

Dec 29th, 2012
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  1. ~Bright: Roll perception, kids.
  2. CROM: MonkeyBomb94: 28 (4d10=6, 9, 3, 10)
  3. MonkeyBomb94: 4d10
  4. CROM: MonkeyBomb94: 37 (9d10=4, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 8, 1, 9)
  5. MonkeyBomb94: 9d10
  6. Tom90deg: 6d10
  7. CROM: Tom90deg: 28 (6d10=6, 8, 4, 6, 2, 2)
  8. Gara: 29 (7d10=10, 6, 1, 2, 2, 6, 2)
  9. Gara: 7d10
  10. ~Bright: Jay sees nothing, nothing at all.
  11. Gara, PM incoming.
  12. MonkeyBomb94: Jay is too focused on his sandwich to notice anything.
  13. CROM: Magnolia: 18 (2d10=10, 8)
  14. Magnolia: 2d10
  15. ~Bright: Nothing unusual happens.
  16. Tom90deg: Darius continues to watch Army of Darkness with Sam
  17. Magnolia: "What..."
  18. Tom90deg: "That's Bruce Campbell. He's awesome. That's all that really needs to be said."
  19. Magnolia: "I have... what is..."
  20. Sam seems completely and utterly confused by this horrible and absurd movie
  21. Tom90deg: "I take it you don't like it?"
  22. ~Bright: What part of the movie is it at?
  23. Tom90deg: Ash has just arrived at the Cementary after shooting his evil self in the head
  24. Magnolia: "I don't understand..."
  25. Tom90deg: After being chased by little miget versions of himself
  26. "Well...Lets see...See this is the third movie in a series, but they're really not that connected..."
  27. "It's kinda hard to explain. IT's a horror comedy."
  28. ~Bright: Zombies burst otu of the ground in the movie, and rip ashley williams to shreds. A dark one picks up the necronomicon, and the rest of the movie is the Evil Dead over runnign first the castle, then the world.
  29. Tom90deg: "Um..."
  30. "Huh."
  31. "That's not how it normaly goes."
  32. Magnolia: "That was... uhh... decisive?"
  33. "What?"
  34. Tom90deg: "That's not how the movie normaly ends."
  35. Magnolia: "Oh... Well, could it be like, alternate ending?"
  36. : Positronium has joined #TamlinHouse
  37. Tom90deg: "NOrmaly, Ash gets the book, goes back, convinces all the castle to fight with him, turns his car into a tank with a helicopter blade on the front, and then goes back to the future."
  38. Darius thinks about what he just said. "Now that you mention it, it is a somewhat random movie."
  39. "That's weird..."
  40. Magnolia: "Well then... It seems we have a problem." Sam looks around the bar for other strange happenings
  41. Tom90deg: "Must be Bob doing something."
  42. "I imagine he didn't like all the skeletons getting killed."
  43. : Pemander has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
  44. MonkeyBomb94: Jay perks up at the mention of Bob. He's paying attention to what everyone is saying right now.
  45. Tom90deg: "Hmm...That was a bit odd."
  46. "Mind If I try something?"
  47. Magnolia: "Hey, anything weird happening with either of you two?"
  48. directed at Jay and John
  49. MonkeyBomb94: "Not me. Why?" Jay answers.
  50. Magnolia: "A movie just ended a way it's not supposed to."
  51. Sam sits up
  52. Gara: John ignores her, focused elsewhere.
  53. Magnolia: is he staring at something?
  54. Tom90deg: Darius heads over and starts up Back to the Future, fast forwarding it to the ending scene, right when MArty starts heading towards the clocktower.
  55. "Lets see what happens..."
  56. ~Bright: They get to the bit were lightning strikes the clocktower... and fries Doc Brown. Mrty doesn't travel in time, instead hitting the store at the end of the street. Credits role over marty slumped over the wheel of the Delorean, blood trickling down his head, as fire consumes the time travel device.
  57. Tom90deg: "Ok, experiment confirmed."
  58. "That's not how that movie ended either."
  59. Magnolia: "That one I know."
  60. MonkeyBomb94: "Umm... That's weird." Jay says in relation to the movie ending differently.
  61. Tom90deg: "you know Back to the Future? Finaly!"
  62. "Something's tweaky here though. Don't know what..."
