Water> yeah
  832. [15:20] <Water> i wanted to make everything inside of it optional for wbuild 1.2
  833. [15:20] <Essay> legion said yesterday he isn't really a fan but he just deals with it
  834. [15:20] <Essay> most likely just like everyone else
  835. [15:20] <Water> he gave me the suggestion of making everything optional inside
  836. [15:20] <Essay> except for those like me who refuse to play on it
  837. [15:20] <Essay> or like alexmax who refuses to host it
  838. [15:20] <Water> i did it with the throttling, i intend to do it with the rest
  839. [15:21] <Dusk> anyway i'll brb
  840. [15:21] <Dusk> gotta grab something to eat
  841. [15:21] <Water> he likes vanilla and hates ZD, so i cant see him ever hosting wbuild
  842. [15:21] <@Dynamo> I do remember ZD getting drama for changing the behaviour of the SSG
  843. [15:21] <@Dynamo> or was that another port?
  844. [15:21] <Essay> the main reason is because it is not open sourced and he doesn't know what is in it
  845. [15:22] <Essay> zd and za
  846. [15:22] <Water> eventually one day people will see it's just fine with some code changes
  847. [15:22] <@Wartorn> Essay: That's a very valid concern for a server host to have, as well
  848. [15:22] <Water> though i'll need probably Dusk's or someones hel pto get it open
  849. [15:22] <@Wartorn> I wouldn't like to run something that potentially has a backdoor on my servers.
  850. [15:22] <Water> anyone who doesnt trust it can play on NJ FC+
  851. [15:23] <Essay> spak makes it hard to priv on fc+
  852. [15:23] <Essay> when it uses it's influence to force people to playing on it's own wbuild servers
  853. [15:23] <Water> it doesnt force anyone to play on them
  854. [15:23] <@Wartorn> I think it deals with the population stigma behind it
  855. [15:24] * Legion_ ( has joined #zastaff
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  857. [15:25] <@Dynamo> I don't think that's really how it works
  858. [15:25] <@Dynamo> I could say like (or maybe could've said it 3 years ago)
  859. [15:25] <@Wartorn> That's just how I see it
  860. [15:25] <@Dynamo> "you don't like skulltag, go play odamex" "nobody plays on that though"
  861. [15:25] <@Dynamo> (now people do play it apparently but it's the best example I can come up with)
  862. [15:25] * ManiXa ( Quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  863. [15:25] <@Dynamo> I am not familiar with the priv scene but from what I've gathered everyone plays on the wbuild server
  864. [15:26] <Water> sadly in this case i cant help that everyone plays on the spak city servers; they like wbuild over the standard vanilla
  865. [15:26] <@Dynamo> I am not blaming you
  866. [15:26] <Water> oh no i understand :)
  867. [15:26] <@Dynamo> what I'm saying here is that just playing on another server isn't as easy as it sounds :p
  868. [15:26] <Water> if it wasnt wbuild, i'm sure people would complain about other things like "Redshirt owns it and is harvesting our IP's" or something
  869. [15:26] <Water> yeah i agree
  870. [15:26] <Jenova> lmao yeah
  871. [15:26] <Water> i have seen NJ FC+ privs happen though (and been part of them)
  872. [15:26] <Jenova> what a joke
  873. [15:27] <Water> as an interesting topic while were here (and since its supposed to be about trolls in teh community)
  874. [15:27] <Jenova> is zandronum licensed under gpl
  875. [15:28] <Water> a majority of people moved to the spak city servers to avoid the trolls/people they dont want to hang around with
  876. [15:28] <@Wartorn> Jenova: it's under sleepycat
  877. [15:28] <Essay> the trolls were spak players
  878. [15:28] <Essay> who turned "nice" to get people playing on their servers
  879. [15:28] <Water> back then i'm sure they were, right now everything functions within the spak servers
  880. [15:28] <Jenova> compatible with the gpl
  881. [15:29] <@Wartorn> Yeah
  882. [15:29] <Jenova> I thought you only had to show your source w/ gpl if you are profiting off of your product
  883. [15:29] <Jenova> and I don't think watermelon is
  884. [15:29] <Water> so far no one in spak turned nice for the servers, i've seen redshirt/others ban people and say not the nicest things to others
  885. [15:29] <@Konar6> you have to release the source if you distribute the thing
  886. [15:29] * Antlint ( has joined #zastaff
  887. [15:29] <@Konar6> hosting a server isn't the same as distributing it
  888. [15:29] <Essay> spak players are nice only to get what they want
  889. [15:29] <Antlint> Sorry, power outage. I probably missed out a lot.
