
The undying love. (HA HA HA)

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. The girl ran for all that was holy. She was not going to die to someone like him, not to a vampire, of all things.
  2. “Come on now, girl, it won’t hurt!” He shouted at her, but she did not listen to him. She continued to run, taking every turn and going through every alleyway in an attempt to shake her pursuer.
  3. She was so obsessed with running, that she could not see where she was going; she eventually ran head-first into a brick wall. Her head hit the wall with full force. She started bleeding heavily, and could clearly hear footsteps behind her.
  4. “What, out of juice already?” Her pursuer belittled her just before appearing right in front of her. He grabbed her arms and put her up against the wall, making her unable to resist. She could hear his breathing; it was calm, and cold. He slowly approached her neck, baring his fangs, ready to sink them into her. She could not see, but she felt him biting her, his teeth puncturing her throat. Her blood slowly flowed down his throat, the warm liquid satisfying him immensely. She attempted to get away from him, but it proved futile, he was way stronger than she could ever become.
  5. When the monster was satisfied, he let go of her arms and watched her fall down into a lifeless lump on the ground. He had a disappointed expression on his face.
  6. “I guess I was wrong about you, Ms. Lucatiel.” He muttered as he turned away.
  7. “What do you mean ‘wrong about me’, Mr. Vampire?” She said in a tone that could not be heard by ordinary people, but the vampire heard her loud and clear.
  8. “Guess what, Ms. Lucatiel.” He said, with a smug grin on his face.
  9. “What?” She asked him, pretending to listen.
  10. “You belong to me now; you’re mine until the end of time.” He exclaimed, praising his newfound victory.
  11. Lucatiel was about to ask him what it was he was talking about, but she fainted from all the blood she had been losing. Without hesitation, he picked her up and carried her to his house.
  12. “To think,” he said to himself “To think that the hottest girl in the entire school would end up becoming mine, this is your lucky day, Oscar.”
  13. The following day, the incident had all but appeared as a dream to the tired Lucatiel, until she took a good look around, only to find herself in an unfamiliar room. She got out of the bed and looked around, ready to leave at a moment’s notice. The room was uniquely decorated, as it looked like something out of an old castle. Giant paintings covered the walls, and the room was filled with ancient-looking things, like a set of armour and a gigantic bed, upon which she had been sleeping. She was amazed, to say the least.
  14. Her amazement swiftly turned to terror as she heard a knocking on the door. She was hesitant at first, but replied with an insecure “yes”. The door opened, only for her to witness something that she never thought she would ever see. In the doorway was Oscar, the vampire that had bitten her not even a day ago, dressed in pajamas and an apron, carrying a tray with bread, jam, juice, and butter on it.
  15. “W-w-w-w-what the hell are you doing here?” She was as confused as she was amused, seeing a blood-sucker in an apron is not something you see every day.
  16. “Well, I live here, see.” He replied.
  17. “Wait, what? Aren’t you a vampire?” She asked, beginning to question herself.
  18. “What are you implying?” He was about as confused as she was at this moment. “Shouldn’t you be living in like a cave filled with bats and corpses and shit, like every other vampire does?”
  19. “Why on earth would I live in such a filthy place?” He asked her, with distaste in his words. “Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I don’t have standards, you know. Anyway, I brought you breakfast, so you should probably eat, we’ll be late to school otherwise.”
  20. “Oh… eh, thank you.” She was as polite as she could, and took a piece of the bread that was presented to her. She was very cautious, in case he was up to something.
  21. “You need not worry, I haven’t done anything with the food, just eat it already.” He informed her.
  22. “How can I trust you?” She asked him “You’re a vampire, a monster. Monsters can’t be trusted.”
  23. “Well, just because you said that, I’m gonna give you a little heads-up. You are a vampire too, you know.” His words had barely left his mouth before she spat juice all over his face.
  24. “I’m a WHAT?” She could not believe what she was hearing.
  25. “V-a-m-p-i-r-e.” He spelled it to her, only to prove her stupidity. “I bit you, remember? Luckily, you were a virgin, so you didn’t die or get turned into something nasty, I was under the fucking rainbow then.” He explained to her.
  26. Their conversation was interrupted by Oscar’s phone blaring in his pocket, it was his reminder that school was about to start. He pulled her out of bed and ordered her to get dressed. Without really knowing it, she obeyed him.
  27. When they arrived at the school, everyone looked at them like it was a circus. A boy of average build, wearing a hoodie, jeans and sporting semi-long hair, was dragging the school’s beauty around like a pet. Today was the first day of their very strange relationship.
  28. Unfortunately for Lucatiel, she had been forced to wear his clothes, which were all too big for her. They were practically hanging from her, showing off just enough skin so that any still-virgin males at the school would scream their lungs out of sexual tension.
  29. When school was finished, the two of them headed home, without anyone questioning it any more, as Lucatiel herself had admitted to liking Oscar, even though he bit her, and ordered her around like she was a blind dog. Much to his surprise, the other students did not beat him to a pulp, they respected her and wished them a happy life, or “life” rather.
  30. They lived together now, not as master and servant as Oscar had initially thought, but more like, boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though they were dead, they had feelings for each other. As the weeks went by, their relationship deepened, they went from merely living in the same house to actually living together, splitting the chores and enjoying their time together. They even went on blood hunts together, something they usually did separately. They knew that they could never get married or have a child, as they were damned to be chaste for the rest of their lives, they were also allergic to the church.
  31. But they did not mind, because the only thing they needed was each other.
  32. The end.
  33. (The author went and puked after writing this.)
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