

Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. The Pokemon Ruler: Grape asked something and IDK that
  2. herczakmademe: There's no reporting/banning system correct?
  3. %ducktown: If you want to report someone, pm a moderator here
  4. %ducktown: But you have to provide evidence
  5. herczakmademe: Ah, gotcha, thank you :P
  6. herczakmademe: I mean it's not worth my time to report what just happened for me, but in the event that I do
  7. herczakmademe: It's nice to know
  8. herczakmademe: thanks again
  9. %ducktown: If its just some mild harrassment, try doing /ignore
  10. herczakmademe: o
  11. prince of meowth: can someone help me? my damage calc shows blank sets for all mega evolutions
  12. The Pokemon Ruler: «ct» might help
  13. divya1712: can u tell me how reuniclus can fall asleep by spore
  14. divya1712: when it has magic guard
  15. +GoodMorningEspeon: Magic Guard doesn't affect spore.
  16. divya1712: oh
  17. +GoodMorningEspeon: Magic Guard makes it so it can't take indirect damage, ie entry hazards or residual damages but sleep doesn't damage therefore it isn't affected
  18. divya1712: thnx for that
  19. Zara~A: What is debug mode?
  20. +GoodMorningEspeon: If I'm not mistaken, Debug Mode is the equvalent of the Custom Game format where anything is allowed.
  21. aasddd: sdfasd
  22. Zara~A: Oh okay.
  23. The Pokemon Ruler: aasddd Don't spam or bullshit here
  24. Christcrusher: lots of new mods
  25. Christcrusher: nice to meet you all
  26. %ducktown: Please only post if you have a ps or smogon related question
  27. The Pokemon Ruler: Where to get my room
  28. The Pokemon Ruler: (I wanna create one)
  29. %ducktown: If you are trying to get a private room
  30. %ducktown:
  31. %ducktown: Submit a request here
  32. WTNeptune: Question
  33. WTNeptune: Just out of curiosity, how is this site legal? lol
  34. +GoodMorningEspeon: That's a bit of a silly question. As you may observe at the bottom of, there is a copyright of Guangcong Luo (the owner). The site isn't endorsed by Nintendo, and all rights relating to the Pokémon franchise belong to them.
  35. nokis369: Hello i have a probleme i log in me
  36. +GoodMorningEspeon: nokis369: what's the issue?
  37. micksboy: if ive fogot my password on my other acount how do i get my password back
  38. Enriique: PM an admin or post it on forums
  39. %Milak: you need to request it here, I suppose
  40. ItachiVolcanion: what happen if I lower my pokemon's happiness. Do it affect any move beside Return and Frustration?
  41. Enriique: nothing
  42. Extramania: its a bug or sleep clause is no more?
  43. Enriique: if ur low in happiness, ur moves will do less damage
  44. %Milak: yes ItachiVolcanion, if you lowers it return base power will be lower as well
  45. %Milak: Extramania which format are you playing?
  46. Extramania: single doble and triple ramdom battle
  47. Vinceology: guys i need help. what's the plugin or whatever responsible for the animation or like gameplay of SHowdown?
  48. Vinceology: cuz it's become laggy and freezing whenever i battle
  49. Extramania: since they spaming spore and winning all battles
  50. Trollman2000: You guys suck! Even I are a stronger person!
  51. Sofia: how can i join the bof room?
  52. Vinceology: it's so werid. when i watch other people's battles there's no lag
  53. Vinceology: but when I am part of the battle it freezes and the animation is all slow and my thing crashes
  54. micksboy: how do i pm an admin?
  55. WeeYellowBoyVGC: pm a mod to pm them for you
  56. %Milak: what do you need an admin for? micksboy
  57. micksboy: ive fogot my password on my other acount how do i get my password back
  58. WeeYellowBoyVGC: micksboy sadly you ont be ale to get it back
  59. WeeYellowBoyVGC: *ablr
  60. %Milak: read what i posted before, you need to request it in the previous link
  61. micksboy1: yes guys i found out my password!
  62. SexyLadyKissU: want some kisses and hugs from this sexy lady
  63. SexyLadyKissU: here my photo kiis where ever u want
  64. SexyLadyKissU:
  65. snowblast: this is a kid stop saying like these
  66. SexyLadyKissU: kiss u
  67. SexyLadyKissU: Loe U
  68. SexyLadyKissU was muted by awu for 1 hour. (not looking for help)
  69. snowblast: fuck
  70. snowblast: off
  71. snowblast was muted by awu for 1 hour. (not looking for help)
  72. pklmLM: efd
  73. Zara~A: pklmLM, what's wrong?
  74. pklmLM: Nothing, a lag test
  75. breloomiswaifu: um in the lobby it says "rank autoconfirmed or higher" what does it mean?
  76. %Milak: !faq ac
  77. A user is autoconfirmed when they have won at least one rated battle and have been registered for a week or longer.
  78. breloomiswaifu: wow thanks ^^
  79. Zara~A: pklmLM, it's better to do lag tests and other tests in a different room like «lobby» n_n
  80. pklmLM: I'm banned from lobby!
