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  1. Anonymous Fri 13 Jul 2012 14:52:11 No.3193825 | /mlp/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >You are a homeless man
  4. >You search the city for someplace to sleep
  5. >You know a place is safe if there are fluffy ponies in it
  6. >All you have to do is get rid of them and call it your own
  7. >It's raining, and that means no good for you
  8. >You remember there is a recently abandoned school nearby in the district
  9. >You run there, you are already soaked as a rat, but at least it will help you warm up for tonight
  10. >You break in, and despise founding a few gratifies, it's a safe place
  11. >It even has fluffy shit inside, meaning that is safe
  12. >You don't see the fluffy though, no wait, there it is
  13. >cuddled in a corner, shaking
  14. >it comes near you, you think you know for what, but all it manages to say it's:
  15. >"pwease hooman, no huwt fwuffy"
  16. >"bwibiwbiwbwi--shut up, ye' fucking vermin" picking up momentum, you punt kick it to the opposite side of the room
  17. >It's weak bones break as his body meets with the wall
  18. >it remains motionless, it even seems less fluffy
  19. >you stay there in the dark, you begin to remove your soaked hobo clothes, as you listen to the thing moaning in the dark
  20. >"ouchies"
  22. >it's...alive
  23. >the damn thing is still alive
  24. >Well well, it seems that you've found a resilient fluffy, that would be great if, you know, you cared about them
  25. >"pwease mistaw" it sniffs "fwuffy jus' wan die"
  26. >You look at it baffled, and you start to laugh
  27. >boy, laughing sure hurts with this fucking cold, but you manage to do it anyway
  28. >"You wanna' fucking die? Here, let me help you, you little piece of crap" You grab the fluffy, sinking your hands in it's rib cage, you tear the damn thing open
  29. >it shrieks horribly as you pull out it's guts inside out
  30. >after that you trow it away, fucking disgusting rat
  31. >now there's blood all over you, you should have thought that a little better
  32. >then you feel your hair rising in goosebumps
  33. >you listen to a sobbing in the dark, right in the direction you threw the fluffy over
  34. >It can't be, it must be some other fluffy that saw its friend die
  35. >Nope, it actually is the same fluffy, and there's where this becomes creepy
  36. >it's flesh and bones actually begin to pull themselves together once more, all that show as he cries and looks into your eyes
  37. >"no wowky, fwuffy can' die, pwease hooman, fwuffy wan no mow owwies"
  38. >Unbelievable, the damn thing is just good as new
  39. >you get close to it, as expected, it doesn't even fears you anymore, furthermore, it looks after you
  40. >You see a pet tag tied around it's neck, it reads "Prometheus"
  41. >"Prometheus, huh? is that your name"
  42. >"dat is fwuffy's name, pwease mistaw, giff fwuffy big owwies, fwuffy wan die"
  44. >This fluffy apparently had an owner
  45. >you wonder if such a rare fluffy has a reward on it's name
  46. >You pick the little runt
  47. >"Come on, I'll take you to see your owner"
  48. >You see actual fear on it's eyes for the first time
  49. >"Nuuuu, nuuu daddy pwease! daddy meanie"
  50. >Makes sense, his owner was probably an abuser; an abuser that found out he only needed this one regenerating fluffy; this fluffy isn't lost, it escaped
  51. >What the hell crossed trough your head?, these are fluffies, not actual pets, even a fluffy able to rebuild itself is nothing but a fluffy
  52. >you let it fall on the ground, it sounds like it broke something, but soon it's all back on it's place
  53. >You gather some metal drum and start a fire inside one of those
  54. >you manage to get your stinking clothes drier, the fluffy keeps looking at you
  55. >"what?"
  56. >"fwuffy cowd, can fwuffy haff wawmies too?"
  57. >"Oh, you wan't 'warmies'? Here, have some fucking warmies" you throw the fluffy inside the burning barrel
  58. >It starts to scream horribly, it's charred fluff makes to much smoke, this was a bad move, but hey, there is nothing, regenerative or not that survives fire
  59. >except for that thing, it begs you to take him out all night
  60. >You finally do, burning your hands in the process
  62. >The sun rises, and with it, you seek a new method to dispose of the fluffy
  63. >you pick him up while sleeps soundly next to you
  64. >It made that part it slept in warm
  65. >Anyway, it had to go
  66. >You find the nearest pond and you sink him in face first
  67. >It struggles for some minutes, then it remains motionless
  68. >You jump startled when it rises back again, watches you with it's face soaked and says "no wowkyes, fwuffy can' bweff"
  69. >"What?!" you rip it open again and you find it to be true: the fluffy has no lungs
  70. >What kind of abomination is this?
  71. >"Then why DID YOU PRETENDED TO BE DEAD!?"
  72. >He smiles at you
  73. >"fwuffy wiked idea"
  74. >You chuckle
  75. >Ok, that was actually kind of funny
  76. >You put it on the ground and you leave
  77. >Oh crap, it starts to follow you
  78. >"No, get away"
  79. >fluffy stays put
  80. >That surprises you
  81. >It doesn't begs, it doesn't follows you as soon as you turn around, it just watches you leave
  82. >You are here, homeless, because you wasted all the chances life gave you
  83. >Was life actually trying to tell you something, that you maybe...
  84. >"Ok, you can come"
  85. >The fluffy looks startled
  86. >"Wiwwy?"
  87. >"Yeah, really, come over"
  88. >It waddles next to you
  89. >you both walk away from that street, trying to find something to eat
  91. end?
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