
Howell and Tatiana

Sep 25th, 2016
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  2. Tatiana Hearing the voice echoing within her mind gave her pause. That was odd. But then again Tati was used to the strange and unusual. So without even thinking she stood and opened the cooler pulling out two bottles of water and placing them on a tree stump. Waiting for him to appear and take them. That was the one thing about Tatiana, she might be bitchy but didn't mind helping out someone that needed it. Finishing off her own drink she stood and stretched. Such an odd thing but not uncommon. She figured it was a lost hiker till she heard the voice. And now that the breeze has picked up she could catch the scent properly. It was another wolf. This was the first time she had even caught wind of another. It had been weeks... almost months since being around her own kind. Though she wouldn't be speaking just yet. She wanted to gather why this wolf was so far out.[delete]
  4. Howell Seeing that she had pulled out the water bottle to express her agreement, allowing the towering man to feel less unwelcomed as he slowly drew closer. Bare feet would traverse the mix of sand and grass, even picking up burs and thorns without much notice to the added pain. Howell carried no bag, having no possessions he greatly cared to keep with him. When his mother died and the caravan disbanded, he buried his family heirlooms with her and carried on without anything weighing him down. Soon standing before her, his mind would speak where parched and cracked lips would not. 'Thank you kindly, Tatiana..'. Lifting the bottle and twisting off the cap, he would push the rim to his lips and chug it rather eagerly.[delete]
  6. Tatiana Blinking and eyes narrowing. Head tilting to the side just staring at him. So another telepathic being. She didn't think to put up her defenses not expecting to see anyone this far into the park. Let alone someone with that type of ability. Though watching him drink down the water as if he had been in a desert, it was suffice to say that he had been wandering for a while. "Well seeing as you know my name. Can I have yours?" She was calm but if he could read her mind now, he would realize that she didn't appreciate the invasion. Though wasn't going to scold or yell at him for doing so. Tatiana drank more of her water, emptying the bottle of its contents and tossing it into a makeshift trash bin nearby.[delete]
  8. Howell The first bottle did not last long, soon floating away from his lips as the other was lifted from the stump without physical contact. His open right hand would accept the bottle, twisting off the cap with a roll of his index finger of the opposing hand. Placing the rim to his lips, the bearded Gypsy would begin to drink down this one as well. 'Howell John. But you may call me Silver.' The cap would float back to the rim, twisting back on to seal the remaining liquid inside as the towering man released a heavy sigh. It felt good to no longer be so close to dropping, though he could use a rest and a good shower. 'I never meant any offense on the telepathic link.. Nor obtaining your name through such. Can you not defend your thoughts?'[delete]
  10. Tatiana Staring up at him from her seat she gave a nod. "Silver... I think I will call you Howell." She liked his real name. "I can. I was just not expecting anyone coming in the middle of nowhere, let alone someone that was telepathic." One hand lifting to run through the thick raven colored locks. Even though it was nice out, it was hot. Pulling out a scrunchie from her pocket, both hands now raised and pulling back the long tresses and up, winding the elastic around and with a tug pulled the thick strands up into a ponytail. Taking hold of the vest she pulled that off as well, it was some relief but not much. Standing, the she-wolf turned to the house. "You hungry?" He didn't seem a threat and she hadn't had anyone around for a long time. Some company might be nice.[delete]
  12. Howell 'Thank you. I like my name also.' He would reply to her thoughts, then withdrawing from her mind to give her privacy. He had taken note she could be a threat, though was not in any mood to drive him away or make trouble for him. Stopping at the doorway to lean down and pluck the burs from his bare feet, a curtain of brown locks would cast over his face. "I would love some food. I have not eaten in a week." Removing his trench coat at the door, he would hang it on the wrack and followed her lead into the cabin. "Out here all alone, huh? I thought you were an Alpha.." [delete]
