
How Far Chapter 11: Our Final Goodbye

Sep 21st, 2016
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  1. *Boop*
  3. *Boop*
  5. *Boop*
  7. I feel myself slowly regaining consciousness to a familiar sound. Before I even open my eyes, I know exactly where I must be.
  9. Part of me doesn’t want to open them. It wants me to lie still, to close my mind and body off to the world, and simply rest.
  11. There’s another part, though, a strong and angry section triggered by the familiar atmosphere, and it will not allow me to simply lay still as life passes by once again.
  13. I force my eyes open and stare upwards. The light from the outside permeates the room, and luckily the lights from above are off. The sunlight fills the room, but I’m still glad for the sparing of the loud din of the fluorescent lamps.
  15. I’m in another hospital. I had an attack.
  17. My mind flicks to the landing of the plane, and I begin to watch the memory of the flight in my mind, but banish the thought quickly.
  19. There’s no sense in reliving the stress, something I know from the winter.
  21. I try to raise my hand to my chest, but it catches on something. A metal tinkling restrains my right arm. I try to turn my neck, but the stiffness of it makes me grunt in pain. My head rests, leaning towards my left. In the wall, I see a door and a window. The windows curtains are pulled closed, and the door has blinders placed horizontally. Light ebbs in from what must be the hallway, silhouetting the dark form of a man that is standing at the door. His presence is foreboding, but he doesn’t move.
  23. I strain my neck again, and turn to the right. All I can see through the blinds is flashes of the sky.
  25. Rest, I need to rest.
  27. The bestial part of me wants nothing of that though, and I feel my other arm raise unobstructed. It takes some effort, but I raise it ahead of me, palm outwards, as if to grab the sky.
  29. I let it slowly glide down to my chest.
  31. A plastic tube gets in the way.
  33. I trace out the workings of it, the tubing going off to my left.
  35. Slowly, I force myself to look down.
  37. My chin digs into my neck as I do, and the action causes a shot of pain to spread through me, but it is quickly forgotten as I stare down at my chest. All sorts of intricate tubing runs into a gigantic fissure that is pulsing in sync with my breathing. My chest, which had previously looked like it was cut with a knife, now appeared to have been sliced with a sword. A clean line of stitches runs from right near my collarbone to the end of my rib cage. The area is sewn shut with what must be over 40 stitches, but I can still see the bits of pink flesh peeking out around the needled skin.
  39. Nausea washes over me, and I reflexively gag. Pain, burning pain, coats my body, and I gasp for air, staring up into the bleached white ceiling. I hear the monitor begin pulsing quicker and quicker, and I know that I must control myself and my breathing, but one glance at my chest, at the fluid now spreading from the area, and I feel my eyes begin to roll back into my head as the door slams open with the sound of shouting.
  40. ******************************************************************************************************************************************
  42. *Boop*
  44. *Boop*
  46. Slowly, groggily, I open my eyes. Tiredness has swept over me like a crashing wave, and I’d been awake less than a few moments. Already I can feel the sweet song of sleep, but I fight against it knowing that I need to at least look around.
  48. The room hasn’t changed, however the sun now seems to be setting. The yellow afternoon light flips through the shades into the dimmed room. Groggily staring out the window, I find myself reflecting on just how much has happened since that winter day. Hesitantly, worriedly, I force myself to look down towards my chest again.
  50. Not much has changed their either, it seems, but this time I’m able to maintain my breathing.
  52. The pinkness of the flesh seems to have ebbed away, leaving an ugly red scar crisscrossed with blue stitches. The scar runs for what seems like a full foot down the center of my chest, bisecting my chest into two splits. It is no longer pulsing, which I am extremely grateful for.
  54. I feel my eyes wander around the room as I force myself to accept my newly enlarged scar. At the foot of the bed, resting against the opposite wall, is a single empty chair. The room is, otherwise, unfurnished, except for a small end table to my left that is empty. As my eyes scan the room, I can see what had been the restraint on my wrist. A pair of handcuffs are clasped around my wrist and a bit of the bedpost. I pull at it again, in disbelief that it’s even there, and the memory of the shadow of the man standing in the hallway comes back to me.
  56. I sigh, placing my head back against the pillow. How long have I been here? I must have missed Kenji and his father’s flight, they’re likely to be long gone by now.
