
Beep Beep Beep (slightly NSFW, but only slightly)

Nov 22nd, 2013
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  1. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( sO, uM )
  2. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( i'M iN sEssion, aNd aLso I tHink i'Ll bE pAnic aTtack fOr tHe nExt fOrever )
  3. * You are now known as epiele|online
  4. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (/me hugs)
  5. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what's wrong?)
  6. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs tightly )
  7. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( my classpect )
  8. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( i'm waste of fate )
  9. <epiele|online> [Something drops out from under you.]
  10. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (All right, so let's take it apart and analyze it. Fate for trusting your instincts, and Waste for quitting the thing where your shame prevents you from putting yourself out in the world.)
  11. <epiele|online> [You've never rolled either.]
  12. <epiele|online> [This might be a problem.]
  13. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Seems... well, tell me what you think.)
  14. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I can't properly title-analyze until I've got your perspective on the matter.)
  15. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( adam told me to stop second-guessing myself out of talking to mama, and i told him i don't know how )
  16. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( and i just kinda )
  17. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( want to hide till people stop screaming at me over the trial )
  18. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (For what it's worth, the incestshipping fanart between you and Spen was always better than the incestshipping fanart between us two.)
  19. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( asdgsdf )
  20. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( wHat )
  21. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Exactly what I just said.)
  22. <stanzicApparati> [You've never even looked at the sub-threads focusing on you and Spenih.]
  23. <epiele|online> [You... you got bored, okay?]
  24. <stanzicApparati> [Same reason you read through the sub-threads focusing on you and Riley, really.]
  25. <epiele|online> [Also there was a drawfag in that particular thread that had a /really/ /nice/ art style that you just traced from thread to thread before realizing they were drawing your sister and her mother together.]
  26. <epiele|online> [This being CF, you rolled with it.]
  27. <stanzicApparati> [Completely understandable, then.]
  28. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...not sure if I should go look. o_O; )
  29. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Well, they /do/ draw you with an accurately stippled tentabulge...)
  30. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( part flattered to two parts kinda creeped out )
  31. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (No more freaking out?)
  32. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( No more freaking out. )
  33. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  34. <stanzicApparati> [Give in to morbid curiosity and go look at the thread.]
  35. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...they even have the glowing. )
  36. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I mean, wrong colour, but not sure if more impressed or creeped out that they nailed that one. )
  37. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I suppose there's no accounting for weird bubble rumors.)
  38. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Anyway.)
  39. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Secret Hitchhiker's follower tagged me earlier when I was wearing a cardboard box with "Car" written on the side slung over my shoulders.)
  40. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (So I guess I don't have to alchemize a jeep or install a rail system or anything.)
  41. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( ...that's actually disappointing. )
  42. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( I mean, on the one hand, sure, that counts. On the other hand, /that/ counts? )
  43. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Well, I'd cut out holes for my head and arms...)
  44. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( technically, you were in a car. )
  45. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Yes.)
  46. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I was /planning/ to glue paper plates on the next day)
  47. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (But I guess that's not necessary.)
  48. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Apparently not. )
  49. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I had to go "beep beep beep", though.)
  50. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Maybe next time I should start singing The Wheels On The Bus. It'd be less monotonous than trying to hold a conversation with a consort while they ride on top of a cardboard box over my shoulders while I have to continuously make car noises.)
  51. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Or I could just alchemize an actual piece of transport equipment, but where's the fun in /that/?)
  52. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Pfff. Maybe you need one of those lifesized toy cars? )
  53. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The ones where you have to put your feet through the bottom and push to make it go?)
  54. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...I suspect I'd still have to make car noises.)
  55. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Aren't there ones where it's basically 'real car, but for wigglers'? Or at least has a button you can push for car noises? )
  56. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (You know, that might actually be a good idea.)
  57. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (The things I do for Sburban logic...)
  58. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( On the other hand, toy car is fairly cool. )
  59. <epiele|online> [You're still going to have to get Spen to take pictures of you carting the Consort around on your shoulders while clad in a cardboard box, though.]
  60. <epiele|online> [That's just too ridiculous to pass up.]
  61. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Maybe I'll just download some car noises and stick them on, like, a speaker or something.)
  62. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( If it's silly but it works... )
  63. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Well, I'd probably alch a full-size powered vehicle for exploration in the end, but the cardboard box will at least be fun for newsposts and a meme or two.)
  64. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Of course. )
  65. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( (beep beep I'm a truck?) )
  66. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...maybe I can do a caption contest.)
  67. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Wait, there's already a group that does CF caption contests. I should ask them.)
  68. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Ooh. Yeah. What'll the prize be for winning, besides "funniest caption"? )
  69. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Probably cooking.)
  70. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'm glad I'm still early in this session, I can do salad dressing.)
  71. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Ooh. Share, if you do? )
  72. <stanzicApparati> [You /like/ the salad dressings he makes.]
  73. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Of course.)
  74. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Oop, Consort Elder's trying to give me a quest. Talk to you later.)
  75. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  76. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (/me hugs)
  77. * stanzicApparati PMs "Ri" : ( Be careful on the road. )
  78. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (Of course.)
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