
Fanfic of a Fanfic: Broken Wings

Aug 15th, 2012
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  1. ---- Alternate ending/perspective of MisterElGuapo's 'Broken Wings' -----
  3. >Meanwhile rainbow sits crying in an open field
  4. >She can't stop sobbing
  5. >What had see done wrong?
  6. >She had been there for him
  7. >When Applejack shoved him away, you gave him affection
  8. >What does he do?
  9. >You find him on top of applejack on your first real date together
  10. >You had felt so betrayed
  11. >Storming back to your room, you didn't know what to do
  12. >When he had come to the door that morning, you were still fuming with angry
  13. >But you let it all go when you looked into his eyes
  14. >By Celestia, you were so stupid
  15. >So stupid as to let your heart race and spirits lift as he began his confession
  16. >Only to have that joy... that hope....
  17. >Smashed
  18. >All you wanted to do was make him happy
  19. >That's all you ever wanted
  20. >So why
  21. >You hadn't got far when you left
  22. >Curled up in a tight ball, you remained crying in the backyard of Anon's house
  23. >This is where he taught you how to fly again
  24. >You had thought, maybe if you came here, you'd feel better
  25. >A hollow gust of cold wind blows across your mane
  27. >It sends shivers down your spine
  28. >Why, oh Celestia why?!
  29. >You couldn't take this
  30. >For the the last few months, he was all you had
  31. >From breakfast, to rehab, to dusk
  32. >He was the only one you had shared your life with, all this time
  33. >The only one you wanted to share it with...
  34. >Emotional hysteria takes you over
  35. >It didn't take long
  36. >Psychologically speaking, its a miracle she didn't crack when she had found him on top of AJ
  37. >Back then, she had survived on hope
  38. >That wasn't going to work now
  39. >The mind and the body are tightly intertwined
  40. >When one fails, the other follows suit
  41. >When one heals, so does its counterpart
  42. >Rainbow physical recover had become emotional entangled with her growing relationship with Anon
  43. >A delicate and dangerous bond
  44. >When it had snapped, all became undone
  46. >Rainbow was broken
  47. >Beyond broken
  48. >It would have taken years of therapy to repair the damages
  49. >But... that would never happen
  50. >Because no one was there to help rainbow through her crazed state
  51. >She wasn't worrying about how to live without Anon
  52. >She was worrying on how to get him back
  53. >Driven insane by the influx of emotions and hormones, she resolved that she did something wrong...
  54. >That she needed another chance to make up
  55. >Deluded by a wild fantasy, she took to flight
  56. >She was going to reset this whole mess
  57. >If she became hurt again, Anon would have to take care of her
  58. >This time... this time she wouldn't mess up
  59. >She wouldn't allow herself to lose him
  60. >Gaining altitude, she attempts to preform the same trick she had months before
  61. >It only took her a few seconds to black out again
  62. >She crashed down to earth
  63. >Right into an Appletree
  64. >The branches doing almost nothing to break her fall, she smashes into the dense wooden trunk
  65. -SNAP-
  66. >In an instant, it was over
  67. >She continue to fall down, coming to stop at the base of the tree
  68. >Neck snapped, she lay there
  69. >with a pair of broken wings
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