
Project -

Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. package project;
  3. import java.util.Scanner;
  5. public class Project {
  6.     static final int FIXED_WIDTH = 80;
  8.     public static void main(String[] args) {
  9.         // write your code here
  10.         String name;
  11.         int choice;
  12.         Scanner nameInput = new Scanner(;
  13.         Scanner choiceInput = new Scanner(;
  14.         Story page1 = new Story("You look out from the Captain's chair across the bridge and study your new crew.  They look eager and ready to face the duties and missions ahead of them.  You are not surprised as you worked with Starfleet to put together some of the best young officers in the fleet to head up this new class of Starship.  The U.S.S. Challenger is the new crowning jewel of the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards.  It was an honor to be selected by Starfleet to captain this new ship.  Your First Officer came over with you from the Saratoga and is the finest officer you ever served with.  Being a Bolian he was never without an opinion, but you found his wisdom and honesty very refreshing when needed.  The shake down runs with the crew had gone very well and you are anxious to start your first full duty with your new command. \n" +
  15.                 "\"Captain, you have a priority message coming in from Starfleet.\" The alert from your Communication's officer, Lt. Bracks, was not unexpected.  The details of your first mission was expected at this time.  \"Sir, the message is encoded Captain's eyes only.  Should I forward it to your Ready Room?\" \n" +
  16.                 "Well, this was a surprise! You wondered what mission they were sending you on the require such security.  You proceed towards your Ready Room and nod at Lt. Bracks that you will take the message in there.  After the door slides shut you input your clearance code on the PADD and ask the computer to display the message on your monitor. \n" +
  17.                 "Admiral Hanson, chairman of the Starfleet Chiefs, appears on your screen.  \"Captain, you are to proceed to Sector 4067 beside the Romulan Neutral Zone and meet with me there on the U.S.S. Yorktown.  This is top secret and should only be shared with crew you consider vital to be kept in the loop.  See you soon Captain.\" \n" +
  18.                 "1) Make preparations to head to the Neutral Zone.  \n" +
  19.                 "2) Send a message back to Starfleet asking for more information. \n", 5, 2, 100);
  20.         Story page2 = new Story("\"XO, please head to my Ready Room\" you call out to your communicator badge to alert your First Officer.  \n" +
  21.                 "\"Aye, Sir\" returns the voice of Commander Bok.  \n" +
  22.                 "A few seconds later Bok enters your ready room.  \"So what crazy roundup does Starfleet have all this secrecy going on for Captain?\" \n" +
  23.                 "You inform Bok that Starfleet is sending the Challenger to the Romulan Neutral Zone.  \"Please inform the helm to make the course corrections.  I want us there in 36 hours Commander.\" \n" +
  24.                 "Bok heads back to the bridge and informs the helm to make the changes.  The next day Bok asks to meet with you in your ready room.  \"Sir, what are we doing speeding towards the Neutral Zone?\" \n" +
  25.                 "1)\t\"Starfleet hasn't said a word yet.  Dead silence from them the whole trip.  What's your thoughts on it Bok?\" \n" +
  26.                 "2)\t\"I will inform you when you need to know Bok.  I know you are aware of proper protocol.\" \n", 20, 3, 4);
  27.         Story page3 = new Story("\"Well sir, I know the Romulans are not usually to be trusted.  However you can always rely that they are working towards their own best interest,\" replied Bok. \n" +
  28.                 "Just then your PADD alerts you that you have a priority message arriving from Starfleet.  You input your security code and Admiral Hanson's face is again on the screen. \n" +
  29.                 "\"Now that you are getting close I wanted to give you some clue to why we are sending you out here.  The Romulans have been detected massing an armada of ships near the border of the Neutral Zone.  Most of these ships are heavy class Warbirds that we've been able to detect.  Those would be a rather bold and brazen showing by the Romulans.  From what we can tell they keep having ships going in and out of cloak so we can't determine how many ships they have out there, but they seem to want us to know they are there.  Well we have noticed, we don't like it, and we are gonna find out what's going on.  Head to sector 4067 and we will finish the rest of your orders there.  Hanson out.\" \n" +
  30.                 "You exchange a tense look with Commander Bok.  You both know that a war with the Romulans would be a bloody and difficult affair. \n" +
  31.                 "1)\t\"Why would the Romulans look to start a war now Bok?\" \n" +
  32.                 "2)\t\"Red Alert, Shields up, weapons to ready Bok!  We need to be fully prepared for when we arrive!\" \n\n", 15, 5, 6);
  33.         Story page4 = new Story("\"Yes Sir, very well…Sir\" Bok stands up stiff as a board.  \"If I may be excused Sir\" and Bok swiftly turns around and heads out the door.  \n" +
  34.                 "You mentally scold yourself for being so strict with Bok.  His question was legitimate and he has never questioned your orders.  You make a mental note to apologize in private later.  A few minutes later the Red Alert sirens start blaring and Bok's voice starts booming over the shipwide communications. \n" +
  35.                 "\"Red Alert, all hands to battle stations.  Shields to maximum power.  Captain to the bridge! This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill.\" \n" +
