
The Wager

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. >"Anon gets pass the Center, breaks through the Fullback's block."
  4. >Stand up and turn as the entire stadium cheers your name.
  5. >"ANON, ANON, ANON, ANON...."
  6. >The chants turn into the sound of your alarm clock trying to wake you up.
  7. >You've had that dream almost every night since coming to Equestria two months ago.
  8. >Breaking that record was probably on of the happiest days of your life.
  9. >That was the last game you played before coming here.
  10. >It was only your Sophomore year of playing in college.
  11. >And already you were the talk of the sports world.
  12. >You just had to go back. You had to put those pads on one more time.
  13. >There's times where you almost gave up on trying to get back home, but you continue to try.
  14. >Get up and go do your routine.
  15. >Shit and get ready to go to the weight-room.
  16. >Usually you shower and shave afterwards.
  17. >No point in getting clean to just get sweaty 30 minutes later.
  18. >Grab your phone that was teleported here with you.
  19. >It has all your music on it.
  20. >Knock, knock,knock.
  21. "I'll never get a break will I?"
  22. >Sigh heavily as you prepare for your session of mental torture.
  23. >Open the door.
  24. >Oh wow. It's Fluttershy. Who woulda thought?
  25. "Please just go. I'm not in the mood today."
  26. >"I-I was actually-y wondering if I could maybe w-workout with you?"
  27. >Scream internally.
  28. "Well as much as it pains me to say it, I can never deny another if they need help making gains."
  29. >"S-so yes!"
  30. >She says with the most excited voice she can muster.
  31. >It's actually kind of cute.
  32. >Smile at the over eager yellow stalker.
  33. "Sure, c'mon."
  34. >The journey to the gym begins.
  35. >Fluttershy doesn't say anything, as usual.
  36. >Arrive at the gym.
  37. "Well Fluttershy I'm going to go bench so... don't come near me and stuff."
  38. >"B-but-."
  39. >Too late. You've already put in your headphones.
  40. >Head over to the bench-press and put two 45's on each side.
  41. >Notice Flutershy looking at you.
  42. >Roll your eyes and turn up your music.
  44. >Get in your benching technique.
  45. >Make that 225lbs your bitch.
  46. >Sit up sweaty and panting.
  47. >See Fluttershy also panting with a flushed face.
  48. >She must be working hard.
  49. >Add a 25lbs weight in addition to the two 45's on each side.
  50. >Repeat the process of making the weight your bitch.
  51. >This time when you try to get up, something is weighing your legs down.
  52. >Look to see FLuttershy grinding on your hips.
  53. "WHAT THE FUCK!"
  54. >Push her off.
  55. >You must have been in the zone and didn't realize what was going on.
  56. >"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I saw you make that weight your bitch and I got so t-turned on by how strong you are. And you were so sweaty a-and your scent. OH DEAR CELESTIA TAKE ME NOW ANON!"
  57. >She throws herself at you.
  58. >Side step.
  59. >She goes right by you.
  60. >Pick her up by the tail.
  61. "What do I have to do to get you to stop this shit?"
  62. >She just tries to hide her face.
  63. "ANSWER ME!"
  64. >Ponies begin to look at you.
  65. >"H-how about a ....."
  66. >She begins to mumble.
  67. >Shake her.
  69. >"Isaidhowaboutawager?"
  70. >Her suggestion surprises you.
  71. "A wager? What kind?"
  72. >"If I win, you become mine. And if you win-"
  73. "You leave me alone forever?"
  74. >"W-well I was just going to buy you lunch."
  75. >Stare at her.
  76. "Yeah I like mine better."
  77. "But only on one condition."
  78. >"W-what's that?"
  79. "I pick what we're doing."
  80. >She thinks for a moment.
  81. >She then puts on a defeated look.
  82. >"Fine."
  83. "Pinkie promise."
  84. >"Pinkie promise."
  85. "Alright then."
  86. "I choose a football."
  87. >Her eyes go wide.
  88. >"W-WHAT! No way."
  89. "You promised." You say with a mocking tone.
  90. >"B-but I've heard your stories from when you were on Earth!"
  91. "Well. I guess you could just give up. But that means you'll have to leave me alone. Forever."
  92. >"B-b-b-b-but I'll get h-h-hurt."
  93. "Then give up."
  94. >She goes silent as she enters deep thought.
  95. >She seems to grow angry.
  97. >Totally made the weight your bitch.
  98. >But Fluttershy's response gave you the shivers.
  99. >She kicks from your grasp.
