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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. (20:31) [OG] Mysterious M: also you consider me average as i heard, when i asked you what you think you did not tell me......
  2. (20:32) gengar17: u dont think urself as average?
  3. (20:32) [OG] Mysterious M: depends what you consider average
  4. (20:32) gengar17: i dont compare u to fucking garbage PO ubers players
  5. (20:32) gengar17: i compare to the best ubers players
  6. (20:32) [OG] Mysterious M: in a scale of 1-10
  7. (20:32) gengar17: what is 10?
  8. (20:33) [OG] Mysterious M: Outrage/Hack
  9. (20:33) [OG] Mysterious M: etc
  10. (20:33) gengar17: what is 9 then?
  11. (20:33) [OG] Mysterious M: Zf
  12. (20:33) gengar17: where is pohjis?
  13. (20:33) [OG] Mysterious M: 8
  14. (20:34) gengar17: shit scale
  15. (20:34) [OG] Mysterious M: i am low 7
  16. (20:34) [OG] Mysterious M: but i would not put me in a like 5
  17. (20:34) [OG] Mysterious M: which is average
  18. (20:34) gengar17: average isnt 5
  19. (20:34) gengar17: 5 is bad
  20. (20:34) gengar17: average is like 6-7
  21. (20:34) gengar17: and pohjis isnt a 8
  22. (20:35) gengar17: pohjis is the most overrated ubers player
  23. (20:35) [OG] Mysterious M: what is he
  24. (20:35) gengar17: he's 6-7 as well
  25. (20:35) [OG] Mysterious M: and where do you put Lacus or Melle
  26. (20:35) gengar17: lacus is a solid 8 or even "high" 8
  27. (20:35) gengar17: melle is 5 on his best days
  28. (20:36) [OG] Mysterious M: i see
  29. (20:36) [OG] Mysterious M: and what about yourself
  30. (20:36) [OG] Mysterious M: in your best tier
  31. (20:37) gengar17: i cant rank myself
  32. (20:37) gengar17: too biased
  33. (20:37) [OG] Mysterious M: and btw, i am a 6-7 but thing is
  34. (20:37) gengar17: i would say im a pretty solid 7 in my tier because ive had great results to prove it
  35. (20:37) [OG] Mysterious M: i do predict staff and can think of them, but when i battle ssnls i panic
  36. (20:38) gengar17: i reserve 9-10 for literally pros that u need years to catch up to
  37. (20:38) gengar17: 8 for people that are really good that are "new"
  38. (20:38) [OG] Mysterious M: and lacus is close to 9 ?
  39. (20:38) gengar17: high 8
  40. (20:38) gengar17: so yea
  41. (20:38) [OG] Mysterious M: i see
  42. (20:39) gengar17: lacus is great at teambuilding for several styles and can play really well
  43. (20:39) gengar17: and because of good results, i would rank lacus from 8 to high 8
  44. (20:39) [OG] Mysterious M: ok seems logic
  45. (20:40) gengar17: but i want to make something clear
  46. (20:40) gengar17: there a huge interval from 7 to 8
  47. (20:41) gengar17: 7 to 8 separates good players that still choke and misplay and make some flawed builds that can win vs good players
  48. (20:41) gengar17: that have good results
  49. (20:41) gengar17: vs
  50. (20:41) gengar17: proven players that are newly pros
  51. (20:42) gengar17: starting 8, it's basically "ofc ill buy that person for xPL"
  52. (20:42) gengar17: the question becomes how much, not if he will be bought
  53. (20:42) gengar17: does this make sense?
  54. (20:43) gengar17: besides
  55. (20:43) gengar17: in the end of the day
  56. (20:43) gengar17: it's just a random guy's opinion
  57. (20:43) gengar17: im not a pro
  58. (20:43) gengar17: and there's no reason to think that what i say is even 10% true
  59. (20:43) gengar17: because opinions cant be true or false
  60. (20:43) [OG] Mysterious M: Yes it makes sense tho
  61. (20:44) gengar17: and the most important thing is
  62. (20:44) gengar17: there is no "pace"
  63. (20:44) gengar17: u can move up the "ranks" very fast if u work on it
  64. (20:46) gengar17: one more thing
  65. (20:46) gengar17: beating someone doesnt make u better than them
  66. (20:46) gengar17: i dont see myself better than u in ubers no matter how much i beat u
  67. (20:47) gengar17: cuz being good in a tier involves both teambuilding as well as playing
  68. (20:47) gengar17: and my teambuilding in ubers is like 3/10 at best
  69. (20:47) gengar17: lol
  70. (20:48) gengar17: and in the end, dont forget that no matter how good u think u are
  71. (20:48) gengar17: there's thousands of players that u never met that can be better
  72. (20:49) gengar17: and there is no "best"
  73. (20:49) gengar17: there will never be a best
  74. (20:50) [OG] Mysterious M: Well there is no best
  75. (20:50) [OG] Mysterious M: but
  76. (20:50) [OG] Mysterious M: if you take out hax
  77. (20:50) gengar17: no
  78. (20:50) [OG] Mysterious M: and talk with possibilities
  79. (20:50) gengar17: hax doesnt matter
  80. (20:50) [OG] Mysterious M: for example outrage
  81. (20:50) gengar17: it doesnt count
  82. (20:50) gengar17: people dont see results to say who is the best
  83. (20:50) gengar17: people see how u play
  84. (20:51) [OG] Mysterious M: has the most possibilities to handle the situtation correct
  85. (20:51) [OG] Mysterious M: by best is the guy who does not missplau
  86. (20:51) gengar17: EA never won anything but we know he's one of the best
  87. (20:51) gengar17: regardless of hax
  88. (20:51) gengar17: regardless of what he wins
  89. (20:51) gengar17: so no need to mention hax
  90. (20:51) [OG] Mysterious M: yes ok
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