
Fluff-TV PSAs - 2

Dec 20th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. CanadaBro, July 27, 2014; 15:46 / FB 24157
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Fluff-TV PSAs #2
  5. #5: “Babbehs nu is toys!”
  7. The commercial, shot at a fluffy’s eye level, shows a human letting a fluffy off of her leash at a fluffy park. We only see him from the knees-down. “Have fun, fluffy!”
  8. “Otay, daddeh!”
  9. She happily scampers off, but soon finds a barely weaned foal chasing a butterfly, his little wings fluttering rapidly as he attempted to fly as well. The mare’s eyes widened with delight. “Oooh! Is a babbeh toy!”
  11. She picks him up, getting up on her hind legs and pretending that he’s an airplane. “Woosh! Weeee! Babbeh is fwying metaw munsta!” The baby peeps in protest, too frightened to form words at first.
  13. Finally, he manages to speak. “Nuu! Wet babbeh downsies! BABBEH SCAWED!” She doesn’t listen, waving the pegasus erratically in the air before slamming him into the ground with an audible crunch. “Is a vwoom vwoom munsta now!” She makes little engine noises as she pretends that he’s a car, smearing blood all over the grass.
  15. After a few seconds of this, she frowns. “Why babbeh nu make noise nu mowe?”
  17. At this, BlueBerry FluffyBum, the fluffy celebrity, waddles into the view, smiling to the camera. The brilliantly white and blue stallion bonked the mare right on the noise, causing her to give a ‘huu’ and cover her snout with her hooves. “You a bad, bad fwuffy! Gave tha babbeh fowever sweepies!” He pointed at the corpse.
  19. “But… but was just pwaying with babbeh toysie!” This earned her another bonk on the nose.
  20. “Nope! Kiwwed da babbeh. Bad fwuffy! Have to be cawfuw wiff babbehs. Wike this!”
  22. A human hand passes him a (rather confused-looking) foal from offscreen. With immaculate care, he gives the baby a big hug. The little creature happily peeps and coos. “This is a good way to pway with da babbehs!”
  24. The camera zoomed in on Blueberry as he turned towards the audience, the mare crying in the background over the body of the tiny foal. “Wemembew, babbehs nu awe toys! They awive, wike you awe. Be nice to da babbehs, and vewy, vewy gentwe.”
  26. Effect on domestic fluffies:
  28. Of the target population of 1,000, the advertisement was found to be effective as was defined by FluffTV’s guidelines. Incidences of injured foals fell 12%, and mental health of baby fluffies rose dramatically. Presumably, this is from being treated better by their parents and adult fluffies.
  30. However, the shot of the bloody foal’s body being smeard across the ground was considered far too graphic, both for fluffies, and the children who may be watching FluffTV with them. The blood was removed digitally using CGI in the final release.
  32. #6: “Nu speciaw wumps? Nu pwobwem!”
  34. A crying stallion is showed sitting in his saferoom and crying heavily, tears streaming down his face. He’s sitting on his haunches with bandages around his pelvis, his back legs open allowing the audience to better see this. “HUU HUU! WAN DIE! HUUU!”
  36. BlueBerry FluffyBum waddles into the shot once more, smiling an inappropriate amount while again staring right into the camera. “What wwong, fwiend?”
  38. The stallion gives another sniffle. “F-fwuffy nu got speciaw wumps no mowe! Can nu give speciaw huggies and nu am stawwion no mowe! HUUU!”
  40. BlueBerry actually manages to suppress his smile momentarily to give the neutered fluffy a nice, big hug… Before pulling away and looking right into the camera once more, grinning ear to ear again. “Nu wowwy! Having nu speciaw wumps means you can’t make nu babbehs, but you can stiww give speciaw huggies!”
  42. The stallion’s sniffling stopped. “W-weawwy?”
  44. “Weawwy! And you stiww a stawwion, even without speciaw wumps, nu mattew what meanies say!”
  46. A rather beautiful mare walks into view. “Fwuffy stiww wub speciaw fwiend! Nu wowwy!” She gives him a big hug, and they both nuzzle their noses against each other affectionately.
  48. BlueBerry Fluffybum turns his entire body to the camera now (rather than just his gaze), speaking to the audience. “Wemembew, wots of stawwions get theiw speciaw wumps taken away. Nu be sad if you have no speciaw wumps , and nu be meanie to fwuffies who don’t have any!”
  50. Effect on domestic fluffies:
  52. The commercial had mixed results. Most male fluffies who are sterilized have the procedure done at a young age, and thus don’t know what they’re missing. The result was that many stallions realized that they didn’t have their testes anymore and became depressed or confused, despite not having remembered having the procedure done.
  54. However, amongst the few stallions who had been neutered after adolescence, it was found that they had a tremendous boost in confidence and over-all mental health.
  56. As a result, this PSA will not air on Fluff-TV, but will be available online for owners to show their stallions who are old enough to remember the procedure.
  58. #7: “Sketties not fow aww da time!”