  100. "I'll give you one month to prepare, get a team, get equipment, do whatever. Just be prepared to lose."
  101. >"I'll show you mister!"
  102. >She begins to flutter away.
  103. "Whatever. Just don't pussy out."
  104. >And with that she's gone.
  105. >You're taking off the 25lbs weight when you realize something.
  106. "Heh. It's kinda like Space Jam... with sex."
  108. >45 minutes later.
  109. >In Fluttershy's cottage.
  110. >Be Fluttershy.
  111. >Pace back and forth as you think about what you just got yourself into.
  112. >"Look what you got yourself into Fluttershy!"
  113. >"Now Anon's going to hit you... with those big strong arms, and wrap you up and press you against him as he roughly takes you to the ground."
  114. >Your cheeks begin to burn and your marehood quivers with lust.
  115. >Then a realization hits your pervy little head.
  116. "I-if I win... I could have Anon hold me everyday and roughly take me down on the ground and-and..."
  117. >Your mind goes back to the thought of Anon.
  118. >Shake it off and look in the mirror.
  119. >A sudden sense of determination washes over your shy mind.
  120. "You can do this Fluttershy. You just need the right team. But who?"
  122. >Same time.
  123. >Location: Sugar Cube Corner.
  124. >Be Anon.
  126. "So then I told her I wanted to play football, and the look on her face was priceless. She almost shit her pants."
  127. >You and the rainbow maned pony pound the counter in laughter.
  128. >"Oohh man Anon."
  129. >After the laughing stop Rainbow looks at you.
  130. >"So what's your plan?"
  131. "What do ya mean?"
  132. >"What are you going to do about Fluttershy?"
  133. >Stare at the half eaten blueberry muffin in front of you.
  134. "Well. I suppose I should recruit a team."
  135. >"Is that all?"
  136. "Well after that I'll make a practice schedule and make a list of rules. I should also get some equipment, and I'll need sponsors to do that."
  137. >Realize how much work you have ahead of you.
  138. "Shit. Guess I better get started."
  139. >Get up to leave.
  140. >"Hey wait."
  141. >The cyan pegasus shouts to you before leaving.
  142. >"Let me help."
  143. >You don't even need to think for a second. You need all the help you can get, and Rainbow Dash is as athletic as can be.
  144. "Well come on."
  145. >"AWESOME!"
  146. >Walk around town looking for a sign maker.
  147. >"So what exactly are we doing."
  148. "Well Dash, if we want to get a team going we need to get the word out."
  149. >"And how are we going to do that?"
  150. >Turn to her with a big smile on your face.
  151. "Billboard. A huge one where everyone will see it."
  152. >"What!? Do you even have the bits for that?"
  153. "Sure do. Now let's find us a pony who can do the job."
  154. >Continue to walk.
  155. >You're now around the outskirts of town.
  156. >"Uhhh Anon? I don't think we're going to find a billboard person out of here."
  157. >Look to her.
  158. "Just give it some time. We'll fin-UMPH."
  159. >Stagger back rubbing your head.
  160. "What the..."
  161. >Look at an old worn out sign.
  162. >"Billboard person."
  163. >"Huh. Thought they'd be called something else."
  164. "It doesn't matter. The point is we've found what we're looking for."
  165. "Now let's see. The sign says it's about another half mile up the road."
  166. >"Ughhh more walking?"
  167. >Your rainbow mane companion whines.
  168. "You Could just fly."
  169. >"Yeah but then I'd have to wait for you. So what's the point?"
  170. "Fair enough."
  171. >With that you continue your journey.
  173. >Mean while.
  174. >You are Fluttershy.
  175. >And are currently walking through the Everfree Forest.
  176. "Ohhh, where is it?"
  177. >Looking from left to right, you try to find the path to your destination.
  178. "Oh there it is."
  179. >Happily trot down the path.
  180. >After a few minutes of happy trotting, you reach the place you were looking for.
  181. "Just like Pinkie said."
  182. >Walk into the cave and spot the pool nearby.
  183. >Walk up to it looking in the water.
  184. "So this is the mirror pool?"
  185. "How does it work?"
  186. >Before you know it there's another you standing right next to you.
  187. >Eep in surprise.
  188. >So does other you.
  189. >Quickly recover and smile.
  190. "I-it worked."
  191. >Look over at the other yellow sex machine.
  192. "I need more though."
  193. >Walk over to the other Fluttershy.
  194. "U-um excuse me... me, but could you maybe look in the water. I-if you d-don't mind?"
  195. >"...O-okay."
