
Berserker Anon and Compass Rose in Equestria, 1

Sep 4th, 2013
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  1. >"Anon?" you hear, as you start to regain consciousness. "Anonymous, I need you to wake up."
  2. >Your first instinct is to ignore it. You were enjoying the nap, even if your 'bed' isn't quite comfortable.
  3. >In particular, your baldric digging into your back is aggravating. You wonder, vaguely, why you wore it to sleep.
  4. >More importantly, why is it empty?
  5. >"C'mon, Anon, please don't be hurt," the familiar voice pleads. "You know I don't know enough about human anatomy to patch you up."
  6. "Rose?" you ask, opening your eyes. Immediately, you regret it. Holy damn it fuck, the sunlight is bright.
  7. >A nagging feeling in the back of your mind tells you that's wrong, somehow.
  8. >"Hey there, big guy." You try opening your eyes again--gradually, this time--to find your business partner and traveling companion, Compass Rose, standing over you.
  9. >She's a pegasus pony; off-white coat, red mane and tail. Her green eyes are fixed on you, as full of concern and relief as her voice.
  10. >"Thank Celestia you're awake," she says. "You took a pretty nasty fall, there. I don't see any wounds, but you should probably lie still until-"
  11. >With a grunt, you lever yourself up. "Oh, hey, that works too," Rose says. A glance around shows you you're sitting in a field of grass, near a small hill. The sun's high in the sky; late morning or early afternoon, you're too disoriented to tell.
  12. >Your revolver is holstered on your hip where it belongs, but you're alarmed to find that your Tannhauser isn't sheathed in it's customary place on your back.
  13. "My sword?" you ask.
  14. >"Three feet behind you and to your right," she promptly answers, pointing with a hoof. "I would have drug it closer to you, but...well..."
  15. "Yeah, I know," you say, rising to your feet and retrieving the weapon.
  16. >Your greatsword is slightly longer than you are tall, from tip to pommel, and the blade is as wide as both your palms put together. Its weight would stagger most men; to Rose, it was immovable.
  17. >As always, you heft it easily. You examine the blade for damage, and you're relieved to find none. The weapon is an heirloom, your birthright; it means more to you than your right arm.
  18. >After all, you could wield it left-handed if you have to.
  19. >"I'm fine too, by the way," Rose says, breaking your reverie. "Thanks for asking."
  20. "Why wouldn't you be? What happened, anyway?" you ask. You look again at the field you're in, under the cloudless sky. "How did we even get here? And where are we?"
  21. >"I...don't know," she answers.
  23. ----------------------------
  24. -----------------------------
  25. >"One second, we were in the Sorcerer's Tomb," Rose says.
  26. >You think back, to the last thing you recall. A decrepit maze of stone passages, and a horde of murderous Draugar.
  27. >The two of you had been drawn there by rumors of a great treasure, enough for a king's ransom. The tales of the curse that protected it were enough to dissuade most; but not you.
  28. >It wasn't until you'd found yourselves below ground that the tomb's guardians awoke. Corpses, the men-at-arms of the Witch King in life, bound to protect their communal grave beyond death.
  29. >You and Compass Rose had become separated; you'd sent the pegasus ahead, to try to find an escape, while you stayed to fight.
  30. >She would have been useless in this fight. The Draugar were terrible opponents. Their undead bodies were nearly impervious to harm, and the eldritch power that coursed through their limbs gave them amazing strength.
  31. >You were pressed to your limit trying to fend them off.
  32. >As your fight got more desperate, you had begun to feel the surge of the battle fury taking hold. You had been just on the verge of giving yourself up to the killing rage, and then...
  33. >"The next, we were in the air. We were transported out of the catacombs by...something. But it left us a good hundred feet straight up," Rose says.
  34. "You have wings, of course. You managed to catch yourself," you surmise. You look over to the spot where you landed; the furrow you made was really fairly impressive. "I of course did not."
  35. >"You weren't moving when I found you. You had me pretty scared," she says, placing a hoof on your leg and looking up at you. "It's a miracle you weren't hurt."
  36. >That makes you aware of your body's complaints, which you've been ignoring until now. You're sore all over. Head pounding, back aching. You probably should have listened to her when she told you remain lying down.
  37. >Kneeling, you place a hand on Rose's head and ruffle her mane.
  38. "I wouldn't want to try that again. I I've drank a tavern dry, and fought every man there in turns."
  39. >"Hmph. You've done that once. I was there."
  40. "Yeah, I know."