  63. MonkeyBomb94: Jay's hand is resting on the pistol holstered on his leg.
  64. Gara: John quickly gets up and leaves the bar, moving sharply towards the barracks.
  65. Tom90deg: Darius watches John leave, and turns back to the TV.
  66. MonkeyBomb94: "John? You okay?"
  67. Tom90deg: "Hmm...Anyone know any movies where the bad guy wins at the end off the top of their heads?"
  68. Magnolia: "John?" Sam runs to the door
  69. Gara: He is already out the door, you will probably have to chase him.
  70. Tom90deg: Darius follows Sam!
  71. MonkeyBomb94: Jay follows too!
  72. Magnolia: Sam runs after him with her merry band, "John!"
  73. Gara: "Yes?" He turns, holding both hands behind his back.
  74. Magnolia: Sam stops... "John, where are you running off to?"
  75. Gara: "Just the barracks."
  76. Magnolia: "Uhh... Is there something behind your back?"
  77. Gara: "My hands."
  78. MonkeyBomb94: "Hey, John. Did you notice anything strange while we were in the bar?" Jay asks.
  79. ~Bright: On the tv, Michael Jay Fox has woken up, and is screaming as the fire consumes him. Quite loudly, too.
  80. Tom90deg: Darius turns around, and heads back to the bar. "Well...hell."
  81. Gara: "Whats that yelling?"
  82. Tom90deg: He tries to stop the movie.
  83. Magnolia: Sam shudders at the sound of screaming
  84. Tom90deg: "It's the movie!" Darius calls out to the barracks
  85. Magnolia: "I hope that was just the movie..."
  86. "Uhh... John, yeah, did you notice anything weird in the bar?"
  87. Gara: "Yeah, that movie thing was a bit strange. I think my wine was slightly off too."
  88. Tom90deg: "Um...You might want to see this!"
  89. MonkeyBomb94: Jay goes back into the bar.
  90. Tom90deg: DArius is still tryingto stop the movie.
  91. Magnolia: "See what?"
  92. she calls out to the bar.
  93. Tom90deg: "The movie is continuing..."
  94. "And It's a bit...graphic."
  95. MonkeyBomb94: Jay watches the TV.
  96. Magnolia: "Then why would I want to see it?"
  97. Tom90deg: "Information, gathreing data."
  98. ~Bright: The movie stops.
  99. Tom90deg: "We'll keep an eye on it, trying to stop it now...Ah. There it goes."
  100. Darius looks over at Jay. "Thoughts?"
  101. MonkeyBomb94: Jay is silent, contemplating.
  102. Magnolia: Sam turns back towards John, "Uhh... Are you okay? You left the bar in quite a hurry."
  103. Gara: "Absolutely."
  104. Tom90deg: "Can you think of any movies that has a bad ending? SEven or something like that maybe?"
  105. Magnolia: "Why are you holding your hands like that?" she sounds worried.
  106. Tom90deg: "See if it's just reverseing endings, or always going bad?"
  107. MonkeyBomb94: "Go ahead and try it." Jay says.
  108. Gara: John opens his hands to the front, to reveal... Nothing.
  109. MonkeyBomb94: "Hey, what about Star Wars Episode III? Technically the bad guy wins in it."
  110. Tom90deg: "Can you think of a good movie? ONly one I can think of is Seven."
  111. "Bad Guy Wins isn't exactly a common ending for movies."
  112. Magnolia: "Oh... well... we'll be the in the bar if you need us." she turns and walks towards the bar, then turns again, "What did your wine taste like?"
  113. Gara: "Eh, slightly more sour then normal."
  114. Magnolia: "Oh... well, see you around."
  115. she heads back towards teh bar
  116. the*
  117. Tom90deg: "Oh! Chinatown!"
  118. "That's a perfect one."
  119. Gara: He nods, and John continues to the Barracks.
  120. MonkeyBomb94: Jay glances around the bar in case to check for anything strange.
  121. Gara: He looks in his locker for a moment, then closes it contented. He returns to the bar.
  122. Tom90deg: Darius starts Chinatown playing, and fastforwards it to the last 10 minutes of the movie. "Lets see what happens here...Normaly the girl gets shot by the cop, and her daughter goes with her father."
  123. Magnolia: Sam walks in, "That was weird."
  124. Tom90deg: "Great piece of cinema this."
  125. Magnolia: Sam sits and watches
  126. ~Bright: That's exactly what happens
  127. Tom90deg: "There we go! Experiment contuines."
  128. Magnolia: Sam frowns, "Bad endings."
  129. Tom90deg: "Bad endings stay bad."
  130. "More data, eh Sam?"
  131. Magnolia: "I suppose... hmm, I wonder how we could trip it up."
  132. "Like, a movie where no possible alternate outcome could be considered 'bad'."
  133. "A documentary?"