  890. [15:30] <Essay> i've seen that for the past 3 1/2 years
  891. [15:30] <Water> i think most people in humanity fall under that umbrella (sadly)
  892. [15:30] <Antlint> Konar6 it can be
  893. [15:30] <Essay> i'd also like to state spak turned me into the hostile person i am today
  894. [15:30] <Essay> because they are the biggest assholes i've ever met
  895. [15:31] <Jenova> is this an anti spak thing
  896. [15:31] <Torvald> it's certainly going that direction
  897. [15:32] <Essay> not necessarily
  898. [15:32] <Jenova> people in spak are pretty dumb, but if you dont like them just dont associate yourselves with them
  899. [15:32] <Jenova> i dont think they go out of their way to make your life miserable
  900. [15:32] <Essay> but certainly they generate a fair amount of prolems
  901. [15:32] <Essay> yes, they do
  902. [15:32] <Essay> in scrims
  903. [15:32] <Essay> in pub servers
  904. [15:32] <Essay> in tournaments
  905. [15:32] <Essay> on the forums
  906. [15:33] <Jenova> what do they do
  907. [15:33] <@TheToxicAvenger> Some of Spak, like Edd, I would agree with you on.
  908. [15:33] <iphone> Oh yeah, I remember on irc if they didn't like someone they'd log into multitudes just to spam your chat.
  909. [15:33] <@TheToxicAvenger> but not all of it
  910. [15:33] <@Dynamo> that's... not cool
  911. [15:33] <Essay> you were there in the odamex server when spak faked its way into AX and bungled a scrim
  912. [15:33] <Essay> this has also been done in st
  913. [15:33] <Essay> taking over the server
  914. [15:34] <iphone> Spak even crashed that idl match with tosen
  915. [15:34] <Water> that was tosen and didnt have anything to do with the spak entity
  916. [15:34] <Water> and is on another port
  917. [15:34] <Essay> in pub servers i've had them chase me in pub servers just to "troll" me
  918. [15:34] <Torvald> [16:32] <Essay> but certainly they generate a fair amount of prolems
  919. [15:34] <Torvald> [16:32] <Essay> in pub servers
  920. [15:34] <Water> is there anything recent that redshirt/edd has done?
  921. [15:34] <Torvald> thats why hydra made this
  922. [15:34] <Torvald>
  923. [15:34] <LinkBot> Spak City Private Style Public
  924. [15:34] <iphone> I feel like that was just for attention
  925. [15:34] <Antlint> 19:33:28 <Essay> you were there in the odamex server when spak faked its way into AX and bungled a scrim
  926. [15:34] <Antlint> 19:33:34 <Essay> this has also been done in st
  927. [15:34] <Essay> it was
  928. [15:34] <Antlint> 19:33:40 <Essay> taking over the server
  929. [15:34] <Antlint> I can attest to this.
  930. [15:35] <Essay> irc, they circumvent bans just to harass you
  931. [15:35] <@Razgriz> I thought this was originally about wbuild not being open source?
  932. [15:35] <Essay> we are past that
  933. [15:35] <Dusk> back
  934. [15:35] <Essay> in tournaments
  935. [15:35] <Water> were just going off onto another port right now that has nothing to do with zandro
  936. [15:35] <@Razgriz> oh
  937. [15:35] <@Wartorn> Razgriz: It does seem like that is over. Water has said he'll attempt to open the source.
