
some muffins do the do

Oct 27th, 2015
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  1. If the blind thief were able to stare at the screen, she would be. “Is- Is that a vibrator commercial?”
  3. “Yes... yes it is.” Her vampire compatriot replied. “There's a bright pink diddler on the screen.”
  5. “And I thought the porn on the movie channels was bad. We coulda just put in a movie instead of goin' lookin'.”
  7. “Yes, but, after tonight is it really worth the effort of moving?”
  9. “Fuck no. Pink vibrator connercials it is.”
  11. “We'll get sister to change it when she gets home.”
  13. “Sounds like a plan. Man, nineteen dollars? You can buy 'em at the corner store for five bucks.”
  15. “Besides, it's so... plain. At least use one of the clear ones with the ridges... I mean, not that I'm- I'm not planning on-”
  17. “Oh quit backpeddlin'. Come on. I know what you meant.”
  19. “...Would... you... be into that? I mean...”
  21. “Doesn't matter to me. I can't see it. Your pick.”
  23. “Well, I mean, I want us both to be able to enjoy it...”
  25. “Heh... to be honest, can't even tell you what I'm into. Been runnin' too much to really get down to business, if you get my drift. That and... ehhh... stupid childhood bullshit, et cetera.”
  27. “...You know whatever they told you is wrong by now.”
  29. “I know, I know. But... eh... it dies hard, y'know? Still feels like I'm not allowed to even think about that shit. Heh. Then you come along. And I don't even know what I'm thinking about, but I sure am thinking it. Hell in a handbasket, they'd say. One way ticket to gettin' it up the butt by Satan. Might be Too Much, but I've spent a lot of nights in the bathroom over it. Had to learn somethin' to keep myself sane. I don't know why I'm still hung up. I stopped believin' in Hell a long time ago. Still doesn't change the fact I don't know what I'm doin'.”
  31. “I could help you... you know, if you wanted to...”
  33. “...Right now?”
  35. “Well... if you want..”
  37. “I'll be honest here... yeah. I do. I want it like burnin'. Fuckin' ravage me.”
  39. “Woah, I wouldn't go that far. Not after we've already done so much to fix you...”
  41. “Heh heh. Listen. The fact that it's fixed, even just most of the way, that means it won't even be a factor. I want you to do me, alright? Do me, and hold me, and just... be with me. That sounds selfish. Let me rephrase it. I want to be yours. 'Cause I can't see you but I know... I know you're beautiful. It'd be an honor.”
  43. “Oh...” Anya seemed a bit surprised. “That's... a little unlike you.”
  45. “Is it? God, but I've wanted to say it for so long... I love you. I love you more than I love... I guess I can't really say I love myself. But, a lot. All the schmaltz is gonna come tumbling out after tonight, just warnin' you. I just came out 'cause I figured you got a real boozed up sucker. Then I didn't find you, and... They said he grabbed you, and I... panicked. I didn't know what the fuck to do, so I did the only thing I knew how. I bought a machete and got ready to raise Hell. I couldn't lose you. I wasn't gonna let someone take away the first legit good thing that's happened to me in years.”
  47. “But... I said to stay, I was fine.. you got yourself hurt! You- you were suffering because of me... and after I've tried so hard to prevent that...”
  49. “It wasn't 'cause of you.”
  51. “You ran out on your own to try to save me. I'd say that's because of me...”
  53. “Look, don't worry about it. It worked out in the end, yeah? I mean... I'd sure say it did. Can't recall the last time it didn't hurt.”
  55. “...I will admit, I'm... overjoyed, at that... truly, a miracle...”
  57. “Heh, yeah no kiddin'. But we're gettin' off base, I think. Point is, couldn't stand the thought of losin' you. Layin' there, thinkin' you were gone, gotta be the worst feeling I think I ever felt. That's sayin' somethin'. Never got to really... prove just how much you mean to me. So, I... well, I think I wanna take that chance. Right here, while we're alone. If you want, anyway...”
  59. “I- ….I would be... absolutely honored.” Quickly, Anya scanned the apartment. She could see the sky-colored aura of the cat in another room, asleep. And next to her, a wash of vermillion, blue and deep red, coils of violet and pink and orange twisting in alongside. She truly did want to do this. “Here... come with me. We'll have more room in here...”