  134. Gara: "That is weird." He seems a bit nervous.
  135. Tom90deg: "Ehh, it's just film, they can change that."
  136. MonkeyBomb94: "What's weird?" Jay asks.
  137. Tom90deg: "Hmm...Too bad we don't have survelence cameras or anything."
  138. Magnolia: Sam turns, "Welcome back, John. Is something wrong?"
  139. Gara: "Oh, the movie thing has me on edge."
  140. MonkeyBomb94: "Yeah. Me too."
  141. Magnolia: "It's just a weird thing."
  142. "A bit creepy, but hopefully not dangerous."
  143. Gara: "Yeah..."
  144. Tom90deg: "Hm...wonder if it'll play any movie..."
  145. "Who wants to try another experiment?"
  146. Magnolia: "If it's not to personal, what did you need to go do in the barracks?" Sam looks somewhat more worried than her voice would suggest
  147. : Bright is now known as Angela
  148. Gara: "It is nothing important, don't worry."
  149. Tom90deg: "Guys, Mind if I try something that probaly won't work?"
  150. ~Angela: "Oh dearie me, oh lawks, oh my poor feet. Lawks!" An aged voice can be heard muttering in the barracks.
  151. Gara: "Go ahead... Does anyone else hear that?"
  152. Magnolia: Sam looks up, and walks out into the barracks, "Yeah."
  153. MonkeyBomb94: Jay walks to the bar door and peers into the barracks.
  154. Gara: John follows.
  155. Tom90deg: Darius pokes his head out the bar
  156. "Hello?"
  157. Darius follows the sound of the voice
  158. ~Angela: A little old lady, her back bent with age, her long gray hair done up in a bun, dressed in a long black dress and a gray shawl over her shoulders, walking with a ganrled cane, limps through the barracks. "Oh dearie me, oh dearie me."
  159. Gara: John follows Darius.
  160. Tom90deg: Darius approaches! "Hello, Ma'am?"
  161. MonkeyBomb94: Jay follows them too.
  162. Magnolia: Sam approaches her quizically, "Ma'am, do you need some help?"
  163. ~Angela: "Oh, lawks, child! I'm just a poor old woman, lost and confused..." Steely black eyes stare at them from beneath her gray hair. The eyes belie the words, taking in veerything, letting nothing out. "This poor old woman is just hopelessly lost."
  164. MonkeyBomb94: Jay doesn't trust her one bit.
  165. Tom90deg: "Ah, well, perhaps we can help you out Ma'am?"
  166. "My name's Darius. What's yours?"
  167. Gara: "I am John."
  168. Magnolia: Sam stops, and chuckles softly, "And I'm Sam."
  169. ~Angela: "Could you possibly?" She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Oh, I've been called many things dear, but most often, lately, Aunt Angie."
  170. MonkeyBomb94: "I'm Jay. Jay Warren. Nice to meet you Aunt Angie," he says cordially.
  171. Tom90deg: "Well Miss Angie, how can we help you? Perhaps you'd like to get off your feet for a bit?"
  172. Gara: "We would be glad to help you with whatever you need, Aunt Angie."
  173. Magnolia: "It's very nice to meet you." Sam smiles
  174. ~Angela: "Oh, lordie. Some mean little child did gone and steal my knitting needle my my dear rganddaughter. And we can't finish our tapestry without it." She smiles at them again. "No use cutting of the threads if they're not in the right place."
  175. Gara: "Oh no! Maybe if you described the needle, we could help you find it."
  176. Magnolia: "Who is we?"
  177. Tom90deg: "Or perhaps we could make you another one?"
  178. "Sam here is a great crafter."
  179. Gara: "Presumably her and her granddaughter."
  180. Magnolia: Sam grins, "I have some brass, I'm sure it'd make a fine knitting needle, and I'm always looking for new projects."
  181. Tom90deg: Darius nods
  182. ~Angela: "Me, my daughter Lily, and my grand daughter Chloe." Angie frowns a little bit. "It was silver, and one of a kind. Had such power to it, I'd hate to see what use that redheaded slut would put it to. Er. Lawks!"
  183. MonkeyBomb94: "Who stole your needle?" Jay asks.
  184. Magnolia: "Oh, I'm sorry..."
  185. Tom90deg: "Hmm..."
  186. "Well, do you have any idea where we would start looking?"
  187. Magnolia: "There was a woman who came through here yesterday. She had red hair, and said her name was Tina Lin. Is that her?"
  188. ~Angela: "Dearie, dearie me. If I don't find my needle soon..." Her voice shfits down severla octaves. "Things will get bad."