  938. [15:35] <Essay> spak delibrately sabotaged my 2v2 tdm tournament
  939. [15:35] <Essay> or tried
  940. [15:35] <@Dynamo> well if there are issues they should be discussed, just alert me if anything goes wrong, I'm afk-ish right now
  941. [15:35] <@Razgriz> Sorry I just came back and I thought it was still being talked about
  942. [15:35] <@Wartorn> So I think we should shift subjects for the time being.
  943. [15:35] <Essay> by vote kicking players during game play
  944. [15:35] <@Razgriz> my bad
  945. [15:35] <Water> if anyone is caught doing that today
  946. [15:36] <Water> with a demo
  947. [15:36] <Water> then i believe they should be given a just punishment
  948. [15:36] <iphone> Challenge accepted.
  949. [15:36] <Torvald> [16:35] <@Wartorn> So I think we should shift subjects for the time being.
  950. [15:36] <Torvald> second
  951. [15:36] <@Wartorn> It seems that it's fairly apparent that Spak is problematic.
  952. [15:36] <Essay> these people have all been banned multiple times
  953. [15:36] <Essay> yet they keep coming back
  954. [15:36] <@Wartorn> So I think we do need to deal with it in some fashion, yes.
  955. [15:36] <Essay> anyway
  956. [15:37] <Essay> what's next up to look at
  957. [15:37] <@Wartorn> Right, what else.. uh Dusk, didn't you have something you wanted to bring up earlier?
  958. [15:37] <Dusk> yus
  959. [15:37] <Water> here's an interesting set of discussion that i believe should be taken care of
  960. [15:37] <Water> is dealing with people who troll servers
  961. [15:37] <Water> whether it be priv, mod, or whatever
  962. [15:37] <Dusk> remember back when zandronum was new.. or was it even when zandronum was around
  963. [15:37] <Water> the line really needs to be drawn
  964. [15:38] <Water> like TKing on WDI
  965. [15:38] <Dusk> but back then we had attempts at getting games going
  966. [15:38] <@Wartorn> Water: Right, we'll get to that in a second
  967. [15:38] <Water> sounds good
  968. [15:38] <@Wartorn> Dusk: Yeah that is true
  969. [15:38] <Dusk> there was a clear problem: mass highlighting #Zandronum for games annoyed people
  970. [15:38] <Dusk> and we had plans for a game announcer service which went down for some reason (and wasn't exactly intuitive anyway)
  971. [15:38] <Dusk> i believe we should have a way to organize public games to get stuff going
  972. [15:38] <@TheToxicAvenger> First I recall hearing about that
  973. [15:39] <@TheToxicAvenger> @ the announcer thing
  974. [15:39] <Antlint> Maybe do a global notice thing? It was done before, back on ST's network.
  975. [15:39] <Dusk> velocity x pub ctf went well and proved that pub can happen
  976. [15:39] <@Wartorn> Hm
  977. [15:39] <@Wartorn> Konar6, is it feasible to opt out of global notices
  978. [15:39] <@Razgriz> there was also a pub idl2012 and that went well for a bit
  979. [15:39] <Dusk> i think the staff should work towards getting games going
  980. [15:39] <@Konar6> Wartorn: certainly
  981. [15:39] <@TheToxicAvenger> Global messages could work, but, for every pub game?
  982. [15:39] <@Wartorn> I don't see why not
  983. [15:39] <Dusk> sure why not
  984. [15:39] <@TheToxicAvenger> Especially when they can come up without warning
  985. [15:39] <@Wartorn> #zan isn't being used often
  986. [15:39] <Torvald> well I went out of my way to start pub with Vanessa whenever possible
  987. [15:40] <Torvald> lead to a 7 day consecutive pub steak
  988. [15:40] <@Wartorn> And we'll make sure that in our notices we tell people how to disable them
  989. [15:40] <Torvald> sometimes 3 pubs in one day
  990. [15:40] <Water> i get bot PM's from ZD's bot every few hours, i dont see why that'd be a problem
  991. [15:40] <Torvald> that would be a nice feature
  992. [15:40] <Water> and in the PM just provide a link that allows people to opt out of it
  993. [15:40] <@Konar6> there could be a separate service bot or something, and whoever wouldn't want to receive such memos could ignore it
  994. [15:40] <Dusk> hmm yes, automatic public game announcement
  995. [15:40] <@Wartorn> Yeah
  996. [15:40] <Dusk> but i don't think such a bot like in zdaemon would work here
  997. [15:41] <Dusk> i think, maybe there could be a game channel #zagames or whatever the hell
  998. [15:41] <@Konar6> why not?