  61. Anya rose from the couch and helped up her companion, leading her to a small room, with a large bed in the center. She sat her down on what felt like soft fleece and flannel blankets, and sat beside her. “So, here's our... humble abode, I guess.”
  63. “You got nice taste in blankets, heh...” Midnight took a deep breath. “Listen, I-”
  65. “Shhh. You don't need to be nervous... I've got you...” Anya gently guided her closer. Close enough, she could sense, that if she were breathing it would be right into her face. They were pressed to each other now. Arms wrapped around her, a pair of lips pushed against her own. She didn't know what to do, so she just followed along. She hoped she was doing okay.
  67. Soon, though, they broke away. “I'm not going to go further until you're ready.”
  69. “I spent most of yesterday grabbin' your ass and we just had a whole heart to heart about this. Let's just... do it, okay? I'm ready. I want it. Take me and let me have it. I... I need this right now. I need you...”
  71. “Alright... do you need any help with-”
  73. “Nah, I got it.” Midnight quickly removed the button-down shirt she had been wearing for... a couple days now. It didn't belong to her, and she would need to wash it and give it back soon. Once it was off, revealed was the binder she always wore underneath her clothes, stained and nitted but also recently washed itself by the looks of it. When that too was removed, could you see the extent of her past abuse. Scars from lashes past tore across her back and her arms, marks from burns and falls galore lined her sides and stomach. Her ribs were just barely visible beneath her skin from her homeless lifestyle. She didn't seem to mind at all, but Anya did.
  75. “You never... you never said it was this bad. I-”
  77. “Look, don't worry about it.”
  79. “No, I have to worry about it. You poor, poor dear... I- I wish I could make this better...”
  81. “If you wanna make it better, let's do this. That's how you make this better.”
  83. “O-okay...”
  85. Without another word, she removed her also-borrowed pants. Here revealed the scarring down her formerly-mangled leg. Hard to look at, but understandable. More surprising were the marks on her upper and inner legs.
  87. “Wh... oh, no... oh, no no no. Midnight...”
  89. “Yeah, I know about those. Wouldn't you know it, they liked to use me as an ashtray when they were done with me.”
  91. “Done with you...”
  93. “With the beatings. Trust me, didn't go further than that. Had to keep up their 'pure and holy' facade somehow.”
  95. “Nnnh... do you know where they are..? I can- I want to-”
  97. “Prison.” There was a certain smug matter-of-factness to Midnight's voice.
  99. “...Good.”
  101. “Let's just get off the subject. C'mere. Let me... this is gonna sound real weird, but... let me feel you. Let me memorize you. Get a good mental image of what's goin' on here.”
  103. She reached both hands out to her partner, and ran them over her. She was so smooth, very soft, someone that was going to be nice to hold. She could feel every curve, every subtle bump and line and nook and cranny. Oh, how she wished she could see the tattoos she said she had. She could only imagine that they were as lovely as she felt. She might have been cold, but shit, that hardly mattered.
  105. She pulled her close. She was, she was nice to hold. So nice, and so nice to be held by her, too.
  107. “Goddamn, you're perfect...”
  109. “No... no, I'm anything but...”
  111. “You're perfect to me.”
  113. “But...”
  115. “Shhh. No. I ain't lettin' you ride the low self esteem train. Come here.” Midnight pulled her down on top of her and into another passionate kiss. She still didn't know what she was doing, but it was apparently good enough. When she broke off, she grinned. “C'mon now. You gotta believe I think that. I dunno what I'd do if you didn't.”
  117. “...That's just not playing fair.”
  119. “All's fair in love and... love. Anyway, listen. I really wanna prove it to you. I'm givin' myself to you right now.” Finally, Midnight slipped off her blindfold, revealing her reddened eyes, watery with tears she was trying so hard not to cry from the emotion. They were unfocused and white, but she tried her hardest to make them point toward what was in front of her, even if she didn't know where it was. “Do what you will with me.”
  121. “Are you sure..?”
  123. “Surer than I've ever been.”
