
Stress Relief

Mar 16th, 2014
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  1. >You had spent two hours getting this ready.
  2. >Drawing a bath, setting up candles, getting a preening kit out.
  3. >Heated towels for the mare's forehead and back.
  4. >Separate combs for her mane, tail, and coat.
  5. >A bottle of massage oil for your hands and wherever she wanted them.
  6. >Horn and hoof polisher was a must as well.
  7. >A final lilac candle was lit, joining its ten other twins lining the tub.
  8. >Everything was in place.
  9. >Twilight was still out, dealing with some bureaucratic nonsense.
  10. >She'd be home any minute.
  11. >As of late, she was getting stressed out like she often did.
  12. >No progress on some experiment, repeated failures on another, Spike was starting to ask 'mature' questions...
  13. >Her stress was worrying you, so you were going to pamper the shit out of this mare.
  14. >The front door opened.
  15. >"Spike? Anon? I'm home!" Twilight called.
  16. "Up here, Twi!"
  17. >You heard her saddlebag get tossed onto a table, with perhaps just a tad bit more force than needed.
  18. >Hooves started marching up the stairs.
  19. >The door was pushed open, and Twilight fluttered over to the bed.
  20. >She then flopped down on it, sighing.
  21. >Both wings were flared in frustration and annoyance.
  22. >One was fine, maybe a loose feather here or there.
  23. >Her other wing looked like it had been hit.
  24. >Feathers were bent and broken all throughout the wing, though it didn't appear to be causing her much discomfort.
  25. "Wow Twi, what happened?"
  26. >"Somepony may or may not have started a hoof fight, and I may or may not have had to physically break it up." She said with a touch of annoyance.
  27. "You sound like a school teacher."
  28. >"They act like schoolyard foals."
  29. "Even Mayor Mare?"
  30. >"She has no real say, she just brings up topics. Moderator, essentially. Mayor Mare stayed calm and collected."
  31. >A frustrated huff.
  32. >"Why are some ponies so stubborn? Like, to the point of stupidity?"
  33. "Talk to me, hun."
  34. >You walked over and started massaging her shoulders, working out the kinks and taut muscles.
  35. >She hummed in pleasure before sighing.
  36. >"I'm just going to make myself angry again if I do."
  37. "You'll feel better."
  38. >"Fine. Mind if I borrow a word from your vocabulary?"
  39. >You arched an eyebrow.
  40. "My 'vocabulary'?" You quoted, confused. "Go ahead, I guess?"
  41. >"Some of these ponies are so fucking thick I'm shocked they can function from day to day."
  42. >You blinked.
  43. "Ah, the good ol' f-bomb. Always useful." You said with a bit of humor.
  44. >"Mm. This one stallion, I don't even remember his name, is head of some committee that is dedicated to bringing more money into Ponyville. Fine, nothing wrong with that."
  45. >She tried to get worked up again, but your gentle ministrations on her shoulders was stopping her.
  46. >"Instead, he wants to spend money on frivolous things that do nothing for anypony but his own little community on the outskirts of town!"
  47. "Mm, I can bet that's irritating."
  48. >"Very."
  49. "Want me to come knock his block off?"
  50. >"Ha, no no, I don't want to resort to that...yet. Though, he IS an Earth Pony, pretty sure you could take him."
  51. >You chuckled with her as your hands moved to her wing joints.
  52. >They were swollen, and she hissed when you touched them.
  53. >"I've, uh, had my wings flared up all day. I was angry."
  54. "I can tell." You said with a small hint of disapproval. "At least you didn't go 'firemare' on them."
  55. >"My wings are so sore now..."
  56. "I've got just the thing."
  57. >"Huh?"
  58. >You stopped the back rub for now, picking her up.
  59. >Never failed to get a blush before, and today was no different.
  60. "I've drawn mi'lady a bath, of course." You said with a bit of old-world flair, still smiling warmly.
  61. >You stepped into the bathroom and gently lowered the lavender mare into the tub.
  62. >"W-wow Anon..." Twilight said quietly, mystified.
  63. >She sniffed the air, smelling the candles, then relaxed into the warm water.
  64. >Said candles were the only light source in the room, as you had disconnected the room's usual lighting for tonight.
  65. >"Care to join me, Anon? I could use those hands..."
  66. >You thought she'd never ask.
  67. >You slowly disrobed, letting Twilight take in all the looking that she wanted.
  68. >This night was for her, after all. If she wanted a show, she was gonna get one.
  69. >After a few minutes of taunting and teasing the mare, you carefully joined her in the bathtub.
  70. >You held her in your lap, which made a convenient resting point for her.
  71. >Reaching over for one of the hot folded towels, you unfolded it and draped it on her face.
  72. "You okay?"
  73. >Her reply was a relaxed sigh as the steaming towel worked its magic.
  74. >Grabbing another towel, you raised her back slightly out of the water and placed it there.
  75. >You oiled your hands up a bit, and started on her shoulders again.
  76. >"Seems like you're sucking up for something..." Twilight muttered. "You're doing it so, so right..."
  77. >You smiled, shaking your head wordlessly.
  78. >Oiled hands met tense back, and Twilight was in another world.
  79. >You pressed warm water into her coat, making sure it reaching all the way down to the skin.
  80. >Your gentle ministrations were more than enough to make her croon in a low pitch, a relaxed sigh leaving her every so often.
  81. >Your slender digits ended on her hips, right over her cutie mark.
  82. >The mare tensed only briefly, unused to the sensation.
  83. >She was happy, exactly how you wanted her.
