
Rubix Cube

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. >"So, what do I do with it?"
  2. "All you have to do is twist the rows to line up the colors. That's all."
  3. >"That's it? That's what's got you so stumped?"
  4. >Forgetting any sense of tactfulness, she starts to laugh.
  5. >You can only smile smugly at her, knowing that she's in for a world of frustration.
  6. >"I'll have this thing solved in ten seconds flat, just watch me."
  7. >She picks up the Rubik's Cube on the table in front of her in her hooves and gives it a few trial turns.
  8. >You lean back in your chair and give her a smug look.
  9. "Well Dash? Go ahead if its so easy."
  10. >She scowls at you.
  11. >"I'm going, just gimme a sec! Can't rush awesomeness, you know."
  12. >She spins the top row a few rotations, trying to get a handle on how the cube works.
  13. >She easily matches two red squares on the top row, and made another white pair on the bottom face.
  14. >As soon as she get this, she looks up and sticks her tongue out at you.
  15. >"Ha! See, just like I told you, easy peasy. I'll have this done in no time at all."
  16. >If you didn't look smug before, you certainly did now.
  17. "Oh sure, you'll have it in no time at all."
  18. >Your extreme amounts of sarcasm were lost on her, she was too focused on the cube now.
  19. >She tries to pair up another set of squares, but as soon as she does, the original red pair separates.
  20. >Her demeanor goes from confidant to confused in no time at all.
  21. >"Wait, how did that happen?"
  22. >She holds the cube out in front of her and stares perplexedly at it.
  23. >Instead of offering help, you sit back and watch her vain attempts.
  24. >As much as you'd like to help her solve it, you know she'd never accept.
  25. >She's way to prideful for that, but she would call it "independent".
  26. >She gives the cube a few more rotations, pairing the red duo back together, but ruining her newest pair.
  27. >As much fun as you are having watching her, you suddenly remember the cup of coffee you left in the kitchen when you found this cube.
  28. >You stand up and walk over to the kitchen to retrieve your drink you forgot in there.
  29. >When you come back in however, the situation has obviously escalated from when you were in there last.
  30. >She's now full on gnawing on the cube now, while violently twisting the bottom row with her hooves.
  31. >When you sit back down in your chair, she hardly even notices you, due to just how focused she was on solving that puzzle.
  32. >You pretty sure she doesn't really care about puzzles and that sort of thing, but you do know how much she hates to be beaten, especially by "some dumb toy for foals".
  33. >As intensely as she's now staring at the cube in her hooves, you probably staring even more at her.
  34. >As amazing as she looked when she was doing something in her element, she was even more amazing when she was challenged.
  35. >That devil's personal puzzle cube she has in her hooves brought out that oh-so-familiar fiery in her eyes, and you loved to see it.
  36. >She's now got her tongue stuck out in determination, and has that "fight to the death" expression on her face.
  37. >Her movements are getting more and more aggressive, rapidly twisting the cube every which way she can think of.
  38. "You still think you can solve it?"
  39. >Not even looking up at you, she answers in an instant, so sure of herself.
  40. >"You know it, I can do anything!"
  41. >You look down at the completely unsolved Rubik's Cube, then back up at her.
  42. >Looking slightly embarrassed, she rubs the back of her head with her hoof.
  43. >"Well, I'm sure I can figure this dumb thing out, if you gimme enough time, that is."
  44. >She tries in vain for a few more minutes, before yelling some obscenities at the cube and slamming it back down on the table.
  45. "Oh come on Rainbow, you giving up that easy?"
  46. >After giving you the nastiest look she could muster, she floats up out of her chair and speeds into another room, the kitchen.
  47. >After a few minutes of rattling, she reenters the room, this time brandishing a rather large butter knife.
  48. >You sit back up in your chair, now much more interested.
  49. >You motion to the sharp object in her hoof.
  50. "What's that for?"
  51. >She flaps over to the to you and grabs the puzzle cube back up from the table.
  52. >She glares and squints at the cube, almost as if she's sizing up her soon-to-be prey.
  53. >"I told you I'd solve this thing, so its getting solved!"
  54. >In a flash, she stabs the knife in between two of the smaller squares.
  55. >After a quick jiggling motion, they both pop out with ease.
  56. "Hey, wait a minute, what the hell are you doing?!"
  57. >"I told you I'd solve it, so its getting solved!"
  58. >In just a few quick moments, she's got all of the pieces popped out of the cube and laid out on the table.
  59. >She then proceeds to pop them all back into place, in the correct order.
  60. >As soon as she's done, she slams the cube back down in front of you.
  61. >This time its her turn to give you the smug look.
  62. >"Ha! I told you I'd solve it. Beat that!"
  63. NIF
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