
Cut story

Sep 22nd, 2012
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  1. >A young couple walks into a clearing carrying a baby carrier.
  2. >They have been to this park several times.
  3. >They love how secluded it can be.
  4. >It is a large park and there are many areas they can sneak to and never see anyone.
  5. >”Oh it’s such a lovely day Gary!”, “Oh yes it is Mary.”
  6. >They sit down
  7. > >”Oh… our little snookems is asleep Gary.”, “He must be tuckered out from all our adventuring today Mary.”
  8. >She looks up, “It sure is a beautiful day today isn’t it?”, “Not as beautiful as you my dear.”
  9. >She turns and looks at him, they jump into each other kissing passionately.
  10. >Their hands explore each other’s bodies.
  11. >The man starts to put his hand up her shirt and she grabs his hand.
  12. >”No Gary! We mustn’t wake the baby!”
  13. >He gently brushes her hair away, “I am sorry darling, your beauty was too intoxicating.”
  14. >”Please forgive me my wonderful wife!”
  15. >She blushes, “You are the best husband a woman could ever want.”
  16. >”Oh Mary!”
  17. >”Oh Gary!”
  18. >They start kissing again.
  19. >”Mary, I can’t contain myself! I must have you!"
  20. >”Oh Gary! What about the baby! We cannot wake it!”
  21. >”Come my love, we shall walk away a bit, he will sleep soundly!”
  22. >”This area is surrounded by trees and bushes, no one shall see us!”
  23. >”Oh Gary!”
  24. >”Oh Mary!”
  25. >They run a short distance away and continue their love making.
  26. >They start taking each other’s clothes off.
  27. >The wind picks up and causes a gentle rustling in the leaves.
  28. >They are oblivious to anything in the little glade they had found.
  29. >They don’t notice the fluffy pony who steps out of a bush looking at them.
  30. >Most fluffy ponies are bright eyed and smiling full of love.
  31. >This one doesn’t look like that.
  32. >His eyes are narrow and mean.
  33. >His body taught with anger.
  34. >His maroon fluff moves slightly in the breeze as does his light green mane.
  35. >He has a carbon fiber horn riveted on his natural horn.
  36. >His right ear is shredded and ruined.
  37. >He stares at the young lovers.
  38. >It must hurt their teethe grinding their mouths together like that.
  39. >He then turns slowly toward the baby basket.
  40. >He walks over to it.
  41. >He hears cooing coming from inside of it.
  42. >He jumps his front hooves on the basket and looks in.
  43. >He sees the baby.
  44. >His purple eyes stare down coldly at the newborn.
  45. >He glances at the parents and wonders how they can do that belly to belly.
  46. >Such unnatural creatures.
  47. >He looks back down at the sleeping infant.
  48. >It is small and defenseless, but one day it will grow up.
  49. >Grow up to be a two legged monster just like the rest.
  50. >He thinks how he could end it now.
  51. >He has been called monster a lot lately.
  52. >Maybe, just maybe he really is one.
  53. >He has been trying to make friends and play with other fluffies.
  54. >But they look at him with fear and disdain.
  55. >He has been attacked because of his scars.
  56. >Fluffies run crying from him.
  57. >He thinks maybe he is a monster.
  58. >As a monster he can make some amends by stopping another monster from growing up.
  59. >It is so defenseless.
  60. >He lowers his horn.
  61. >The monsters get noisier.
  62. >His horn rest just above the baby’s chest.
  63. >”Oh yes! Yes!”
  64. >The fluffy pony stills himself.
  65. >The infant is so helpless.
  66. >So helpless….
  67. >He doesn’t want to be a monster.
  68. >He knows he is just a step away and it would be easy to be a monster.
  69. >He raises his horn and looks down at the baby.
  70. >”Deadmeat weave munsta awone… why munstas no weave Deadmeat wone… Deadmeat… nuu munsta…”
  71. >He steps off and heads back to the bushes.
  72. >He wanted to be one.
  73. >Other fluffies call him one.
  74. >But he couldn’t bring himself to be a monster.
  75. >He walks off into the bushes again and disappears.
  76. >The two lovers come back putting their clothes back on.
  77. >They look into the basket and smile.
  78. >”Our baby is so precious. I’m glad we keep him so safe.”
  79. >”Yes Gary, we truly are wonderful parents.”
  80. >They kiss again as the baby sleeps peacefully.
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