
Fang alchemy app

May 18th, 2015
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  1. Character's name: Fang The Bloodedge
  3. -Are they named after you?
  4. No
  5. -Does the name sound like yours?
  6. No
  7. -Is it your nickname?
  8. No
  9. -Is a name you wish you had?
  10. NO
  11. -Is their first or last name a conjuction of words that are either nouns/verbs?
  12. Yes
  13. =Do they combine to make it sound poetic/awesome/intimidating?
  14. YES ; Intimidating, he has a massive reputation on cutting people down and his blade being covered in Blood and leading armys he was called Blood edge due to the main fact that after every battle he was in during the TPF years his Greatsword was covered in blood
  15. Other basic info:Fang Actaully found a note that was in regards to alchemy aka Fire alchemy, it was a single piece of paper, that was dropped by one of a Cannon char(Professor i think it was) Fang simply pocketed it and researched more about it. He Has transmution circles on the palm of his hands, and he really doesn't draw out a transmutation circle unless its a complicated.
  17. -Is your character around Ed's age?
  18. No
  19. =Practices alchemy?
  20. Yes he does frequently, in attempt to get better as his main goal is to be able to use Blood alchemy, fire alchemy and Metal alchemy that is all
  21. ==Is just as good, or better than Ed? (+3)
  22. No
  23. -The age you wish you were, or changes with yours?
  24. 32
  25. -Are they a Homunculus?
  26. Human
  27. =Partially a Homunculus?
  28. ==Can use alchemy? (+5)
  29. Yes
  30. ==Has a power than can easily be used to godmod? (+10)
  31. No
  32. -Are they a chimera?
  33. No
  34. =Of more than one animal and human?
  35. =Were they kidnapped for this to happen?
  37. -Some other type of alchemically enhanced being?
  38. NO
  39. =Were they kidnapped for this to happen?
  41. -If they are a chimera, are they part wolf or cat?
  42. NO
  43. =Neko?
  44. =Kitsune?
  46. -Do they show no signs of being a chimera other than a few features?
  47. No
  48. =Ears and tail?
  49. =Just tail?
  50. =Just ears?
  52. -Can they shapeshift? (+3)
  53. No
  54. Appearance:
  55. Fang is about 5'4, he has Dark red hair, which lengthens out to be to his lower back, he put his hair into pigtails, which is placed on the back of his head. Fangs skin color is white, and his eye color is a Dark red, this was due from the syruim that was injected into him that forced his eye color to change from blue to Dark Red and making him a killing machine
  56. -Are they exceptionally attractive?
  57. Yes
  58. =Is it often pointed out to them?
  59. No
  60. -Do they have a great physique which is often described/pointed out?
  61. Yes but it is not pointed out to him, he is an augmented soldier, and
  62. -Do you go out of your way to describe if they are specifically NOT attractive?
  63. NO
  64. -Do they have hair which reaches past their waist [For male OCs: Mid-waist] which they let hang free?
  65. No, it goes to his upper back, but it is tucked away when he is in his armor.
  66. =If they have hair longer than their shoulders, does it never seem to get in the way of combat or work?
  67. No, it does not his hair is only on the back the sides and banes of his hair are cut short.
  68. -Is their eye color something not normally seen IRL?
  69. yes
  70. =Never seen IRL?
  71. Yes Maroon
  72. ==Gold?
  73. No
  74. ===Have funky shapes? (+5)
  75. NO
  76. -If they are a Homunculus, are their eyes a color other than violet, purple, or black?
  77. No
  78. -Do they have automail not given to them by Pseu's treatments?
  79. Yes
  80. =With no reason?
  81. No he was given due to Alistar cutting off his arm, back when the Trade Zone still existed
  82. ==Did they recover and adjust to them quickly? (+3)
  83. Yes over a number of years though
  84. ===If they are young, do they mysteriously never outgrow their automail? (+10)
  85. No
  86. -Is their hair an unnatural color?
  87. No
  88. -Does their hair have different colored streaks or chunks?
  89. No
  90. -Does your character regularly wear mini-skirts? (+999 for arctic climates if human)
  91. No
  92. -Do they usually wear clothing with texts or logos?
  93. Yes
  94. -Ed's red cloak? (+10)
  95. No
  96. -Something you wish you could get away with in public?
  97. No
  98. -Clothing that does not suit arctic conditions? (+5 if human)
  99. No
  100. -Clothing like a character's in the anime?
  101. No
  102. -Does no one take note of your character's strange attire?
