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Mar 9th, 2013
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  1. [11:25pm] • Mesmeratio looks up a revival spell.
  2. [11:25pm] Mesmeratio: Right.
  3. [11:28pm] • Mesmeratio walks up to his cabinet of curiousities, pulls out some crystals, an odd-looking clock, a knife, some oily substance and a banana.
  4. [11:28pm] • Mesmeratio makes a square out of crystals, picks up Glun and lays him down inside the square.
  5. [11:28pm] • Glun remains a motionless culinary delight
  6. [11:29pm] • Mesmeratio pours the weird looking purple oily substance over Glun.
  7. [11:29pm] • Glun glistens tastily
  8. [11:29pm] Surak left the chat room. (Connection closed)
  9. [11:30pm] • Mesmeratio sets the clock twenty minutes back.
  10. [11:30pm] • Glun glistens magically
  11. [11:31pm] • DragonDaemon turns his head to the shiny
  12. [11:31pm] • Mesmeratio pulls the knife and mumbles "Foie gras".
  13. [11:31pm] • DragonDaemon 's eyes widen
  14. [11:31pm] • Glun just lies there
  15. [11:31pm] • Mesmeratio stabs his hand with the knife, splattering blood over the crystals.
  16. [11:32pm] Mesmeratio: The clock suddenly starts wirring, Glun is enveloped in a time-warp, quickly reverting his bodily state back 20 minutes.
  17. [11:32pm] • Glun hops across the branch a little nearer to the platter
  18. [11:32pm] • Glun leers at Mesmer the only way birds can
  19. [11:32pm] • Mesmeratio offers Glun a banana.
  20. [11:32pm] Glun: Kaw?
  21. [11:33pm] • Glun eyes the banana warily
  22. [11:33pm] • DragonDaemon is sad the sparkles stopped
  23. [11:34pm] • Mesmeratio puts down the banana next to the platter, and puts his stuff back into the cabinet.
  24. [11:34pm] • Glun violently attacks the banana with avian gusto
  25. [11:34pm] • Glun is soon feasting on the banana's tasty insides
  26. [11:34pm] • DragonDaemon 's eye ridges lower
  27. [11:35pm] Mesmeratio: It was a magical banana only grown by the deep dwarves of Zirilisid, also known as fireclash.
  28. [11:35pm] • Glun looks up from the banana curiously
  29. [11:35pm] Glun: Kaw?
  30. [11:36pm] Surak joined the chat room.
  31. [11:36pm] Surak was promoted to operator by Windlord.
  32. [11:36pm] • Glun begins hearing "Hall of the Mountain King" echoing through his bird brain for some reason
  33. [11:36pm] Mesmeratio: The dwarves' settlement lay between a volcanic conduit and a river.
  34. [11:36pm] Mesmeratio: Therefore very much suited for casting obsidian.
  35. [11:36pm] • moomoohk wonders wtf is going on in this channel now
  36. [11:36pm] Mesmeratio: They grew this banana to become fire-resistant!
  37. [11:36pm] • moomoohk suspects glun is trying to stat pad again
  38. [11:37pm] • Glun uses his wings for balance as he continues gnawing at the banana.. though more cautiously this time
  39. [11:37pm] • Glun feels mildly insulted by moo's suspicion, but doesn't care much because he is a bird.
  40. [11:37pm] moomoohk: ....
  41. [11:38pm] moomoohk: fuck this
  42. [11:38pm] • moomoohk leaves
  43. [11:38pm] • Glun is now bored with the banana and flutters over to the platter, giving two of the cups experimental taps on their sides
  44. [11:38pm] • Glun looks at Mesmer
  45. [11:38pm] • Mesmeratio 's eyebrow rises at Mooh's sudden departure.
  46. [11:39pm] • Mesmeratio picks up a cup and slurps loudly.
  47. [11:39pm] • Glun flutters to the other side of the platter and taps the other two cups
  48. [11:39pm] • Glun looks at Mesmer again
  49. [11:39pm] Mesmeratio: Drink the tea, it's getting cold otherwise.
  50. [11:40pm] • Glun gives each of the three cups on the platter a distinct double-tap with his beak
  51. [11:40pm] • Glun leers at Mesmer with a questioning eye
  52. [11:40pm] • DragonDaemon , being curious, flies over to the platter
  53. [11:42pm] • DragonDaemon sniffs the cups
  54. [11:42pm] • DragonDaemon eats one of the cups whole
  55. [11:42pm] • Glun gives up waiting to be assigned a cup and claims one, dragging it across the platter, a little way away from the last
  56. [11:42pm] • Glun appreciatively drinks from it in his birdlike way
  57. [11:42pm] Glun: Kaw!
  58. [11:43pm] • DragonDaemon stumbles
  59. [11:43pm] • DragonDaemon goes cross-eyed
  61. [11:43pm] • DragonDaemon makes rasping noises
  62. [11:43pm] • DragonDaemon falls off the platter
  63. [11:43pm] Glun: And this marvellous mystic little image of the wizard drinking tea with his bird and dragon companions is an excellent point to end the story, don't you think?
  64. [11:44pm] Glun: Also there's Retty asleep over there who forgot his tea, but yeah.
  65. [11:44pm] Glun: THEND.
  66. [11:44pm] Glun: And goodnight everyone!
  67. [11:44pm] • DragonDaemon lies on the floor twitching
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