  999. [15:41] <Dusk> and have such a bot idle there
  1000. [15:41] <Water> i was thinking of doing it for duels, but people said that zd is more competitive and that it'd just be a waste of time o nthe zandro channel
  1001. [15:41] <iphone> Why is zandronums homepage not displaying the latest FNF/SNS, btw?
  1002. [15:41] <Dusk> and notice the channel when games go up?
  1003. [15:41] <Torvald> actually I like the notion of #zagames
  1004. [15:41] <Dusk> fnf/sns are good
  1005. [15:41] <Dusk> but they're just weekly highlights
  1006. [15:41] <Dusk> we need stuff going on for the rest of the week too
  1007. [15:41] <@Wartorn> iphone: It's unfortunately not an automated process
  1008. [15:42] <@Wartorn> It was something I intended to have automated but I never got around to it
  1009. [15:42] <@Wartorn> The appropriate header has to be modified each time, and I usually have VP do it but I think he forgets every so often
  1010. [15:42] <@Wartorn> considering he's in charge and he owns the site portion of things too
  1011. [15:42] <@TheToxicAvenger> A separate channel could definitely work
  1012. [15:43] <Dusk> i could probably attempt coding such an irc bot
  1013. [15:43] <@Wartorn> That would handle automation on the IRC part of things
  1014. [15:43] <@Konar6> and what would it do exactly?
  1015. [15:44] <Dusk> monitor a bunch of selected server on the master and notify the channel when games get going
  1016. [15:44] <Dusk> a bit like zd
  1017. [15:44] <@Konar6> just a masshighlight bot? Like combinebob's masshighlighting bot?
  1018. [15:44] <Antlint> I still prefer global notices.
  1019. [15:44] <@Konar6> and how would you feed it the current list of servers to watch?
  1020. [15:44] <@Konar6> and which servers?
  1021. [15:44] <Antlint> More effective and less annoying
  1022. [15:44] <@Konar6> you know, not all servers are suitable
  1023. [15:44] <Dusk> re which servers: public ctf/dm/etc servers
  1024. [15:45] <Dusk> the list would be stored in a configuration file
  1025. [15:45] <Dusk> if new servers pop up, the list can always be modified
  1026. [15:45] <@Konar6> like unknown jackass servers :v
  1027. [15:46] <Dusk> pff
  1028. [15:46] <@Konar6> that concept sounds complicated
  1029. [15:46] <Dusk> eh not really imo
  1030. [15:46] <@Wartorn> Not to Dusk!
  1031. [15:46] <@Konar6> we could use something simpler
  1032. [15:46] <@Konar6> oh right
  1033. [15:48] <Dusk> i mean
  1034. [15:48] <@Metal> Water: I.E Tosen?
  1035. [15:48] <@Metal> Derp, was scrolled up
  1036. [15:48] <@Metal> "[17:37] <Water> here's an interesting set of discussion that i believe should be taken care of
  1037. [15:48] <@Metal> [17:37] <Water> is dealing with people who troll servers"
  1038. [15:48] <Dusk> it's just that game starts up on server x, bot notifies #zagames that x players are on server x oslt
  1039. [15:48] <@Metal> was replying to that
  1040. [15:48] <Water> yeah i believe he got banned
  1041. [15:48] <Water> or mastered for that
  1042. [15:48] <@Metal> yes
  1043. [15:48] <Water> i think hes gone for a long time, possibly forever
  1044. [15:48] <Dusk> (good riddance)
  1045. [15:48] <@Metal> I had got a complaint that it wasn't enough to warrant a ban.
