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May 3rd, 2016
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  1. # Sample config file for win32 NetHack
  2. # A '#' at the beginning of a line means the rest of the line is a comment.
  3. #
  4. # Some options MUST be set in this file, other options can be toggled while
  5. # playing. For a list of options available see the <opthelp.> file.
  6. #
  7. # To change the configuration, comment out the unwanted lines, and
  8. # uncomment the configuration you want.
  9. #
  10. # $NHDT-Date$ $NHDT-Branch$:$NHDT-Revision$
  12. # *** OPTIONS ***
  13. #
  14. # Use the IBM character set rather than just plain ascii characters
  15. # for tty window-port.
  16. OPTIONS=symset:IBMGraphics_2,roguesymset:RogueEpyx
  18. # Here is a suggested symbol set from Michael Feir,
  19. # for use by blind NetHack players
  20. #OPTIONS=symset:NHAccess,roguesymset:NHAccess
  22. # Keyboard handling
  23. # Different keyboard handlers can be loaded.
  24. # Default is nhdefkey.dll but you can override that.
  25. # Ray Chason's keyboard handler
  26. # OPTIONS=altkeyhandler:nhraykey.dll
  27. #
  28. # NetHack 3.4.0 keyboard handling
  29. # OPTIONS=altkeyhandler:nh340key.dll
  31. # *** Personal Preferences ***
  32. # Some options to set personal preferences. Uncomment and change these to
  33. # suit your personal preference. If several people are to use the same
  34. # configuration, options like these should not be set.
  35. #
  36. #OPTIONS=name:Janet,role:Valkyrie,race:Human,gender:female,align:lawful
  37. #OPTIONS=dogname:Fido,catname:Morris,fruit:guava
  38. #OPTIONS=horsename:Silver
  39. OPTIONS=autopickup,pickup_types:$
  40. #OPTIONS=packorder:")[%?+/=!(*0_`
  41. #OPTIONS=scores:10 top/2 around/own
  42. #OPTIONS=nolegacy,noverbose
  43. #OPTIONS=menustyle:traditional
  44. #OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/30%/bright-magenta/normal
  45. #OPTIONS=perm_invent
  47. # Turn off all status hilites.
  48. #OPTIONS=!statushilites
  49. #
  50. # General options. You might also set "silent" so as not to attract
  51. # the boss's attention.
  52. #
  53. # number_pad option can have an optional value of 0 (off), 1 (on),
  54. # or 2(on,legacy-mode) which causes 5='g', alt-5='G', alt-0='I'
  55. OPTIONS=time,noshowexp,number_pad:0,lit_corridor
  57. OPTIONS=pickup_burden:unencumbered
  59. #
  60. # If you want to get rid of "use #quit to quit..." use:
  61. OPTIONS=suppress_alert:3.3.1
  62. #
  63. # Note: the rest_on_space in the next line may not be
  64. # appropriate for a beginning NetHack player, since
  65. # it could result in use of a turn unintentionally.
  66. # If you're new to NetHack, leave it commented it out.
  67. #OPTIONS=rest_on_space
  68. #
  69. # Set some options to control graphical window-port (these will
  70. # be safely and silently ignored by the tty port)
  71. #
  72. # Map window settings
  73. # possible map_mode options include: tiles|ascii4x6|ascii6x8|ascii8x8|ascii16x8|
  74. # ascii7x12|ascii8x12|ascii16x12|ascii12x16|
  75. # ascii10x18|fit_to_screen
  76. OPTIONS=map_mode:tiles,scroll_margin:5
  78. # Message window settings
  79. OPTIONS=font_message:Arial,font_size_message:9,align_message:top
  81. # Menu settings
  82. OPTIONS=font_menu:Arial,font_size_menu:9
  84. # Text settings
  85. OPTIONS=font_text:Courier New,font_size_text:9
  87. # Status window settings
  88. OPTIONS=font_status:Courier New,font_size_status:9
  90. # Other
  91. OPTIONS=hilite_pet,!toptenwin
  92. #OPTIONS=!splash_screen,player_selection:prompts
  94. # Status/message window colors
  95. # Possible color options include:
  96. # six digit hexadecimal RGB color value ("#8F8F8F"), black, red, green, brown,
  97. # blue, magenta, cyan, gray (or grey), orange, brightgreen, yellow, brightblue,
  98. # brightmagenta, brightcyan, white, trueblack, purple, silver, maroon, fuchsia,
  99. # lime, olive, navy, teal, aqua, activeborder, activecaption, appworkspace,
  100. # background, btnface, btnshadow, btntext, captiontext, graytext, highlight,
  101. # highlighttext, inactiveborder, inactivecaption, menu, menutext, scrollbar,
  102. # window, windowframe, windowtext.
