

Apr 8th, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate> Hi Geisha
  2. <SerCorbieGeisha> Low
  3. <Boilerplate> and High....
  4. <Boilerplate> or vice versa
  5. <Boilerplate> so how's it going?
  6. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nothing
  7. <SerCorbieGeisha> Should update my Morrowind blog
  8. <Boilerplate> So... about that text game you was doing, are you done with that?
  9. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  10. <SerCorbieGeisha> Haven't worked on it for months
  11. <Boilerplate> Well I thought you was since you haven't been counting how much words you have left like you used to
  12. <Boilerplate> so why haven't you worked on it for months?
  13. <SerCorbieGeisha> Got fed up with the people in the community
  14. <SerCorbieGeisha> And just don't feel like doing anything to do with them
  15. <Boilerplate> So what made you fed up with them?
  16. <SerCorbieGeisha> And there are other things but don't ask me about them
  17. <Boilerplate> oh
  18. <Boilerplate> I guess it's rather personal I guess
  19. <SerCorbieGeisha> Let's see, that place is full of white people who denies the concept of privilege, full of dudes who would fight to have their game have a male character but would shout "reverse sexism" when the opposite happens
  20. <SerCorbieGeisha> And you have people supporting a blatant racist who keeps using 18th 19th century terms of classification, but that's okay because I am worst for telling white people not to appropriate my culture
  21. <SerCorbieGeisha> That incident was the straw that broke the camel's back
  22. <Boilerplate> This kinda reminds me what the White Wolf and perhaps almost every gaming community is like and the reason I stopped hanging around them like I used to. It's such a shame that game communities are this toxic
  23. <Boilerplate> It's worse that most people don't listen nor can they be reasoned with
  24. <Boilerplate> worst of all they you a "Troll" and even call you "Your the one whose sexist/racist/etc" and worse they might even ban you because of "repeated offense".
  25. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, I don''t blame the mods and admin for this
  26. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't think they did anything to me
  27. <SerCorbieGeisha> But I can't stand the people anymore so I didn't stick around to find out
  28. <Boilerplate> I guess this is the same reason like I said before I stopped hanging around for example White Wolf forums since those people are a waste of time.
  29. <SerCorbieGeisha> It felt unsafe for me
  30. <SerCorbieGeisha> Entitled people have a way of showing you how displeased they are when you tell them you can't do something
  31. <Boilerplate> For example "Your the one whose being racist/sexist/etc because your discriminating against white people" and some shit like that
  32. <SerCorbieGeisha> If you're not one of the privileged parties, you have a pretty good chance of getting death threats
  33. <Boilerplate> So you mean you really recieved death threats from those that must be the real final straw?
  34. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know
  35. <Boilerplate> Or your referring to someone else you know?
  36. <SerCorbieGeisha> It happens a lot, actually
  37. <Boilerplate> So did that really happen to you?
  38. <Boilerplate> by the sound of things
  39. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know if it did. I saw that I was being ganged up on there and so I got the hell out
  40. <SerCorbieGeisha> and I also had other personal issues
  41. <SerCorbieGeisha> Just cannot deal
  42. <SerCorbieGeisha> ANd really, I'm afraid of confrontation. I can handle one or two people now but when a group is massing
  43. <SerCorbieGeisha> I just can't
  44. <Boilerplate> I guess you weren't allowed in thier private gentleman's club so they decided gang and chase you that's how you keep a community together.
  45. <Boilerplate> And it's good idea to not raise tensions I guess and probably did the right thing
  46. <SerCorbieGeisha> It wasn't a chasing out
  47. <SerCorbieGeisha> It was more like silencing
  48. <Boilerplate> the same as silencing dissent (well everytime I hear the word "silincing" I get this mental image in my head of someone shooting a dissenter back in the head)
  49. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mine is off slitting someone's throat
  50. * SerCorbieGeisha starts watching Hellraiser 8
  51. <Boilerplate> Well I think I got the mental imagery from seeings old photos of officers executing tied up dissenters by shooting in the back of the head.
  52. <Boilerplate> I guess slicing someone's throat is more accurate depiction however
  53. <Boilerplate> Well....speaking of which, long ago I gave my last try at the White Wolf forums which I created a thread called "Middle Kingdom done right" which I tried to explain to them about how the Middle Kingdom exoticizes Asia and such but guess what? They also used "reverse racism" arguments which they accused me of being a racist because I was "complaining about white people" which that thread alone
  54. <Boilerplate> was my final straw I had with the White Wolf community. I'm not even interested in the WoD games like I used to.