  196. >The both of you now glance in the water.
  197. >In a matter of seconds there are two more Fluttershy's.
  198. >Smile victoriously.
  199. >Continue the multiplication process.
  200. >After an hour you have enough Fluttershy's for a team, and then some.
  201. >Climb atop a rock looking down at the confused Fluttershys.
  202. "Uhm e-excuse me." You say in the softest tone possible.
  203. >It actually manages to quiet down the whispering Pegasuses.
  204. >All over sized eyes are on you.
  205. "O-okay. So you're all probably wondering why you are here."
  206. >All nod in agreement.
  207. "Well, it's to win the heart of Anon."
  208. >One of you raises their hoof.
  209. "Y-yes?"
  210. >Every Shy looks at the curious one with a hoof in the air.
  211. >"Well I w-was just wondering uhm. Who exactly is Anon?"
  212. >You're face shows a shocked expression.
  213. "He's just the sexiest man alive. He's super nice and strong."
  214. >"I still don't get why we're doing this."
  215. >Pull out your poster sized picture of Anon shirtless.
  216. >A pink tint is added to the ocean of yellow faces.
  217. >"So what exactly are we going to do?"
  218. >Another clone asks.
  219. "O-oh right. Well, we just have to beat him in a game of football."
  220. >All the clones give you a quizzical look.
  221. >"What's football?"
  222. >They all say in unison.
  223. >Think for a minute.
  224. >Realize you don't even know what football is.
  225. "O-oh uhm. I'm not quite sure."
  227. >Standing there appreciating the craftsmanship you put your bits toward.
  228. "Isn't it great, Dash?"
  229. >Your cyan companion breaks from her thought.
  230. >"Uhh yeah it's 20% cooler and stuff."
  231. >Giver her a strange look.
  232. "...Anyways let's go have Twilight help us write up some rules."
  233. >What is she thinking about?
  234. >Shake the thought off.
  235. >Begin the small trek to Twilight's.
  236. >While on the way their you talk to Dash about the basics of football.
  237. >Rules, play, technique. Anything to get the basics of football in her head.
  238. >And just as you finish explaining what a field goal is, you're at Twilight's door.
  239. >Knock on the door.
  240. >After a few seconds of waiting, the door opens.
  241. >The wooden barrier swings open to reveal a small purple dragon.
  242. "Spike, my man! Slap me some scale."
  243. >He obliges and smacks his tiny palm into your awaiting hand.
  244. >"Hey Anon! What's up?"
  245. "I was wondering if Twi was home?"
  246. >He points behind him.
  247. >"Yeah she is. She's just downstairs being her usual dorky self."
  248. >Chuckle and rustle the little guys hair? Scales maybe? Whatever that green stuff on top is.
  249. "Alright bud, take it easy."
  250. >Head downstairs with Dash following.
  251. >"So do you th-."
  252. >Shush your friend.
  253. >"What is-.'
  254. "I said shhhh."
  255. >Point over to Twilight who's sleeping on top of an open book.
  256. >Creep up next to her.
  257. >Inhale deeply.
  259. >She jolts up so fast she falls backwards and flails about on the floor screaming 'NO MAS'AH, NOT THE MOON.'
  260. >You and Dash double over laughing at the scene that has unfolded in front of you.
  261. "I can't see past the tears."
  262. >Find your way to the couch and get comfortable while you attempt to calm your laughter.
  263. >Once your sides have returned you wait for what is to come.
  264. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  265. >Here we go.
  266. "Hey Twi."
  268. "I was thinking it'd be funny, and it was."
  269. >She breaths in deeply in an attempt to clam her nerves.
  270. >She then gives you a stern look.
  271. >"Did you need something."
  272. "Ah yes, I almost forgot." You say rising off the couch.
  273. "I need you to write down some rules for a wager my and Fluttershy are having."
  274. >Twilight cocks her head.
  275. >"Wager?"
  276. >You begin to explain the wager you and Fluttershy made between one another, and why you made the bet in the first place.
  277. >She just nods through the entire explanation.
  278. >"Well as much as I hate to tell you this Anon." She says while taking out pen and paper to list the rules.
  279. >"But I'll be cheering for Fluttershy."
  280. "WHAT!?"
  281. >The amount of surprise and anger in you is off the charts.
  283. >She gives you the most calm and serious face she can.
  284. >"Because she's my friend, and honestly I think you should giver her chance."
  285. "Twilight. She wants my hot monkey dock, not going on a romantic date. It's completely different."
