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Straight to the point magic

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Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. On awakening to oneness
  3. As we go about our daily lives, from the outside it may appear as though we are all separate be-ings, divided and apart from one another, but this is not the truth. It is but the result of a delusion of awareness which creates the illusion of separation (maya). Too often we limit ourselves by thinking that the I, as the individualized piece of consciousness, is some how separate from the rest of the puzzle known as the universe, that some how the I can only can be defined as the horizon of our awareness, that we should obey that limit, and that furthermore it is actually impossible to extend our senses beyond the physical body of flesh and blood.
  5. This is nonsense, yet it is what many, especially in the western world believe. On a socitial level we can logically and intellectually recognize the part the individual plays, and how they are intimatly connected to the overall whole (6 degrees of separation), but without an understanding or experiential knowing of the energetic metaphysical undercurrents that flow betwixt us all, the axiom of 'All is One' seems but an analogy or abstraction.
  7. So let me deliberate upon that now. One's essence, one's emotional state, one's mindscape, and even to a degree, one's physical form (especially when finely tuned), plays a subtle yet noticeable role in the prediction/prejudice of variables and how they unfold on a synchronitic quantum probable level, and not just within you, but without as well. This is not only in a law of attraction sort of way either, but also in that what ever vibrations you resonate to will also induce like sympathetic vibrations varying on intensity in that which is around you and vice versa.
  9. However this phenomenon is not just limited to people, animals, plants, or even stones, while the all aforementioned have physical geometric feedback mechanisms, even (other wise) fully unconscious objections, such as cherished possessions and even structures and locations, with extended exposure to energy, will start to develop their own quantum bias (and thusly an intelligence, or consciousness), tinted in respect to what ever sort of vibrations they where historically exposed to and the intensity thereof. (This is most easily notable in plant experiments.)
  11. In this, there is a web of life hidden beyond the veil of normal (physical) sense perception in a way that truly does bind us all together as one. As one becomes more intuitive and sensitive to these subtle changes in energy fields one can start to access truth as it is, and not as it appears. One can learn to empathize, or to literally feel and become intuitively connected to the universe diredectly, to people, to places and things in a way far richer than any written language could ever possibly permit, the experience of which literally lies beyond words.
  13. Through exercise of these natural faculties of intuition, one can become adept at what is called tel-e(m)pathy or in other words, they can become capable of identifying the specific vibratory pattern of an emotion or thought that is radiated outward by people, etc. themselves as it is experienced by them internally. By doing this you become one with the object of your attention by merging (a bit of) your awareness with it. Through this one can 'talk to animals' or commune with nature as the ancients did.
  15. Perhaps most usefully right now, this allows you to being able to see/feel people's true intentions and character. But it can be used for so much more, this is an amazing gift, and with proper use, discernment, and love, it will help guide you throughout all of life in this world, and beyond.
  17. A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
  19. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. - Albert Einstein
  21. You have to take seriously the notion that understand the universe is your personal responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding. - Terence McKenna
  23. No man is an island, entire of it self; every man is a peace of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the lesser, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manner of thy friends or of thine own were; each mans death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. - John Dunne
  25. In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder, a secret order. - Carl Jung
  27. =-=
  30. On mundanes
  32. People who are more ‘mundane’ (i.e., lower vibrationally, more causal, more reactionary, less free will, less awareness.) are less effected by the higher energies. They might not even feel their influence due to their subtle nature compared to the gross/crude nature of their awareness (but make to mistake, their subtle currents still propel them along until they learn to take control and impel themselves). Some are literally out of phase with some spectra of energies, some have been subconsciously or culturally trained not to recognize their telltale signs, or perhaps they think that they are something else, or nothing worth noting at all.
  34. There are yet those who denounce even the possibility of such things (materalists) or even worse, they spread their need to hold onto what they (don't) know by denouncing others who have different views. In extreme forms this can take the from of mainstream science and psychology teaming up to say anyone varying from their clockwork-universe-and-flesh-robot view by labeling them as wrong/broken if they express an ability to perceive or transcend the (imagined) limitations of their tools and instruments by saying that individual is schizophrenic, synestesic, etc. and some how not only beneath the everyman but also not to be trusted.
  36. =-=
  39. On reality manifestation
  41. You can metaphysically attract your desires though reality manifestation. You see the universe isn’t this mechanistic, deterministic, objectivistic thing that western science thinks, and preaches that it is. Science like any other belief system only represents just a way of viewing reality.
  43. >Prerequisite understanding.
  45. The universe is vibrating at a molecular/quantum level. And everything has a frequency that it’s vibrating at.
  47. All thoughts, feelings, sensations, & emotions have different vibrations. The higher the vibration (the frequency of yourself, your mind, your soul, or aura) the better things feel. While lower vibrations feel bad. These vibrational emminations aren’t of your physical body but of our energy bodies.