  55. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, you linked that thread before
  56. <Boilerplate> Well it's actually a new thread but I'm not linking it though due to the fear of me being banned
  57. <Boilerplate> Plus I don't know where to find it now if it still exists but it's pretty recent though.
  58. <Boilerplate> well I mean it was months ago
  59. * QueenOf has quit (Quit: TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, CRANKY!)
  60. <SerCorbieGeisha> We don't need to see it too
  61. <Boilerplate> Good, you don't have to.
  62. <Boilerplate> It's such a shame that Overtime the WoD got less and less appealing to me now.
  63. <SerCorbieGeisha> It doesn't appeal to me now either
  64. <Boilerplate> Now I look at it with great disgust now, it's now a game designed for white privledged people which it's real target audience.
  65. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, yeah
  66. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's always been that
  67. <Boilerplate> Sad thing is, we've been oblivious to what it really was all this time under the pretext that "love vampires, werewolves, mages, etc and other supernaturals? the WoD is your best choice"
  68. <SerCorbieGeisha> I still want to try out VtM Redemption though
  69. <Boilerplate> Well it's estinatlly nothing more than "Knight has to rescue his damsel" story which can be summed as
  70. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, I knew that
  71. <SerCorbieGeisha> I'm more interested in how they adapt the mechanics
  72. <Boilerplate> Well the storyteller mode is more worth it than the campaign itself especially the mods for it since there's like thousands of maps made for it
  73. <Boilerplate> not to mention weapons/characters/etc
  74. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, I want to look at the storyteller mode
  75. <SerCorbieGeisha> I always like to imagine setting up a game and never doing it
  76. <Boilerplate> Although their all "Model Swaps" or basically retextures of the same base models mostly due the lack of a source code
  77. <Boilerplate> I think you can look most of these videos for example:
  78. <SerCorbieGeisha> I already have the game
  79. <Boilerplate> You already have VTM: Redemption?
  80. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  81. <Boilerplate> Well you sounded like you didn't have hence the confusion
  82. <SerCorbieGeisha> I have it, but I havne't played it
  83. <Boilerplate> oh
  84. <Boilerplate> Of course it's why I've been asking if...if we could create a "WoD" out from scratch (more like a "All Myths/Folklores/Legends/etc are true game") how can we do it right to show them their mistakes compared what we can do?
  85. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's a lot of work
  86. <Boilerplate> Well brings me to this next point...well first of all I've been talking to this person named "Jason Colavito" who is known for his work on debunking the AA theory (well debunking the show "Ancient Aliens") and I sent him a email asking him if he knew how to do a "All Myths are True" medium correctly without Christianity coming atop of them (since I appreciated his work getting mythology right
  87. <Boilerplate> in his debunkings) and he responded
  88. <Boilerplate> with this message:
  89. <Boilerplate> He claims that monotheists are "harder to work with" which presents a two dichimous choices between "Christianity coming on top or has to be abannonded completely" which this has been rather...troubling me recently.
  90. <Boilerplate> Here's his website BTW:
  91. <Boilerplate> I guess it's possible he presented a false dictomey since there has to be a third option out of the dilihmma he presented
  92. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes there is
  93. <SerCorbieGeisha> I told you before
  94. <Boilerplate> So Jason's wrong after all although I try to remember what you told me...ah ah, you told me that the Gods should not show themselves.
  95. <Boilerplate> while All folklores are true on Earth
  96. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah. Why do you need gods to appear anyway?
  97. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or you can have gods appear, but not supreme godheads
  98. <SerCorbieGeisha> In Abrahamic religion, you use angels instead
  99. <Boilerplate> like which gods can appear?
  100. <Boilerplate> which ones cannot?
  101. <Boilerplate> The Greek Gods can appear since their the most human of all
  102. <SerCorbieGeisha> But Chaos cannot because
  103. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, it isn't a godhead
  104. <Boilerplate> Is Kali a godhead and she cannot appear?
  105. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  106. <SerCorbieGeisha> Okay
  107. <SerCorbieGeisha> Just waht I'm saying
  108. <SerCorbieGeisha> Is that the Abrahamic God woudl be equaled to the concept of a universal thingy'
  109. <SerCorbieGeisha> Like
  110. <SerCorbieGeisha> Its power is felt
  111. <SerCorbieGeisha> It has a presence
  112. <SerCorbieGeisha> But it doesn't appear
  113. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mere mortals can't comprehend God's form anyway
  114. <Boilerplate> Or maybe better the Abrahamic God is actually the same Caanite God Yaweh from Hebrew mythology.