  14. Tatiana She stopped at the mention of that and froze. It was only a brief moment and she recovered quickly. "I am... and I would rather not talk about it." Heading to the kitchen, she pulled open the fridge. Everything here ran on generators seeing that there was no electricity. They were in a shed out back so the noise wouldn't bother her sensitive hearing. "I am afraid all I have left is left overs if thats alriht." Pulling out a half eaten roasted chicken, some green beans, and mashed potatoes. Placing these on the table as she grabbed some bread and butter. Lastly pulling out a pitcher of sweet tea and grabbing a glass from the cubbord. "Sorry it isn't heated up but I don't think you want to wait for the oven. I don't have a microwave." grabbing a chair and pulling it out she sat, steepling her fingers together. [delete]
  15. Howell "We will not discuss it then." He would agree, stopping his pursuit of her once he reached the kitchen. Seating himself slowly in a chair at the table, hazel hues would watch as she pulled out the remains of her last meal. At this, his stomach would gurgle as it revealed how hungry the man truly was. "There is no need to heat it up, miss. But I do thank you for the offer of food." Not one to be rude or overstep his boundaries, Howell would wait for the drink to be poured and meal to be served before digging in. He only used the silverware for the mashed potatoes, thick digits being used to handle the chicken and green beans he was so eager to dine upon.[delete]
  17. Tatiana She did pour the tea and once he started eating. He really did seem like he was starving. Leaning forward, resting arms against the surface of the table. "So tell me, Howell. What brings you this far out? Its a good hike... and by the smell of you, you have more scents on you than I can pick out right now." She wasn't saying that he stunk in anyways. Just that he had a hodge podge of various aromatic smells picked up from all the places he had been. "Well I do need to finish some things on the cabin. If you need anything likea shower or sleep. I have guest rooms upstairs you are more than welcome to use. There is also some clean clothes stored in one of them. Male clothes. I gather them incase any of our kind wander in, like you. But you are the first I have to admit." [delete]
  19. Howell Since his mouth was busy taking in food, he would open the link between their minds to give her answers. 'I was merely observing life, as I often do. But I never expected to meet another of our kind. Last I recall, I was leaving a diner and found myself lost.' Picking the map of her home from the woman's mind, Howell knew where the guest room was and even the clothes she spoke of. While a rest would be nice, he had only arrived and was compelled to lend a hand so he could show his gratitude.[delete]
  20. Tatiana She wasn't stupid. Knew the get and give type of man. She didn't have to have the power to read minds to notice things. "I just need to fix a few small issues. So I won't be but a moment. Go. Take a shower and sleep. I will not take long. I don't mind you staying here really. The company for a little while would be welcomed." Giving him a slight smile and turned toward the door and out. The roof was finally fixed and right now the damn door kept coming unhinged. She forgot to make sure that the frame was sterdy before putting in the door. Oh well so is life. [delete]
  22. Howell Nodding his head, the man would rise to make his way up the stairs to the guest room. Removing his clothing once inside, he would leave his dirty attire in a neat pile and moved into the bathroom. Most would take this chance to shave, but he loved his beard so much that he had only trimmed it since it first grew many many years ago. Howell stayed in her mind as he showered in the hot water, using it to rid himself of dirt and switching to cold for the rest to preserve her supplies and power. Seeing she was fixing the door, he cursed himself for being too far away to lend her his ability to help.[delete]
  24. Tatiana Seeing as she didn't close her mind back up she didn't really care what he saw. He didn't seem to be the kind that would try anything. But those defenses were ready just in case now that she knew what he could do. Though what she hadn't counted on was the flood of memories of before. Fixing the door had her thinking of the cabin that she and her ex had made together, and the small pack they started getting. She had to stop. Why now of all times was she thinking about this? It was the first time she had since being out here by herself. Quickly finishing the door and securing the frame, Tati went inside and back to the kitchen where she poured herself a cup of coffee... Something she drank a lot of to keep herself awake for as long as possible. [delete]
  26. Howell Though he could reach her at the doorway, he could see her memories and how they plagued her with such pains. Howell could not remove them from this distance, but he was able to fill her mind with other memories he pulled from her mind like files. Any one that did not include this male would be offered to her, soon covering her bad memories in a plethora of better ones. Shutting off the water, he took the towel and began to dry himself off at a casual rate of speed.[delete]