  189. Gara: "Bad how?"
  190. ~Angela: closes her eyes. "Ah. Yes. That one. Plays hells with my tapestry. Do you have any idea how hard it is to knit a recursive loop?"
  191. Tom90deg: "I imagine about as hard as to have a glassblower make a Klein Bottle."
  192. ~Angela: "Indeed."
  193. Magnolia: "Angela... If I might ask, would you happen to have some relation to the deities known as the fates?"
  194. Tom90deg: "So this Tina Lin may be the one with the needles? Any idea where she could've been?"
  195. Gara: "She was in the bar, but she left. She could be anywhere in the house by now."
  196. Tom90deg: "Tricky that."
  197. Gara: "If even inside areas we can get to."
  198. MonkeyBomb94: "Why would she take your needle, ma'am?" Jay asks Angie.
  199. Tom90deg: "You want to hide, that's the best place."
  200. ~Angela: "Lawks child..." Staring at Sam. "Yes."
  201. Magnolia: Sam smiles, "Then your needle... I suppose it can change reality, rather powerfully?"
  202. ~Angela: "Not at all child. It brings people to life."
  203. Tom90deg: " useful."
  204. Gara: "Oh my."
  205. Tom90deg: "I don't suppose you have any way of knowing where Tina went?"
  206. "Trying to track someone in this house is gonna be near impossible."
  207. Magnolia: Sam shakes her head, "I didn't see where she went."
  208. Gara: "She was gone *VERY* fast."
  209. ~Angela: "I followed her here... if she went into the House, I suppose I must follow."
  210. Tom90deg: "Well...I suppose we can come and help."
  211. "IF you want some help that is."
  212. ~Angela: shakes her head. "Let me look first."
  213. ~Angela: And she stalks out.
  214. Magnolia: Sam waves goodbye, "Tell us if you need any help... It would suck if people stopped being born."
  215. Tom90deg: "Hm..."
  216. : Angela is now known as bright
  217. Tom90deg: "So who's this Tina?"
  218. MonkeyBomb94: "Tina sort of blew a hole in the bar last night."
  219. Magnolia: "A woman who barged in last night. She didn't speak English, but I gathered she was caliming to be Tamlin's wife."
  220. "She had an... antisocial attitude."
  221. MonkeyBomb94: "And a deadly-looking ax."
  222. Magnolia: "She tried to light me on fire, because I wouldn't kneel."
  223. Tom90deg: " odd."
  224. "Wait, I thought the house translated everything for us?"
  225. "Wasn't there that German lady who was here a while ago?"
  226. Magnolia: "And Eliza can understand us talking."
  227. Tom90deg: "How'd you know she wasn't speaking english then?"
  228. Magnolia: "Because her words weren't English!"
  229. Tom90deg: "Huh..."
  230. : Gara has quit IRC: Quit: Moving devices
  231. Tom90deg: "Very odd."
  232. MonkeyBomb94: "Then she stormed off into the barracks and we haven't seen her since."
  233. "Or, at least I haven't," Jay adds.
  234. : Gara has joined #TamlinHouse
  235. Tom90deg: "Hm.."
  236. "What if she's still there?"
  237. "I mean, the barracks are HUGE."
  238. MonkeyBomb94: "I don't know... She looked like she had somewhere to be. It's not impossible, though."
  239. Tom90deg: "Want to give it a go?"
  240. MonkeyBomb94: "I suppose. If you see my severed head rolling around, you'll know I found her first," Jay grins.
  241. Tom90deg: "Heh, well, we're gonna stick together."
  242. "Lets NOT wander around alone looking for the girl who smashed through a wall and then trid to light Sam on fire."
  243. MonkeyBomb94: "Sounds good."
  244. Gara: John goes to the bar, looks /very/ concerned.
  245. Magnolia: "John, Are you okay?"
  246. Tom90deg: "Hey John."
  247. Gara: "Yeah Sam. Hey."
  248. Magnolia: Sam frowns, "Yeah, if she is a fate, then... this is very bad. That needle might be /the/ needle that dictates life. If the fates don't have that, nobody will be born."
  249. : Scantron is now known as Scanciv
  250. Tom90deg: "Well, shall we search the baracks?"
  251. Magnolia: "Tina probably has it, on the off chance she dropped it, it might be in here or in the barracks."
  252. Tom90deg: "Well, lets search then."
  253. "Where should we start?"
  254. MonkeyBomb94: "Yeah." Jay says to Darius, "I don't think she wants to kill us or anything. I think she just wants us to show respect or something, so if we /do/ find her, we should probably kneel down."
