
Anon and Skybreaker (by Writefag Not Tripfag)

Feb 11th, 2015
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >You’ve tried over the past few months to win over the heart of a very special pony
  3. >but not just any pony
  4. >a plane pony
  5. >she’s agile, graceful, sharp as a nail, confident
  6. >well, at a distance anyway
  7. >things haven’t gone according to plan
  8. >the moment you approach, that confidence all but vanishes as she zooms out of sight
  9. >But why? Was she scared? Of someone less than an eighth her size?
  10. >but that wasn’t the weirdest part, every so often, when you’d look up at the clouds…you swore you’d see her. Peaking just over the cloudline before snapping back behind it.
  11. >your suspicions were eventually confirmed by a certain F-22 Raptor letting you in on a few whispers
  12. >the plane pony of your interests, the MiG, WAS in fact interested in you as well.
  13. >the problem? Your small size was a bit off-putting to her
  14. >someone who could crawl inside her (not that way you perve) and control her every move, was apparently a terrifying concept to her
  16. >So how were you going to get around this fear of hers? Well, that's why you were currently in Canterlot. You figured the two of the closest things to demigods in this world might be able to help you....
  17. >Right?
  18. >So here you are, standing in the royal hall before Luna and Celestia as the whispered between themselves over your "fate"
  19. >Celestia spoke up forst
  20. >"We believe we may have a solution for you "problem"
  21. "I'm all ears"
  22. >"What if this size issue was no longer an issue?"
  23. "Huh?"
  24. >"We have a spell" Luna spoke up "that can bolster your size to that of the pony of your interests"
  25. "Really?"
  26. >"Assuming it doesn't turn you into a toad"
  27. >wat
  28. >"Luna, don't tease him like that"
  29. >oh thank god
  30. >"It won't be a permanent change, Anon. But I feel it will get you two close enough to reinforce what feelings may already be present"
  31. "I'll take whatever help I can- wait a minute...what's the catch?"
  32. >"The 'catch' tell us how it goes after it's done"
  33. "Wait, that's it?"
  34. >"That's it"
  35. >about as good of a deal as you'll get
  36. "Alright, you have a deal"
  37. >"Good, now before we begin you may wish to move outside. Otherwise, things might get a bit cramped..."
  39. >an hour later
  40. >Well, they weren't kidding
  41. >The spell in question did in fact cause you to overshadow most of the buildings in Canterlot
  42. >But fortunately, the sisters had the courtesy to teleport you just outside the Hanger Base
  43. >strangely convenient
  44. >but no matter
  45. >gotta find that plane pony
  46. >shouldn't be too hard, you can see over every other building here
  47. >sure enough, you spot her
  48. >snoozing in one of the fields
  49. >you do your best to tiptoe up behind her without waking her
  50. >once you get within grabbing range, you clear your throat
  51. "Hello, Skybreker"
  53. >"Hm?"
  54. >the plane pony cracked a eye open
  55. >then closed it for a moment
  56. >only for it to abruptly snap back open
  57. >"Wha!? Anon!?"
  58. >She snapped up, wings flared before they twitched down in confusion
  59. "Expecting someone smaller?"
  60. >"But how?"
  61. "I asked a favor from the Princesses"
  62. >as it to test if you were an illusion, she delivered a swift tap to your chest with her forehoof
  63. >yep, it hit solid Anon
  64. >"You really did all this? For me?"
  65. "Yep"
  66. >"Why?"
  67. "I heard you got nervous with me being so small"
  68. >you heard her mumble a name of a certain F-22
  69. "Sooo, I took on a size more comfortable for you"
  70. >she stopped and made a face for a moment before a devilish grin spread across her face
  71. >she slowly began to get closer
  72. >"You've done all this for me, I feel I should return the favor" she purred
  73. >before you could react she pinned you to the ground
  75. "What exactly did you have in mind?"
  76. >she grinned from ear to ear
  77. >rather than answer, she pivoted on your chest
  78. >now instead of talking to her face, you had her ass right in your face
  79. "What are-"
  80. >You felt something tugging on your pants
  81. >Ohhhh
  82. >You felt your "Big Little Anon" get exposed to the cold air
  83. >a textured tongue went up and down your length
  84. >well that was abru-
  85. >the butt in your face wiggled
  86. >whoops, gotta return the favor
  87. >grasping her butt, you drove your tongue into the fold to return the favor-
  88. >oh god, it tastes like grease!
