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Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. god I love my mom and dad I been up since 4 o'clock with my neck locked in one position wanting to throw up I'm in so much pain at 10 o'clock I see someone stiring so I walked out in the living room in found out it was my dad so I begged him to go wake up my mom to take me to the hospital his exact words were I'm a little busy with what I'm doing so I got up in tears and went and laid down it took me an hour to cry myself to sleep at 12:20 I get woke up by my mom to get asked how I was doing I go to respond to her and she disappears so I kick something off of my friend made some ruckus and got yelled at for throwing a temper tantrum I'm like are you serious I go in the bathroom to have a cigarette like I've been told to do many of times then I hear my mom ranting and raving I'm sick of the cigarettes next thing you know it I hear let's go I'm ready I say ready for what my mom says the hospital she said I been gettin ready all this time and you haven't done anything I was gonna snap but kept my cool Wow both my mom and dad talk s*** behind my back and yelled and pissed a fit I'm so f****** done I don't know why I stick around I really wish I would learn from all of these occasions and just run as far as I f****** can away from this place Here I am talk texting to my phone hoping it's getting everything I'm saying because I'm too dizzy to see.I've never wanted to throw up from pain before not even from my surgery I don't understand why my neck does this once a month just please someone take an axe to it and end my misery
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