  125. She could feel the brush of hands feeling about, and sinking lower, as she held her close. Close enough to smell her, almost to taste her. It was like mixed gummy bears and flowers, tinged with a certain coppery scent that was sure to almost always be there. But it didn't matter. It was part of her, and that made it wonderful all the same, at least right now. She heard the rustling of sheets as a pair of legs wrapped around her at her narrow hips.
  127. She wondered what she must look like up there. Radiant, maybe. She'd never really know, would she? Maybe it was dark, and she would've had to guess anyway. She ordinarily didn't mind being blind, but this was one of the times where she would like to see her face for certain. She must be so beautiful.
  129. She felt something at the verge of her, and the tears began to fall as it made its way in.
  131. “Oh- oh no- are you okay? Did I hurt you-”
  133. “No, no, you didn't... I'm just so... super fuckin' jazzed right now. We're here, we're doing this... I've wanted this for years, holy shit...”
  135. The waves of deep red, of violet and blue and vermillion confirmed that, pulling a small smile from the Kindred, who began to gently rock her hips back and forth. “Just be sure to tell me if I go too hard, alright..?”
  137. “Y-yeah.”
  139. The sensation was... an interesting one. Almost like the nights in the bathrooms, but... different. Smoother, maybe? But that could also be pinned on her having more experience. She didn't know. She barely knew anything. She knew she felt it, but she didn't know how she would describe it. All she really could do is go along with it. Was she supposed to also do the hip thing? Oh- oh that was something.
  141. Another kiss derailed her train of thought. Her hair brushed against her face like dozens of thick, smooth feathers, framing her, surrounding her with her. Now, she could really smell the scent of gummi bears on her. Arms coiled around her tightly, but not so tightly as to be painful, to which she felt obliged to return the favor.
  143. The thrusts grew steadily harder, deeper. Perhaps, even, a little too far, as she hissed and dug her nails into her lover's back. “F-fuck- too much-”
  145. “Oh, sorry... I'll let up a little...”
  147. “Ngh, don't... don't worry about it...”
  149. “No... no, I want you to enjoy this, too...”
  151. “I am... Swear I am... oh- oh jeez- Oh that's the stuff... r-right there, yeah...”
  153. For as cold as she was, things warmed up rather quickly between the friction and Midnight's own body heat under the blanket and her partner. The thief felt the beads of sweat forming around her face regardless of herself. She hoped she wouldn't mind being moist by the end of this. She hoped she was doing okay, for what little she knew how to do. The tiny noises seemed to mean she was, though she couldn't be sure.
  155. Some thoughts forced their way into her mind now. What if she wasn't doing well? What if she had the ugliest O-face on the planet? Was that a turn off or did it not matter? She didn't know, she couldn't see it, does that kind of thing matter to others? Why was she freaking out internally now?
  157. “Shhh... you're doing fine...” The sudden speaking snapped her out of her confused trance.
  159. “R-really?”
  161. “Yeah...”
  163. “Okay- aah-!”
  165. A throb of feeling rushed through her, then another, then another, each stronger than the last. It pulled from her the lowest of sounds from deep within her throat. She didn't know what was being hit in there. She knew that whatever it was, it was some kind of feeling. It was as if pressure had begun to build inside of her, and she would burst at any moment. She craved more, more. She cried out for it, tears streaming down her face from the well of pure emotion that she had become since they had started talking about this. She pleaded for it, she cried Anya's name into the air.
  167. And then, as if all at once, the bubble did burst. Even behind her blind eyes it was as if a daze of colors and mayhem had been unleashed within her, and she trembled and called out with pure feeling. She didn't know how long it lasted. She didn't know when things slowed down. Her mind went blank for a solid few seconds.
  169. When she came back to herself, it was all over. She felt as if she was glowing even despite the sweat and the tears coating her. She still felt arms around her, and she fell limp in them.
  171. Anya slid off of her, and coiled around her once she was to her side, using one hand to pet her short hair. “You did good...”
  173. “...Y-you think..?”
  175. “You absolutely did...”
  177. “Heh... if you say so... now you th-think you could do me another favor...?”
  179. “Name it...”
  181. “Stay with me and hold me for a while... I need it...”
  183. “I don't think that'll be a problem...”
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