  103. No
  104. History: Fang history is quite fang joined a small militia at the age of 16, and he was deployed at the age of 17 during the course of his militia days he generally just help protect rich folks and was utterly boring to him. When he got news about the TPF opening for recruits Fang rushed out of the militia and joined the TPF instead in which he received and Aura Spin and later on augmentations onto his muscles, giving him speed and along with strength. The only thing he brought was his Lucky Great-sword and in which case he named it Blood-gulch. When the TPF raided the MOAC fang was in the front lines and was the lucky ones to get out alive. When the TPF leader was killed though and the TPF was forced to resort to hiding Fang hated this idea, and simply left the TPF in hopes in finding a more suitable faction to be in. Fang than joined in the Organization called the Insititute of Assasins or IOA for short. IN that case Fang took up the Spartan Team and was giving a syruim that makes all the spartans killing machines and going beserk. Not only did this made Fang lose all his Sanity but he than resort to unneeded violance and wanted to lead the IOa instead of its current leader, Blowing up the HQ with the bombs her had implanted into there mech, tech and pretty much everything. IOa still standing though but re-located somewhere in uppernivik and Fang became a walking killing machine who was set loose. Fang than enountered the PAladins base and used the IOA access to use the base as there own too, Fang by destroying there little alliance with them blew it up using IOA bombs than the Paladins responded by gunning down all the soldiers, and Fang already left with half of the IOA soldiers with him and headed to Iraq(Whats an Iraq?) and in that case The paladins and him battled, Fang being outnumbered 10 to one still provided to be a challange as he applied guerilla tactics and used the terrains as an advantage. VIKARM was also involved but there forces was gunned down and the invading Paladins took some severe casualties. Soon they invaded the base and "Thought" they killed Fang but Fang was a master stratigest meaning he had a back up plan, He had a soldier took surgery into making him having the face like him, and even talks like him. While Fang injected himself with GBV and he transformed into a girl, and he was sent out of Iraq by its underground tunnels that leaded away from the battle field. Where there he took the name as Saber and joined echelon. But soon after Fang slowly regained his sanity After when Paladins was deafeted and echelon, in which Fang left before hand. Fang than took the cure for GBV reverting himself back to normal and in which he regrets even taking the blasted syruim and went into hiding. Soon after he joined up with the imperials and was leading a division similar to the IOA that he once joined up for, but making sure nothing like what he did would ever happen again. Fang is now concerned with helping the innocents and redeeming himself. Upon his true name is a complete mystery no one would know his name nor will he even give his name out(OOCly i have forgotten so not even i know his name...#too edgy). Fang is also concerned with the Union as he even knows tension are once again rising and he may fear that War may come but Fang has always been prepared so he has made a petition for volunteers to make ultimate augmented soldiers that may or may not be able to counter the Union forces, even though the chances are quite slim Fang is not known on giving up...nor will he give up to bastards like the Union he would quote.
  106. -Are they a child of a character in the anime?
  107. No
  108. -Child of a homunculus?
  109. No
  110. -Child of an anime character and other OC?
  111. NO
  112. -Are they a sibling of an anime character?
  113. No
  114. =Your favorite character?
  115. Yes
  116. -Were they adopted by a canon?
  117. No
  118. -Do they end up living with or especially close to a canon? (+5)
  119. No
  120. -Are they a childhood friend of the Elrics or Rockbells? (+5)
  121. No
  122. -Were they abandoned?
  123. No
  124. -Are they they last survivor of a race/family?
  125. Yes and No
  126. -Do they openly angst about their past?
  127. No
  128. -Is their tragic past used to draw attention?
  129. No
  130. =Used as an excuse?
  132. -Do they feel guilty about their past?
  133. Yes
  134. =Do they have no reason to?
  135. He was a mass murderer, he had a lose of sanity and went on a Blood lust killing anyone he seen. He now regrets doing so and regrets even joining the IOA/TI
  136. -Were their parents/guardians killed?
  137. No
  138. =By Scar?
  139. =By the State?
  140. =By a war?
  142. -Are the rules of the universe broken for them?
  143. No
  144. ====(The following are to be added normally, but if a state alchemist, added by +10 instead)
  146. -Did they pass through the gate from our world?
  147. No
  148. -Have they been 'sheltered' or kept away from the world during childhood?
  149. No
  150. -Are they very accomplished for their age?
  151. Yes
  152. -Extremely disireable or useful in the story's universe? (i.e., teen state alchemist)
  153. NO
  154. ====(+10 scoring over.)
  156. Alchemy and Powers:
  158. -Do they posess a Philosopher's Stone? (+15)
  159. No
  160. -Are they a skilled alchemist?
  161. NO
  162. -Better than Ed, yet younger than 25? (+10)
  163. No
  164. -Trained by a canon character? (+25)
  165. No
  166. -Are they an Ishvallen alchemist?
  167. no
  168. =Ishvallen State Alchemist? (+15)
  170. -Does their State Alchemsit title sound more pretty than intimidating?
  171. No
  172. -Are they never shunned/dislike for being a dog of the military?
  173. NO
  174. -Are they considered "The best" at their alchemy?
  175. NO
  176. -Have the seen the gate and or are able to transmute without a circle? (+10)
  177. No
  178. =Without losing anything major?
  179. ==Arm and Leg? (+5)
  181. Desueifiers (-1 from your OC's tally.)
  183. -Is 40+ years old and looks like it
  184. -Is not an Alchemist, Homunculus, Chimera, Military, Ishvalen, or Xingese
  185. -Has a severe mental or physical issue bad enough to inhibit them
  186. -Has failed a State Alchemy exam simply because they were not good enough
  187. -Is honestly weak or out of shape
  188. -Is human and dislikes Ed/Al.
  189. -Is knowledgeable in Alchemy, but was taught by Tris over a long period of time.
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