

Aug 22nd, 2012
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  1. Daedolon> posty is blowing my head up
  2. [15:02] 18<MoonStalkeR> Corpus made it clear that he doesn't rape women
  3. [15:14] 18<Corpus_C> i made it clear that the thought has never entered my mind to do that
  4. [15:14] 21<Corpus_C>21 Boilerplate, you really are going full retard on this
  5. [15:15] 18<Corpus_C> force == make someone do something or endure something against their will
  6. [15:15] 18<Corpus_C> and it happens all the time outside of sexual circumstances
  7. [15:16] 23* 23ny00123 has quit (23Signed off23)
  8. [15:16] 18<Corpus_C> you need to learn how to seperate out the different elements and not get everything all confused together
  9. [15:17] 21<Corpus_C>21 Boilerplate, but since you are admitting that you are "one of those" types of feminists..... the sexist, man-hating ones.... i guess there's no point in talking to you
  10. [15:17] 18<Corpus_C> men are evil and should have there inherent drives curbed by cutting of their nutsacks
  11. [15:18] 21<Corpus_C>21 <Boilerplate> Corpus, people like you are the reason why women DO think of all men as rapists. "It's only NATURAL I don't listen to women and rape them! YOu know testosterone and all that bullshit that's been proven away by MODERN medical science!"
  12. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> that whole statement is just full of so much fail and stupidity
  13. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> several times you say the exact opposite things about me that i've said
  14. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> and science proves testosterone has the same effect on women that it does in men
  15. [15:19] 19* 19ny00123 ( has joined #thepostmortem
  16. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> problem is, you don't have much, therefore you have no empathy for men
  17. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> and NONE of this has to do with rape
  18. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> and stop being a damn hypocrite and quit supporting Blood
  19. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> your man-hating heroes would be very disappointed in you for supporting a game that features people sodomizing each other to death
  20. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> or maybe not, since its man on man violence
  21. [15:22] 31<Boilerplate>30 There is no evidence that Blood supports rape, Your now just using the Tu Quque fallacy (since Sodomy is a flexable subjective term). Also, I never said I was a man hating feminist.
  22. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> and they don't care about humanity as a whole.... just women
  23. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> women are not supreme beings just cuz they have MUCH lesser sex drives than men
  24. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> it says ANAL MADNESS
  25. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> that makes it VERY clear
  26. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> the text for killing somebody says GAVE THEM ANAL MADNESS combined with "SODOMIZED" from the vocal announcer
  27. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> you wouldn't fucking be here if it wasn't for sex
  28. [15:24] 18<Corpus_C> everything you are saying, is saying that you are a man-hating feminist
  29. [15:24] 18<Corpus_C> if you hate a mans sexuality you hate a man
  30. [15:25] 18<Corpus_C> you CANNOT seperate it, without mutilating his man parts
  31. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> and..... don't forget this part
  32. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> a mans sexuality HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RAPE in a normal man
  33. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> thats a psychopath
  34. [15:28] 18<Corpus_C> you will NEVER EVER be happy in a heresexual relationship with this kinda of thinking. unless you find the rare man that is asexual, or has woman levels of testosterone. thats bloody unlikely has hell
  35. [15:29] 18<Corpus_C> you will have to come to terms with a mans sexuality in order to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship with one
  36. [15:32] 18<Corpus_C> *heterosexual
  37. [15:40] 31<Boilerplate>30 I think we should drop the subject this isn't going anywhere
  38. [15:42] 18<Corpus_C> well stop talking about rape and rape culture then. now that you know that its CLEARLY in Blood, you can't reasonably stay here in this channel and preach about rape culture
  39. [15:43] 18<Corpus_C> there's NO other way to interpret the death text and speech combination
  40. [15:45] 31<Boilerplate>30 Except I won't I don't even play Bloodbath anyway
  41. [15:45] 18<Daedolon> bloodbath has rape?
  42. [15:49] 18<Corpus_C> i'm sure your feminist idols would approve then.... since the product just FEATURES rape.... as long as you don't play the rape parts of the game 8/
  43. [15:49] 18<Corpus_C> i suppose you watch movies like irreversible and just skip thru the rape scenes
  44. [15:50] 18<Corpus_C> Daedolon, you never played multiplayer?
  45. [15:51] 18* MoonStalkeR gave Daedolon anal madness
  46. [15:51] 18<Corpus_C> SODOMIZED!
  47. [15:51] 18<Corpus_C> (Kill count + 1)
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