  28. Tatiana The flood of new memories that he gave her made the she-wolf pause. Turning her head and staring toward the stairs she gave a sigh. She knew he was trying to help and again she couldn't really get onto him. Just not used to someone doing things so openly. That is when the defenses went up. Closing herself off from him. If it wasn't for the fact of meeting other Telepaths, she wouldn't have been able to do this. Well now this was boring. She basically finished everything and now just had nothing to do but listen for anything to come across the raido. A large radio sat in the corner of the living room. It was for the ragers throughout the part to reach her in case she had to go looking for lost campers or for her to report anything out of the ordenary. A hand running through her hair as she sat back in the large plush chair. [delete]
  30. Howell The man felt her defenses go up, blocking him off from trying to help or even read her thoughts any longer. Resuming drying himself off then, Howell would soon step from the bathroom and lifted his right hand to pull the drawer across the room open. Each article of clothing was fetched in this manner, allowing him to bring the change of attire to his side with telekinetic forces. Slipping them onto his stout form, the man discovered it was a tight fit all around but did the job of hiding his personal areas. Bare feet soon met the stairs as he came back down, casting his hazel hues upon her. "Do you need any help?"[delete]
  32. Tatiana Looking over at the male as he returned a shake of her head given. "No, I pretty much got it all. Been by myself for the longest so I am not used to having someone here to be honest. But I don't mind the company. I just hope I am not too boring." She chuckled. Patting the seat next to her for him to join. "Sorry if my manners are a bit... lax. Again been by myself for too long." Though she was smiling and growing a bit more comfortable. Yawning and leaning back against the couch more, it was the first time in days she didn't have anything that didn't need to be done..... and she spoke too soon when there was a creak and a pop as the pipe under the sink busted. Giving a groan, Tatiana started to sit up and stand to go fix it. [delete]
  34. Howell "Relax, you are not boring me." He would assure her, moving to seat himself where she offered. Hearing the pipe burst under the sink a mere second before she stood, Howell would use his power to force the nob to twist and cut off the water pouring from the broken pipe. While he was not a plumber, the Gypsy would stand once more and shuffle into the kitchen in case she needed an extra pair of hands. "Manners are not a must with me, Tatiana.. But thank you for expressing them none-the-less."[delete]
  36. Tatiana Standing and getting to the sink she stared at the pipe and sighed. Poking her head out and looking around the tool box over in the corner. Crawling over to it, and dragging it back, she dug through the tools. Clinks and clangs heard as she searched. Finally pulling out the wrench she needed and ducking back under the sink. Rear out and hunched over, she didn't tighten it up well enough. At least she wouldn't have to change the whole thing out. Pushing and trying to line up the pipe, she grunted with the effort. Sighing she looked back under her arm. "You mind helping me? I need you to hold this pipe while I tighten the connector."[delete]
  38. Howell He'd be lying if he denied looking at her butt as it wiggled while she worked, but he would not stare for long as he diverted his gaze out of the window. It had been awhile since the man had been around a woman of his own kind, having avoided human females for the sake of not staining his proud bloodline. When she asked for his help, the man would lower his form and focused his hazel hues on the pipe in question. As to not get in the way, he used his telekinesis to keep the pipe steady as she worked. "Got it, miss."[delete]
  40. Tatiana Nodding she turned and headed back into the house. Heading to her room she disrobed and placed the clothes aside. Shifting, with all those unpleasant noises she finally stood and shook herself off. Padding down the stairs and out the door, legs stretching forth as she bolted off into the night. Quickly blending in and disappearing into the forest of the park. Fur laying down against her as she ran. Paws beating against the ground and body barely making a sound as she ran and wove through the trees. [delete]
  41. Tatiana (is hungry wolf needs food!)[delete]