  81. Zara~A: Well any other room, apart from this one.
  82. EL20: how to undo modjoin?
  83. Zara~A: /modjoin off iirc
  84. EL20: works, thanks
  86. Doctorfaz was muted by TIBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: CAPS)
  87. Zara~A: RosieTheVenusaur
  88. Zara~A: Acedia / QuoteCS
  89. Hulk03: guys what is going on here/
  90. Zara~A: Hulk03, nothing, pls don't casual chat ^_^
  91. Hulk03: okay dad
  92. Doctorfaz was banned from room help by Acedia. (shitposting)
  93. Doctorfaz was locked from talking by RosieTheVenusaur.
  94. Hide 1 revealed messages (doctorfaz)
  95. Ur mom is nice: Why dont we have a random battles mode with no legendaries?
  96. Welcome to the Help Room! If you have a question about PS/Smogon, post about it in the chat and you'll get a response as soon as possible. If you wish to help deal with questions, that would be appreciated, but you're expected to know what you're talking about. Global staff members are the users with the @ rank, so please contact them directly (left click on their name and then click "Chat") if there's something that needs their attention. Consistently helpful users are marked with a %.
  97. Casual Discussion is not permitted, nor discussion about team building, battling or game advice.
  98. Only contact Senior Staff (& or ~) if you have been directed to by a mod. If you need to register a server, claim an old name, report global staff or register a room read This Thread or you will most likely be ignored.
  99. If you are being harassed via PM, type /ignore in the PM to prevent further messages. If this escalates, PM a global staff member (@) with screenshots and logs of the harassment.
  100. If you suspect an opponent to be timestalling, forcing an endless battle, or if you and your opponent agree to request a tie, PM us and we'll handle those cases accordingly.
  101. If you're locked, you may appeal your case by contacting a global staff member (@) or appealing in the discipline appeals forum.
  102. If a room Moderator or Driver is abusing their powers, bring relevant logs and screenshots to a room owner (#).
  103. No help on other servers is provided. Contact the administrators of that server, not this one.
  104. For details on commands, type /help or /? directly in to the chat.
  105. Global Staff List | Intro to Showdown | FAQ | Simple Questions Thread | Bug Reports | Roomauth Guide | How to not piss off staff
  106. Premierball☆VGC☆: well the legendaries in randoms are anyways adapted. strong mons got a smaller level.
  107. ehehe donuts: yo is there supposed to be a meloetta on the look for a battle button?
  109. TheAngrySquirrel: BUT I NEED HELP
  110. TheAngrySquirrel was muted by Milak for 1 hour.
  111. TheAngrySquirrel was banned from room help by Layell.
  112. Milian1: As far as i know in BH you can have 252 ev on everything yes?
  113. Premierball☆VGC☆: 508 in total
  114. Premierball☆VGC☆: so 252 two times possible
  115. Milian1: like always
  116. Premierball☆VGC☆: wait idk what u mean with BH lol
  117. Milian1: balanced hackmons
  118. Premierball☆VGC☆: kk sry no idea then :)
  119. Milian1: i'm reading the BH threads and every pokemon that i see has 252 on everything
  120. Milian1: was something changed?
  121. Arkoxms: noob here, how do you check you COIL and the like?
  122. Zara~A: If you do /rank it should show you.
  123. Arkoxms: appreciated. thank you
  124. Zara~A: No problem :)
  125. supreme hot pocket: y/n with the meloetta thing?
  126. Zara~A: supreme hot pocket, what do you mean?
  127. supreme hot pocket: is there supposed to be a meloetta next to the look for a battle button?
  128. Zara~A: Not for me.
  129. Zara~A: There are two by the "users online" and the "active battles" buttons.
  130. macrarazy: supreme hot pocket it was removed
  131. supreme hot pocket: shame
  132. Zara~A: They're just testing out different aesthetics atm.
  133. guido1555: hi guys do you know if the pokemon hack, pokemon reborn is worth the download of 566 mb?
  134. supreme hot pocket: more melo's the better imo tbh ty
  135. Zara~A: guido1555, don't ask here.
  136. guido1555: oh where should i ask that?
  137. Zara~A: I'd suggest «tc» if your wondering about the space it will take up, and «lobby» for just general discussion.
  138. guido1555: oh okay, i tried twice in lobby but got no reaction there
  139. guido1555: so ill try tc
  140. guido1555: is that tech & code?
  141. Mamp: [23:01:01] Milian1: i'm reading the BH threads and every pokemon that i see has 252 on everything
  142. Mamp: [23:01:19] Milian1: was something changed?
  143. Mamp: you used to be allowed max evs in all stats
  144. Tyronaught: I have two pokemon asleep in my random battle...
  145. pklmLM: in like gen 2 yeah
  146. Milian1: so why it's kicking me?
  147. pklmLM: long time ago
  148. Milian1: when i'm trying to look for a battle?
  149. Mamp: but you arent anymore when it was discovered that xy doesnt support this
  150. Milian1: o:
  151. Mamp: you arent allowed max evs in all stats in bh anymore
  152. Milian1: :) thx for the answer
  153. Zara~A: guido1555, yes it is.
  154. guido1555: okay then im in the right room ;)
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