  41. >You realize that you would have been hurt much worse, if you hadn't begun to slip into the frenzy before you fell. But you don't share that with her.
  42. >"I can't believe how tough you are," Rose says, eyes full of admiration. "You're really kind of amazing, you know?"
  43. >The little pony will never understand the Berserkergang; to her, it will always be foreign. Terrifying. You think it's better to let her believe what she wants.
  44. "Yeah," you tell her. "I know..."
  46. ------------------------
  47. ------------------------
  48. >Rising, you sheathe your sword, and take stock of the situation.
  49. "If nothing else, we've made it out of the tomb. But how? What sent us here?"
  50. >"Magic?" the little pony guesses.
  51. "Of course it was magic. A teleportation spell, something... But whose spell?"
  52. >"Maybe those zombie guys you were fighting?"
  53. >You shake your head.
  54. "Draugar are the products of sorcery, not the architects of it. They're brought back from the dead without the ability to act of their own volition. They attack, and fight until their victims are dead. Not much else."
  55. >"Could it have been some curse to protect the grave?" Rose asks hopefully. "A spell that gets rid of trespassers?"
  56. "Unlikely," you answer. "Egil the Witch King was a real piece of work. Terrorized Europe in his day; impalings, burnings at the stake... If he had any protective curses in place besides his guardians, it would have been something more lethal. Something that left no chance of survival."
  57. >"Well. That is...strange, isn't it?" Her tone of voice strikes you as awkward. As you watch her scrape the ground nervously with a hoof, a suspicion strikes you.
  58. "Rose...did you touch a glowing thing?"
  59. >The pegasus pony looks away, avoiding eye contact. "...kind of."
  60. "'Kind of?' What is 'kind of'?" you press. "Did you find a glowing thing, and if so, did you touch it?"
  61. >"It wasn't really 'glowing', glowing," the guilty-looking filly says. "It just kinda...shimmered, a little."
  62. >You let the silence wear on, as you wait for an explanation.
  63. >"You had stayed to fight those monsters, and I was looking for a way out, and I found the treasure room," your partner explains in a rush. "And there was so much stuff! There was gold, and gems, but I knew we didn't have time to get it-"
  64. "And you saw something glowing."
  65. >"Shimmering," Rose interrupts.
  66. "And you grabbed it-"
  67. >"It only took a second," she says defensively.
  68. "And it was CLEARLY magical, and you had NO idea what it did," you continue, your voice growing vehement, "and you touched it anyway. Despite what happened the last FOUR TIMES you've done something like that!"
  69. >"Sorry," Rose says meekly.
  70. >You sigh, and run a palm over your face.
  71. >You remember a cave-in some months back, when you two were nearly buried after she grabbed a golden statue from the pedestal it had been resting on.
  72. >And the troll, a year before that. It had been petrified, until the pony pried a gem from its forehead. You'd barely managed to kill it.
  73. >And of course, there was that time with the dragon. That damn dragon...
  74. "So when you touched it, you activated some spell, and here we are."
  75. >"Yeah..." she says, downcast.
  76. "Great."
  78. -------------------------------------------
  79. ---------------------------------------------
  80. >"I said I was sorry," Rose insists.
  81. >But sorry doesn't erase the impression your ass made in the dirt.
  82. "You impulsive, reckless, sticky-hooved-"
  83. >"Anon."
  84. "-kleptomaniacal little grave-robber!"
  85. >"You were robbing the same grave!" she protests, rising to hover at eye-level.
  86. "No, I was fighting dead men while you robbed the grave. And you touched a glowing thing--again--and activated some spell that teleported us...where ever this is!" you say, indicating your surroundings with a sweep of your arm.
  87. >"A verdant, sunlit field," the hovering pony counters. "With no undead monsters in sight!"
  88. > actually a good point. You pause for a moment, thinking it over.
  89. "We're lost," you point out. "We have no idea how to get back to civilization, and I had to drop my pack to fight. The tents, my rations, the rest of my ammunition...all gone."
  90. >"Somebody has to live around here," she insists. "This is prime farmland, and there's a river a couple hundred yards to your right. You can see it if you climb that hill. I'm sure if we follow it, we'll come to some kind of settlement."
  91. "You don't know that," you point out.
  92. >She settles back to the ground, relief evident on her face now that you're calmer. "Not one-hundred per cent, no. But...I really feel like we will. It's intuition."
  93. >The pony flicks a wing as she looks at you plaintively. "Am I wrong very often?"
  94. ", you're not," you have to admit.