  1046. [15:49] <Water> i think if someone tries to evade a ban from a server cluster
  1047. [15:49] <Dusk> the amount of trolling he did in-game i believe does warrant it
  1048. [15:49] <@TheToxicAvenger> Tosen and Ral are both mastered for quite some time
  1049. [15:49] <Water> it should be master-bannable, even though its sort of a logical error because they're IP evading and the mechanism of banning is IP basd
  1050. [15:49] <Dusk> is there a set length for their bans?
  1051. [15:49] <Torvald> Honestly, his trolling was the funniest shit I've seen in a long time, but he earned his ban.
  1052. [15:49] <Torvald> surprised it didn't happen sooner
  1053. [15:50] <@Konar6> Dusk: bans can be removed any time :p
  1054. [15:50] <Dusk> yeah i know, i think it's a good idea to have set durations for bans
  1055. [15:50] <Dusk> indefinite doesn't really tell much
  1056. [15:50] <@TheToxicAvenger> For Ral, I'd say 6 months minimum on the base ban, meaning eligible for release in May
  1057. [15:50] <@TheToxicAvenger> but then add a month for each evasion
  1058. [15:50] <@TheToxicAvenger> so that's 3 extra months
  1059. [15:50] <Torvald> I thought it was 3 months for evasion?
  1060. [15:50] <Water> why would each evasion only add a month?
  1061. [15:50] <@TheToxicAvenger> Is it?
  1062. [15:51] <@Metal> yes
  1063. [15:51] <@TheToxicAvenger> That would be 9 more months then
  1064. [15:51] <Water> it sounds lenient for evasion (though thats just my opinion)
  1065. [15:51] <@TheToxicAvenger> so.....1 year 3 months his current sentence is
  1066. [15:51] <@TheToxicAvenger> and he was banned December 3rd
  1067. [15:51] <Dusk> let it be that way, then
  1068. [15:51] <@Konar6> if each evasion added 3 months, ten would be banned till 2015
  1069. [15:51] <Dusk> that sets it to february 2014
  1070. [15:51] <@TheToxicAvenger> In fact that reminds me I gotta update my shit
  1071. [15:51] <iphone> same with edd
  1072. [15:51] <Dusk> no, march
  1073. [15:51] <@Metal> rofl konar
  1074. [15:52] <Dusk> TheToiletAvenger
  1075. [15:52] <@TheToxicAvenger> Dusk: he was banned in December, it would be March if he was banned this month....or am I losing my ability to count
  1076. [15:52] <@Metal> iphone: Edd only evaded once that I know of.
  1077. [15:52] <Dusk> 1 year 3 months since december 2012 is march 2014
  1078. [15:52] <@TheToxicAvenger> I think Edd had a few entries
  1079. [15:52] <@TheToxicAvenger> 5 I think
  1080. [15:52] <@Metal> Yeah extra ranges
  1081. [15:52] <@Metal> but not evasions
  1082. [15:54] <@Konar6> Reck was caught evading on various servers countless times... so you can't have such sentences set in stone as it seems
  1083. [15:54] <@Konar6> there may be reasons to not go by that
  1084. [15:54] <iphone> yeah reck definetly ban evaded atleast once
  1085. [15:54] <@Metal> More than once
  1086. [15:54] <Jenova> rofl
  1087. [15:54] <@Konar6> it's all case by case
  1088. [15:54] <@Metal> But his IP range was retarded
  1089. [15:54] <Jenova> reck ban evaded like 20 times and didnt give a shit
  1090. [15:55] <@Metal> If we banned all his ranges like 189.180.*.* etc
  1091. [15:55] <@Metal> We woulld've banned mexico
  1092. [15:55] <Dusk> (is that a bad thing? :V)
  1093. [15:55] <Jenova> do it
  1094. [15:55] <@Metal> lol
  1095. [15:55] <iphone> That's not a problem
  1096. [15:55] <@Metal> so 189.*.*.*
  1097. [15:55] <@Metal> Got it
  1098. [15:55] <@Konar6> actually not. Reck is still banned on GV and there's still a lot of mexicans, lol
  1099. [15:55] <@TheToxicAvenger> We had like a bunch of people caught in Reck's ranges IIRC
  1100. [15:55] <@Metal> Yeah but how many get caught in his range?