  115. <Boilerplate> which Angels are only his extensions including Satan/Lucifer
  116. <Boilerplate> who only now has a Monotheistic following based around him
  117. <SerCorbieGeisha> But i prefer not to use gods
  118. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because there are a lot of ways people interpret the stuff
  119. <Boilerplate> which do you prefer to use then?
  120. <SerCorbieGeisha> Folklore is easier to work with
  121. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well
  122. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mythical creatures too
  123. <Boilerplate> So basically it's best to have Mythical creatures to appear more often then Deities
  124. <SerCorbieGeisha> Just look at other stuff
  125. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mostly it's just mythical creatures
  126. <Boilerplate> Of course I always imagine that the Deities only reside in their realms for example, Greek Deities reside in Mount Olympus, Norse Deities reside in Vahallia and else where, and such.
  127. <Boilerplate> So basically Mythological can only be playable...but what about the whole "Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Demon, Faerie, etc" classifcations?
  128. <Boilerplate> Basically your saying that it's best for not have the gods appear but rather having their powers bestowed upon players.
  129. <Boilerplate> Of course...what about the "Afterlife" when people die?
  130. <SerCorbieGeisha> MYSTERY
  131. <SerCorbieGeisha> ALL MY LIFE HAS BEEN A MYSTERY
  132. <Boilerplate> I guess something closer to the Chinese afterlife I remember you spoken of long ago
  133. <SerCorbieGeisha> OBLIVION
  134. <Boilerplate> Well rereading you said about the Abrahamic God....I guess your point is that why can't the other Gods be like that as well?
  135. <Boilerplate> Another thing too I noticed...Are Avatars the equilvent to Angels?
  136. <Boilerplate> since I noticed their extensions of a god which avatars and angels are the same thing
  137. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nope!
  138. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well
  139. <SerCorbieGeisha> The word avatar has a lot of meaning
  140. <Boilerplate> like what?
  141. <SerCorbieGeisha> A manifestation, that's what it means
  142. <SerCorbieGeisha> ANd it can be applied to a lot
  143. <SerCorbieGeisha> Like Ram is an avatar of Vishnu, he is Vishnu in human form
  144. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or Lakshmi is an avatar of Shakti, a form Shakit can manifest into
  145. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or Ganesh's traits
  146. <Boilerplate> I wonder if Avatars can be Player Characters?
  147. <Boilerplate> Or maybe rather Asuras?
  148. <SerCorbieGeisha> Your favourite asura
  149. <Boilerplate> Well...Asura's are not manfestions unlike Avatars?
  150. <Boilerplate> speaking of Asuras...I found this video:
  151. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nope, they're beings
  152. <Boilerplate> that video a accurate depiction of a Asura sort of? Well could they appear as normal humans but transform into their six armed three faces forms?
  153. <SerCorbieGeisha> The character is not an asura
  154. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's just that his martial art allows him to do something which imitates an asura, or something like that
  155. <SerCorbieGeisha> ANd it is in the Buddhist style
  156. <Boilerplate> Hindu and Buddhist Asuras are different are they?
  157. <SerCorbieGeisha> And really
  158. <SerCorbieGeisha> They're gods
  159. <SerCorbieGeisha> Why cant' they shapeshift?
  160. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, they are sort of different
  161. <Boilerplate> what's the difference between them?
  162. <SerCorbieGeisha> Basically they're mighty warrior gods who oppose the deva
  163. <SerCorbieGeisha> Buddhism gives them more detail
  164. <SerCorbieGeisha> Hinduism generally doesnt' describe the race much
  165. <Boilerplate> Basically when doing Asuras...well first of all I noticed that Hinduism and Buddhism can go hand to hand together...well how do the bodhisattvas and hidu gods relate to each other?
  166. <SerCorbieGeisha> Depends on who you ask
  167. <SerCorbieGeisha> Both religions have a shared root anyway
  168. <Boilerplate> Well what I mean that both Hindu and Buddhist Asuras can be combined
  169. <SerCorbieGeisha> THey already have commonalities
  170. <Boilerplate> oh
  171. <Boilerplate> can a Asura be a playable character....well do all Asura's have unstoppable rage tempers or some of them have tranquel fury or even silent badasses?