  286. >At this point your surprise has gone away and rage has replaced it.
  287. >How can she take Fluttershy's side. That pony wants to rape you, and she doesn't even seem to care.
  288. >"Umm Anon?"
  289. >Dash finally speaks up.
  290. >Turn to her with anger showing on your face as clear as day.
  291. "What!"
  292. >The words escape through gritted teeth.
  293. >Dash winces.
  294. >"I-I'm taking Fluttershy's side too."
  295. >Her ears fold back and she looks down at the ground.
  296. >You don't even bother asking why she did it, assuming it's the same reasoning as Twilight's. What do you do?
  297. >Two of your best friends on this God-forsaken planet, have just turn there backs on you.
  298. >The fist that was at your side uncurls.
  299. >Head for the door.
  300. >"Anon wait! Let's be reasonable." Twilight shouts after you.
  301. >Stop walking but continue facing away from them.
  302. "I don't want you talking to me anymore."
  303. >Both ponies begin to tear up.
  304. >"Anon I'm-."
  305. >Turn your head around so you can seem them out of the corner of your right eye.
  306. "From now on... we're no longer friends. I won't be your enemy, but don't try contacting me. From now on, I don't exist to either of you."
  307. >You now turn to face both the ponies you used to consider your family, but they made their choices. Now they have to face the music.
  308. >"A-A-Anon-."
  309. >Dash chokes with her words trying to fight back the bitter water pouring from her eyes.
  310. >"We just wanted-."
  311. "Well what you want I can't give."
  312. "You guys always wanted my to be with Fluttershy, this I know. But to have you turn your backs to me when you know what the price is."
  313. >"Anon I just wanted you to be happy." Twilight says through sobs.
  314. "Do you have any Idea what it's like to be the only of your kind. To feel this black void of loneliness slowly dragging you down. And you think I'm being selfish because I won't have sex with your friend?"
  315. >You just look down upon them with a cold emotionless stare.
  316. "Don't worry about writing the rules Mrs.Sparkle. I'll find another."
  317. >Slowly walk out and gently close the door behind you, leaving the two ponies to comfort each other at the thought of losing a friend.
  319. >It's around 4pm.
  320. >After calming all of you down you head into town.
  321. >You make you and the group of you stop just before going into sugar cube corner.
  322. "Football Tryouts, mares or stallions ages 16-25 wanted. Tryouts begin at 5:30 at the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. Don't be late!"
  323. >Finish reading the billboard that has a picture of Anon smiling.
  324. >So handsome.
  325. "Wait here girls, Anon said to meet him here!"
  326. >"Oooooo." The clones say like you were just called down to the principals office.
  327. >Maybe Anon changed his mind and realized how foolish he was being.
  328. >Step into the shop.
  329. >The smell of chocolate and peppermint sting your nostrils, that's Anon's favorite drink mix.
  330. >Make your way through the crowd of ponies and spot Anon sitting in a corner booth with a peppermint hot chocolate.
  331. >He sees you and waves you over.
  332. >Keep your cool girl, you've sat next to him before.
  333. >You inhale deeply to calm your nerves.
  334. "Here we go."
  335. >Approach the sexy beast cautiously sipping at mint-chocolate liquid goodness.
  336. >"Hey Fluttershy. Please sit."
  337. >He pats the cushion next to him.
  338. >Without a second thought you sit by the side of your love.
  339. "D-did you change your mind on the wager and decide you were wrong?"
  340. >He stares at you blankly. Then bursts out laughing.
  341. >"Oh man Fluttershy. I didn't know you had such a sense of humor. But no the wager is still very much on."
  342. >The smile that was carved into your face crumbled to a frown.
  343. "O-oh. Then why am I here?"
  344. >Anon relaxes in his seat and put an arm over the part of the booth you're sitting in.
  345. >"Well I only assumed you have no idea what football is, or what one even looks like."
  346. >You take some offense to this for some reason.
  347. "Are you saying I'm not smart enough to know what it is?"
  348. >He gives you a confused look.
  349. >"No, the sport doesn't exist in your world. So I thought I'd write down the rules for you and answer any questions you have."
  350. >"O-oh."
  351. >He hands you a sheet with rules covering the front and back.
  352. "O-oh my that's quite a few rules."
  353. >"Oh sorry I forgot the first three pages and the title cover."
  354. >He hands the rest of the rules and the title cover which says 'I Football; And So Can You (Rules For A Yellow Rapist)™'.
  355. >Begin to read through the rules.
  356. >They're all pretty basic things.
  357. >"So do you have a team together?"
