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Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. Database:
  2. ## MySQL, the database type, can be SQLite, MySQL or H2
  3. Type: SQLite
  4. ## host, the MySQL host name
  5. host: localhost
  6. ## port, the MySQL port
  7. port: 3306
  8. ## user, the MySQL user name
  9. user: root
  10. ## pass, the MySQL password, '' if none.
  11. pass: 123
  12. ## database, the MySQL database to be used by this plugin
  13. database: minecraft
  14. ## prefix, the prefix used to create the tables in the sql database
  15. prefix: crcr_
  17. ## This section will define which group the player will be added when he changes his gamemode.
  18. Permissions:
  19. ## ChangeGroups, if true, creative players will be added to the 'CreativeGroup'
  20. ChangeGroups: false
  21. ## CreativeGroup, the group that the player will be put on when changing to creative
  22. CreativeGroup: MembersCreative
  23. ## KeepCurrentGroup, if true, the player will not lose his current group, the creative group will just be added to its current groups.
  24. KeepCurrentGroup: true
  25. ## OpHasPerm, if true, ops will have all the permissions and will not be checked by your permissions plugin
  26. OpHasPerm: false
  28. Queue:
  29. ## Threads, the number of threads to be use to process the database
  30. Threads: 2
  31. ## Speed, the speed of the queue, if your server is taking too long to shutdown, increase this option.
  32. Speed: 0.1
  34. Cache:
  35. ## MaxCapacity, the maximum cache capacity, higher this value is, better will be the performance, but also the memory usage will increase.
  36. MaxCapacity: 15000
  37. ## PreCache, the amount of items to be cached on startup, if you have a big database, this may increase the load time.
  38. PreCache: 10000
  40. Configurations:
  41. ## Single, if true, only the world.yml file will be used, other ones will be ignored.
  42. Single: false
  43. ## Conflict, if true, if required, some functions of this plugin will be automatically disabled to avoid conflict.
  44. Conflict: true
  45. ## FriendSystem, if true, the friend system will be enabled, this may take a bit of resources, just a bit.
  46. FriendSystem: false
  48. Updater:
  49. ## Check for updates?
  50. Enabled: false
  52. Selection:
  53. ## UseWorldEdit, if true, worldedit will be used to make selections. Otherwise the tool defined below will be used.
  54. UseWorldEdit: true
  55. ## The Item ID used to select regions, if UseWorldEdit is false
  56. Tool: 369
  58. Events:
  59. ## Use PlayerMoveEvent? This may take a lot of resources on large servers, but is required to Creative/Survival regions work.
  60. PlayerMove: false
  61. ## Enable MiscProtections? Not recommended to use, I'll probably remove it on future releases.
  62. MiscProtection: false
  64. PlayerData:
  65. ## Inventory, if true, players will have an inventory to survival, other to creative an other to adventurer
  66. Inventory: false
  67. ## Status, if true, will save the player survival status [e.g Health, Food, etc]
  68. Status: false
  69. ## Teleport, if true, the player will be teleported to the floor on login if needed
  70. Teleport: false
  71. ## SetSurvival, if true, the player will be set to survival on login (ATTENTTION: THIS MAY GLITCH WITH AUTH PLUGINS)
  72. SetSurvival: false
  73. ## FallGlith, if true, if the player is falling and right before hitting the ground he change its gamemode to survival he wont take damage
  74. FallGlitch: false
  75. ## HideInventory, if true, the player inventory will be hidden until login using an auth plugin
  76. HideInventory: false
  78. ## This section will define the armor to set on every creative player, for advanced options, while wearing the armor type /cc set armor.
  79. CreativeArmor:
  80. ## Helmet, the player helmet
  81. Helmet: 0
  82. ## Chestplate, the player chestplate
  83. Chestplate: 0
  84. ## Leggings, the player leggings
  85. Leggings: 0
  86. ## Boots, the player boots
  87. Boots: 0
  89. Communicator:
  90. ## Quiet, if true, any messages will be displayed
  91. Quiet: false
  93. Debug:
  94. ## Console, if true, debug messages will be displayed in the console
  95. Console: false
  96. ## Stack, if true, common errors will be printed by full [leave it true C:]
  97. Stack: true
  99. # End of the file -->
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