  58. It takes a moment for the realization that I’m in cuffs to tie into that. Maybe Kenji and his father got arrested. Somebody must have realized that I had come here illegally. I raise my other arm to my face, groaning into it. If my heart has gotten them into trouble as well…
  60. *Click*
  62. The noise of the door knob being turned is like a thunderclap in the otherwise ambient space, and it gets an immediate reaction out of me. My head leans to the left, looking towards the door. Noise floods into the hallway as the door begins to open, and suddenly halts. I can see two distinct shapes, two shadows, through the blinds of the door. One is the silhouette of a large man with a shaved head. He towers almost half a foot over the other shadow, which seems to be a woman given her long and flowing hair.
  64. Oh god…
  66. Through the cracked door, I can hear voices. The familiar female voice confirms my suspicion, and it takes me a moment to realize that she’s speaking in English.
  68. (You *#$$ &%#!%@ me. I !% @%&@^#%# &##& ^%%%) The woman sounds rough, almost demanding of the larger figure.
  70. ($!!%), replies a gruff voice, (you no I !!%& $@& you @% &#!&)
  72. My mind is trying to decipher what they’re saying, but I cannot focus as I simply stare in disbelief. I try calling out, saying something, but my throat rasps and I cough. Pain shoots through my chest, and I have to force myself to stay still rather than squirm.
  74. (&#!% you are *@$!%%@ &% &!$@ #& up *#&# %* my father,) says the woman in an almost threatening manner. The door is pushed open further, and in the doorway, silhouetted by the brightness of the hall, stands the only person in the world that I wanted to see.
  76. She is wearing a plan white blouse over black pants. She wears a black shrug over her shoulders, which are covered by her long blonde hair. Her hair is tied up in with her black ribbon. Her fair skin looks pewter white in the dimming light, and in her off-hand she holds a small wooden box. The music box. Judging by her face, she appears obviously annoyed.
  78. “Lilly.”
  80. My voice croaks out quietly, but she tenses. I had forgotten just how beautiful she was. She stands stock still in the threshold, her eyes open in surprise, her annoyance seemingly forgotten. No amount of imagining or remembering could measure up to just how amazing she looks right at this moment.
  82. “H-hisao?” she asks.
  84. (Oh, shit. %!!% please-)
  86. “Lilly.” I say, paying no heed to the man standing behind her. I can feel tears forming in my eyes.
  88. Lilly stands stock still for a moment before throwing her cane to the floor, and rushing to my bedside. “Hisao? Hisao where are you?” she asks frantically, grabbing at the bedside.
  90. “Up- ugh.” My throat still feels dry. “Higher.” I manage to breathe out.
  92. Slowly, delicately, Lilly reaches and grasps upwards. Tears are dripping down her face. “T-they said you had an attack, that you nearly died. Oh, Hisao…” she says through tears.
  94. I raise my arm and grip hers, guiding her towards my head.
  96. “I-I can’t… I can’t…” she breaks off as I pull her close to me. She buries her face into my shoulder, openly crying. I can tell she’s taking great care to avoid the tubes that are stuck into my chest. “You can’t die Hisao. You can’t, I need you. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” She repeats into my neck. Her hair is bunched up beneath me. I try to speak, but all that comes is a dry rasp. Lilly quickly backs away. “Oh no, did I-”
  98. “No, no.” I say. I force myself to cough lightly. “Water.”
  100. Lilly shouts in English (*!&@^ *@ %@@@ *!&@^) I can only assume she’s calling for water.
  102. Hastily, a woman enters the room. Lilly shouts at her, and she’s sent scurrying.
  104. “Don’t worry, Hisao. They’ll have you something i-in a…”
  106. She trails off, tears still leaking from her eyes. I take her hand and she cups both of hers around mine, falling to her knees next to the bed. In a moment’s notice, the nurse has returned with a Styrofoam cup. She says something to Lilly, who reluctantly releases my hand and steps back. The nurse approaches the bed and taps a button on the side, gently raising my back until I am in a sitting position. She raises the cup to my lips, speaking simple words, although they all fall off of me. The liquid streams down my throat, quenching it as if it were aflame.