  95. >Truthfully, you don't recall her ever being wrong before. Whatever faults she may have, Compass Rose's sense of direction has always been uncanny.
  96. >It was her "special talent", apparently. You've learned to trust it over the years.
  97. >You think you might as well give it a chance again. What do you have to lose?
  98. "Which way?" you ask.
  99. >"North," she answers confidently, now in her element. "We have most of the day left to travel. I can cover more ground if I fly ahead; if I meet anypony, I can ask for help. I can bring back supplies, if you can't make it there on foot before nightfall."
  100. >'Anypony' is a rare slip-up on her part; she more often uses the species-neutral 'anybody'. You can tell that the young mare feels that she's under a lot of pressure.
  101. "All right," you assure her. "It's a plan, at least. I'm counting on you."
  102. >"Okay, then." You expect her to take off, but instead, she pauses. "Anon...I'm sorry. What I did got you hurt. I didn't want that."
  103. >You look away, and wave a hand in dismissal.
  104. "Don't beat yourself up over it. The truth is, those damn ghouls were getting the upper hand. I would have held my own for a while longer...but I would have lost. However you did it, getting us out of there probably saved our lives."
  105. >"Really?" she asks, hopefully. Her mood has visibly lifted.
  106. "Really. Now, go on ahead."
  107. >"All right!". As you watch her take to the air, a thought occurs to you.
  108. "And hey!" you shout, as she gains altitude. "If you find anything glowing-DON'T TOUCH IT!"
  109. >And so you find yourself alone. Bruises throbbing, hungry, thirsty, and the first edges of exhaustion beginning to overtake you.
  110. >Deciding to address what problem you can, you begin to climb the hill to find that river.
  111. -------------------------
  112. -------------------------
  113. >A little more than a half hour later, you're still following the river.
  114. >You've drank your fill, and washed yourself off a bit. Your clothes are still dirty, and your bruises are still sore, but you feel surprisingly refreshed.
  115. >A fish leaps from the surface of the water as you pass, and it puts you in mind of finding food.
  116. >If Rose's hunch doesn't play out, you might have to live off the land for a while.
  117. >You'd sorely regret the loss of the supplies in your pack, if it came to that, but you know enough woodcraft to make do without them; you could start a fire the hard way, and carve a fishing spear with your sword, at least.
  118. >And Compass Rose's ability to bust clouds means rainstorms aren't a concern. It's another reason she's such a valuable companion.
  119. >Hopefully, though, the pegasus will have been able to find some kind of outpost.
  120. >She's returning now, flying in from the Northeast.
  121. >She lands, and you see a bright smile on her face. "Hey Anon! I have good news."
  122. >You take a knee as she trots over, so as not to loom over her.
  123. "Tell me about it."
  124. >"I was right, I was right, I was totally right!" she exclaims. "There's a town ahead of us. Seven or eight miles up the river, and through a little patch of forest. Place called Ponyville."
  125. "'Ponyville', huh? Guess I don't need to ask what kind of settlement it is."
  126. >"Oh yeah, no," she says, rolling her eyes. "It's actually a Griffon town."
  127. "That so?" you ask, smirking. "Think I could find a decent steak there?"
  128. >"So I hear. But seriously, though. I was flying around, looking for a sign of...well, anything, and I met two other pegasi. They're going to show us the way there. They should be right behind me."
  129. >You look up, in the direction she'd flown in from, and you do indeed see two small shapes, growing larger as they approach.
  130. "Good deal. Things are finally looking up."
  131. >"I know, right? But listen- there's something I have to tell you," she says. She seems anxious, all of a sudden.
  132. "Bad?"
  133. >"Well, no. Not really. But the thing is...well... I found out where we are." She taps the ground twice, for emphasis. "You see...we're in Equestria."
  134. >You're speechless, for a moment.
  135. "Equestria?"
  136. >Compass Rose nods.
  137. "Equestria, the country? In Vinland?"
  138. >"The same."
  139. >It doesn't seem possible. An hour ago, you were both in Denmark, an ocean away. A trip like that would take weeks by steamship; even by dirigible, it would be days of travel.
  140. >For a spell to have teleported you so far, it would have required an astonishing amount of power. You've only heard legends of magic on that scale.
  141. "That's...unbelievable."
  142. >"I know. I was surprised, too. But it's okay, right?" Her face is eager, desperate for approval. "Now that we have our bearings, we can make it back home. We can get to Manehatten, book passage on a ship... It's just a matter of time."
  143. >It's also a matter of money; money neither of you have. And ocean voyages can be dangerous in their own right. Nevertheless, you give your companion a reassuring smile.