  255. Magnolia: Sam gets down on her hands and knees, and begins scanning the floor for silver knitting needles.
  256. MonkeyBomb94: "Ummm... I guess we can just search the first floor to begin with."
  257. Gara: "I will stay here and help Sam."
  258. Tom90deg: "WE should stay together..."
  259. Gara: "Why?"
  260. Tom90deg: "Come on Sam, lets start at the far corner and work our way in a grid."
  261. "Cause if she IS still here, I'm willing to bet she won't just give up the needle."
  262. "She tried to light sam on fire for not kneeling."
  263. Magnolia: Sam sighs, "I doubt Tina is in the main rooms."
  264. Tom90deg: "Last place we saw her right?"
  265. "Gotta start the search somewhere."
  266. Magnolia: "She's probably gallivanting around the house somewhere, or else we would have heard about more... incidents."
  267. Gara: "She isn't easy to miss."
  268. Tom90deg: She could be lieing low, as she may have just stolen a needle from fate."
  269. Darius shurgs. "Whatever you guys think is best."
  270. Magnolia: "She didn't lie low yesterday. Though, she went through that wall pretty hard. there is a chance she dropped it, either here or in her rush out."
  271. Gara: "So, really, what are the implications of the needle being missing?"
  272. Magnolia: "Well... She's a fate. They weave the tapestry of life and death. That needle apparently controls life."
  273. "So, without it, I'm guessing nobody will be born."
  274. Gara: "What uses could it have?"
  275. "Outside the hands of the Fates of course."
  276. Magnolia: "I don't have any idea."
  277. "Probably nothing /too/ destructive."
  278. "I'm more worried about it being outside the hands of the fates, rather than what somebody else will do with it."
  279. Tom90deg: "Well...what's the plan then?"
  280. MonkeyBomb94: "Of course, Angie could be lying..." Jay ventures to point out.
  281. Magnolia: "Uhh, we search the bar and the barracks until Aunt Angie comes back, if she comes back, and asks for help finding Tina herself?"
  282. Tom90deg: "Right."
  283. Gara: "That is true, Angie may not be a fate."
  284. Tom90deg: Darius gets down and helps Sam start to search arond the bar.
  285. : Gara has quit IRC: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  286. Gara has joined #TamlinHouse
  287. Magnolia: "True enough? But I'd rather trust her than Tina."
  288. Tom90deg: "You never studied mythology did you? you know the names of the fates orginaly?"
  289. MonkeyBomb94: "I'm not sure I feel the same..."
  290. Magnolia: Sam looks up, and shakes her head.
  291. "I... studied a bit, but I don't know that."
  292. Tom90deg: "I liked the names, Clotho, Lach...something and Atropos"
  293. Gara: "I still say we split into two groups, and search like that."
  294. MonkeyBomb94: "How do we know that Angie isn't trying to trick us into stealing the needle from Tina? I'm just pointing out all the possibilities here."
  295. Jay shrugs.
  296. Tom90deg: "Remember what she said? Chloe, Lily and Angie?
  297. "And I'm more inclied to trust her if only cause she didn't demand we kneel and try to set Sam on fire."
  298. Magnolia: Sam looks up at Gara, "Uhh, I could help search the barracks, if you want."
  299. Tom90deg: "I'll come with Sam. Two heads and all that."
  300. Magnolia: John*
  301. Gara: "So we all to the barracks then I guess?"
  302. Tom90deg: "Onward!"
  303. MonkeyBomb94: Jay nods, "I guess I'm with you," he says to John.
  304. Tom90deg: "Lets get to searching,maybe we'll find where she went. Someone like that leaves a trail."
  305. Magnolia: "Well, I doubt she stayed in the barracks for long. On the off chance she dropped it on her way out, it would be either here, the main hall, or the space between."
  306. Gara: "True enough."
  307. Tom90deg: Darius heads on out to the Barracks.
  308. "So...Begin the search I guess."
  309. Gara: John follows.
  310. MonkeyBomb94: Jay does too.
  311. Magnolia: Sam goes out and then pauses, "I just thought of something..."
  312. Gara: "What's that?"
  313. Tom90deg: "Hmm?"
  314. Magnolia: "Perhaps... Perhaps the missing needle has something to do with the movies. I don't know what the direct cause would be, but, all the endings were bad. Things went wrong that weren't supposed to. If that's linked to the needle being missing at all... the same thing could start happening around here, to us."