  42. Xander Shadows It wouldn't be long before he found himself hidden under some bushes with the thorny needles. They didn't bother him and would lie there looking over into the open area that was by the lake, his green eyes looked out over the glass of the water as the moon reflected off the surface. His ears move to every tiny sound that was made, some were identifiable as the night animals and some were not and those he had to be careful of. Lying his head down on his paws Xander slowly drifted to sleep unbeknownst of anything or anyone around him or the area. [delete]
  43. Howell When she took off, the man would make his way towards the backdoor. Wipping his bare feet off before making his way trhough the kitchen, Howell would pause at the base of the stairs as the she-wolf came rushing past to do her duty. Giving her a warm smile, he would make his way up to the room she had given him and seated himself on the bed. Closing his hazel hues, he would focus on a blank wall that was free of any imperfections or design. His form began to levitate from the bed, floating in the air as he began to meditate.[delete]
  44. Tatiana (post in a moment eating)[delete]
  45. Xander Shadows (Take your time.)[delete]
  46. Tatiana (sorry had to eat something my hands were shaking)[delete]
  47. Xander Shadows (it's always good to eat)[delete]
  48. Tatiana Moving through the forest a bit slower now. Nose to ground. She couldn't catch the scent she did before nor any scent of humans close by. Lifting that massive head turning back and forth. She was pretty far out. And she didn't want to move more without help. It was hard to actually cover the whole territory in one night. Curcling back and heading toward the cabin. At a much slower pace. Paws hitting lightly against the ground. [delete]
  49. Tatiana (should have eaten sooner going to take me a min to get my hands to stop shaking)[delete]
  50. Xander Shadows (perhaps take a break and let yourself calm down a little)[delete]
  51. Tatiana (I will be fine)[delete]
  52. Xander Shadows (ok)[delete]
  53. Xander Shadows Lying there sleeping soundly something caught his ears and made him look up from his hiding place. Those green eyes looking into the darkness and then saw a wolf and the scent was very familiar as it was Tatiana's, he didn't move or anything just watched her closely as his scent had been masked by the bushes. The evergreen was a godsend not knowing how the she-wolf would react if she found him there, his thoughts playing assume this or that but soon were cast aside.[delete]
  54. Howell [ Skip me. He's just meditating.. ][delete]
  55. Tatiana Getting tired of my tabs crashing)[delete]
  56. Tatiana She was too intent on heading back. Thoughts were on those hunters and poachers that could be roaming closer. She didn't even notice Xander nearby. As she got closer to the cabin, the sounds of her anatomy rearranging and soon she would be on two legs once more. Naked body exposed and she really didn't care. A hand running through her hair as she trudged back. Each foot digging into the ground and she panted a bit. It felt good to have ran like that. Well at least everything was safe for now. Then the shot, and the sting of something in her side. Stopping and she looked down hand going to her side feeling the wetness there. It took her a moment to register before she crumpled to the ground. Giving out a loud painful howl. Head looking up she started to slowly drag herself to her feet. Where had that shot come from? There was no way she could have missed a scent. Voices now heard as someone cried out. "I hit something!" A snarl coming from her lips. They were masking themselves.. she +[delete]
  57. Tatiana --could now smell the fake deer urine and the strong scent of humans. [delete]
  58. Xander Shadows When the shot rang out Xander moved instantly and with haste. He was like a shadowy blur on a black canvas, moving quickly to where ever the shot came from but stopped short and kept low. He saw them just beyond a small ridge, a hunter with a sniper rifle as it seemed they were up to no good. Sneaking silently around the one he smelt the faux deer piss and growled a little, it wasn't loud to alarm the man and stood there. Xander then gave a low, deep growl and the sniper didn't even have time to make a sound, blood gushed from the wound that the hunter now had, as X killed the one shooting from afar. Moving again with blood on his maw and coat he would go about searching for the others; it was then another shot rang out but it only grazed his left ear. Growling again he darted off into the darkness to find the hunters.[delete]