  358. >He asks interrupting your reading.
  359. "W-why y-yes. They're just outside."
  360. >He looks.
  362. >Oh sweet merciful lord that's a lot of dick thirsty rapists.
  363. >Back to being Anon.
  364. >And there's quite the surprise just outside the restaurant for you.
  365. "H-hey Flutters?"
  366. >"Hm?"
  367. "H-how are there so many of y-you?"
  368. >She immediately looks around nervously.
  369. >"W-what e-ever do you mean?"
  370. "What the hell do you think I mean? Look outside there's-."
  371. >Peer outside once again to see that all the yellow melestos are gone.
  372. "I could have sworn I saw-."
  373. >Fluttershy is no longer by your side and she took the rules with her.
  374. >It's not like you need them, but you were going to publish that into book.
  375. >Glance at your watch.
  376. "It's almost time for try outs, better get setup."
  377. >Leave Sugar Cube Corner and head to Sweet Apple Acres.
  378. >When you arrive there's already a decent line of maybe seventeen ponies.
  379. >Sit down at the table the eager ponies wait in front of.
  380. "Name please."
  381. >You ask looking down at a sheet.
  382. >"Big Mac."
  383. >Slowly look up to the giant stallion looking down on you. Not many ponies can look down on you even when you sit.
  384. >Smirk.
  385. "Good to see you have some free time for work. Just stand right over there."
  386. >Point to a clearing.
  387. "Next please."
  389. >No need to look up.
  390. >Point to where Big Mac stands.
  391. "Right over there Snow Flake."
  393. >Christ, that enthusiasm may come in handy.
  394. "Next."
  395. >"Pinkie Pie sir."
  396. "Alright Pinki-."
  397. >Look up to see the excited pink mare wearing an old war helmet and saluting to you.
  398. "Pinkie what're you doing?"
  400. "Pinkie you weren't in the military."
  401. >She giggles and throws off helmet and shakes off her war paint.
  402. >"You got me Nonny"
  403. "Alright Pinks, as much as I'd love you to stay, I'm afraid you're going to have to go."
  404. >"But Nonny I wanna play!"
  405. "Really?"
  406. >"Sure! It sounds like superduperawesomefun!"
  407. >The fact she wants to try to play a contact sport surprises you.
  408. "Well, we can give it a try."
  409. >She bounces excitedly.
  410. "Now go stand over there."
  411. >She follows your finger and bounces toward the two other ponies.
  412. >After Pinkie, you sign up maybe twenty more ponies.
  413. "Well I guess that'll just have to do."
  414. >Walk over to the gathering of ponies.
  415. >They all stop talking and look to you.
  416. "First off I'd like to say thank you for taking the time and coming to test your skills against a sport you've never heard of."
  417. >They all nod in pleasure of your slight praise.
  418. "Secondly, I'd like to tell you this will not be easy. You're going to work hard, sweat, and bleed. If you have a problem with any of that, then you can leave now."
  419. >There's silence as everypony waits to see if there's going to be a quitter.
  420. "Good. The third thing I'll tell you later."
  421. "Now we are going to start with the basics like..."
  422. >Bring out a blackboard.
  423. "What exactly does a football look like?"
  424. >Begin lecturing the crowd of ponies on the basics.
  426. >Be Fluttershy.
  427. >Just finish passing out copies of the rules Anon gave you to the clones.
  428. "So as you can see the game of football isn't that hard. Any questions?"
  429. >One you raises a shaky hoof.
  430. >Point to her.
  431. "Yes me?"
  432. >"W-when it says not fondling of any kind (Fluttershy), does that rule apply to all of us?"
  433. "O-oh um, I would think so."
  434. >"I-I h-have one."
  435. "Y-yes?"
  436. >"W-why aren't w-we allowed to fly?"
  437. "Good q-question me. I-I'm not so sure, but if Anon wrote this it must be fair."
  438. >All of you nod in agreement.
  439. "I-If that's all the questions you have, then I-I'd like to get started with tryouts."
  440. "Alright n-now I-I wanna see how tough you are."
  441. >All Fluttershys look around nervously.
  442. "So your first challenge is to see... How long you can pet Mr. Bear."
  443. >They all let out a sigh of relief.
  444. >Pull out a timer.
  445. "O-on your marks. Get set. Go!"
  446. >All the clones rush to the bear.
  447. >9 hours later.
  448. >Finally the last Fluttershy has given up on petting.
  449. >Shake your head in disappointment.
  450. "We're going to need a lot more practice. You should at least be able to pet him for another two days."