  108. Lilly, who seems to have calmed down, stands near the bed, waiting. She’s still breathing raggedly, but no more tears are falling from her eyes. She reaches out and feels the end table, placing the wooden music box on it. She opens it, and the familiar tune fills the room.
  110. “Thank you.” I say to the nurse, and then, remembering, repeat (thank you) in English. My throat feels marginally better. The nurse nods and turns to Lilly, whispering something. Lilly nods, replying (Please #%@%^% my father &#!& he #!& !*%$@%)
  112. The nurse nods and steps from the room. As she does, my mind wonders where the guard seems to have gone.
  114. “She’s going to call Father to tell him you’ve awoken.” Lilly says, her voice low. “Hisao…” she trails off.
  116. “Come here.” I say. Lilly steps forward. I gently reach out, taking her arm with my hand and guiding her in. She hugs me fully, burying her face into my shoulder once more.
  118. “They said you might never wake up.” She says sadly. “They told me that you flew here by plane and had a heart attack. That you snuck into the country. Hisao, why did you come?”
  120. Her question hits me hard. The look on her face is almost heartbreaking, and I’m sure that if I had not been managing my heart rate, it might have simply stopped and refused to beat anymore. She stands there, clouded blue eyes staring right through me. It’s almost devastating, not at all the reaction my mind had expected, and as happy I am to see her, seeing her weep over me has been almost too much to bare. Having her, having anyone, cry over me is something I’ve been trying to avoid ever since I developed Arrhythmia.
  122. “I’m… I’m sorry Lilly.” She perks her head, obviously not expecting the answer, as her fingers interlace in front of her. “After months of trying, pushing myself to keep together, telling myself that I couldn’t let anybody worry about me… I’m in another hospital.” I snort at myself self-depreciatively. “I guess I really am an idiot.”
  124. A crack echoes through the room, and it takes a moment for the pain in my face to register. I stare open-mouthed at Lilly, her right hand raised off to the side, and fresh tears falling down her face.
  126. “Don’t you ever.” She says through sobs. “Ever. Say that again. You are not an idiot Hisao. You have never been, and you will never be, and I will not allow you to speak of yourself that way.” Her cheeks are flushed and she’s huffing hard, before she crumples to her knees once again and buries herself against me. The increase of the heart rate monitor spikes my mind back into action, and I level my breathing.
  128. “Okay. I’m sorry.” I breathe out between even breaths. She rights herself, still on her knees, and looks forward.
  130. “I… We said goodbye. I left Yamaku, and you came all the way here, you suffered a heart attack in another nation… why Hisao? Was it for me? Did you think-” She breaks off, her emotions seem to be reaching another boiling point.
  132. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
  134. “S-sorry?” Puzzlement is written across her face and her unseeing eyes seem to be taking me in.
  136. “For the times when I wasn’t there when you needed me.” I say. My body aches, my throat hurts, and my cheek stings, but I know now more than ever that I need to say my piece. “Until now, I thought you just being there would be enough. I only needed you by my side to make any day feel better. Even if my body may be like this, I want to help you, Lilly; to be there when you need someone.”
  138. Lilly smiles, a tight smile that speaks of kindness. She rights herself, standing over me. Her delicate hand extends, her fingers brushing against my skin. “But you always were there, Hisao…”
  140. “Why did you want to go to Scotland, Lilly?” I need to know, I’ve had this conversation so many times in my head, but I’m going off script now because every time I just can’t answer this question…
  142. “W-why…? I told you, Hisao… I had to come because Akira needed to, and my family has summoned me.”
  144. “Had to? Why did you never say that you wanted to?”
  146. Lilly’s hands bunch up in front of her, her fingers fidgeting. “I- I…”
  148. “Lilly, please come home with me. Come home to Japan. I know that I’m not stubborn too often, but this time I really need to be. I want you to be where everyone you know is, where all of your dreams and ambitions were made. I want to be with you, Lilly, and if you choose to stay with me, I will never leave your side. I can’t, won’t, let you lose another person. You showed me… After everything that happened, I lost my entire life. Lilly you showed me there is a future worth living. I know I…” I hesitate, fearing another slap. Lilly is standing stock still, her hands still clasped, and I can see fresh tears brewing in her eyes. I push myself to finish. “Sometimes, I am unreliable. I had thought I understood everything about you when I hadn’t even understood myself. But regardless of all of that, I want to give you a future as well. I want to be with you always, to share in your burdens as well as your happiness… just like I promised you back in Hokkaido.” Lilly says nothing, waiting for me to finish, and I push through. “I want you to trust me… I know I’ve had problems putting my trust in you… I lost so many people because of my heart, I just couldn’t bare the idea that it’d push you away too, but that’s how I know that being unable to trust others can feel awful. So, I can’t. I can’t sit by and watch you throw away your life like this. I never want you to go through what I did, losing everyone you know and care about. I would do anything to stop that.”