  36.                 "You head out of your ready room to the bridge and turn to see a dozen Romulan warbirds on the view screen.  Bok brings you quickly up to speed.  \"Sir, we are 22 light-years from the Neutral Zone border.  We detected 15 warbirds decloak in front of us.  I ordered an all stop and we went into full defensive mode before they could act.  Currently they are just sitting there.  How do you want to proceed Captain?\" \n" +
  37.                 "1)\t\"What is the status of their weapon and shields?\" \n" +
  38.                 "2)\t\"We need to show that we do not wish to start a war.  We will be the first olive branch.  Lower our shields and alert them that we want to talk in peace.\" \n", 5, 7, 8);
  39.         Story page5 = new Story("\"Sir, I don't need to tell you that this sounds like a damn trap.\" \n" +
  40.                 "You nodded towards Bok.  You had a bad feeling about this, however something was also tugging at you that you couldn't shake.  Romulans were not known for making such obvious traps.  They don't tip their hand like this.  They don't care about making a big shows of power.  Trap or not, this was not normal Romulan behavior, and that worries you more than anything else.  \n" +
  41.                 "At 0800 hours you arrive with the Federation Fleet and beam aboard the Yorktown to meet Admiral Hanson. You look around the room and see some of the best captains in Starfleet around you.  Admiral Hanson walks in and calls the room to order. \n" +
  42.                 "\n" +
  43.                 "\"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll be brief.  The Romulans are causing a lot of concern back home.  We are not happy with their activity in the Neutral Zone and if they don't stop this soon it could be view as a prelude to war, something none of us want to see.  So we are going to go there with a show of force also, but our first goal is to try to resolve this with diplomacy.\"  Admiral Hanson looked around the room and ended his gaze on you.  \"Our lead ship for this mission will be the U.S.S. Challenger.  I know you all are interested in seeing what this new ship can do, but I hope don't find out today.  However, if things dissolve I can't think of a better ship or a better captain to have in front of the fleet.  I will be taking the Yorktown back towards Sector 01 where we are assembling a second fleet just in case of the worst, but I have the utmost confidence in all of you here to make sure this ends here, by peace or force.  The fleet heads out at 1200 hours.  Calm seas and strong winds.\"  Hanson's love of old naval terms from Earth's history always interested you. \n" +
  44.                 "Once you arrive at the Challenger you inform Bok of everything discussed at the meeting.  You advise Bok to inform the department heads of the situation and have them advise their departments.  Bok nods at the orders and starts to turn away but then pauses and looks back at you.  \"Captain, you got this.  You are ready to lead this fleet.\"  He turns back around and heads off to his duties.  \n" +
  45.                 "At 1200 hours you lead the fleet to the edge of the Neutral Zone to confront the Romulans.  You arrive at the zone to find…nothing.  Sensors show no signs of any Romulan ships.  You send out a general hail on all frequencies.  Ten minutes later lights and alerts start blaring across the bridge.  Ops starts announcing the situation.  \n" +
  46.                 "\"Sir, we show 270 Romulan Warbirds decloaking all around us!  This is strange, their shields are up but we don't show any power to their weapons.\" \n" +
  47.                 "\n" +
  48.                 "\"I am getting a hail from the Romulans sir,\" your Communications Officer informs you.  With a nod from you she puts the hail on the viewscreen. \n" +
  49.                 "\"Starfleet, I am Commander Sybol.  I request to speak to your armada leader.  Please beam aboard my ship so we may talk.  Please respond with your answer.\" \n" +
  50.                 "1)\tInform Commander Sybol that you will only speak to him on your ship. \n" +
  51.                 "2)\tInform the Romulans you will beam aboard their ship. \n",15, 9, 10 );
  52.         Story page6 = new Story("The Challenger comes out of warp in full Red Alert mode right in front of the Starfleet fleet.  The perimeter ships are startled by your arrival and go into Red Alert status.  The Yorktown hails your vessel and asks for your status.  Your communications officer works to stifle her laughter as she informs that everything is ok.  You feel the stares of people trying to hide their laughter looking at you.  You know that you will be hearing about this incident at officer gatherings for the next several years.  Your communications officer informs you that the briefing will be at 0800 hours on the Yorktown. \n" +
  53.                 "As 0800 hours approaches you beam over to the Yorktown to speak to Admiral Hanson.  He shakes your hand and leads you to the conference room.  \"Captain, I'll make this brief.  At 1200 hours I am sending you and the Challenger to the Neutral Zone to assess the situation.  I want you to give us the best assessment you can on how many ships are present.  Your job will then be to contact the lead ship of the Romulan Fleet and inform them to stay in the Neutral Zone.  I want you to send us constant updates of information as you get it.  The fleet will be ready to make their move if needed based off your recon.  Are you ready for this mission Captain?\" \n" +
  54.                 "1)\t\"Sir, do you think it's wise to send a single ship towards this Romulan Fleet?\" \n" +
  55.                 "2)\t\"Sir, yes Sir.  You can count on us to give you the information we need.\" \n",1, 11, 12);
  56.         Story page7 = new Story("Your tactical officer responds back, \"Sir, their shields are up and their weapons are armed but they haven't targeted us and are not taking up an offensive position.\"  \n" +
