

Jun 4th, 2015
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  1. Hi, My IGN is BananaTheBob and I'll be reviewing your plot today! :D
  2. I like the theme, but you are missing required elements!
  4. I suggest clearing your plot (/plot clear then /plot confirm) because it will make it easier. You have to change to much of your plot, and would be impractical to keep on building on the current plot. (Does not mean you have to, this is just a suggestion.)
  6. Structure:
  7. A structure is required to rank up, and your structure needs depth. When you edit the walls, make sure you add multiple layers and detail it with stairs, slabs, fence etc. They are very plain at the moment and seem to fill the space.
  9. Terrain:
  10. Terrain is required to rank up. When you build it, have it evenly spread out throughout the entire plot. Additionally, try to make it look as natural as possible. To do this, smooth it to get rid of all the edges. Making terra that looks natural will be hard if the material you are using isn't naturally found in that form.
  12. Trees/Organics:
  13. Custom trees are required to rank up. When you build it, make it proportional. This means that the trunk can't be to big for the leaves and the leaves can't be to big for the trunk. If you want to keep the quartz theme, be sure that the colors of the theme are carried into the tree.
  15. Side Note:
  16. Your plot looks a bit haphazardly put together, and your theme is unclear.
  17. There still a lot of space that could use some filling.
  19. Good luck!
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