  150. Lilly stand still, still looking ahead. She then sighs, letting out what seems to be all the tension of her body. “You can be quite steadfast when you want to be, can’t you?”
  152. I chuckle slightly, which sends a flair of pain through my chest, but other than the grimace I manage to stay soundless. “It’s not often, but yea heh.”
  154. Even soundless though, the woman appears to know somethings happened as her face tenses, and I simply let out a sigh of defeat.
  156. “I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone worrying over me since I left the hospital, and here I am with the one person that I love most crying over me in another one. Even if I can finally tell you my feelings, this body feels almost useless… Every time I reached towards something, it was just snatched from my grasp. Even now, as you said, I should probably be dead… It’s all due to luck that I even met you. Even now, all I can do is worry you… Chances are I will never live a long and full life.”
  158. “Not luck.” She says, extending her hand and cupping my cheek. “Fate.” Her other hand cups a small metal cross, her necklace, that I hadn’t even noticed. “You always were so sincere… so self-conscious. You and I were brought together, I see that now.” She smiles tightly. “You’re a reserved, mild-mannered, and patient man, Hisao. Yet you’re curious about everything and everyone, and evidently you’re tenacious to a fault.” She giggles at herself, cupping her face with her other hand as she still hold onto mine. “When I told you that I had missed you when I was with my family, I was not lying or exaggerating. You were constantly on my mind, and just the thought of you helped me through that time. That’s why I was so confused when my family summoned me… Even after I thought I had made my decision, you tried your hardest to challenge me about it… you still are, in fact.” She said, smiling. “I love you Hisao. I confessed to you because I never ever want to lose you, and I want… I need you with me, always. No matter what might change. Do you agree to that?”
  160. “O-of course, Lilly.” Now it’s my turn to be caught off guard by a question. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what happens.”
  162. Lilly smiles, her eyes tearing up. “I’m so glad to hear that. You are a beautiful person, Hisao. Your heart changes none of that, so please, do not apologize for yourself anymore. I love you just the way that you are.”
  164. Lilly leans down, and I force myself to the side, ignoring the damming pain, as I return her kiss. This is all I’ve ever wanted, to be with Lilly. Nothing could change that.
  166. “I know that I can’t promise that I’ll be around forever…” I start.
  168. “Then you and I will have to do something about that.” She says. She giggles in a very girlish manner, and I smile at the earnestness in it.
  170. Before I can ask what she means, a sound pierces the comfortable atmosphere like a sword through skin. The creak of the door is an unwanted interruption, and Lilly and I both turn towards in. Just beyond the threshold is a small Asian man, standing still. He has black hair and a rounded face, wearing a pair of wire frame glasses as well as a blue suit. On it, he wears a golden badge that gleams in the afternoon light.
  172. “Good evening, Ms. Satou. Mr. Nakai.” He says, bowing to us in turn. “Chief Inspector Grant has sent me ahead to make it known that he will be visiting soon. I am Charles Teng, a Japanese interpreter.” He wears a large grin that seems entirely forced.
  174. Soundlessly, Lilly crosses the room. As she does, her foot strikes her cane that had been discarded. She bends down and retrieves it. Charles makes no move to help her. Cane now in hand, Lilly approaches the door, and finds the edge of it. “Mr. Grant is more than welcome to visit once my father arrives. Until then, please make sure that we are not disturbed.” She begins to swing the door shut. “Thank you.”
  176. Mr. Teng bows, still smiling, as the door is closed directly in his face. Lilly crosses the room once more, a tired and weary look on her face.
  178. “I’m in a lot of trouble… aren’t I?”