  59. Howell His focus was broken by the gunshot, hazel hues opening swiftly and causing the man to plop upon the bed once more. The sudden howl would beckon him, calling the man to her side. Though it was something he was not skilled with, he would will his form to vanish and appear roughly twenty yards east of the woman. Linking his mind to her own, Howell could feel her pain as if it were his own. Swiftly approaching her, the Gypsy slid across the ground on his knees and produced the kit filled with random herbs. Mixing a few in his hands, he placed them in his mouth to chew and add his saliva. Creating a salve, he would spit it into his hands and began to coat her wound. 'Relax, this might sting. But it will clot the blood and keep you from bleeding out.'[delete]
  60. Tatiana Seeing Howell there only confused the woman. Though right now she didn't care. When he put those herbs on her wound she gave a low growl and hiss as she felt the sting. God damn poachers! Turning on her side she tried to push Howell off. Not to be mean but damn it, it fucking hurt. Thankfully these were not silver or she would be in worse shape. It would take a few hours for it to heal. Looking off into the distance she could hear the growling of another wolf and she smelled the blood. Who was out there? Sitting up and rolling over, her bare form pushing up from the ground and she staggered a bit trying to keep on her feet. [delete]
  61. Xander Shadows Racing past pine trees and stopped short at seeing a small camp just a few yards inside the park. It was the poachers camp and there was three others, but he silently left them for now before running off to find two more. These two were together and were loud as they whispered, one carried a shotgun and the other with a 30.06. Xander paced himself and would sit on his haunches waiting for the right moment. The man on the right thought he saw the wolf but looked again and X was gone, a low growl left his maw and he barked scaring the two poachers as both shot into the dark. X would circle them and soon jump on the poacher with the shotgun, his sharp teeth tearing at the man's spinal cord as blood rush out and soon a shot rang out again. Xander was hit in the right side but it didn't register until the one who shot him was a bloody mess, whimpering some the black wolf ran off and instead of taking on the rest would scare the ever living crap out of them. Staying within the darkness (c)[delete]
  62. Xander Shadows and shadows he growled low and even barked out loud, the poachers thought they were surrounded by wolves on all sides but it was only one. Xander stopped and looked at one and before a buckshot rang out, he was gone. He did this for a good fifteen minutes until the four of them high tailed out of the park and were gone into the night, sitting down on his haunches and finally able to realize he had been shot. 'Guess it won't be the last time.' He thought and would slowly pad off walking himself off concealing himself and walked to the lake. Stepping into the cold water as it his the gunshot wound he Xander didn't howl just growled and the moonlight showed the darkness of the water. Getting out he shook himself off and would start back to where he first arrived. (e)[delete]
  63. Howell Despite being pushed away after the growl and hiss of protest from the woman, following shots would warrant the man's need to get her to safety. Not trusting himself to teleport her to the cabin, he would use his telekinesis to lift her from the ground. "Come." He'd state in and low and commanding tone, dragging her along just above the ground as he made his way back towards the cabin. Once inside, he would guide her to couch. "What happened, Alpha?"[delete]
  64. Tatiana Was protesting the whole time she was lifted. "I can walk!" She snarled. But found that her attempts to get down fruitless. When they were finally back in the house and she now on the couch, Tati groaned in pain. This still fucking hurt. "I was coming back from my patrol. I didn't smell the poachers, they covered themselves in that god awful fake urine. It messed with me. Then I was shot." Her hand moving to her side to look at the wound. It had stopped bleeding and slowly closing. "God if I get my hands on them... but I have a feeling someone or something else did it."[delete]
  65. Xander Shadows Moving sluggishly through the forest now the loss of blood was taking its toll. The wound would take awhile to heal but he knew the bullet was lodged in his side, whimpering again Xander paced his steps while panting out, he stopped at a small pond and drank from it and sat on his haunches licking at the bleeding wound. Looking around he did't know how far away he was from his truck but smelt his own scent and trudged on slowly. Finding his clothes under the small mound of dirt in his duffle bag, he picked up with his maw and would carry it the rest of the way, it was only then he was still the forest and lying on his side passed out from blood loss.
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