
Butting Heads: A Luna One-shot

Mar 8th, 2013
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  1. >”So. You are my sister’s newest plaything?” the moon princess asked. “I expected you might be more... impressive.”
  2. “The feeling’s mutual, princess.” you reply swiftly.
  3. >Celestia’s words are still fresh in your ears, Luna will search you for any sign of weakness, you must present nothing for her to use as leverage.
  4. >So many outright fear her that she’s come to expect it in all that come before her, Celestia wants you to show her that not everyone does.
  5. >And what better way to do that than by butting heads?
  6. >A flash of emotion passes through Luna’s eyes and you only barely recognise it as irritation, but with a little something else mixed in that you find trouble placing.
  7. >Luna hums. “I had wondered what my sister saw in you, but now that I see for myself your practiced tongue I can understand why she’s so taken with you.”
  8. >You struggle to keep the embarrassment you feel from showing on your face at Luna’s thinly veiled implication, as untrue as you know it is.
  9. >Give her nothing, that’s what Celestia said.
  10. “It was her belief that she should not be the only one to take any joy in it, and as lacking in company as you’ve been she thought it might be best to share.”
  11. >A slight furrowing of her brow is your only hint at her thoughts, but it is enough and you inwardly smile.
  12. >”You would do well to tell her that I am content with the company I keep and that, while it is certainly thoughtful of her, she need not send me her servants out of pity.”
  13. >You bristle at the word “servant,” but you see easily through her jab and make no move to acknowledge the attempt.
  14. “Of course, young Luna.” you say, putting a barely perceptible amount of extra influence on “young.”
  15. >Luna catches it though, but if it got to her she made no sign.
  16. >”Tell me, human, how have you fared thus far in our fair kingdom? Does it live up to the standards that your kind might hold?”
  17. “Your kingdom is as grand as any have right to expect. Though I must say I find the nightlife rather dull.”
  18. >”Oh?” Luna asks, an edge to her voice. “Do explain.”
  20. “Most ponies seem to prefer to be in bed by sundown.” you observe. “Certainly there are some night owls, though nothing that could compare to that of my home.”
  21. >”Your kind are nocturnal?”
  22. “To each his own.” you reply. “Many of us live irregular lifestyles which leads to irregular sleeping patterns. To that end, yes, many of us are nocturnal. To such a degree that none of our cities could ever be said to sleep.”
  23. >”Really?” she asks, and you can tell that she’s trying to suppress a genuine desire to hear more. “How odd.” she remarks instead.
  24. “It is, isn’t it?” you agree, an almost patronising tone in your voice. “Many of us care very little for the day, that’s when we work and toil, there’s no time for fun. But when night falls and work ends, that’s with the fun begins. It’s the day that keeps us moderate, and the night that sets us free.”
  25. >You catch Luna listening with genuine interest, but she quickly recovers and seals herself behind a mask of indifference.
  26. >”I find it hard to fathom such a lifestyle. I find it now easier to understand why you are so odd.”
  27. >Once more you suppress the urge to grin; her jabs are losing their tact.
  28. “Of course, I wouldn’t want to bother you with the details if it so bores you, Princess. Certainly they are rather dull.” you continue, your voice carrying just the lightest mocking tone. “I’ll return to Celestia then, shall I? It was a joy meeting you, even if the same could not be said for yourself. Good evening, Luna.” you say, with a bow that was just a little too low.
  29. >You then back up a few paces and turn on your heel with a flourish calculated to irritate.
  30. >You are not disappointed, as the moment you reach the door to her chambers her voice rings out through obsidian sanctum.
  31. >”I made no such request.” she declares after just long enough to indicate the internal struggle she felt between asking you to stay and allowing you to leave. “I would have you stay. Stay awhile and let us speak your kind’s oddities.”
  32. >Removing your hand from the door handle you turn to face Luna. “It would be a pleasure, Princess.” you say with the slightest hint of sincerity.
  33. >This is going to be an interesting night indeed.
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