  84. >Whatever stress she had suffered today was over with.
  85. >Now she was with you, relaxing in a warm bath while you worked her over to the best of your ability.
  86. >You reached for a dry towel and put a small amount of polish on it.
  87. >Giving her horn a quick single-finger stroke just to see her shiver, you then applied the polish and rubbed the material into her horn, following the spirals perfectly.
  88. >Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the bony outcropping being especially sensitive for Twilight.
  89. >As you kept polishing her horn, you whispered sweet, comforting words into her ears.
  90. >Calling her things like 'lovely' or 'precious', giving her sweet little kisses on her temples, things like that.
  91. >You watched delighted shivers run down her spine.
  92. >If her contented purrs were any indication, she was loving every minute.
  93. >"Whatever you do, don't stop..."
  94. "I have no intention, love."
  95. >You pulled the towel away, revealing a sparkling, well polished horn.
  96. >Smiling at your own handiwork, you then pulled the preening kit over.
  97. >A simple thing, consisting of a fine tooth comb and a tiny pair of scissors designed for plucking, not cutting.
  98. >You also pulled the now-cool towel off of her face.
  99. "Stretch your wings, sweetheart."
  100. >She did with a tiny grunt.
  101. "Still sore?"
  102. >"Less than they were an hour ago..."
  103. >You nodded and started running the comb through her broad wings.
  104. >It would occasionally catch on a bent feather, which was immediately plucked.
  105. >It took you ten minutes on her first wing alone, though the alicorn didn't care.
  106. >Her damaged wing would be tricky but nothing you, Magic Fingers Anon, couldn't handle.
  107. >You again ran the comb through, and many of the feathers simply fell out against the smooth combing motions.
  108. >A few more stubborn ones had to be plucked, but Twilight sighed in contentment each time one was.
  109. >"I'm so glad you're doing this. Spike is too rough."
  110. "He just needs to develop fine motor control skills, he'll be fine."
  111. >The mare nodded.
  112. >"I'm still worried about the questions he's been asking."
  113. "Twilight, he's growing up. It's bound to happen." You replied, scissors again plucking a stubborn bent feather.
  114. >"Yeah..."
  115. "Would you rather him ask you, or someone else?"
  116. >Twilight took a deep breath in.
  117. >"I...I suppose you're right."
  118. >One more feather, and Twilight's wings were back in perfect shape.
  119. >You packed up the tools, then removed the back towel.
  120. >"Hey, that was comfy..."
  121. >She again groaned happily into your ear when you rolled her back onto your stomach and began a belly rub.
  122. >One hand was busy doing that, the other hand was busy getting a towel ready with more polish.
  123. >You slowly stopped the belly rub, then held one of her forehooves in your palm.
  124. >The towel applied the shining oils into the hoof, and Twilight kissed you on the cheek as you tenderly cared for her sore hooves.
  125. >You repeated the process with the other forehoof before having to reapply the oil to the towel.
  126. >Twilight fell asleep into your chest a few minutes later, allowing you to polish her back hooves with little issue.
  127. >Task complete, you simply cuddled with her in the tub for a little while.
  128. >She shifted once or twice in the warm bath, splashing the water onto your chest.
  129. >Her chest rose and fell in time, your heartbeat syncing with hers.
  130. >A small, sweet kiss to the top of the head woke her up.
  131. >"O-oh, I'm sorry." Twilight said with a yawn.
  132. "There's no worry, Twi."
  133. >Several of the candles had burned out, though most were still lit.
  134. >"I think I'm ready to get out..."
  135. >You nodded with a soft smile, then helped her out.
  136. >Another blush at the unneeded assistance, and then you covered her in yet another dry towel.
  137. >This one was actually a bathroom towel, so it covered the mare completely.
  138. >You dried her off for the next couple minutes, making sure to get most of the water.
  139. >When you pulled the towel off, the blush had gone from small and pink to large and rose red.
  140. >Her mane and tail were a tasteful mess, one you ran your fingers through to her great pleasure.
  141. "Even like this, insanely hot."
  142. >The mare's eyes widened, the blush brightening to an almost impossible degree.
  143. >You then pulled out the mane and tail brushes.
  144. >A magic aura encased both, but were stubbornly held in your grasp.
  145. >"Anon, wha-"
  146. "Nope. My job tonight, not yours. Just relax."
  147. >You pulled the brush through her silky mane, taking your time.
  148. >Once or twice she tried to snatch the tail brush from you, only to be completely shut down each time by a tender kiss.
  149. >A 'coincidence', of course.
  150. >It took you ten minutes to get her mane straight, draped on one side of her neck like she liked to keep it.
  151. >Her frizzy tail was next, and you picked up the slightly more coarse tail brush for it.
  152. >You ran it through, pulling off stray loose hairs and the like.
  153. >Eventually it too was how she styled it, complete with that tiny little part at the end.
  154. >Now, the coat brush.
  155. >The fine-toothed brush stroked the pony's coat, sending delighted shivers down her spine.
  156. >The mare was smiling broadly and contentedly, occasionally humming in glee.
  157. >Finally straightened up, you put the brush kit away and kissed the glowing mare on the cheek.
  158. >Twilight looked herself over in the mirror.
  159. >"Wow. You...just wow."
  160. "Heh, when you're in a library most of the day, it's hard to not learn a thing or two." You replied.
  161. >"You're the best, Anon."
  162. >She pushed the bathroom door open, leading you to the bedroom.
  163. >"Why don't I show you just how much I appreciate that..."
  164. ===
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