  57.                 "Fifteen warships are enough of an offensive position; the thought comes to you.  You can't help but wonder what they are waiting for, just sitting out there.  \"Ops, are you detecting anything from them?\" \n" +
  58.                 "\"Sorry sir, nothing.  No movement, no activity.  I'm trying to see if they have any other ships cloaked out there.\" \n" +
  59.                 "The next two hours the Romulans continue to ignore all hails and just wait, unmoving.  You can feel the tension from the officers on the bridge.  They know that no matter how good the Challenger was built the odds of surviving an attack from 15 Romulan warbirds is slim to none.  \n" +
  60.                 "\"Captain, I'm receiving a hail!\" Your communications officer calls over to you.  Finally, something from the Romulans. \n" +
  61.                 "\"Put them on Lieutenant,\" you say to your Communications officer.  \n" +
  62.                 "\"They are requesting a private communication sir.  Shall I forward it to your ready room?\" \n" +
  63.                 "After two hours of waiting you decide it's time for the Romulans to have a little taste of their medicine.  \"No, go ahead and put it on the main viewscreen.\" \n" +
  64.                 "The face of a stern Romulan appears on the giant viewscreen.  If he was phased by his private conversation request being ignored, he didn't show it.  \"I am Commander Sybol.  I request the presence of your Captain on my ship to discuss an important matter.  You will lower your shields and beam him aboard in ten minutes.  Will you comply?\" \n" +
  65.                 "1)\tTell Bok that you are heading to the Romulan Ship. \n" +
  66.                 "2)\t\"I think it would be in everyone's best interest if you were to beam aboard our ship to discuss this matter.\" \n", 5, 13, 14);
  67.         Story page8 = new Story("Bok's face shows obvious concern over your actions, but nods.  He orders tactical to lower the shields.  Your communication officer sends out a message that you will not engage and you wish to talk. \n" +
  68.                 "The only reply that comes is from the sight of 80 Photon Torpedoes launched from the Romulan Warbirds.  You only have enough time to turn to face Bok and see the anger in his face before the torpedoes strike the Challenger and she explodes in space. \n" +
  69.                 "You are Dead. \n", -10, 999, 999);
  70.         Story page9 = new Story("Commander Sybol agrees to meet you on your ship.  He says he will beam aboard your bridge shortly and ends the transmission.  You and Bok exchange a cautioned look and Bok turns towards your Tactical officer.  \n" +
  71.                 "\"Commander, please have a security detail report to the bridge.  Make sure all sensitive areas of the ship have details ready to prevent the Romulans from access.\" \n" +
  72.                 "The Romulan ship then sends a signal that they are ready to beam over and for you to lower your shields.  You signal your Tactical officer to lower the shields.  \n" +
  73.                 "Shortly after the shields go down your Ops officer speaks up, \"Sir…I'm reading something very strange...multiple locations on the ship…\"\n" +
  74.                 "A transporter beam starts to materialize on the bridge and a large green cylinder is sitting on the bridge. You scream out \"BEAM IT OUT OF HERE, BEAM THEM ALL OU…\"\n" +
  75.                 "\n" +
  76.                 "You are unable to finish as the quantum bombs explode all over the ship.  \n" +
  77.                 "\n" +
  78.                 "YOU ARE DEAD. \n", -5, 999,999);
  79.         Story page10 = new Story("You inform Sybol that you will beam aboard and talk to him.  You ask Bok to walk with you to the teleport room.  \"Bok, I can hear you thinking, I know you think this is a bad idea.  However, something in my gut says we need to listen to this Romulan.  I need you to trust me on this.\" \n" +
  80.                 "\"Captain, you know you always have my trust.  You are right that I don't like this.  I will make sure they keep a lock on you.\" \n" +
  81.                 "\"I appreciate it Bok.\" \n" +
  82.                 "You transport over to the Romulan flag ship.  A Security detail team meets you in the Romulan transport room and escorts you to the Romulan Captain's quarters.  Sybol is waiting for you and starts pouring two glasses of Romulan ale.  He invites you to sit down and offers you a drink.  You accept and take a seat. Sybol downs his ale and sits down across from you. He draws a heavy breath and looks you straight in the eyes. \n" +
  83.                 "\"This fleet you see here comprises most of what is left of the Romulan empire, and if you don't help us the Federation will suffer the same fate soon.  The one thing that scares both of our people more than war with each other has arrived.  The Borg have arrived and our destroying us.\" \n" +
  84.                 "And uneasy feeling settles on you.  There was nothing scarier than the Borg.  The pains of the loss of life at Wolf 359 is still strong in the hearts of the Federation. \"How many ships?\"  One ship destroyed half of the ships in the Federation of Wolf 359, more than one would be the worst nightmare you can imagine. \n" +
  85.                 "\"It's hard to say, most contact ends in tragedy, but we have detected at least 60 different vessels.\" \n" +
  86.                 "At least 60 Borg ships, dear god almighty. \n" +
  87.                 "\"We need the Federation's assistance.  We believe we have discovered a way to destroy the collective but for this to work we need your help.  I invite you to look at our research and see if you agree with our conclusions.  We want you to lead us to Federation Headquarters so we may speak with your leaders and work to end this threat.  Will you help us?\" \n" +
