
Two "Best Friends" in Equestria PT 2 FSR /Discontinued ATM/

Jan 4th, 2013
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  1. >Sweet pony Jesus, you’re head hurts.
  2. >You are Gerald, and holy crap does your head hurt.
  3. >You’re lying on a bed that’s a few sizes too small for you.
  4. >You hear voices, one of which you recognize as Michaels.
  5. >The other voice sounds extremely familiar but you can’t place it.
  6. >You hear Michael start talking.
  7. >”Look, Ze…. What’s your name again? Never mind. The point is, I need you to quit with the rhyming shit. It’s giving me a massive headache.”
  8. >You can’t make out the other persons voice, but you do manage to look around a bit.
  9. >You look to where the voices are coming from and see Michael sitting at a table with a…. zebra?!
  10. >You get a good look at the zebra and finally realize where you’ve heard that voice.
  11. >As it finally dawns on you, the shock and confusion becomes too much for you and you pass out again.
  12. >You are now Michael.
  13. >You’ve been talking with a zebra.
  14. >A goddamned zebra.
  15. >If this is heaven, you want no part of it.
  16. >The Zebra has been telling you about where Gerald and you landed.
  17. >Oh, her name is Zecore or Zecora or something.
  18. >Anyways, you two have landed in a magical land called Equestria, which is inhabited by magical talking horses. Wait, ponies. That’s gonna take some getting used to.
  19. >You look back at Zecora and see that she’s staring at you expecting a response.
  20. >Too bad you didn’t listen to anything she has been saying for the last few minutes.
  21. “What’s that? I wasn’t paying attention.”
  22. >She sighs and repeats herself, “I will quit rhyming till your headache goes away. Then I shall resume it once you have healed. Does this sound alright to you?”
  23. “Yeah that’s fine I suppose.”
  24. >Man do you hurt. You hurt in places that haven’t hurt since you’re last football game. Those defensive linebackers could pack a punch.
  25. “Hey Zecorey, I’m gonna go lay down. I’m not feeling to hot right now.”
  26. >As you stand up to go find somewhere to lay down, you quickly find yourself not needing to as you fall to the floor into unconsciousness.
  27. >As you wake up from your pain induced sleep, you manage to sit up and look around.
  28. >You see Gerald sitting at the table with the zebra. It looks like they’re talking about something.
  29. >Gerald sees you sitting up and looks like he’s about to open his stupid face to say something equally stupid.
  30. >Well fuck that noise; you’ve got something to say.
  31. “Ho-lee shit. This isn’t a dream after all.” You manage to croak out.
  32. >”Hey, Michael! You need to hear what Zecora has to say.”
  33. >”That’s right. I have decided that the two of you shall stay at my home until you’ve both healed fully.”
  34. “How long will that take Zebora….Zecera……Zebra?”
  35. >You really do need to learn her name.
  36. >Gerald pipes up at your question. “She told me it’d take three days.”
  37. >Hot damn, three days……..Hold on. Three days? How is that even possible?
  38. >You could swear you had at least a few broken ribs. That doesn’t heal over three days.
  39. “How will it only take three days? Broken bones don’t heal overnight, you know.”
  40. >Zecora smiles and says, “I’ve given the two of you, a potion to make you good as new.”
  41. >Again with the rhyming.
  42. “What the hell did we agree on?!” you say as you’re headache comes roaring back to the forefront of your perception.
  43. >You’d managed to block it out for a while, but now it’s back with a vengeance.
  44. >Zecora smiles sadly and says apologetically “Forgive me; it is difficult not to rhyme at all times.”
  45. “Whatever that’s fine. I guess we don’t have much choice but to stay here for the next three days.”
  46. >Gerald starts bouncing in a sickeningly giddy fashion.
  47. >”Sweet! I can’t believe it Michael! Everyp0ny always said that p0nies weren’t real, and here we are talking to one! Oh sweet Celestia, I’m so excited!”
  48. >Did he just say what you think he said?
  49. “Gerald, what the fuck did I say about using those words?”
  50. >Zecora gets a confused look on her face, “Gerald? I thought you said your name was Anonymous?”
  51. >Gerald looks panicked “It is. Michael just calls me Gerald to annoy me. Now if you’ll excuse us for just a moment.”
  52. >He pulls you to the side and whispers in your ear.
  53. >”Don’t you fuck this up for me Mikey. I’ve dreamt of this day for a long time. Just play along alright?”
  54. “Ugh. Fine, just don’t call me Mikey anymore. It pisses me off.”
  55. >”Deal. Now let’s get healed up shall we?”
  56. >It’s going to be a long three days.
  57. End part 2
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