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Apr 20th, 2014
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  1. [11:59:20] <DiabloD3> ChrisK, kaniini: if I make an order to derack all of rack 1, take the ram and drives out of it, and ship them somewhere, will you do it?
  2. [11:59:30] <ChrisK> no
  3. [11:59:32] <ChrisK> youre in ebt
  4. [11:59:33] <ChrisK> debt
  5. [11:59:49] <-- vapor has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  6. [12:01:06] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: I have yet to see you produce a contract.
  7. [12:02:09] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: I'm not trying to be the bad guy here.
  8. [12:02:23] <DiabloD3> I am going to sell the machines in rack 1 for badly needed operating capital.
  9. [12:03:22] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: I am not trying to get out of paying for rack 1, I will continue paying on it.
  10. [12:03:45] <ChrisK> no diablo
  11. [12:03:48] <ChrisK> im not removing it
  12. [12:03:50] <ChrisK> i tihnk
  13. [12:03:54] <ChrisK> we own the 3 racks now
  14. [12:03:57] <ChrisK> and you have 3 years of col
  15. [12:03:59] <ChrisK> on 4th
  16. [12:04:16] <DiabloD3> oh?
  17. [12:07:32] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: you do realize you are obstructing exelion from doing business, yes?
  18. [12:08:49] <ChrisK> hwo so
  19. [12:08:51] <ChrisK> DiabloD3:
  20. [12:08:53] <ChrisK> you owe us 4.5k
  21. [12:08:57] <ChrisK> you are not removing equipment
  22. [12:09:09] <ChrisK> your poor planning
  23. [12:09:12] <ChrisK> is not my problem
  24. [12:09:32] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: you are welcome to purchase e3s from me, without ram or drives, for $700 each.
  25. [12:09:37] <ChrisK> No.
  26. [12:09:43] <ChrisK> I will be taking servers
  27. [12:09:49] <ChrisK> because you cannot pay your bill
  28. [12:09:53] <ChrisK> or feel free to pay 4.5k
  29. [12:09:59] <ChrisK> soon to be 9k due
  30. [12:10:05] <DiabloD3> I am selling the hardware to pay the bill.
  31. [12:10:08] <ChrisK> you have our paypal/wire instructions
  32. [12:10:11] <ChrisK> sorry I can't allow that
  33. [12:10:20] <DiabloD3> I don't think you actually have a choice.
  34. [12:10:26] <ChrisK> selling an asset to cover a recurring expense isn't smart
  35. [12:10:29] <ChrisK> the bill is overdue
  36. [12:11:26] <DiabloD3> Continuing to hold onto an asset that no one wants to rent is also not smart.
  37. [12:11:59] <ChrisK> again
  38. [12:12:01] <ChrisK> we take 3 racks
  39. [12:12:03] <ChrisK> you get 3 years colo
  40. [12:12:05] <ChrisK> is that fair
  41. [12:12:09] <DiabloD3> No, it isn't.
  42. [12:12:13] <ChrisK> how not
  43. [12:12:46] <DiabloD3> 1625 * 36 = 58,500
  44. [12:12:51] <ChrisK> yup
  45. [12:12:59] <ChrisK> well its better that
  46. [12:13:04] <DiabloD3> about one third of the value of the servers in the three racks.
  47. [12:13:04] <ChrisK> then we just take it all
  48. [12:13:30] <ChrisK> i've been very fair
  49. [12:13:40] <ChrisK> now this getting ridiculous
  50. [12:14:18] <DiabloD3> If you cannot give me a fair value of the servers, then I have a right to sell them to someone that will
  51. [12:15:07] <DiabloD3> Its ridiculous you refuse to even provide a contract I can sign.
  52. [12:15:28] <DiabloD3> This is what got you in trouble with Avante, don't repeat the same mistakes.
  53. [12:15:41] <ChrisK> DiabloD3:
  54. [12:15:47] <ChrisK> you cannot afford the bills
  55. [12:15:54] <ChrisK> you're behind on bills already
  56. [12:16:01] <ChrisK> there is 4.5k due currently
  57. [12:16:09] <ChrisK> sorry, 4k
  58. [12:16:12] <DiabloD3> Dude, you refuse to provide a contract.
  59. [12:16:14] <ChrisK> and another 6.5k due
  60. [12:16:26] <ChrisK> ill get a contract
  61. [12:16:28] <ChrisK> but i mean
  62. [12:16:54] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: are you in arrears to telx?
