
#5 rayquaza

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. <!----
  5. ☾ ● Espeon Themes ● ☽
  6. Theme No. 05 - Rayquaza
  7. This theme and coding was created by espeon themes.
  8. Any distribution without permission is violating against the copyright.
  9. This theme was published for public use, but can not be claimed as own!
  10. © Espeon themes, 2016. All rights reserved.
  13. --->
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  948. <body>
  949. <!-----alternate tumblr controls made by espeon themes---->
  950. <div id="alternatetumblrcontrols">
  951. <a href="{Name}?redirect_to=/settings/blog/{Name}"title="Edit theme"><i class="fa fa-cog"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  952. <a href="{Name}"title="Follow {Name}"><i class="fa fa-user-plus"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  953. <a href="{Name}"title="Start chatting"><i class="fa fa-comments"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  954. <a href=""title="dashboard"><i class="fa fa-home"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  955. </a></div>
  956. <!-----basics---->
  957. <div id="sidebar">
  958. <div id="headerimage"><img src="{image:header}"></a></div>
  959. <div id="tumblrcontrols">
  960. <a href="{Name}?redirect_to=/settings/blog/{Name}"title="Edit theme"><i class="fa fa-cog"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  961. <a href="{Name}"title="Follow {Name}"><i class="fa fa-user-plus"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  962. <a href="{Name}"title="Start chatting"><i class="fa fa-comments"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  963. <a href=""title="dashboard"><i class="fa fa-home"style="color:{color:text};font-size:16px"></i></a>
  964. </a></div>
  965. </div>
  966. </div>
  967. <!-----top bar links---->
  968. <div class="links">
  969. <div id="all">
  970. <tit>{text:title}</tit>
  971. <a href="/">index</a>
  972. <a href="/ask">contact</a>
  973. <a href="{text:link one url}">{text:link one}</a>
  974. <a href="{text:link two url}">{text:link two}</a>
  975. </div>
  976. </div>
  977. <!-----top bar links---->
  978. <div class="toppp">
  979. <div id="navi">
  980. </div>
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  982. <!---- Sticky Position (Bar) with CSS or jQuery by --->
  984. <script>
  985. var header = document.querySelector('.toppp');
  986. var origOffsetY = header.offsetTop;
  988. function onScroll(e) {
  989. window.scrollY >= origOffsetY ? header.classList.add('sticky') :
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  993. document.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll);
  994. </script>
  995. <!-----sidebar---->
  996. <div class="sidebox">
  997. <!-----description---->
  998. <div class="box">
  999. <div class="tit"style=" z-index:999999999;"><i class="fa fa-home"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> Home</div>
  1000. <div id="description1">{description}</div>
  1001. </div>
  1002. <!-----updates---->
  1003. <div class="box">
  1004. <div class="tit"><i class="fa fa-rss feed"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> Updates</div>
  1005. <div class="aboutt">
  1006. <b>FEBRUARY 2016:</b> moonstarthemes was changed to espeon themes!
  1007. </br>
  1009. </a>
  1010. </div></div>
  1011. <!-----projects or albums---->
  1012. <div class="box">
  1013. <div class="tit"><i class="fa fa-user"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> About</div>
  1014. <div id="projects"><img src="">
  1015. <ul>
  1016. <b>ESPEON THEMES</b><br>
  1017. Espeon themes was originally founded as moonstarthemes in late 2015 by Azure.<br>
  1018. She's been creating themes since summer 2014, started as azureofrp.
  1019. </br>
  1020. In Februrary 2016, moonstarthemes was changed to Espeon themes!
  1021. </div>
  1022. </div>
  1023. <!-----blog members---->
  1024. <div class="box">
  1025. <div class="tit"><i class="fa fa-users"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> members</div>
  1026. <div class="members">
  1027. {block:GroupMembers}
  1028. <table style="margin-top:0px;">
  1029. {block:GroupMember}
  1030. <tr>
  1031. <td style="width:40px;">
  1032. <img src="{GroupMemberPortraitURL-128}" width="40px;" height="auto;" style="margin-right: 10px;border:solid 1px #ddd;border-radius:5px"> </td>
  1033. <td style="height:auto;">
  1034. <a href="{GroupMemberURL}" title="{GroupMemberTitle}"style="font-family: 'arial', sans-serif;margin-top:0px;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:8px;letter-spacing:0px;text-decoration:underline">{GroupMemberName}</a><br><grouptitle>{GroupMemberTitle}</grouptitle></div>
  1035. </tr>
  1036. {/block:GroupMember}
  1037. </table>
  1038. {/block:GroupMembers}
  1039. </div></div>
  1040. <!-----disclaimer---->
  1041. <div class="box">
  1042. <div class="tit"><i class="fa fa-exclamation"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> disclaimer</div>
  1043. <div class="aboutt">All Espeon themes were created by me, Azure. - Unless stated otherwise. If another coding element was used in one of my themes, it'll be stated and credited. (Most coding elements are taken from!