  144. "For sure. Come to that, I think a change of scenery might have been just what we needed. Right, Tiny?"
  145. >Rose beams with happiness, and it strikes you how nice the prospect of a stay in her people's homeland must be for her.
  146. >Your travels together have nearly exclusively been confined to the Continent. Even in cities with sizeable equine populations, she'd still been in the minority.
  147. >And quite often, it's been just to two of you. She'll doubtless enjoy some time surrounded by her own kind.
  148. >However much a detour this will be, you'll be glad to see her happy. Besides, the kingdom of Equestria is by all accounts a pleasant land…
  149. >Nearly a dozen yards ahead of you, the two new arrivals alight, and stare at you warily.
  150. -----------------
  151. -----------------
  152. >"Anon, these are the ponies I met," Rose explains. "They live in Poneyville."
  153. >The new pegasi are both fillies. The foremost one is light blue, with a rainbow mane and tale. Her Cutie Mark is a thundercloud, with a rainbow lightning bolt striking down.
  154. >You're not quite sure what it signifies. Perhaps the pony is a warrior, who falls on her enemies like a thunderbolt? Their Cutie Marks could be opaque, at times.
  155. >On the other hand, the yellow pegasus has nothing of a warrior's air. She's remained a few paces behind her friend; instead of the look of frank curiosity the blue mare is regarding you with, the second is practically hiding behind her pink mane.
  156. >The angle she's standing at doesn't give you a clear view of her mark.
  157. >"This is Rainbow Dash," Rose says, stepping forward to make the introductions. In her excitement, she seems oblivious to the other ponies' disquiet. "And that's Fluttershy. They're going to lead us to the town."
  158. >"Girls, this is Anonymous. He's my friend I told you about."
  159. >You stand to greet them, and the yellow pony retreats a half step. They seem nervous; you keep your hands in sight, well away from the grips of your weapons.
  160. "Hello."
  161. >They visibly start at the sound of your voice; a beat passes, before Rainbow Dash replies.
  162. >"Hi there, Anonymous. What are you?" she asks bluntly.
  163. "...I beg your pardon?"
  164. >The strange filly edges forward to examine you closer, and you and Rose share a glance. This has taken an...odd turn.
  165. >"What kind of creature are you?" Dash repeats. "I've never seen anything like you before. You look kind of like a minotaur, but different."
  166. >It takes you effort not to scowl. You've been acquainted with several minotaurs, and you don't consider it a compliment to be compared to a member of that particular race.
  167. "I'm a human." In case she needs clarification, you add, "A Berserker."
  168. >"Well, obviously, Anonymous is a human," Rose says, embarrassed for her fellow ponies. "I'm sure you've heard of humans before. Right?"
  169. >"Oh yeah. Pshh! Of course we know what humans are," Rainbow Dash says, with what you're quite sure is false bravado. "I mean, we've never met any, personally. But our friend Twilight's told us everything there is to know. Isn't that right?"
  170. >You only just hear Fluttershy squeak out a "Yes."
  171. >"It's just that she never mentioned they were quite so..."
  172. >"Big," the yellow pony finishes.
  173. "Yes. Well. I'm somewhat larger than the average man," you explain. "I guess you could say it's my special talent."
  174. >"Oh. Well, that makes sense," Rainbow Dash says.
  175. >"Right..." Rose says, scratching a foreleg awkwardly. "So anyway, about your town."
  176. >"Oh yeah, no problem. We can show you the way." The rainbow haired pony turns to redirects her attention to you. "It's kind of a ways, though. I don't suppose you can
  178. fly?"
  179. >Does it look like you have wings to her?
  180. "No, actually. That's really more of a Valkyrie thing."
  181. >You're not really surprised to see the utter lack of comprehension in her expression.
  182. "Don't worry, I'll fine walking," you assure her.
  183. >"All right then. Try and keep up!" With no more preamble, the blue pegasus spreads her wings and takes off; a moment later, Fluttershy follows her at a more sedate pace.
  184. >Rose stays behind with you, as the two of you try to decide how to react to the strange ponies.
  185. >"Those two seemed... provincial," she suggests.
  186. >You huff at the understatement. While it's true Equestria has never had a great many human immigrants, it's hard to imagine that there are ponies who don't at least recognize humans from books or photographs.
  187. "They seem like they're so backwoods they wipe their asses with pine cones, because they don't know corncobs scratch less."
  188. >"Anon! That's terrible," Rose chastises you. Even if she doesn't like your phrasing, though, she doesn't argue with the sentiment.