  180. The question makes Lilly hesitate, but only for a moment.
  182. “No matter what happens, I will stay with you. Always. I will never let myself be apart from you again, and you will do the same for me. Agreed?” she asks. I reach out with my hand and grip her arm. I pull her closer until she’s leaning over the bed. “Agreed. Now come, lay down. I’m not the only one that’s had a few long days.”
  184. “A-are you sure?” she asks, obviously hesitant.
  186. “Yea, the bed is big enough, and if I go another moment without my arm wrapped around you then my heart might give out of spite.” I say, breathing out a laugh.
  188. “My my," she says, giggling. "Hmm, okay, but only because you’ve placed me under duress.” She says jokingly. She laughs and I pull myself to the right side of the bed.
  190. Gently, in an ever so Lilly like manner, she raises herself on the edge of the bed, over the small gap, and lies back. I extend my left arm around her and she lays back against my shoulder on her side. In the glow of the afternoon light, she looks just like she had when I had first met her, and I begin to give her fate idea some serious credit.
  192. I don’t know how long we lay there. An hour. Two hours. Maybe even something as little as twenty minutes. To me, it doesn’t matter, because I’m finally with Lilly once more.
  194. Eventually, though, the need to face the music approaches. I know in my heart that something is going to happen, that you cannot just go into another country without consequence, but if it means being together with her than any price is worth the payment.
  195. The crack of the door creaking open once again permeates the room. I feel Lilly shift as she turns to face forward, and I watch as the men enter myself.
  197. First is Charles Teng, who steps quickly to the side.
  199. He is followed by a large Caucasian man, whose stomach bulges out ahead of him. He’s an older man, who obviously lives a comfortable life. His white hair is cropped close to his scalp, and he’s balding on top. He has white stubble, and a mustache and beard. He is wearing a near identical suit to Teng, however he does not wear a badge on his jacket. He, also, steps to the side and towards the bed, looking us over.
  201. Behind him is an Asian man that looks entirely too severe. His black hair, swept back and to his right, does nothing to alleviate the graveness of his mannerism, and his olive skin practically glows in the sun, but he does not radiate beauty such as it makes Lilly. Power. This man positively radiates strength. He’s well-built, barrel-chested beneath his fine black business suit and red tie. His entire suit is black besides the redness of the tie, and he carries a briefcase to match that looks as if it was made of fine leather. He walks like a man in charge, and he assumes the chair across from the foot of the bed. He stares ahead, brow knotted in an unfriendly demeanor. He looks more like he is visiting a man slated for death than one who is recovering.
  203. Finally, after a moment, a man in a doctor’s coat begins to enter the room. (#@*, you $#@& cannot $!* %%-)
  205. Mr. Teng cuts the man off, raising his hand in front of the man. He seems to gently push him out, closing the door in front of him. He turns around, his Cheshire-cat like smile still plastered on his face.
  207. (You are in biiig &^%&!$@ *%&%# man.) Says the heavyset man.
  209. “You are in big trouble, young man.” Mr. Teng translates.
  211. The large man begins speaking, but it is all so fast that I have no hope of understanding him in the slightest. Mr. Teng fires into it without a moment’s hesitation, though.
  213. “My name is Chief Inspector Grant. You are Hisao Nakai. One week ago, you infiltrated this country via the use of a private jet as an unlicensed passenger. The penalty for this can vary, but given that you had a heart mummer, you were quickly escorted to the hospital.”
  215. It was a bit more than a heart murmur, I want to reply, but there is no room for a reply from me as they continue directly unheedingly.
  217. “The hospital staff had the ability to deny you, given that you are an illegal alien in our country, but at the behest of Ms. Satou and her sister, they took you in and treated you. You’ve had multiple surgeries since your arrival, and even now are under heavy drug influence in order to dull pain. Can you understand everything I am saying to you currently?”
  219. The soft song of the music box is entirely out of place right now, I think to myself before I realize that that is indeed a question that I must answer.
  221. “Yes,” I say, nodding my head.