  1101. [15:55] <@Konar6> 2-3
  1102. [15:55] <iphone> Like 90% of all the cheaters are from mexico anyways
  1103. [15:56] <@TheToxicAvenger> Drake was British IIRC
  1104. [15:56] <Dusk> in all seriousness they're not
  1105. [15:56] <@TheToxicAvenger> Ironicuz is Finnish
  1106. [15:56] <@Konar6> they used to be some time
  1107. [15:56] <@TheToxicAvenger> ....and so on
  1108. [15:56] <Dusk> i recall russia was way higher up in the cheater list than mexico
  1109. [15:56] <@Konar6> esp. on ZD
  1110. [15:56] <Dusk> cheater tally*
  1111. [15:56] <@Konar6> mexico had a really bad cheater reputation on ZD one time
  1112. [15:57] <@Metal> yeah
  1113. [15:57] <@Konar6> + GV has a identity based whitelisting system so there is no "need" to unban Reck for those 3 people caught in his bans
  1114. [15:57] <@Metal> Russia recently got bad, mexico started it though :P
  1115. [15:57] <@TheToxicAvenger> What you have going on GV is actually pretty genius
  1116. [15:57] <Dusk> i think the master could use said identity based whitelisting
  1117. [15:58] <@Konar6> ^
  1118. [15:58] <@TheToxicAvenger> what with the personal passwords thing and such
  1119. [15:58] <Dusk> wasn't the priv password thing my idea and doing :v
  1120. [15:58] <Dusk> well i dunno was it my idea
  1121. [15:58] <Water> i wanted to see an account list on the master
  1122. [15:58] <@Konar6> I made quite a few improvements for administration and players
  1123. [15:59] <@Wartorn> Water: Me too, unfortunately vortexcortex drops in and out at random
  1124. [15:59] <@Konar6> I thought the concept was a combined idea of ours
  1125. [15:59] * ManiXa ( has joined #zastaff
  1126. [16:00] <@TheToxicAvenger> Vortex is real super sand
  1127. [16:01] <@Wartorn> I can understand he's busy with someone of his knowledge though
  1128. [16:01] <@Wartorn> Anyway, time to eat soooo brb in a few
  1129. [16:04] * @Legion_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 300 seconds)
  1130. [16:07] * iphone ( has left #zastaff ("Leaving")
  1131. [16:17] <@Konar6> a big shame is also Tihan's vanishing
  1132. [16:17] <@Metal> Yeah that was weird
  1133. [16:17] <@Konar6> he's proven to be a knowledgeable coder and Torr Samaho's asset
  1134. [16:17] <Dusk> tihan got busy with life
  1135. [16:17] <Dusk> basically he got a job
  1136. [16:17] <Dusk> or hum rather a different assignment
  1137. [16:17] <@Metal> ah, that'll do it
  1138. [16:17] <Dusk> well real life in any ase
  1139. [16:17] <Dusk> case*
  1140. [16:19] <@Konar6> he's been working on IPv6 support, unlagged for monsters, kind of unlagged for projectiles...
