
Fistful of Hope Prologue

Sep 4th, 2012
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  1. Day 377 in Equestria, Present day
  2. >The sun was rising
  3. >You adjust your hat
  4. >Looking left then right you step into the the middle of the road and face east
  5. >A cool breeze rolls through the decrepit little town
  6. >You have grown rather fond of this place, A shame really.
  7. >Enjoying the cool air you stand and wait
  8. >10 minutes pass and you notice something in the distance
  9. >a small dot on the horizon
  10. "hmmm.."
  11. >It Couldn't be...
  12. >A few minutes later you can see a silhouette of a pony against the sun.
  13. >It was heading this way fast
  14. >Everything suddenly felt very still
  15. >You tense up
  16. >As the pony got closer you could make out a Black flat rimmed stetson
  17. >Only one pony wears that
  18. >It was her
  19. "damn"
  20. >you mutter
  21. >You Had been dreading this moment for awhile now
  22. >She Advances towards the edge of town
  23. >At her pace you could tell she meant business
  24. >You muster the best straight face you can
  25. >She enters the town
  26. >A drop of sweat rolls down the side of your face
  28. >she stops a good distance away from you
  29. >Silence
  30. >"...."
  31. "...."
  32. >She looks at you
  33. >You look right back at her
  34. >"...."
  35. "...."
  36. >The breeze picks again, A ghostly wail is heard as it passes through the empty buildings.
  37. >A dog howls in the distance
  38. >Finally she speaks
  39. >"Fancy meeting you here, Anonymous"
  40. >You nod
  41. >She gives you a small smirk
  42. >"So are you going to give me what i want?"
  43. >You put you hands on your belt
  44. "Afraid i can't do that"
  45. >Her smirks turns into a scowl
  46. >"Is that so?"
  47. "Yep"
  48. >Your right hand slowly inches it way to your weapon
  49. >You knew full well you were no match for her
  50. >And she knew it too
  51. >"Might as well give up now, Anonymous" She mocked
  52. >You shake your head defiantly
  53. "Nope"
  54. >She had magic, She had range.
  55. >But you were clever, Lets hope that counts for something right now
  56. >"I know why you want it anon"
  57. >You say nothing
  58. >"Even if it is a noble reason, I cannot let you have it"
  59. "hm"
  60. >Your hand finally reach's it's destination
  61. >she notices this and sighs
  62. >"Fine, If this is what you want"
  63. >Before you could react her horn glows blue and a thunderous roar engulfs the town
  64. >uh oh.
  66. End of prologue
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