  89. >you almost recoiled out, but you kept up your ministrations
  90. >spot, spot, where's the spot?
  91. >you sudden hear a moan from Sky's end
  92. >found it!
  94. >you bother started to get close
  95. >but just before you hit your limit, the plane pony abruptly stopped and looked back at you
  96. >"I think we're both ready for the main event"
  97. >she turned back around to face you and pulled you in close
  98. >"I hope you're ready"
  99. >and with that, she planted a kiss on you
  100. >and mid kiss, she slowly eased herself on top of your gear
  101. >and then things got a bit faced paced
  102. >the second she had your tip in, she slammed down all the way to the hilt
  103. >she cried out in ecstasy as she reared up to do it again
  104. >you'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying yourself
  105. >still, Skybreaker seemed to be on top of the world at this point
  106. >or rather, on top of something else
  107. >you grabbed onto her hips and began to thrust in unison with her poundings
  108. >"Faster!"
  109. >You gotta be kidding me
  110. >You do your best to pick the pace with your movements
  111. >you're pretty sure at this point the entire base can hear you with all the squealing.
  112. >the suddenly you felt her starting to tense up, her breathing quickening
  113. >you were both on the edge
  114. >time to end it on a high note
  115. >with a mighty thrust, you sent your load
  116. >and grabbing you with a near deathgrip, your plane pone climaxed with a cry to the heavens
  117. >and with that, you both collapsed on the grass with her on top of you
  118. >you wrapped her in your arms as you both enjoyed the moment
  119. "So, does this mean you won't be scared of me from now on?"
  120. >she cracked an eye open
  121. >"I think I can make an exception"
  122. >you snickered as you shared a kiss with her and slowly slipped off to sleep
  123. >with the love of you life in your arms
  125. >you creak a weary eye open as the sun hits you right in the eye.
  126. >you catch the faint smell of motor oil as the memories of what happened last night came flooding back
  127. >leaning up, you note that the macro spell has worn out during the night as you could nearly fit inside Skybreaker's hooves
  128. >any lower and you might have been crushed by her weight
  129. >just gotta sneak out of her grip without waking-
  130. >your squirming caused her to crack any eye open
  131. >oh crap
  132. >is she gonna be mad
  133. >or worse, is she going to be scared?
  134. >wait, she's smiling
  135. >"Good morning, small fry"
  136. "Morning...Wait, you're not freaked out?"
  137. >"I said I'd make an exception for you. And besides, I figured it wasn't permanent"
  138. "Well then...can I get up now?"
  139. >"Oh I'm not done with you yet"
  140. >she wrapped her hooves around you
  141. >uh oh
  142. "B-but I'm small again"
  143. >"Oh I'm sure I can find uses for you still"
  144. >oh boy
  146. >A few hours later
  147. >Canterlot
  148. >Once again in the audience of the royal sisters
  149. >though this time reeking of oil
  150. >it's gonna take weeks to get to the smell out
  151. >"So, how did it goooo?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow
  152. "It went well"
  153. >"Only well?"
  154. "Ok, really well"
  155. >"Goood good. Now tell me this" she leaned forward a bit in her seat "Is your relationship something you want to take further?"
  156. >you could sit there and ponder the question, but you already knew the answer
  157. "Yes"
  158. >"With the spell?"
  159. "No"
  160. >"No?"
  161. "If I'm going to make this thing work, it needs to be on my own merits"
  162. >"That's quite noble of you"
  163. "It's what I do"
  164. >"Well, I can't fault your stance, and you've met my request. You're free to go"
  165. >You give a quick bow before turning and leaving
  166. >"And be sure to grab a bath sometime soon!" you heard Celetia call out
  167. >You simply give a thumbs up to acknowledge the statement
  168. >once you were out the door, Luna had a look of concern
  169. >"Why didn't you tell him about the other part of the spell?"
  170. >Celestia looked towards the doors
  171. >"I felt that telling him the truth would make what's coming feel a bit disingenuous"
  172. >"It might be jarring for him"
  173. >"Oh it will. But, if he really means what he says, he'll accept it."
  174. >"I hope you're right, sister"
  175. >Celetia looked down
  176. >"Me too"
  178. >a few weeks later
  179. >base infirmary
  180. >Skybreaker had begun getting regularly sick the past week
  181. >it didn't seem like anything life-threatening, but you both wanted to check just to be safe
  182. >an hour and a few tests later, the doctor, an aging F-86 Sabre, returned with the results
  183. >"Well, you were right in your assumptions"
  184. "What do you mean?" you asked as you and Skybreaker leaned in.