  451. >You're about to blow your rape whistle (irony) when Dash stops you."
  452. >"You call this a practice?"
  453. "O-oh um... yes."
  454. >"You're never going to beat that asshole like this."
  455. >She whistles over for Twilight.
  456. >"Hey Twi see if you can magic up some equipment."
  457. >Twilight whom you didn't see before walks up next to you and Dash.
  458. >She smirks.
  459. >"Gladly."
  460. >Her horn shines and suddenly appears a five-man-sled, two field goal posts, an entire weight room, and more miscellaneous things to help you improve.
  461. >Dash throws her arm around you.
  462. >"With this we can't lose.
  464. >The Next day.
  466. "Alright. Now that you know the basics, it's time to get you into positions."
  467. >All the tired eye ponies try staying up straight and slap themselves from falling asleep. Except for Pinkie who was whistling a tune. And Big Mac who's used to being up this early.
  468. >It is about 6:30am. It's only natural for them to be tired. Can't have that.
  469. >Blow your whistle as loud as possible.
  471. >The ponies scramble from their trances. Except Big Mac and Pinkie who have already began their sprints.
  472. >After the sprinting, you allow them a water break.
  473. "Alright. I'm going to see how hard you can hit."
  474. "Line up at that bag."
  475. >Point to a one-man hitting sled.
  476. "C'mon move it move it."
  477. >It's been a while since that first day of practice. They all work hard.
  478. >Hell you were even able to find a Quarterback, it's Snails. I know right?
  479. >The kid can bomb it down the field and his accuracy can match that of a pros.
  480. >Throughout the entire days of practice you've been seeing if they'll break. Every week you've been testing the group of ponies on their strengths and weaknesses.
  481. >Who could help the team? or, who will just hurt us?
  482. >Lucky for you, you didn't have to cut anyone.
  483. >Blow your whistle signalling the days end.
  484. "Alright good practice. I have to admit, you've all come a long way, and I'm proud of each and everyone of you. Now tomorrow is the big game. I'm not going to talk much about it now. But get some rest, drink plenty of water, and get ready to kick some ass tomorrow."
  485. "Oh, one more thing. I have a surprise for all of you tomorrow. Now get a break."
  488. >Mean while.
  491. >That's all you've been hearing every practice.
  492. >Rainbow Dash has all of you working hard.
  493. >That's not even supposed to be a clone joke. She's making you work too!
  494. >She has you running and lifting for at least two hours, and you only practice football for about one!"
  495. >But you must admit, she's gotten the team in great shape and everyone looks really promising.
  496. >You're still not sure why she wanted to help you.
  497. >You thought she was Anon's "bro".
  499. >Be Rainbow Dash
  500. >You have to win this!
  501. >You didn't want to hurt Anon the way you did, but nothing is too much for love!
  502. >Everything about him drives you crazy; his scent after he works out, his body, his soothing voice, and his competitive spirit makes your heart do a Sonic Rainboom™.
  503. >You figure if you beat him at his own game, he'd love you.
  504. >It's a long shot but it's the best card in your deck.
  505. >All of your other ideas had too many flaws, or were just plain silly.
  506. >But you really pissed him off.
  507. >Maybe you went to far by taking the side of his supposed rapist.
  508. >What really got you worried was when Twilight took Fluttershy's side.
  509. >You thought maybe she had a similar motive.
  510. >So to take away any worry you had, you just asked her why she joined Fluttershy's side.
  511. >She said she was tired of poor Fluttershy being shut down every time she puts her heart out there, and Anon needs to giver her a shot.
  512. >Good enough for you. As long as she doesn't interfere with your plans.
  513. >"U-Uhm, C-Coach?"
  514. >The soft voice pull you out of thought.
  515. "What is it Fluttershy?"
  516. >She backs away from the snap of your tone.
  517. >"W-well, isn't practice usually over by now?"
  518. >You look up to the sky and see how the sky now has pink and orange from the sun as it beings to duck under the horizon.
  519. >Rally up your shy team.
  520. "Well Flutters, this is it. Tomorrow you go out on a field, in front of thousands of ponies to play a sport you just found out about a few weeks ago. You've all come a long way since the first practice and I couldn't be mmore proud to call you my team."
  521. >Gaze into the crowd of eyes that are fixated on you.
  522. "Enough talking. They can talk the talk, but we'll be walkin' the walk when we win tomorrow. Actions speak louder than words my friends. Now get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."
  523. End of Part one
  525. Part Two: The Game
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