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Feb 11th, 2016
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  1. BaseBungee
  3. Basebungee is a bungee plugin that has number of utilities to our use.
  5. Features
  6. - Cross server staff chat
  7. - Lobby Balancing
  8. - Server aliases
  9. - Custom Glist
  10. - Mysql MOTD
  11. - Mysql Whitelist
  12. - server join cooldown
  13. - Block VPN
  15. Cross server staff chat
  16. We already have /sc for normal staff chat but we want to implement a global staff chat as well as a per server one.
  17. It need to check a bukkit permission to see if they can join and see the global staff chat. It must not use bungee perms!
  18. Commands:
  19. - /gsc toggles the player in and out of global staff chat
  20. - /togglegsc toggles seeing the global staff chat. By default they can
  22. Player balancing
  23. We need to balance our players across our lobby's effectively. Our lobbys are called Lobby_1 Lobby_2 Lobby_3.
  24. Features:
  25. - If a lobby goes down or cannot be contactable then player are not sent to that lobby
  26. - If a new lobby comes up for example lobby_4 then it will start balancing the player to that lobby.
  27. - If a player is kicked they are balanced across the lobbys, with the kick msgs displayed.
  28. Server Alias:
  29. I would like to be able have aliases for servers that are configurable. Currently we have this in the config.yml under each server.
  30. But choose how you wish to do it.
  31. Essentially;
  32. HCF:
  33. Alias
  34. - Factions
  35. This would allow the player to do /server factions and it take them to hcf
  36. Custom Glist
  37. -
  38. Essentially what is above but a bit tidier please
  40. Mysql MOTD:
  41. This is as it sounds being able to set the motd and it store it in mysql so it sync's cross each bungee.
  42. It will be using an external server so please make this configurable.
  43. Commands:
  44. - /motdadd 1 1st line of the motd
  45. - /motdadd 2 2nd line of the motd
  46. Permissions node: basebungee.command.motdadd
  47. Mysql Whitelist:
  48. Again as it sounds a whitelist for bungee when the whitelist is set it is whitelists both bungees.
  49. Commands:
  50. - /bwhitelist on/off
  51. - /bwhitelist setmessage (message) < sets kick message
  52. - /bwhitelist add/remove/list
  53. Permissions:
  54. basebungee.command.bwhitelist
  55. Server Join Cooldown:
  56. This prevents the user from joining another server after 5 seconds of attempting to join before.
  57. -
  58. Permissions:
  59. basebungee.cooldown.bypass
  60. BlockVPN:
  61. Now this is using an API then hooks into a huge database of known VPN's. Here's jaxon's flow: . So
  62. this will prevent users from joining with a VPN with a kick msg informing the player why they have been kicked.
  63. Link to API:
  64. I can also purchase the pro version when needed! So there will need to be an API key config.
  65. Commands:
  66. - /vpn ip (ip) true/false whether block that ip from joining or allow it.
  67. - /vpn bypass {name} allows that player to bypass when joining with a vpn
  68. - /vpn off/on Turns VPN detections off or on
  69. Permissions:
  70. basebungee.command.vpn
  71. basebungee.bypass.vpn
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