  49. If you learn to consciously control what you think, feel, etc. you can start to change your internal mental-emotional landscape at will. Cultivate mastery of every aspect of yourself, e.g., physically, mentally, emotionally, imaginatively, energetically, spiritually. Once achieved you can start to manifest through the law of attraction by selective resonation.
  51. Another necessary step is to maintain present moment awareness, for only from there can you act in a non-causal way (i.e., you only have free will in the present moment). For all actions based in or on the past are causal, and thus deterministic. All ego is based/programmed on the past. Be present, be aware, and then be increasingly more aware.
  53. >Manifesting
  55. The nature of what we experience is unimaginably vast… and perhaps arguably not even communicable via a metaphor as weak as language. Suffice to say, you have to be fully (meta&physically) aligned if you want this to work well (brute or unaligned force may work, however not nearly as efficiently). This means, realizing, recognizing, locating, and removing or routing out of any and all negative belief systems (i.e. free your mind.) This may be the hardest step of the process.
  57. Hold an ‘image’ in your mind’s eye, picture it, feel it (tactily, energetically, and emotionally), smell it, taste it, hear it, imagine every aspect it you possibly can. Meditate on this, holding it in your mind’s eye, and experiencing it in as much detail as possible as you maintain the present moment focus.
  59. What you are doing is by intentionally resonating the vibration of what you desire you are manifesting it via the law of attraction (viz. the probabilistical influencing of quantum mechanical variables resulting in said object being butterfly effecting out towards you). Be aware though, the opposite is also true. If you (over)indulge in negative emotions, you will just attract more of the same. However that is not to say negative emotions do not have their place and that purging yourself of them by their expression is inherently bad.
  61. What you must further understand is that time in as illusion created by our inability to observe only but the present moment. In actuality every possible different configuration, of every possible different (fractal) ‘time-line’, of every possible different realm exists at the same simultaneously in superposition. Each moment, in it’s own position in the holographic matrix of reality.
  63. Your movement from moment to moment awareness creates the illusion of (linear) time. What is really happening is your conscious awareness is always shifting in the directing of vibration (regardless of whether you’re aware of that or not.)
  65. So you must not only have faith in your manifestations before they actually become manifest (else you will be sending vibrations out to the end of not going there, cus you believe you aren’t), but you must also have persistence.
  67. Thoughts & emotions do influence/create reality, but rarely do they create physical reality instantly due to the level of crystallization of consciousness at this level of existence compared to the power wielded by a native of this level. Things in/of higher order energies/higher densities of consciousness (i.e. aetheric, astral, mental, etc. energies) will be more immediately reactive to your conscious application of (free)willpower.
  69. The more you resonate and the intensity of the vibration thereof will control the speed of manifestation. As you do this you will move towards the present moment you are manifesting and eventually you will merge with it. Note that every thought of every day also has a culminative ‘background effect’ as well.
  71. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. - Albert Einstein
  73. The logic behind magic is that we create what we are imagining. - Mary Faulkner
  75. One man’s magic is another man’s engineering. Supernatural is a null word. - Robert A. Heinlein
  77. Creativity is the vesica piscis of your imagination and a spark of inspiration. - Anon
  79. Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. - Bashar
  81. At the beginning of time words and magic were one and the same. - Sigmund Freud
  83. Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. - Albert Einstein
  85. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. - Lao Tzu
  87. =-=
  90. On enlightenment
  92. Enlightenment is understanding that you are not your thoughts, but the awareness of the thoughts themselves. Enlightenment is understanding you have right to exist, because you do exist. And so does everything, and every one else in existence. It is knowing and seeing truth, which is everything that is, with out any preconceived ideas or notions being put on top of circumstances. Enlightenment is shining your light, sharing your truth, expressing yourself and consciously participating in reality in your highest way. It is choosing growth over stagnation even if it causes you discomfort. It is ask questions, and questioning the answers and the assumptions they are based upon, and then, always asking more questions. It is making decisions, and then letting go and trusting that decision. It’s acknowledging when you’ve made a mistake, and hurt some one, or broke something and then cleaning up your mess. It’s taking responsibility for yourself and all of your actions. It’s the understand you are not alone and the kingdom of heaven is within and that anything is possible.
  94. Make to mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becomming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. - Adyashanti
  96. Enlightenment consists not only of seeing luminous shapes and visions, but in making the darkness visible. The latter procedure is more difficult, and therefore, unpopular. - Carl Jung
  98. Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer. - Dan Brown
  100. He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. - Albert Einstien
  102. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Praust
  104. A ship is safe in a harbor, but that is not what ships are for. - John A. Sheed
  106. =-=
  109. On the meaning of life
  111. To grow. To develop. To become more than you were before in every aspect. Physically, energetically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. To expand your perspective to the horizon, and then, to do it again ad infinitum. To become aware of everything you have seen in an intimate way. To become the complete self-realized God in every way. And then to grow.
  113. You can not transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself. - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  115. Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God. - Pythagoras
  117. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - Shakespeare
  119. To find yourself, think for yourself. - Socrates
  121. If you always put a limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. - Bruce Lee
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