  88.                 "1) The Romulans can't be trusted.  You cannot sanction this request. \n" +
  89.                 "2) The Borg threat is too dangerous; you have to trust the Romulans on this. \n", 20, 15, 16);
  90.         Story page11 = new Story("Admiral Hanson replies with a tone of confidence.  \"We believe it is safe.  Our belief is that the Romulans are unlikely to start this conflict over a single vessel.  They are planning something and we don't expect it to start until they are ready.  We expect them to take an aggressive stance and try to intimidate, but we believe their bark will be worse than their bite, at least for now.  We want to seize this chance to grab as much recon as we can.  So I need to know, are you ready to accept this mission?\" \n" +
  91.                 "1) \"Admiral, you can count on us.\" \n" +
  92.                 "2) \"Sir, I think this is a suicide mission and I can't subject my crew to their deaths.\" \n", 5, 17, 18);
  93.         Story page12 = new Story("You shake hands with the Admiral and head back to the Challenger.  You know the mission is risky and you want to give the fleet the best chances of success if combat should occur.  You ask Bok to meet you in your ready room.  You give him the details of the meeting with Admiral Hanson. \n" +
  94.                 "\"Bok, plain and simple, how are we gonna get this Recon information?  We need to figure out how many ships they actually have out there.\" \n" +
  95.                 "\"Well Captain, as far as I can tell we have two options.  I have a wild and crazy plan and a conservative plan.  I'm confident the crazy plan can get us the info we need but it is very risky.  The conservative plan is safer but I don't think the information would be as helpful.\" \n" +
  96.                 "1) \"Bok, we need the best information we can get, what is this crazy plan?\" \n" +
  97.                 "2) \"We can't risk death and not delivering any information.  What is the Conservative plan?\" \n", 10, 19, 20);
  98.         Story page13 = new Story("You head down to the Transporter room and prepare to beam aboard the Romulan vessel.  The transporter chief informs the bridge he is ready to transport you.  The bridge responds back that the shields have been lowered on the Challenger and the Romulan vessel.  You nod to the Chief and tell him to transport you over. \n" +
  99.                 "As you start to materialize on the Romulan vessel the first thing you notice is the disruptors aimed at you.  You see a bright flash of light and realize they have fired.  There is a burning feeling in your gut and you realize that the disruptor blast is disintegrating your body.  The last thing you see before your body vaporizes to dust is a view screen on the far wall.  You see the Challenger being struck by dozens of warheads with their shields down.  \n" +
  100.                 "YOU HAVE DIED\n", -10, 999, 999);
  101.         Story page14 = new Story("Sybol agrees to come over to your vessel.  You inform him that he can bring three aides with him.  You agree to leave your weapons powered down as a sign of good faith.  You tell Bok that you will meet the Romulan Captain in the conference room.  Bok says he will bring them in quickly. \n" +
  102.                 "Just a few minutes later the doors open and Bok leads the Romulan Captain in to the conference room.  You gesture to a chair by you for him to sit down.  Bok excuses himself and heads out of the room. \n" +
  103.                 "\"Commander Sybol, I'll be straight to the point.  What the hell are you guys doing in the Neutral Zone?\" \n" +
  104.                 "\"I understand your concern Captain.  To be honest, we simply wanted to get your attention.  We need your help.  A great threat to both of our people is currently destroying our system.  Captain, the Borg have invaded Romulan space.\" \n" +
  105.                 "No enemy in the galaxy is more feared than the Borg.  Just a few years ago they destroyed over half the Federation fleet with a single ship at Wolf 359.  This is not a threat that could be ignored. \n" +
  106.                 "\"I see on your face Captain that you know the danger I speak of.  Several Borg ships have been in our space destroying our planets.  Billions of Romulans are now Borg drones.  We are being wiped out.  It's only natural that after us they would go after the Federation again.  Will you help us to defeat the Borg and save both of our empires?\" \n" +
  107.                 "1) \"Sybol, we stand with you against the Borg.\" \n" +
  108.                 "2) \"I'm not so sure about this, may I see your data on the Borg?\" \n", 15, 21, 22);
  109.         Story page15 = new Story("\"I'm sorry, what you ask is just too much.  I cannot sanction this.  You ask too much of our resources and provide little in trust.  It would put the entire Federation at risk to agree to this.  I think you should leave and head back to Romulus.\" \n" +
  110.                 "Commander Sybol doesn't bother to respond and instead orders you off of his ship.  You beam back aboard the Challenger and head to the bridge.  Bok informs you that the entire Romulan fleet is heading back towards Romulan space.  You breathe a sigh of relief that they didn't decide to blow you to pieces before leaving. You quickly setup a conference with Federation leaders to discuss what Sybol has told you about the Borg.  \n" +
  111.                 "As you are heading back towards Earth the Federation sends out a fleet wide alert.  Romulus has been invaded and taken over by the Borg.  Every ship in the flight is ordered to go to Red Alert and details will emerge soon for a strategy to combat the Borg.  \n" +
  112.                 "However, the Borg have grown stronger.  A few hours later a fleet of 10,000 Borg ships arrive in the Solar System.  The Federation is quickly assimilated by the Borg.  \n" +
  113.                 "You are a Borg Drone in charge of cleaning plasma manifolds. \n",-5,999,999);