  60. Two fluffies are in their saferoom, with two food bowls in front of them. The fluffy to the left happily begins to munch his kibble, but the one to the right puffs up his cheeks at the food. “DUMMEH KIBBEW. WANT SKETTIES!” he goes offscreen, coming back a bit later with a bowl of spaghetti (of course, they couldn’t show him demanding spaghetti from his owners lest the viewers think that demanding things worked).
  62. The audience sees both fluffies scarf down their food. However, the one that only ate spaghetti looks dizzy, hobbling back and forth. “Huu! Tummeh huwts!”
  64. Blueberry Fucking FluffyBum waddles into the view, the permanent shit-eating grin never leaving his face. “Oh no! Fwiend have tummeh-owwies? Hmm.” He looks down at the empty bowl of spaghetti. “What did fwuffy eat today?”
  65. “Huu… Sketties fow bwek-fest, then sketties fow wunch, then mowe sketties!”
  67. “Dat the pwobwem!” Blueberry pointed to the other fluffy. “This fwuffy big and stwong because he eat nice, heawthy kibbwe and fwuit nummies!” He pointed back to the ill stallion. “This fwuffy vewy, vew sickies because he onwy eat sketties!”
  69. The fluffy celebrity turned to the camera. “Wemembew, sketties is a food that you can onwy eat SOMETIMES. Eating too much sketties makes fwuffies have bad, bad sickies, and bad, bad poopies!” The camera pans back to the sick fluffy during the second sentence, showing him laying down with his tongue hanging out, and a huge amount of faeces spraying from his rectum (NEARLY KILLED HIM HURR DURR) onto the wall behind him.
  71. The camera pans back to Blueberry. "Wemembew, eat wots of heawthy nummiies, and owny have sketties sometimes!
  73. Effect on domestic fluffies:
  75. Minor effect in curtailing spaghetti demands.
  77. Upon seeing the commercial, however, some fluffies would immediately get over-excited and ask for pasta, not watching the rest of the advertisement. Upon seeing the whole thing, however, most fluffies ate smaller portions of spaghetti and asked for it less frequently.
  79. Some particularly paranoid (as saying ‘health-conscious’ would be a bit of a stretch) fluffies even stopped asking all together, but would still happily eat it when it was offered to them.
  81. #8: “Wiwd fwuffies BAD!”
  83. A backdoor to a house is opened, and a filly excitedly skips out onto the balcony, turning around briefly as her owner advised her. “Remember, fluffy! Don’t talk to any ferals on the other side of the fence. If you see any, tell me right away!”
  85. “Otay, mummeh!”
  87. The camera pans, following the fluffy as she plays with her ball in a pleasant looking back yard, passing it to her stuffed animal. Then, a pony’s voice is heard off-camera. “Hewwo! Nyu fwiend!”
  89. The filly turns around, seeing a ragtag group of very, very messy looking ferals. Her innocent, naive eyes widen in delight. “YAY! NYU FWIENDS!” She waddles over to them.
  91. “Can nice, pwetty fiwwy wet fwuffies inside? Fwuffies want pway baww too!”
  93. “YAY! OTAY!”
  95. She quickly digs a hole underneath the fence (in less than a few seconds… Again, things need to be streamlined for TV) and then allows the ferals to squeeze underneath. They look at her, grinning.
  97. “We gon’ pway fun game now!?” She asks, her tail twitching back and forth in anticipation.
  99. “Oh yeah. We gon’ pway weawwy, weawwy fun game… Hehehehe…” The last thing we see is the filly’s horrified expression as she’s pushed to the ground, then the scene fades to black. The audience hears her screams as she’s stomped on, as well as several “enf” noises.
  101. The scene fades back into sight, and we see BlueBerry walking into frame, next to the horribly bruised and battered filly. She’s crying softly. “Huu huu huu!”
  103. “What happened, fwuffy?” The celebrity fluffy is still grinning like a fucking maniac, like he always does.
  105. “B-big stupid meanie fwuffies come! They gave stompies and bad feews, and took my baww and stuffy fwiend!”
  107. She reaches up pitifully, attempting to make the ‘give huggies’ gesture, but is too injured to do it properly. Blueberry sees and ignores this, instead speaking directly into the camera. “Wemembew, nevew, EVEW tawk to wiwd fwuffies! Wiwd fwuffies awe fwuffy ponies who don’t got a mummeh ow daddeh. They might want to give you stompies, ow bad speciaw huggies, ow steaw youw babbehs and youw toysies.”
  109. “Fluffy! What happened!?” The filly’s owner is heard off-camera, running over to her pet and reaching down to give her a big hug. “You shouldn’t EVER talk to fluffies without asking me first! Isn’t that right, Blueberry?”
  110. “Dat’s wight, nice wady! Wemember, fwuffies… Aways wisten to youw mummahs and daddehs, and NEVEW tawk to wiwd fwuffies!”
  112. Effect on domestic fluffy pony population:
  114. Positive results. Over all, this was considered very effective at curtailing incidences of fluffy ponies being hurt or assaulted by feral fluffy ponies. However, some viewers expressed concern over why BlueBerry didn’t accept the filly’s hug in the PSA, and thus a minor re-shoot will occur before things are finalized.
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