  103. #OPTIONS=windowcolors:status windowtext/window message windowtext/window
  105. # *** LOCATIONS ***
  106. # IMPORTANT: If you change any of these locations, the directories they
  107. # point at must exist. NetHack will not create them for you.
  108. #
  109. # HACKDIR is the default location for everything.
  110. # Note: On Windows HACKDIR defaults to the location
  111. # of the NetHack.exe or NetHackw.exe file so
  112. # setting HACKDIR below to override that is
  113. # not usually necessary or recommended.
  114. #HACKDIR=c:\games\nethack
  115. #
  116. # The location that level files in progress are stored (default=HACKDIR, writeable)
  117. #LEVELDIR=c:\nethack\levels
  118. #
  119. # The location where saved games are kept (default=HACKDIR, writeable)
  120. #SAVEDIR=c:\nethack\save
  121. #
  122. # The location that bones files are kept (default=HACKDIR, writeable)
  123. #BONESDIR=c:\nethack\save
  124. #
  125. # The location that file synchronization locks are stored (default=HACKDIR, writeable)
  126. #LOCKDIR=c:\nethack\levels
  127. #
  128. # The location that a record of game aborts and self-diagnosed game problems
  129. # is kept (default=HACKDIR, writeable)
  130. #TROUBLEDIR=c:\nethack\trouble
  132. # Finnish keyboards might need these modifications uncommented.
  133. # For \, @, $, [, |
  134. #OPTIONS=subkeyvalue:171/92
  135. #OPTIONS=subkeyvalue:178/64
  136. #OPTIONS=subkeyvalue:180/36
  137. #OPTIONS=subkeyvalue:184/91
  138. #OPTIONS=subkeyvalue:188/124
  140. #
  141. # Some versions of Windows allow you to adjust the win32 console port
  142. # colors using R-G-B settings.
  143. #
  144. #OPTIONS=palette:black-0-0-0
  145. #OPTIONS=palette:red-210-0-0
  146. #OPTIONS=palette:green-80-200-0
  147. #OPTIONS=palette:brown-180-100-0
  148. #OPTIONS=palette:blue-0-0-200
  149. #OPTIONS=palette:magenta-128-0-128
  150. #OPTIONS=palette:cyan-50-180-180
  151. #OPTIONS=palette:gray-192-192-192
  152. #OPTIONS=palette:dark gray-100-100-100
  153. #OPTIONS=palette:orange-255-128-0
  154. #OPTIONS=palette:bright green-0-255-0
  155. #OPTIONS=palette:yellow-255-255-0
  156. #OPTIONS=palette:bright blue-100-100-240
  157. #OPTIONS=palette:bright magenta-255-0-255
  158. #OPTIONS=palette:bright cyan-0-255-255
  159. #OPTIONS=palette:white-255-255-255
  161. OPTIONS=color,menucolors
  162. MENUCOLOR="*. cursed .*"=red
  163. MENUCOLOR=".* unholy .*"=red
  164. MENUCOLOR=".* blessed .*"=green
  165. MENUCOLOR=".* holy .*"=green
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