  114.         Story page16 = new Story("\"Commander, you are right, this is far too important.  The Borg are the greatest threat possible to this universe.  I recommend we escort your ship right away to Federation Headquarters.  I can review your research along the way and be prepared to confirm your claims and support your plan when we arrive.  I will head over to my ship.  Please send me all your information on the Borg.\" \n" +
  115.                 "You and Sybol exchange handshakes and you head out the room and back towards the Transporter room.  You advise Symbol that it will not be easy to make Starfleet listen to you on this. Sybol says the research should help.  He orders the transporter to beam you back to the Challenger.  \n" +
  116.                 "Shortly after arriving back on your ship the Romulans start a large data transfer to your ship.  You start to examine the research as the Challenger escorts the Romulan flagship to the Federation Headquarters.  Your view of the research shows the weakness they hope to exploit.  The Romulans believe they have found a way to plant a nanovirus in the Borg bloodstream and render all the Borg implants useless.  It must be injected to a drone that has a chance to pass it to the Queen before it gets detected.  \n" +
  117.                 "You arrive at Starfleet and quickly inform the Chiefs of Staff of the situation.  You encourage them to meet the Romulans as your assessment of their plan is sound of judgement.   The Romulan commander seems pleased with the progress and states he is ready to formalize any papers that are needed. \n" +
  118.                 "Working with Starfleet you assemble a grand army of Federation and Romulan vessels.  The norovirus is created and stored on your ship.  You put the fleet on alert that you will be moving out soon.  The next day you fly to meet the Queen's ship.  The mission is well planned and executed perfectly.  Only 2 members were lost in the operation and the Queen becomes infected.  Quickly the Borg start dying off across the University.  \n" +
  119.                 "You are quickly regarded as one of the best captains in Star Fleet.  With your efforts the Federation and the Romulan empire enter a new era of Peace.  \n",100,999,999);
  120.         Story page17 = new Story("You agree to the mission and head back to the Challenger.  You inform Bok of your mission and order the ship to the Neutral Zone to meet the Romulans.  Six hours later it is time to arrive.  You to the bridge, ready to assess and deal with the Romulan forces.  \n" +
  121.                 "\"All stop Helm, stop us right by the border.\" \n" +
  122.                 "\"Aye Sir,\" calls the Helm.  The Challenger comes out of warp and comes face to face with a fleet of ship.  The Romulans don't even hesitate and start opening fire on the Challenger.  \n" +
  123.                 "\"SHIELDS UP, EVASIVE ACTION!\" you yell.  \"Ops, I need you to quickly analyze the ships firing on us.  Grab all the info you can on how many are out there, classes of ships, and their positions.  We have to get this quickly!\" \n" +
  124.                 "Your bridge crew starts working furiously to start logging all the information they can on the Romulan Fleet.  A large explosion rocks the Challenger, sending some officers flying.  \"Status Report, what the hell was that?!!?\" \n" +
  125.                 "Bok replies back, \"Sir, that was engineering...they had to eject the warp core, it was in process of a sudden breach.  What we felt was the explosion of the Warp Core.\" \n" +
  126.                 "Without the warp core you knew the ship was a sitting duck.  You had to find a way to get your collected information back to the fleet. \n" +
  127.                 "\"Bok, quickly, no questions, I need you to dump all our collected info here onto a computer on one of the shuttlecraft.  I need you to warp out of here with that data and meet the fleet.  There is nothing more important than that right now.\" \n" +
  128.                 "Bok stares you in the eye and nods.  He rushes to the computer and transfers the collected data to a memory chip.  He then rushes to the shuttle bay.  \n" +
  129.                 "\"Tactical, I need you to do everything possible to cover his shuttlecraft.  Helm, I need you to try to stay between the shuttle and the bulk of the ships.\" \n" +
  130.                 "Your crew works gallantly to protect the shuttle and as you see the lights of the shuttle warping away a sigh of relief come over you.  You and your crew are about to die, but you now the fleet will have the information they needed. \n" +
  131.                 "The next day the fleet engaged the Romulans and with the recon you collected they were able to win.  The fleet searches for any sign of the Challenger and collects the few pieces of debris that they can find.  \n" +
  132.                 "You are awarded Starfleet's highest honor and a new medal is created in your name.  \n" +
  133.                 "YOU ARE DEAD, but you have succeeded. \n",50,999,999);
  134.         Story page18 = new Story("\"Sir, this is suicide and I won't be a part of it.\" \n" +
  135.                 "\"Captain, this is a real shame.  I am sad that you do not trust us or your crew.  I'm afraid this means I cannot trust you anymore.  Take the Challenger back to Earth and report to Starfleet Command.  \n" +
  136.                 "You arrive back on Earth and head to Headquarters.  You are quickly summoned to the Commodore's chambers.   The Commodore of Starfleet informs you that you are to be stripped of your command and forced into early retirement.  Starfleet is grateful for your service but it is no longer required.   \n" +
  137.                 "Your retirement is short lived as the Romulans quickly invade the Federation and take over.  You are forced into a mining camp where you die several years later. \n" +