  172. <SerCorbieGeisha> Let me ask you something
  173. <SerCorbieGeisha> What woudl you consider the defining trait of a human?
  174. <Boilerplate> there is no defining trait
  175. <Boilerplate> so the point is the same thing applies to Asuras too
  176. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then let's go with the Buddhist one. They're the only ones that can achieve enlightenment
  177. <SerCorbieGeisha> But are all humans enlightened?
  178. <Boilerplate> nope
  179. <SerCorbieGeisha> Are all humans even interested in it?
  180. <Boilerplate> nope
  181. <SerCorbieGeisha> Meanwhile, the karma of an asura is to be in a world of violence
  182. <SerCorbieGeisha> Does this mean they're all going to react and act on it int he same way?
  183. <Boilerplate> nope
  184. <SerCorbieGeisha> There you have it
  185. <Boilerplate> Also another thing about parents thinks it's "What comes around goes around" or is there something more deeper than that
  186. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's not
  187. <Boilerplate> what is it then?
  188. <SerCorbieGeisha> Imagine a sitll pond and then something falls into the water
  189. <SerCorbieGeisha> THe ripples, that's karma
  190. <Boilerplate> so basically...Karma is basically the after effects of things?
  191. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not just that
  192. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  193. * Boilerplate already in use. Retrying with Boilerplate_...
  194. * Boilerplate_ sets modes [Boilerplate_ +i]
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  200. <Boilerplate_> what else?
  201. <SerCorbieGeisha> And the idea of there being good and bad karma is a misnomer
  202. <SerCorbieGeisha> Karma is not good bcausie it keeps things trapped within a cycle
  203. <Boilerplate_> basically...Karma is basically material conditions?
  204. <SerCorbieGeisha> But when we say good karma, we just means doing good things and then being rewarded
  205. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not exactly
  206. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's a metaphysical system which serves to keep souls chained to existence
  207. <SerCorbieGeisha> And existence is suffering!
  208. <Boilerplate_> And nonexistence is bliss apparently?
  209. * Boilerplate has quit (Ping timeout)
  210. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  211. <Boilerplate_> So basically...Buddhism is a nhilisht philosphy basically?
  212. <Boilerplate_> nihilism that is
  213. <Boilerplate_> "life is meaningless"
  214. <Boilerplate_> wait a minute:
  215. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's not nihilist
  216. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's different
  217. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's not that life is meaningless so much as it's an illusion
  218. <SerCorbieGeisha> But that doesn't mean it's not real
  219. <Boilerplate_> you told me that "illuision" actually mean distraction which is what most westeners misinteapt as
  220. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes, I did
  221. <Boilerplate_> Basically...although I guess I hate to say this but....the only closest film I can think that depicts Buddhism ready? you guessed it the Matrix.
  222. <Boilerplate_> Basically the world was created as a distraction from our real purpose
  223. <Boilerplate_> and what lies outside of existence? maybe the "True Reality" itself....
  224. <Boilerplate_> point is...what if we're all in a computer simulated world?
  225. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, the Matrix writers basically skimmed through some philosophy books
  226. <Boilerplate_> Well....have you heard of Solipsism before? where only one person (or maybe a few people) in this world are real while everything else are just projections.
  227. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes I know that one
  228. <Boilerplate_> I guess it's the same idea
  229. <SerCorbieGeisha> What same idea?
  230. <Boilerplate_> Solipsism and Buddhism
  231. <Boilerplate_> Well I thought the ideas are similar
  232. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nope
  233. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not one bit
  234. <SerCorbieGeisha> I hav eno idea where you even got that idea
  235. <Boilerplate_>
  236. <Boilerplate_> "However, some schools of Buddhism, Yogacara for example, were extremely solipsistic."
  237. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nope
  238. <Boilerplate_> well here's the wiki page and scroll down to "Relation to other ideas" starting from Samsara
  239. <SerCorbieGeisha> Do you have a Buddhist background?
  240. <Boilerplate_> No
  241. <SerCorbieGeisha> The you don't have the cultural context to interpret the various schools of thoughts
  242. <Boilerplate_> So the yahoo people got it wrong I guess
  243. <Boilerplate_> So their two different things
  244. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's complicated
  245. <Boilerplate_> just how complicated?
  246. <Boilerplate_> very complicated
  247. <SerCorbieGeisha> Complicated in that wiki is only a surface guide and you shouldn't persume to know when you don't have the cultural context
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