  223. Grant resumes his speech, quickly followed by Teng.
  225. “Good. It is evident, given the use of your motor controls, as well as your ability to be so close in proximity to Ms. Satou, however we needed it to be stated for the record. Normally, Mr. Nakai, you would be deported immediately upon being apprehended, which is an expensive process to us as well as would probably kill you given your condition.” Lilly’s hand tightens on my leg, and I turn to see her face set as if it were made of stone. I can feel her thought that she would never allow it pass over me, but quickly return my attention to the men. “Normally, this is not our concern. You lived once, we would take the chance that you would live twice. Otherwise, you would be placed in a state facility of ours. A prison. And given that you would never STOP trespassing on our land, you would spend the rest of your life in prison, or until someone back home managed to charter a ship to take you from her to Japan.” But that’s impossible! I feel like my heart is in my throat, blocking my speech. I want to shout at the men, to tell them there is no way, but Lilly’s presence with me quiets the rage inside. Cooler heads must prevail.
  227. “However, Mr. Nakai, luckily for you, the state has been given another option.”
  229. I feel as a fish must when looking at bait, the hopefulness must be evident on my voice as I respond. “What is that option?”
  231. “We are going to place you in the custody of a very good friend to our department, and our government, Mr. Satou.” Relief floods through me, and obviously it does Lilly as well as she lets out a breath. “Mr. Satou has agreed to pay all of your hospital bills as well as any medical bills, therefore costing the state nothing. You will be placed into his custody for the time being, and will be living with his family until you decide to either apply for citizenship, or return to your country. You will remember that you are a guest in our nation, and that we are giving to a favorable treatment. Do not make us regret it.” I find myself furiously nodding my head, extraordinarily happy with the option over life in prison or another flight that might spell my doom. Grant walks over to the man that I can only assume is Mr. Satou and hands him a key. Satou takes it, his eyes never leaving me, and I feel a gulp of fear that this option may not be so much better.
  233. “Thank you Mr. Nakai. Have a good evening.” Grant walks out of the room, leaving the door open behind him. Mr. Teng, however, has stayed behind.
  235. “Nakai.” Mr. Satou speaks for the first time. His voice reminds me of someone in a movie, it’s deep and heavy, as if his words carried the weight of the world. Maybe they did. My world, at least.
  237. But no, Lilly has gripped my hand, and I remember that this is not just my world, but our world now.
  239. (@% not four a %%%@%& &##%$ &#!& &##& #& a #@& %&& %@ $!#$ !!^@) He says in English.
  241. “Do not, for a moment, thing that this is a get out of jail card.” Mr. Teng translates.
  243. Lilly speaks up, interjecting into the conversation. (@*!&&@ me Mr Teng, I can &^!%&$!&@ *@$$ @%%&## we @% not ^@^&#^@ your &@^*#!@& thank you) she says in English. She rises herself from the bed, stepping out over the edge. She grips her cane in her hand, staring at Teng. (Leave).
  245. Teng looks at Satou, who nods. Teng claps his hands together, still smiling, and leaves. Lilly approaches to close the door behind him swinging it shut.
  247. (!$&@ &#!& #%@@^%!$ box.) He says in a harsh tone. Lilly walks over to the end table and snaps the music box shut, its tone suddenly dying. Lilly takes up position standing next to me, and looks down towards her father. She grips my shoulder with her hand.
  249. Mr. Satou begins speaking in rapid English, much faster than he had with Teng, and a part of me knew it must be because it was Lilly. She keeps up without any sort of issue though, flawless speaking. “Nakai, you have come here without any sort of summons or any sort of invitation from our family. Not only this, but you nearly died in the process.” Lilly hangs up some on the word died, but keeps up nonetheless. “I have convinced the state, at the wish of my daughters who have both accepted their summons home, to grant you into my custody. This came with the stipulation that I would grant the hospital payment for your surgeries that you have required, such as the addition and removal of a pacemaker, as well as for the doubtless medication that you will require after the events of today. You will be living-”
  251. Lilly cuts off though, addressing her father in English. He balks, apparently unused to being interrupted. Lilly says something again, to which he replies gravely and in an almost threatening manner. Lilly, however, holds her head high, her tone unchanging, and repeats herself. She then adds something on to it, which makes Satou seem to mull it over, before nodding his head.
  253. “You will be living in my manor, sharing a room with my daughter, who you will eventually marry.” Lilly says, this time without Satou speaking at all. I look at Lilly, and she must have felt my head move, as her eyes shine along with her smile as she squeezes my shoulder, and I feel my heart soar. A blush must have crept to my face as the heat seems to have quickly risen in the room. I notice the blush on hers as well, and the happiness spreads through me with the threat of bursting out.