  138.                 "YOU ARE DEAD\n",1,999,999);
  139.         Story page19 = new Story("\"Well sir, I think we need to create as many probes as possible.  Thousands of probes.  As many as we can make in a day.  It will be like a blanket of ping pong balls sir.\" \n" +
  140.                 "You marvel at the simplicity of Bok's plan.  You order the crew to get started on building the probes.  Twenty-four hours later the Challenger has added over 3000 new probes.  They are equipped to Photon Torpedoes to allow for a disbursal pattern.  \n" +
  141.                 "The Challenger warps to the Neutral Zone.  The ship makes an emergency stop right by the Neutral Zone.  You order the release of all the probes in a full 360 pattern, allowing for maximum spread.  Your team rushes to record all the impact points as the probes crash into ships, cloaked and uncloaked.  Some of the lead Romulan ships begin firing on you so you order evasive actions.  Bok calls out that they have the ship information. \n" +
  142.                 "\"Helm, get us out of here and back to the fleet, hit it!\" \n" +
  143.                 "You arrive back at the fleet loaded with information on the Romulan armada.  The next day the fleet goes to face the Armada.  The Romulan open fire on the fleet but find their numbers dwindling quickly.   The Fleet succeeds in cause the Romulans to retreat back to Romulus. \n" +
  144.                 "You are award the highest citation for bravery in Starfleet. \n" +
  145.                 "YOU HAVE WON\n",-20,999,999);
  146.         Story page20 = new Story("\"Sir, we try to fly in running silent.  We go silent and slow enough, maybe they won't detect us and we can collect our information, then warp out.\" \n" +
  147.                 "\"You are right, that is safer Bok.  Make it so, get the crew ready,\" you reply.  \n" +
  148.                 "The ship is rigged for quiet running and you stop a light year away.  You order the ship to proceed at quarter impulse and don't go any faster. \n" +
  149.                 "As you approach the sensors on the bridge start blaring.  The Romulans have spotted you.  They quickly open fire and you realize that you are no match to stand up to them right now.  \n" +
  150.                 "The one silver lining in facing over 600 warships is that you die very quickly.  Your ship is lost within 2 minutes.\n" +
  151.                 "\n" +
  152.                 "YOU ARE DEAD\n",75,999,999);
  153.         Story page21 = new Story("  You agree to escort the Romulans to Starfleet to work with Starfleet to eliminate the Borg.  You work with the Federation to help the Romulans integrate into the system.  The Romulans provide their information on the Borg to Federation scientist.  \n" +
  154.                 "You start getting reports that the data doesn't seem correct.  Frequencies of weapons, blast patters, etc all feel different than Starfleet's previous encounters with the Borg.  One of the science team approaches you and ask you to look at a piece of data.  \n" +
  155.                 "\"Sir, this isn't right.  I can tell you this information is fabricated.  This was taken from the records of the fight at Wolf 359.  Sir, I can't find any proof that the Borg are really in Romulan space or have encountered a Romulan Vessel.\"  \n" +
  156.                 "\"Why would they lie about this...\" and then you realize Romulans were everyone at headquarters now.  Red Alerts start blaring in the building.  A quick check indicates that the President was just murdered.  \n" +
  157.                 "Romulan assassins take out dozens of key officials, crippling the structure of the Federation and Starfleet.  It takes less than 3 months for the Romulans to control all sectors of Federation space and declare Martial law.  You are captured and executed as a political prisoner.  Your last thought before being vaporized is that you are responsible for the death of the Federation. \n" +
  158.                 "YOU ARE DEAD\n",-5,999,999);
  159.         Story page22 = new Story("You ask to see their info on the Borg attacks.  You quickly identify that the provided information is fake.  You decide to play along and hope that gets you out of here.  You claim you will support them with the Federation.  You offer to escort the lead ship to Starfleet HQ.  You are able to secretly send a message to HQ without the Romulans detecting it.  An ambush is ready and waiting for the Romulan ship.  The Romulan government decides to disavow knowledge of the mission and the Romulan crew commits suicide to avoid giving information.  You win, but the relations are even more strained between Starfleet and the Romulans. ",25,999,999);
  160.         Story page100 = new Story("An hour later a message is waiting for you in your ready room.  It is Admiral Hanson again and he looks angry.  \n" +
  161.                 "\"It is not your place to question my orders Captain.  We need you at the Neutral Zone as quickly as possible.  A stranded Klingon passenger ship has broken down and drifting towards the Neutral Zone.  We need you to save them.  Now stop stalling and get there now, or the only thing you will captain after this is a cargo ship out of Vulcan.  Admiral Hanson out.\" \n" +
  162.                 "1) Call the bridge and order maximum warp to the Neutral Zone now. \n" +
  163.                 "2) Send another message to Admiral Hanson asking why the Klingons can't handle their own ship. \n",5,101,102);
  164.         Story page101 = new Story("The ship arrives at the Neutral Zone to find a horrible sight.  The Klingons have drifted into the Neutral Zone now.  They are outside of tractor beam range and can only be saved if you violate the Romulan treaty and enter the Neutral Zone.   Scans of the Klingon Vessel report scattered life signs, but something is blocking the signal to get accurate readings.  Your gut is telling you something is wrong. \n" +