  315. Tom90deg: "Ooh....that's a good point Sam..."
  316. Gara: "Oh my..."
  317. Tom90deg: "That just raised the stakes a bit."
  318. Gara: "We need to find it."
  319. Tom90deg: "Ok, lets do this quickly and throughly."
  320. Gara: 5d10 John tries to telepathically contact Sam.
  321. CROM: Gara: John tries to telepathically contact Sam.: 31 (5d10=9, 5, 2, 7, 8)
  322. Tom90deg: Darius starts looking around for any sighs of damage, axe marks, or anything
  323. Magnolia: 6d10 what's that weird headache
  324. CROM: Magnolia: what's that weird headache: 32 (6d10=1, 8, 3, 5, 6, 9)
  325. Magnolia: Sam tries to resist the weird headache
  326. Gara: John breaks the resistance, -1 WP.
  327. Magnolia: Sam's mind can be read and/or contacted by John
  328. Gara: "(Sam, don't worry. It's John, I will explain this in a bit. I need help. Just think your reply.)"
  329. Magnolia: Sam sits there, holding her head and staring at the ground, ~What? John? What's going on?~
  330. Tom90deg: "Sam? You alright?"
  331. Gara: ~I have the needle. I need your help... I don't want everyone to know I had it.~
  332. Tom90deg: "Sam? Something wrong with your head?"
  333. Magnolia: ~You. You have the needle? Where'd you get it? Why didn't you return it?~
  334. "Fine."
  335. Tom90deg: "Ok...."
  336. Darius starts a-searching the barracks, wandering about, looking for anything of note.
  337. Gara: ~I found it. I didn't know what it was, or who it belonged to. And I didn't want to return it without consulted someone I trusted.~
  338. : Scanciv is now known as Scantron
  339. Magnolia: ~Damn it. This is bad.~
  340. Gara: ~I am sorry. I could just come clean.~
  341. ~I just wanted to know your opinion before moving forward.~
  342. Magnolia: ~I fear the fates may take some retribution on you, for deceiving them. I really wish you had just given it to her when you had the chance.~
  343. Gara: ~That's the choice I made. I will go retrieve it.~
  344. Magnolia: ~Uhh... There is a way you could do this, and nobody would have to know. Yeah, go get it.~
  345. MonkeyBomb94: Jay helps Darius search.
  346. Gara: ~I will own up for it. Lying to the Fates seems unwise."~
  347. Magnolia: ~Perhaps...~
  348. Tom90deg: "Anything?"
  349. Gara: ~I am going to break off. I can't move and do this at once.~
  350. MonkeyBomb94: "Nope. Any luck with you?"
  351. Magnolia: ~Okay. It's your call.~
  352. Gara: John kills the connection.
  353. Tom90deg: "Naw, nothing yet."
  354. Gara: He goes up stairs, not caring if he was noticed by anyone.
  355. Magnolia: Sam sits up
  356. "Uhh, guys. I think you can quit now."
  357. Tom90deg: "You get something?"
  358. Gara: John comes back from the second floor with the needle.
  359. Magnolia: "Uhh... kinda." She watches John coming back
  360. Gara: "I have a confession."
  361. "I have the needle, and didn't turn it in."
  362. Tom90deg: "Ah...well, ok."
  363. MonkeyBomb94: "Huh? Where'd you get it?"
  364. Tom90deg: "Yes, where'd you get it?"
  365. Magnolia: "So, anybody know how we'll find Angie to return it?"
  366. Gara: "The bar. I noticed it. And... Something... It..."
  367. Tom90deg: "Well...I guess just keep it,till she comes back?"
  368. Gara: "It is very strange."
  369. Tom90deg: "What happened?"
  370. MonkeyBomb94: "Whoa whoa whoa... Hold on a second. What will this look like to Angie? She'll probably think John stole it or something."
  371. Magnolia: "We could just tell her we found it, and the person who found it was aprehensive about returning it, because they didn't know who she was."
  372. Gara: "I already deceived her. If I keep it beyond when we see her next, she may punish all of us."
  373. MonkeyBomb94: "Hmmm..."
  374. Magnolia: "I hope she comes back, soon."
  375. Tom90deg: "No, just be honest."
  376. "You found it, didn't know what it was, and were worried."
  377. MonkeyBomb94: "I guess we could just tell her the truth, yeah."
  378. Gara: "Me too. I don't intend to deceive the Fates any more then I have."
  379. Magnolia: "I mean, she's a fate. Dealing with mortals is not just in her job description, everything mortals do is part of her job."
  380. "She'll understand such a small falter, right?"
  381. Gara: "I hope."
  382. MonkeyBomb94: "I'll back you up, John." Jay says.
  383. Gara: "Maybe if we call out to her she would hear us?" he shrugs.
  384. Magnolia: Sam smiles, "My plan could have gotten us killed, but it would have been fun, like something out of a spy-thriller."
