

Dec 8th, 2015
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  1. #Alkov: [22:53:24] +TraceofLife: dont leak
  2. #Alkov: sorry
  3. #Alkov: now i got to ban you
  4. #Alkov: to remove evidence
  5. +TraceofLife: D:
  6. #Alkov: hahaha
  7. +TraceofLife: dont do dis, it's my sister birthday D:
  8. triplettcp1: hello
  9. #Alkov: ok i'll wait till tomorrow
  10. #Alkov: hi triplettcp1
  11. +TraceofLife: oshit
  12. +TraceofLife: now i gotta make another excuse
  13. #Alkov: hue
  14. callumswagger4389: my Anything goes team
  15. trigonometrico: c
  16. EdwardElric15: Hi.
  17. nlt NoJNoP: run
  18. nlt NoJNoP: 6 klefi's
  19. nlt NoJNoP: callum
  20. Adison1: Lol
  21. SamL3: Opinions! Do you consider Latias/Latios, Landorus-therian and Heatran to be ledendary
  22. @tibbz: that is not a matter of opinon
  23. @tibbz: like, what lol
  24. SamL3: Well I got into an argument with someone on here about whether they are or not :)
  25. SamL3: So was just seeing what others thought about them
  26. @tibbz: they are, be defintion
  27. @tibbz: why would somebody try to say they aren't legendarieslol like
  28. @tibbz: that's like arguing that pikachu isn't an electric tpe like what do you mean yes they are lol
  29. KirbyStarz05: hi
  30. SamL3: Thank you! That's what I said. He called me a noob because I used two in an anything goes match, and then when I pointed out he used those three he said they didn't count
  31. @tibbz: why are people areguing about ag
  32. @tibbz: ag is a joke lol
  33. @tibbz: i don't understand why people get worked up like, about stupid shit like that
  34. SamL3: Think he was just annoyed because I beat him
  35. @tibbz: sure
  36. fjeksfjke: hi
  37. fjeksfjke: can someone rape my team?
  38. +Truth: King UU
  39. %King UU: kreme
  40. +Truth: Look at le statement above
  41. %King UU: oh
  42. fjeksfjke was warned by King UU. (firstly, no rape jokes)
  43. fjeksfjke was muted by King UU for 7 minutes. (secondly, you have to pastebin)
  44. fjeksfjke was muted by King UU for 1 hour. (thirdly, get bent)
  45. %King UU: :)
  46. %King UU: Next round of Iron Chef is up, get it while it's hot!
  47. fjeksfjke was unmuted by Ana1ytic.
  48. fjeksfjke: I"M GOING TO RAPE YOU ALL.
  49. fjeksfjke was warned by sparkyboTTT. (Automated response: caps)
  50. fjeksfjke was muted by Ana1ytic for 7 minutes.
  51. fjeksfjke was muted by Ana1ytic for 1 hour.
  52. %Ana1ytic: Can't give people the benefit of doubt these days smh
  53. @tibbz: nope
  54. king sun: hi guys
  55. %Ana1ytic: Hi
  56. king sun: anyone have a good teams for the uu suspect test?
  57. klacky:
  58. klacky: ag
  59. @tibbz: use pbin klacky
  60. @tibbz: +pastebin
  61. @sparkyboTTT: How to use pastebin
  62. klacky: its not a rmt
  63. klacky: its me showing off XD
  64. %Ana1ytic: Lol
  65. king sun: past the link in a pastebin
  66. king sun: ;)
  67. %Ana1ytic: This is not the place
  68. klacky: k
  69. %Ana1ytic: To show off your battling skills
  70. klacky: no my luck
  71. king sun: Ana1ytic you get the reqs for ou ?
  72. %Ana1ytic: Yeah
  73. klacky: AG
  74. klacky: there
  75. king sun: nice :)
  76. klacky: it gets rekt by roar/haze
  77. klacky: but i dont care
  78. %Ana1ytic: Klacky try the OM Room
  79. klacky: AG isnt an OM
  80. %Ana1ytic: Nobody on to rate your team atm
  81. @tibbz: lol it's not viable for ag anyway
  82. klacky: I know
  83. @tibbz: for what it's worth though in my experience using volbeat lefties is better
  84. klacky: It will have +3 def/spdef and max evasion when i swap in
  85. klacky: it most likely wont die
  86. klacky: unless final gambit or something
  87. klacky: and a sub
  88. fjeksfjke was locked from talking by QuoteCS. (rape humour/threats)
  89. Hide 3 revealed messages (fjeksfjke)
  90. klacky: i get destroyed by STAB physical ice moves do
  91. DebbyHillary: heu
  92. PaluWaifu: Can someone tell me what I change with this team?
  93. %RMT Bot: PaluWaifu, please specify the tier of your team when posting a pastebin
  94. The first RMT Cup will be held tonight at 6 pm EST. The tier will be ORAS OU. For more information on the format, schedule, and rewards please check out the room intro.
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