  165.                 "1)  Fly in Quick, grab the Klingons, and get out! \n" +
  166.                 "2) Send a probe and try to confirm those life signs first. \n",20,103,104);
  167.         Story page102 = new Story("You are on the Bridge when a signal comes in from Starfleet.  This one is for Commander Bok.  He asks to take it in your ready room and you agree.  A few minutes later Bok comes out of your ready room looking visibly upset.  Two security officers step out of the turbolift.  \n" +
  168.                 "\"Captain, under authorization from Starfleet you are being placed under arrest and are removed from your duties as Captain.  I am now in command the rest of this mission.  Please take the Captain to the brig where he is to remain until the time of his Court Marshall. \n" +
  169.                 "YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESSTED \n",-50,999,999);
  170.         Story page103 = new Story("You order the Challenger into the Neutral Zone to save the Klingon Ship.  As soon as the ship stops beside the Klingon Vessel a fleet of Romulan vessels decloak all around you.  Your Ops officer announces that he has picked up over 500 Romulan vessels. \n" +
  171.                 "You don't even have enough time to signal a retreat before your vessel is impacted by thousands of torpedoes.  The Challenger is blown to pieces. \n" +
  172.                 "YOU ARE DEAD\n",-5,999,999);
  173.         Story page104 = new Story("You send a probe into the zone.  You can't detect any signals that indicate possible Romulans.  You decide to enter the Neutral Zone to help the Klingons. \n" +
  174.                 "1) Beam aboard the ship and look for survivors? \n" +
  175.                 "2) Tractor the ship to safety. \n",15,105,106);
  176.         Story page105 = new Story("You decide to drop your shields to beam the Klingons about your ship.  As soon as shields go down the klingon ship fires and takes out your shield generator.  An armada of romulan warbirds decloak around you.    Boom, dead.",1,999,999);
  177.         Story page106 = new Story("You decide the tractor and tow the ship back to Federation Space.  All proceeds smoothly.  The Klingon empire is happy with your rescue and it's believed the Romulans never learn about you crossing into their space.  Not the most exciting mission, you hope more adventure awaits you in the future. -   THE END (low score ending) ",15,999,999);
  180.         System.out.println("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
  181.         System.out.println("//                                                     //");
  182.         System.out.println("//      Star Trek: Challenge of the Neutral Zone       //");
  183.         System.out.println("//                                                     //");
  184.         System.out.println("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
  185.         System.out.println("\n\nPlease input your name: ");
  186.         name = nameInput.nextLine();
  188.         Player player = new Player(name);
  190.         // System.out.println(player.toString());
  192.         while (player.getPage() != 999) {
  193.             switch (player.getPage()) {
  194.             case 1:
  195.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page1.getScore());
  196.                 System.out.println(page1.getScript());
  197.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  198.                 player.setPage(page1.setChoicePage(choice));
  199.                 break;
  200.             case 2:
  201.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page2.getScore());
  202.                 System.out.println(page2.getScript());
  203.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  204.                 player.setPage(page2.setChoicePage(choice));
  205.                 break;
  206.             case 3:
  207.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page3.getScore());
  208.                 System.out.println(page3.getScript());
  209.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  210.                 player.setPage(page3.setChoicePage(choice));
  211.                 break;
  212.             case 4:
  213.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page4.getScore());
  214.                 System.out.println(page4.getScript());
  215.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  216.                 player.setPage(page4.setChoicePage(choice));
  217.                 break;
  218.             case 5:
  219.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page5.getScore());
  220.                 System.out.println(page5.getScript());
  221.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  222.                 player.setPage(page5.setChoicePage(choice));
  223.                 break;
  224.             case 6:
  225.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page6.getScore());
  226.                 System.out.println(page6.getScript());
  227.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  228.                 player.setPage(page6.setChoicePage(choice));
  229.                 break;
  230.             case 7:
  231.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page7.getScore());
  232.                 System.out.println(page7.getScript());
  233.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  234.                 player.setPage(page7.setChoicePage(choice));
  235.                 break;
  236.             case 8:
  237.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page8.getScore());
  238.                 System.out.println(page8.getScript());
  239.                 player.setPage(999);
  240.                 break;
  241.             case 9:
  242.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page9.getScore());
  243.                 System.out.println(page9.getScript());