  185. >"Well, technically she's not sick"
  186. >wait what
  187. >"Skybreaker, you're pregnant"
  188. >it was quiet enough to hear your jaw hit the floor
  189. >Skybreaker spoke up first
  190. >"A-are you sure?"
  191. >"Very, it's classic morning sickness"
  192. "This is..."
  193. >"Do you two need a moment?"
  194. >Skybreaker nodded
  195. >your eyes had guided down to the floor as you were lost in thought
  196. >as the door shut, you felt her place a hoof on your shoulder
  197. >"A-anon?"
  198. >she was terrified
  199. >not of what was inside her
  200. >but of your rejection
  201. "Is it possible?"
  202. >"What?"
  203. >you would hear the tinge of worry in her voice
  204. "For a human and a pony to have kids? A plane pony for that matter?"
  205. >"I don't know..."
  206. >you were trying to avoid the obvious question
  207. >"Anon, you're the only one I've been with"
  208. >and here was where you determined Skybreaker's fate
  209. >you could either believe her claim
  210. >or discard it and accuse her of lying
  211. >what is your choice...
  213. >you took the 3rd option
  214. "Sky, I...."
  215. >you sighed
  216. "I need time to think"
  217. >your indecisiveness seemed to hurt her more than any direct answer you could have thrown
  218. >"A-anon?"
  219. "I gotta go"
  220. >you were out the door before she could call back
  221. >you could already hear sobbing behind the door
  222. >you could bring yourself to go back
  223. >you needed to think
  224. >a few hours
  225. >unfortunately, your idea of "thinking" was to get drunk off your ass on cider after sneaking into the Apple family's basement
  226. "Kid can't be mine...can it?" you slurred to no one
  227. "Did she cheat on me?" you said spilling a bit of cider from your mug
  228. >you dragged yourself
  229. "Maybe I should haven't gotten involved with her" you said pacing to one side of the room
  230. "Maybe I-"
  231. >you inattentiveness coupled with your drunkenness caused you to miss the puddle of cider on the floor
  232. >losing your balance, you clonked your noggin on the floor
  233. >slipping off prematurely into dreamland
  235. >you were in a fever dream
  236. >you could hear Skybreaker crying
  237. >calling out to you
  238. >you were running down an endless hallway off doors
  239. >but not matter how far down the hall your ran
  240. >no matter how many doors you opened
  241. >you couldn't find the source
  242. >"This has gone on long enough" a familiar voice called out
  243. >the hall suddenly dissolved into nothing
  244. >leaving you standing alone in a void
  245. >save for a certain dark blue alicorn princess
  246. "Princess Luna?"
  247. >"Indeed"
  248. "Wait, what's going on?"
  249. >"Your dreaming"
  250. "Really?"
  251. >"Yes,'s theme was a bit too specific to be a coincidence
  252. >you flinched, looking away
  253. >you felt her place a hoof on your shoulder
  254. >"Tell me what's troubling you..."
  255. >you took a deep breath
  256. "Skybreaker's pregnant. She says that she's only been with me that kind of thing possible? A child between species?"
  257. >and on that note, Luna was pacing back and for spouting random curses
  258. >"I KNEW this was a bad idea. I knew sister should have told you more!"
  259. >you were stumped
  260. "What?"
  261. >It was Luna's turn to sigh
  262. >"The spell we gave you, it wasn't a clean cut growth spell"
  263. >you kept silence
  264. >"We added a subspell to allow you two to be more...compatible"
  265. "You what!?"
  266. >"We thought that being able to have children might have strengthened your bond. Unfortunately, a certain SOMEONE thought it'd be a good idea to keep that part a secret!"
  267. >Luna donned a mocking tone
  268. >"Oh, let them figure it out on they're own she said! What could go wrong she said!"
  269. "So wait, it's mine?"
  270. >"I guarantee it"
  271. "B-but what it-"
  272. >she stopped you with her hoof
  273. >"I've seen her wildest dreams, Anon. And in every one, she only fancied your face"
  274. >That's a lot to take in
  275. >you both stood there in silence
  276. "What do I do now?"
  277. >"Do you love her?"