  63. [12:17:41] <ChrisK> no
  64. [12:17:41] <ChrisK> we are up to date
  65. [12:17:42] <ChrisK> and we paid
  66. [12:17:42] <ChrisK> despite you not paying us
  67. [12:18:24] <DiabloD3> ChrisK: I will tell you that there are multiple people who think you are in arrears and this is why you've been opposed to Exelion becoming profitable, in some twisted way to save Centarra's ass
  68. [12:18:59] <ChrisK> that's actually quite insulting
  69. [12:19:02] <ChrisK> and far from the truth
  70. [12:19:07] <ChrisK> so lets stick to the truth here
  71. [12:19:08] <ChrisK> right
  72. [12:19:16] <ChrisK> you owe centarra networks 4,000 usd
  73. [12:19:19] <ChrisK> and another 6,500 usd
  74. [12:19:23] <ChrisK> in 10 days
  75. [12:19:30] <DiabloD3> Yes. Now, how much do you think 40 e3s are worth?
  76. [12:19:30] <ChrisK> a total of 10,000 USD
  77. [12:19:35] <ChrisK> 10k.
  78. [12:19:38] <DiabloD3> Oh?
  79. [12:20:01] <ChrisK> if you can't sell them..
  80. [12:20:12] <ChrisK> my offer stands
  81. [12:20:17] <ChrisK> 3 racks, 3 years of colo
  82. [12:20:17] <DiabloD3> I can sell them, but you are now getting in my way of doing so
  83. [12:20:24] <ChrisK> how am i getting in the way?
  84. [12:20:28] <ChrisK> am I doing anything?
  85. [12:20:33] <DiabloD3> You refuse to rerack them if I give the order to
  86. [12:20:34] <ChrisK> did I go into exelion irc and promote my brand?
  87. [12:20:37] <DiabloD3> *derack
  88. [12:20:38] <ChrisK> IIRC, you did that to us
  89. [12:20:42] <ChrisK> derack what?
  90. [12:20:44] <ChrisK> and go sell
  91. [12:20:50] <ChrisK> you need to sell for MRC not NRC
  92. [12:21:01] <DiabloD3> No, I need to sell for NRC
  93. [12:21:10] <ChrisK> do you think
  94. [12:21:15] <ChrisK> you're getting out of the contract
  95. [12:21:19] <ChrisK> im not letting equipment leave
  96. [12:21:22] <ChrisK> i know whats going to happen
  97. [12:21:25] <ChrisK> sell for nrc
  98. [12:21:26] <DiabloD3> Who said Im getting out of the contract?
  99. [12:21:28] <ChrisK> 4 months later
  100. [12:21:30] <ChrisK> "i'm out of money
  101. [12:21:34] <ChrisK> and 120 machines are sold"
  102. [12:22:20] <DiabloD3> remove ram from 40 machines, plug ram into 40 machines, buy 40 ssds, buy ram for another 40 machines, buy ssds for another 40 machines
  103. [12:22:26] <DiabloD3> have a product people will buy
  104. [12:23:11] <ChrisK> my recommendation
  105. [12:23:13] <ChrisK> is to stop
  106. [12:23:15] <ChrisK> circle jerking
  107. [12:23:16] <ChrisK> with wht IRC
  108. [12:23:22] <DiabloD3> I dont give a fuck about wht irc
  109. [12:23:29] <DiabloD3> I have had to tell several potential customers no because I have no ssds
  110. [12:23:39] --> vapor ( has joined #ferjgrngerkgerkj
  111. [12:23:43] <DiabloD3> or that I dont have 32gb boxen
  112. [12:25:15] <DiabloD3> Now, unless you happen to have 80 ssds on hand that you're willing to work out a deal for
  113. [12:25:24] <DiabloD3> and a bunch of ram
  114. [12:25:33] <DiabloD3> I dont see what you can actually offer me
  115. [12:27:59] <ChrisK> i didnt get
  116. [12:28:01] <ChrisK> you in the mess
  117. [12:28:06] <ChrisK> ive been trying to help you since day one
  118. [12:28:11] <ChrisK> in January I told you start selling
  119. [12:28:15] <ChrisK> you didn't for 2 more months
  120. [12:28:20] <ChrisK> what were you thinking?
  121. [12:28:41] <ChrisK> talking to you as more of a friend rather than host but anyway
  122. [12:28:55] <DiabloD3> Because I wanted proper legal protection of the company.
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