  385. "Maybe."
  386. Gara: "If it come to punishments, well..."
  387. MonkeyBomb94: "Let's hope it wouldn't have ended the same as those movies, Sam."
  388. Jay grins.
  389. Gara: "I ask you don't make fun of whatever happens to me as a punishment."
  390. Tom90deg: "What was your plan Sam?"
  391. Magnolia: Sam grins, "Attacking a fate, even in self defense, is probably an absolutely terrible idea."
  392. Tom90deg: "Well, lets give her a yell then. See what happens."
  393. Magnolia: "Oh? Uhh, John talked to me for a moment about it. I was going to have him drop it somewhere we would then search over. In hindsight not the best idea, but could have been fun."
  394. Tom90deg: "Heh, could've been."
  395. "So, shall we yell?"
  396. Gara: "We shall."
  397. MonkeyBomb94: "Where'd she head off to, anyway?"
  398. Gara: "I am not sure, I was busy panicking."
  399. Tom90deg: Darius clears his throat. "Aunt Angie!" he calls out
  400. Gara: John calls with him!
  401. Magnolia: Sam calls too!
  402. ~bright: no response
  403. Tom90deg: "Hm...Well...she'll be back. We can give it to her next time we see her."
  404. Gara: "Part of me wants to experiment."
  405. Magnolia: "Yeah. I wonder if somebody might be able to get a message to her."
  406. "Probably not the best idea, John. We could end up magically conjuring like, millions of babies."
  407. Tom90deg: ""Experment with what?"
  408. "And yah, lets not experiment with the possibley world and time controlling needle."
  409. Gara: "The needle."
  410. "I just want to poke Zombie with it."
  411. MonkeyBomb94: Jay grins.
  412. Magnolia: "Don't do that, you might get him fired."
  413. Gara: "I am sure Bob could re zombify him."
  414. Magnolia: Sam grins "Though, I think it would work more like a knitting needle, not just something you poke stuff with."
  415. "Do you know how to knit a tapestry of life?"
  416. MonkeyBomb94: "Whatever we do... We should not tell anyone else about John having the needle. I think that it's best that only we know about it and nobody else."
  417. : Scantron is now known as Scanfood
  418. Tom90deg: "Agreed, If Tina finds out...that may be bad."
  419. Gara: "Ummm... Yes?" he says this with a hopeful look.
  420. Magnolia: "Yeah, keep it secret, keep it safe." Sam looks at John and feigns amazement, "You do?"
  421. Tom90deg: "And wait a sec, you CAN?"
  422. Magnolia: Sam chuckles
  423. Gara: "Oh yeah. Its a everyday thing they teach you on my earth. 'How to make a life tapestry, how to drive, the correct incantation for summoning a lesser demon...' all normal!"
  424. Magnolia: "Of course it is. My world we learn about timey-wimeyness, warp field dynamics, and how to move things with our minds."
  425. "But that's kindergarten for you." she's beaming at John and Darius
  426. Gara: "Certainly is. I should really put this up..."
  427. Magnolia: "Just, don't do anything stupid. And everyone, BE CAREFUL. If that needle being out of the fates hands is having the same effect on the real world as it is on those movies... well... be careful."
  428. "Wait... do you think we should warn people
  429. ."
  430. Tom90deg: "If we warn people...they'll know we have it.
  431. Magnolia: "That for a while, the house might be a lot more dangerous?"
  432. Gara: "The house is already dangerous."
  433. Magnolia: "We don't have to say that specifically."
  434. Tom90deg: "Fewer people know, the better option is to get it back to her as quick as we can."
  435. Gara: "Right."
  436. Magnolia: "We can do that, and still warn people that the house may be a lot more dangerous, just say we can't say why."
  437. : MonkeyBomb94 has quit IRC: Quit: MonkeyBomb94
  438. MonkeyBomb94 has joined #TamlinHouse
  439. Gara: "They will suspect something went wrong."
  440. "Worse then it is."
  441. Magnolia: "So? Something's always gone wrong." she looks at Gara, "I think that what's going on now is pretty high up there. People would have to think Jager escaped or something to overestimate how bad this is."
  442. : Scanfood is now known as Scantron
  443. Magnolia: John*
  444. Gara: "Also, Darius, avoid watching movies with good endings until we get this sorted. We don't need a panic."
  445. "We don't know for sure there is a connection."
  446. "But really, they should already be on their guard."
  447. Magnolia: "If not, it's one hell of a coincidence."
  448. Tom90deg: "Right."
  449. MonkeyBomb94: Jay yawns, "I need some sleep... John, keep the needle safe and hidden. Don't tell /anyone/ about it. Goodnight, guys."