  278. "Yes"
  279. >no hesitation this time
  280. >"Then go to her, mend the wounds between you two"
  281. "How? I'm still out"
  282. >"Allow me"
  283. >her horn glowed as she lifted you
  284. >"Now go, before she hurts herself"
  285. >and with that, she threw you through into the void
  287. >you snapped upright
  288. >you were back in the Apple's basement
  289. >then again, you never actually left
  290. >as you fragged yourself back to your feet, the memory of you dreamscape came rushing back
  291. "Oh crap"
  292. >you had to find Skybreaker
  293. >busting out of the basement, you broke into a dead sprint
  294. >gotta find her, gotta find her
  295. >where would she be?
  296. >not the doctor's office, she would have left by now-
  297. >wait
  298. >the field!
  299. >making like a Kenyan, you didn't stop running
  300. >when you finally arrived, she was nowhere in sight
  301. >unless
  302. >you looked up at a patch of clouds
  303. "Sky! I know you're up there!"
  304. >silence
  305. "I'm sorry! I know you were scared at the doctor's office and so was I!"
  306. >the clouds gave no input
  307. "I was scared that the dream, me being with you, was only that! I panicked! I ran! But I was so selfish, I didn't think of your feelings! How terrified you must have been! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
  308. >"A-anon?"
  309. >You snapped around, and there she was
  310. >apparently NOT up in the clouds
  311. "Sky!"
  312. >you ran one more time to embrace her foreleg
  313. "I'm sorry,Sky"
  314. >"Did you really mean all that?"
  315. "Every word"
  316. >you moved to her undercarriage
  317. >you were small but you have just enough reach for your fingers to touch her belly
  318. "And I love you too, whoever you are in there! Magic or not, I love both of you!"
  319. >Sky sat down on her haunches with you in front of her legs
  320. >tears in her eyes
  321. >"Oh Anon"
  322. >She pulled you up to her chest
  323. >"I love you"
  324. "I love you too"
  325. >she opened her eyes
  326. >"But, what made you change your mind?"
  327. >she sniffed your shirt
  328. >"and why do you smell like cider?"
  329. >you scratched the back of your head
  330. "It's a long story"
  332. >a few months later
  333. >you’ve officially moved in with Skybreaker
  334. >the size difference between your furniture and hers was a bit jarring at first, but you quickly became used to it
  335. >you’ve also gone public with your relationship with to the other plane ponies
  336. >though sometimes you question whether you needed to or not, most of the base probably heard you two that night
  337. >as the weeks have worn on, your plane pony has started to experience the classic pregnancy stages
  338. >fortunately, she’s moved on from the mood swings from hell
  339. >now it was crazy food cravings
  340. >which would explain why you were currently mixing a vats worth of peanut butter with charcoal
  341. “Oh Sky, I have your concoction ready”
  342. >”Could you drag it into the living room for me? Pwease?”
  343. >you sighed and hefted the bucket over to the next room
  344. >Skybreaker was currently sprawled out on her couch half asleep, the metallic orb that was her midsection blocking her view of you
  345. “Your snack has arrived” you said as you brought the bucket into view
  346. >”Thank you, sweetie” she said as she immediately took her spoon and went to town on the crunchy mix
  347. “It’s what I do” you answered as you climbed up onto the couch with her
  348. >and from there, you scaled to the top of her belly
  349. “Our little kickboxer give you trouble today?”
  350. >”Nope, she’s been asleep most of the day” she answered between spoonfuls
  351. “Guess she got tired of knocking me around after yesterday”
  352. >you managed to get a laugh out of her for that, which rocked you a bit on top of her belly
  353. “So, still want to try and catch the airshow tomorrow?” you asked as she set the now empty bucket to the side
  354. >”Of course! Any excuse to stretch my wings”
  355. “Just don’t overdo it”
  356. >”I’m pregnant, Anon. No incapacitated”
  357. “Says the plane pony who’s too lazy to get her own food”
  358. >Sky arched an eyebrow
  359. “Why lift a finger when you’re so willing to do it for me”
  360. >now it was your turn to laugh
  362. >it was in that moment however, that your daughter decided to wake up and deliver a swift kick to her confines
  363. >and send your flying off Sky’s belly
  364. “Wha-!?” *thunk*
  365. >”Anon! Are you alright” Sky called out as she hopped up off the couch?
  366. >a few feet away, you were flat on your back on the carpet
  367. “Second time…this week....”
  368. >seeing you were unharmed, Sky snickered a bit
  369. >"At least we know she's healthy"
  371. Source:
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