  1141. [16:22] * Zap610_ ( has joined #zastaff
  1142. [16:24] <Antlint> I miss Tihan
  1143. [16:24] <@Wartorn> oh hi zap
  1144. [16:24] * Combinebobnt ( Quit ("Quitting")
  1145. [16:24] <Zap610_> Hi I need to transfer my IRC stuff on this new laptop sometime
  1146. [16:24] <Zap610_> So yeah
  1147. [16:24] <Zap610_> Using shitty netirc
  1148. [16:24] <@Wartorn> that's unfortunate
  1149. [16:25] <@Wartorn> today's conversation was actually really productive today
  1150. [16:25] <Zap610_> Shit I missed it
  1151. [16:25] <Zap610_> I literally just saw your PM
  1152. [16:25] <@Wartorn> Actually it should still be going on
  1153. [16:25] <Zap610_> oh good
  1154. [16:25] <@Wartorn> But I think we exhausted most of our talking points
  1155. [16:25] <@Wartorn> Essay Antlint Dusk anybody does anyone have anything to talk about
  1156. [16:25] <Jenova> yes
  1157. [16:25] <Dusk> ah hmm
  1158. [16:25] <Jenova> lets ban anyone who isn't me
  1159. [16:25] <Dusk> rofl
  1160. [16:26] <Zap610_> Who told Jen about my idea to ban anyone who isn't him
  1161. [16:26] <Jenova> I did
  1162. [16:26] <Disguise> That guy V
  1163. [16:26] <Zap610_> ass
  1164. [16:27] <Jenova> I heard unknownjackass was causing some problems or something
  1165. [16:27] <@Wartorn> Yeah about that, hang on I'll paste what was said earlier
  1166. [16:28] <@Wartorn> It was something about logs getting deleted and him just handing out his rcon password to basically anybody or something
  1167. [16:30] <Jenova> yeah he is pretty dumb
  1168. [16:30] <Zap610_> Well as long as we are more or less here I want to say that I'll be working on getting back into things and sucking less
  1169. [16:31] <@Wartorn> Jenova
  1170. [16:31] <LinkBot> [14:51] <Essay> now [14:51] <Essay> the word on the block was this [14:51] <@D -
  1171. [16:31] <Jenova> thanks
  1172. [16:32] <Jenova> see the shitty thing is
  1173. [16:32] <Jenova> because of how the banlist works
  1174. [16:32] <Jenova> I couldn't even ban people from my server clusters
  1175. [16:33] <@Wartorn> a technical limitation huh
  1176. [16:34] <Jenova> pretty much
  1177. [16:34] <Jenova> so they'd have to do something bad that would warrant a master ban
  1178. [16:34] <@Konar6> wasn't that banlist problem fixed
  1179. [16:35] <Jenova> not that
  1180. [16:35] <Jenova> but each server has it's own banlist
  1181. [16:35] <Jenova> and zandronum doesn't support more than one banlist
  1182. [16:35] <@Konar6> huh?
  1183. [16:35] <@Konar6> how come that I have one banlist for all 100+ servers in 3 locations?
  1184. [16:35] <Jenova> idk you tell me
  1185. [16:36] <@Konar6> well, the sharing between locations is my creation, but you can have shared banlist for all servers
  1186. [16:36] <@Konar6> just point sv_banfile to the same file and that's it
  1187. [16:36] <Jenova> of course but if every server has the exact same banlist
  1188. [16:36] <Jenova> and is hosted by 60 different people
  1189. [16:36] <Jenova> you can easily see how that would not work
  1190. [16:37] <@Konar6> oh, then if one person is hosting server for trolling purposes, or the person is unknown jackass (which implies the mentioned), ban him from hosting servers
  1191. [16:37] <Jenova> rofl
  1192. [16:37] <Jenova> probably the best idea
  1193. [16:38] <@Konar6> I mean in the hosting bot itself, not in the servers
  1194. [16:38] <Jenova> yeah
  1195. [16:38] <@Konar6> everything can be solved
  1196. [16:38] <Jenova> but I meant more for griefers I guess
  1197. [16:38] <Jenova> like someone brought up spak earlier
  1198. [16:38] <Jenova> although I guess that really isn't a problem at the moment
  1199. [16:39] <@Konar6> and maybe you could have the banlist for BE admin-only, ie. it wouldn't be editable by randoms
  1200. [16:39] <@Konar6> Oblacek does it a similar way AFAIK
  1201. [16:40] <Jenova> I dunno
  1202. [16:40] <Jenova> I guess I don't really mind it being self moderated anyways
  1203. [16:40] <Jenova> means I don't have to do anything
  1204. [16:40] <@Konar6> but you get the shit when something happens
  1205. [16:40] <@Konar6> like this
  1206. [16:41] <@Konar6> and you should have a way to prevent that
  1207. [16:41] <Jenova> well I figure people will just ban others they dont want playing on their servers
  1209. - and then everything went silent from there -
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