  244.                 player.setPage(999);
  245.                 break;
  246.             case 10:
  247.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page10.getScore());
  248.                 System.out.println(page10.getScript());
  249.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  250.                 player.setPage(page10.setChoicePage(choice));
  251.                 break;
  252.             case 11:
  253.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page11.getScore());
  254.                 System.out.println(page11.getScript());
  255.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  256.                 player.setPage(page11.setChoicePage(choice));
  257.                 break;
  258.             case 12:
  259.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page12.getScore());
  260.                 System.out.println(page12.getScript());
  261.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  262.                 player.setPage(page12.setChoicePage(choice));
  263.                 break;
  264.             case 13:
  265.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page13.getScore());
  266.                 System.out.println(page13.getScript());
  267.                 player.setPage(999);
  268.                 break;
  269.             case 14:
  270.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page14.getScore());
  271.                 System.out.println(page14.getScript());
  272.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  273.                 player.setPage(page14.setChoicePage(choice));
  274.                 break;
  275.             case 15:
  276.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page15.getScore());
  277.                 System.out.println(page15.getScript());
  278.                 player.setPage(999);
  279.                 break;
  280.             case 16:
  281.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page16.getScore());
  282.                 System.out.println(page16.getScript());
  283.                 player.setPage(999);
  284.                 break;
  285.             case 17:
  286.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page17.getScore());
  287.                 System.out.println(page17.getScript());
  288.                 player.setPage(999);
  289.                 break;
  290.             case 18:
  291.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page18.getScore());
  292.                 System.out.println(page18.getScript());
  293.                 player.setPage(999);
  294.                 break;
  295.             case 19:
  296.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page19.getScore());
  297.                 System.out.println(page19.getScript());
  298.                 player.setPage(999);
  299.                 break;
  300.             case 20:
  301.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page20.getScore());
  302.                 System.out.println(page20.getScript());
  303.                 player.setPage(999);
  304.                 break;
  305.             case 21:
  306.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page21.getScore());
  307.                 System.out.println(page21.getScript());
  308.                 player.setPage(999);
  309.                 break;
  310.             case 22:
  311.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page22.getScore());
  312.                 System.out.println(page22.getScript());
  313.                 player.setPage(999);
  314.                 break;
  315.             case 100:
  316.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page100.getScore());
  317.                 System.out.println(page100.getScript());
  318.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  319.                 player.setPage(page100.setChoicePage(choice));
  320.                 break;
  321.             case 101:
  322.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page101.getScore());
  323.                 System.out.println(page101.getScript());
  324.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  325.                 player.setPage(page101.setChoicePage(choice));
  326.                 break;
  327.             case 102:
  328.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page102.getScore());
  329.                 System.out.println(page102.getScript());
  330.                 player.setPage(999);
  331.                 break;
  332.             case 103:
  333.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page103.getScore());
  334.                 System.out.println(page103.getScript());
  335.                 player.setPage(999);
  336.                 break;
  337.             case 104:
  338.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page104.getScore());
  339.                 System.out.println(page104.getScript());
  340.                 choice = choiceInput.nextInt();
  341.                 player.setPage(page104.setChoicePage(choice));
  342.                 break;
  343.             case 105:
  344.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page105.getScore());
  345.                 System.out.println(page105.getScript());
  346.                 player.setPage(999);
  347.                 break;
  348.             case 106:
  349.                 player.setScore(player.getScore() + page106.getScore());
  350.                 System.out.println(page106.getScript());
  351.                 player.setPage(999);
  352.                 break;
  354.             default:
  355.                 System.out.println("oops\nStarting Over");
  356.                 player.setPage(1);
  357.                 player.setScore(0);
  358.             }
  359.         }
  360.         System.out.println("Final Score: " + player.getScore());
  361.     }
  363. }
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