  255. Mr. Satou begins speaking again, but it’s only when Lilly starts do I return my gaze to him.
  257. “You will be living with us, Mr. Nakai, until you have paid your debt off to me. You will have charged me medical bills, living expenses, as well more than a few favors with the department to keep you “vacation” off record. You will be working with Akira in order to pay off your debt, who, along with Lilly, will teach you English. In my house, Nakai, we speak only the language of business, and that is English. I will understand you, but I will not reply to you in any manner if you speak Japanese to me. You will learn, in time.” Another squeeze, another smile. Satou seems to address his daughter with something, and she nods before bowing her head. All I can catch from her reply is (Thank you, Father.)
  259. Satou stands up and approaches the bed. At the same time as I am grateful to him, I am slightly afraid that he’s going to punch me in the face. Instead though, he unlocks the cuffs, pocketing them. He then speaks again, and Lilly translates.
  261. “Once you are released from the hospital, your training with Akira will begin immediately. She is home, already working, and you will be her personal assistant. Do not squander this opportunity that I am giving you, Nakai.”
  263. Mr. Satou makes to exit the room.
  265. (T-thank you. Sir.) I reply, trying my best to remember proper pronouns from a long forgotten class. He hesitates, and then steps from the room without looking.
  267. Lilly throws her arms around me. “You did so well.” She says excitedly to me.
  269. “You did pretty well yourself, you translated much better than Tang did… did you argue with him over something?” I ask.
  271. “He wanted to put you in the guest room, but I told him you’d be staying with me.” She said simply, pulling back and smiling widely. The happiness is written all over her face, and I’m sure more than a little relief is on mine. “I can’t wait for you to see our home. I hear it’s so beautiful.” Lilly says, again pulling herself close to me.
  273. “I’m just happy to be with you. And working with Akira doesn’t sound so bad… I just hope they don’t expect me to learn overnight.” I say, a bit worriedly.
  275. “Oh, well, obviously you and I will work at that as well, as well as… a few things.” She says, mysteriously. I look at her, but her cheeky grin tells me there’s no point in asking.
  277. “I love you, Lilly.” Is all I say. I pull her tightly against my body, holding her ever so close to my fragile form. Her long wavy hair falls all around us.
  279. “I love you too, Hisao.” She whispers back, her lips brushing my throat.
  281. We stay like that for a while, before she eventually pulls back. “Okay… Okay…” she says to herself. She rightens her blouse, tugging on it, and brushes her hair back behind her head. “I need to go home. Just for a little while, I’ll be packing a bag with clothing and such, and I’ll come back and stay with you until you’re released. Does your room have a bathroom and shower?”
  283. I laugh as Lilly’s obvious matriarchal ability shines. “I don’t think so. I just woke up today.”
  285. “Right…” she perks her hands together by her chin, thinking. “I’ll see if we can have you transferred then, if you’re stable.”
  287. “That sounds wonderful, dear. Right now, I’m just tired though.”
  289. “I imagine you are.” She says, smiling. “You’ve had quite the long day.”
  291. “Ugh…” I moan. “I’m going to have to call my parents. They’re probably freaking out.”
  293. Lilly giggles, cupping her mouth. “You must call Hanako as well, and the school. You should probably also let Mr. Setou know, he was quite distraught as he escorted you to the ambulance. Akira nearly chocked him trying to get what happened out of him.” she hums happily.
  295. “I am just so glad to be with you again. I’ll return soon, we can take care of all of that tomorrow.”
  297. “Don’t leave without a kiss.” I say, pouting even though I know it’s fruitless.
  299. She laughs again, a sound that makes me feel like floating on clouds. “I wouldn’t imagine it.”
  301. She leans over and we kiss, intertwining our hands together. I hold tight to hers after she pulls back. “Make me a promise, okay?” I ask of her.
  303. Her face perks in confusion, and she slightly blushes. “Yes?”
  305. “Promise me that this will be our last goodbye. That after right now, you and I will never say goodbye to one another again, because we’ll never be too far from one another.”
  307. Lilly smiles, her eyes beaming, and her lips part showing off her teeth in one of the largest most heartfelt smiles I have ever seen her give. “Yes. I promise.”
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