  450. Gara: "Night."
  451. Magnolia: "I still think people should know that there is some danger, even if people don't know what it is."
  452. Tom90deg: "How would we explain it though?"
  453. MonkeyBomb94: Jay plops down onto his bunk and promptly goes to sleep.
  454. Tom90deg: "Something Dangrous is may be happening. don't know why or how or by who."
  455. Magnolia: "I mean. It's not like Gara actually having the needle makes any difference."
  456. Tom90deg: "Hmm."
  457. "That actually may be a point."
  458. "We should've had you take it and watched a movie."
  459. Magnolia: "Hmm... Well... we could always lie. Say that Tina has it."
  460. Johyn*
  461. John*
  462. : MonkeyBomb94 has quit IRC: Quit: G'night all
  463. Gara: "Lets blame the crazy fire chick with the big axe."
  464. "That seems like a great idea Sam."
  465. Magnolia: "If Tina thinks we think she has it, well, there's no reason for her to come to us looking for it."
  466. Tom90deg: "Good idea..."
  467. Magnolia: "But it still poses the exact same danger to people, so it makes a perfect explanation."
  468. Gara: "With the added risk of surprise fire axe in your general area."
  469. "I think it should be even more vague."
  470. Magnolia: "Why would she come after us?"
  471. Tom90deg: "She knows she dosn't have it."
  472. Magnolia: "Even if word reaches her, as far as she knows we know, we think she has it."
  473. "Ah, but why would we think she has it if we did?"
  474. Tom90deg: "Dunno...Just worried."
  475. Gara: "So she may assume we were trying to trick her."
  476. "All I am saying is I don't fancy having even a risk of her out for anyone's blood."
  477. Tom90deg: "I think just saying we don't know and we're looking for it ould work."
  478. Magnolia: "But if people don't know there's a potential for increased danger, we're putting them at even further risk
  479. ."
  480. "It would be silly for her to assume we were trying to trick her, if we do exactly what we would have done if we didn't have it."
  481. Gara: "She doesn't seem to be one I would slander."
  482. Magnolia: "Not slander. Stating simple facts as far as we know them."
  483. "Hardly slander if it's true."
  484. Gara: "But it isn't, and the person who knows that has a big axe."
  485. Magnolia: "As far as we would know, if we did not have it ourselves, it is the truth. If we did not have it ourselves, we would act on it like it were the truth."
  486. Gara: "And do you really believe she would care?"
  487. Magnolia: "I simply propose we do what we would have done anyway."
  488. "Care about what?"
  489. Gara: "What we know the truth to be."
  490. "She would take it as a insult I am sure."
  491. Magnolia: "She wont, because she wont know. She'll think we think exactly what we say we think, because we'd behave exactly like we'd behave if we actually thought that."
  492. "Take what as an insult?"
  493. Gara: "She may just dislike that we are even suggesting that she took it, even if she did."
  494. Tom90deg: "Could be..."
  495. "I suggest that we feign ignorance, unless Angie comes in."
  496. Magnolia: "But then we're putting everyone at unnecessary risk!"
  497. "People must be informed that something is going on that could significantly increase the danger of the house."
  498. Tom90deg: "I agree to that."
  499. "People have to be aware that things may be more of a risk."
  500. "Wait..."
  501. "I know."
  502. "We'll tell them about the movies."
  503. Gara: "We say we know what is happening, that it is very dangerous, and that it will probably resolve itself soon."
  504. Tom90deg: "And tell them we don't know why, but it may be spreading to people here."
  505. Magnolia: Sam sighs, "I seriously doubt that she would much care what we say about her, especially if she doesn't speak our language."
  506. "But, if you insist, we can just go with a generic warning of danger."
  507. Tom90deg: "Alright."
  508. Gara: "A generic warning of danger will do nothing.
  509. Magnolia: "?"
  510. Tom90deg: "We do need to say something, but we can't put outselves at more risk."
  511. Gara: "I say we tell everything save that I have it."
  512. Tom90deg: "That'll make you a target."
  513. "For now, I need some sleep...we'll decide what to do in the morning."
  514. Gara: "Save that I have means we don't let that known."
  515. Magnolia: "Don't bring her up, Say teh fates lost one of their needles, and until they get it back, there could be signigficant'y increased danger around here."
  516. the*
  517. Gara: "Let's do that. I need to get some rest. Goodnight."
  518. John goes to his bed, puts the needle in the locker, and goes to sleep.
  519. Magnolia: "Goodnight."
  520. Sam heads to bed.
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