  1044. </br>
  1045. All reblogged themes were made by other amazing theme creators!
  1046. </a>
  1047. </div></div>
  1048. <!-----blog info---->
  1049. <div class="box">
  1050. <div class="tit"><i class="fa fa-info"style="font-size:15px;color:{color:text}"></i> Blog info</div>
  1051. <div class="aboutt">
  1052. <b>Blog created by:</b> Azure
  1053. </br>
  1054. <b>Blog established:</b> Late 2015
  1055. </br>
  1056. <b>Graphics by:</b> Azure
  1057. </br>
  1058. <b>Theme made by:</b> Azure (Espeon Themes)
  1059. </div>
  1060. </div>
  1061. </div>
  1062. </div>
  1063. <!-----posts and entries---->
  1064. <div id="entries">
  1065. {block:Posts}
  1066. <div id="post"
  1067. <div id="post">
  1068. <!----texts---->
  1069. {block:Text}
  1070. {block:Title}<h1><center>{Title}</center></h1>{/block:Title}
  1071. <center>{Body}</center>
  1072. {/block:Text}
  1073. <!-----question and answers---->
  1074. {block:Answer}
  1075. <div id="asker"><div id="askingimage"><img src="{AskerPortraitURL-128}"/></div></div>
  1076. <div id="askerurl">{Asker} asked:</div>
  1077. <div id="question">{Question}</div>
  1078. {Answer}{/block:Answer}
  1079. <!-----quotes---->
  1080. {block:Quote}
  1081. {block:Quote}
  1082. <h2>{Quote}</h2>
  1083. <div align="right">
  1084. {block:Source}<h1>-{Source}</h1>{/block:Source}
  1085. </div>
  1086. {/block:Quote}
  1087. <!-----links---->
  1088. {block:Link}
  1089. <h2><center><a href="{URL}">{Name}</center></a></h2>
  1090. {block:Description}{Description}{/block:Description}
  1091. {/block:Link}
  1092. <!-----chats---->
  1093. {block:Chat}
  1094. {block:Title}<h2>{Title}</h2>{/block:Title}
  1095. <ul class="convo">{block:Lines}<li class="line">{block:Label}<span class ="label">{Label}</span>{/block:Label}
  1096. {Line}</li>{/block:Lines}</ul>
  1097. {/block:Chat}
  1098. <!-----photos---->
  1099. {block:Photo}
  1100. {LinkOpenTag}<img src="{PhotoURL-400}" alt="{PhotoAlt}" width="auto">{LinkCloseTag}
  1101. {block:Caption}<div class="pcaption">{Caption}</div>{/block:Caption}
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  1104. {block:Photoset}
  1105. <div class="psets">{Photoset-400}</div>
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  1113. <!-----audios---->
  1114. {block:Audio}<left>{block:AlbumArt}<img src="{AlbumArtURL}" width="60px" height="60px" align="left" style="margin-right:10px" />{/block:AlbumArt}
  1115. {block:TrackName}<div class="audiotitle">Title: <audioinfo>{TrackName}</audioinfo><br/></div>{/block:TrackName}
  1116. {block:Artist}<div class="audioartist">Artist: <audioinfo>{Artist}</audioinfo><br/></div>{/block:Artist}
  1117. {/block:ExternalAudio}<div class="audioplayed">Played: <audioinfo>{PlayCount} times</audioinfo> </div>
  1118. </br>
  1119. <div class="audioplayr"style="background:{color:accent}">{AudioPlayer}</div>
  1120. {/block:Audio}
  1121. <!-----info---->
  1122. <div id="borderbottom"></div>
  1123. <div id="info">
  1124. <div id="permalink">
  1125. <top><a href="{Permalink}"title="{DayOfMonth} {ShortMonth} {ShortYear}">
  1126. {TimeAgo}</top></a><top>with {NoteCountWithLabel}</top>
  1127. <font style="float:right;">
  1128. {block:RebloggedFrom}
  1129. <a href="{ReblogURL}" title="reblog"target="_blank" class="details"><i class="fa fa-repeat"style="color:{color:text}"></i></a>
  1130. {block:RebloggedFrom}
  1131. {/block:RebloggedFrom}
  1132. {block:ContentSource}
  1133. <a href="{ReblogParentURL}" title="{ReblogParentName}"><i class="fa fa-history"style="color:{color:text}"></i></a> <a href="{SourceURL}"title="Source"><i class="fa fa-copyright"style="color:{color:text}"></i></a>
  1134. {/block:ContentSource}
  1135. {/block:RebloggedFrom}
  1136. </font style>
  1137. </a></div></div>
  1138. {/block:Date}
  1139. {block:HasTags}<div id="tags"> {block:Tags} <a href="{TagURL}"> #{Tag} </a> {/block:Tags}
  1140. </div>
  1141. {/block:HasTags}
  1142. </div>
  1143. {block:PostNotes} {PostNotes} {/block:PostNotes}
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  1149. {/block:Pagination}</div>
  1150. </div>
  1151. <!-----credit (u better dont touch this here u goof)---->
  1152. <div id="credit">
  1153. <a href=""title="espeon themes"style="color:{color:text}">© Espeon</a>
  1154. </div>
  1155. </html>
  1156. </body>
  1157. <!-----end html---->
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