  189. >"Are you coming?" Rainbow Dash calls out.
  190. >"Hold on!" Rose answers, raising her wings. She turns back and spares you a look. "It'll just be a for a little while. We can stop by their village, rest a bit, pick up some supplies..."
  191. "And then make are way to a real city," you conclude. "Let's do it."
  193. ------------------------------
  194. ------------------------------
  195. >"–in Poneyville for years, but I was born in Cloudsdale," you hear Fluttershy say.
  196. >"Were you really?" Rose asks. The two ponies are gliding overhead, chattering like birds. "I've never been to Cloudsdale, only heard about it. Is it nice?"
  197. >You've been traveling for almost two hours; Rainbow Dash had left some time ago.
  198. >She'd gotten bored at the pace you were setting, and decided to fly ahead.
  199. >Typical pegasus, in your experience. Flighty, impatient, and prone to distraction.
  200. >You consider Compass Rose a wunderkind among their number; by their standards, her attention span and steadfastness were amazing. And even she's impulsive.
  201. >"Oh yes. It's really nice. They make the best weather in Cloudsdale," the yellow mare answers. "I never really fit in there, though."
  202. >This Fluttershy also seems to be something of an exception. Her demeanor is more placid than the typical pegasus's. But timid. Very timid.
  203. >Even for member of a species of tiny herbivores whose society emphasizes peace and tolerance, she's a shrinking violet. After Rainbow Dash left, you enjoyed a brief time of quiet, before Rose managed to strike up a conversation.
  204. >"Why not?"
  205. >"I was never a very strong flyer. I couldn't fly as fast or as well as the other pegasi. And I wasn't any good at making weather. I really like working with animals, though..."
  206. >This incredibly, mind-numbingly dull conversation.
  207. >You're marching at double time, ignoring your growing fatigue to more quickly reach your destination.
  208. >Before Rainbow Dash departed, you overheard her mention that this Poneyville mostly inhabited by Earth ponies. You're cheered by the prospect.
  209. >You’ve always been able to identify with Earth ponies. You think they're good folk. Pragmatic. Reliable.
  210. >Not inclined to mince words, thankfully.
  211. >"What kinds of animals?"
  212. >"Oh, all kinds," Fluttershy "Bunnies, and squirrels, and owls, and fish, and ferrets, and..."
  213. >You're considering sprinting the rest of the way. Surely you're close enough your stamina will hold out?
  214. >"And turkeys, and turtles, and bears."
  215. >...well that doesn't sound right.
  216. "Excuse me," you call out, looking upward.
  217. >The yellow pony starts at being addressed.
  218. "Did you just say you've tamed bears?"
  219. >"Oh. Oh, yes," she says, happily. "A lot of ponies think they're scary. But they're really just big fuzzy babies."
  220. >...
  221. >You're not quite sure how to respond to that.
  222. >You've never heard anyone say anything that stupid before.
  223. >You see that Compass Rose is also taken aback by the comment. "Are you sure about that? Isn't a bear kind of...dangerous?"
  224. >"Oh, no, not at all! As long as you treat them with love and compassion, they can be just as tame and cuddly as a lamb," Fluttershy insists. "I think you can befriend any creature, if you just show them a little kindness." The little pony favors you both with a beaming smile.
  225. >Very well then. That's settled; this pony is going to get herself eaten by a bear.
  226. >You resolve not to form any kind of attachment to her.
  227. >Noticing the disbelief on your faces, the yellow equine's confidence fails her. "I, um...don't guess everypony can do it," she says quietly. You barely hear her add, "It's...kind of my special talent..."
  228. >"Ohhhh, now I understand. If that's your special talent, then it's different." You see Fluttershy perk up at Rose's indulgent tone.
  229. >"Really?"
  230. >"Of course. That's actually really cool. Isn't it, Anon?" She looks down to you seeking agreement, and you nod.
  231. "That's very impressive."
  232. >You know that a pony's unique talent usually tends to the mundane, but there are a rare few gifted with powers that would otherwise be impossible. Rose herself, for example; her navigational ability and spatial awareness are fine-tuned beyond any creature you've ever known.
  233. >For Fluttershy to have some kind of empathy with or control over beasts wouldn't be unprecedented.
  234. >It would, however, be worthy of respect. You may just have to change your appraisal of the filly.
  235. >Your new acquaintance smiles happily, plucking up once again. You yourself feel a slight smile cross your lips.
  236. >It’s possible this little vacation might just be interesting after all.
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