
Streetsam Backstory

Mar 26th, 2014
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  1. Life on the streets in the Sixth World is hard. It's harder when you're not smart enough to get out, or strong enough to survive. Of the two camps, Angela belongs firmly in the second. Born to immigrant parents of various ethnicity (her father is Russian and Filipino, her mother is Japanese), she hardly ever traveled outside of the Shantytown of her home, Thorn City. Her mother and father worked whatever they had to in order to feed their three children, often a combination of stealing from others or selling what little they had, or working odd jobs for the shop owners or gangs of the area.
  3. Angela learned the ways of the streets alongside her best friend Eric, often getting in fights or breaking the law. Both displayed a penchant for violence and machismo that began to transition into early work as they became teenagers. Working as freelancers for gangs, drug dealers, and other debt collectors was hard, but it gave spending money where they wouldn't have had any otherwise. As they matured, lifelong friendship briefly transitioned to romance. It didn't last, though, and they went back to being friends a few months later.
  5. With Angela and Eric becoming adults, their paths began to part. Eric joined up with a gang, eager to get steadier money to build a life for himself. Angela was less interested, continuing to work as a freelance legbreaker and general petty thug and using the money (and some special side jobs done for the back-alley doc Artery) to finance her augs. Looking to go bigger, she starts trying to break into the Running business...
  9. Thorn City isn't a city, consisting of a few city blocks worth of shanties. The residents are quite xenophobic regarding outsiders, but warm and friendly to those who live there or are friends of those who live there. That said, many of those who live in the shanty operate in the "darker" fields of business, working as organleggers, drug dealers, gangers, or BTL manufacturers. The community is tight-knit, realizing that if they don't take care of each other, nobody else will.
  11. Family:
  12. Etsuko Polzin (Mother)
  13. Sergei Polzin (Father)
  14. Alexander Polzin (Younger Brother)
  15. Hitomi Polzin (Younger Sister)
  17. Angela's family have lived in the slums their entire lives, as have their parents stretching back to whichever ancestor first immigrated to Seattle. The family is as close-knit as their community, and Angela's 'house' is attached to her family's house (they do not have an interior door connection though). It was her parents who gave her the idea to get into running, reasoning that it's likely not that much more dangerous than legbreaking, and can have a much higher payout. Many of Angela's professional contacts were met through her parents. Angela loves her family, even if she thinks she's above that sissy bullshit, and has had to threaten punks on more than one occasion to leave her younger siblings alone.
  19. Physical Description.
  20. Angela is 6'0" tall, with broad shoulders, a fit build, and obvious augmentations (especially her dermal plating). She has visible tusks, clearly denoting her as an Ork. She has some very obvious Asian features, due to her Japanese/Filipino heritage, but her skin is very lightly colored from her Russian heritage. She has a few tattoos, but they're not often visible under her heavy armor. One tattoo is a stylized "WARROIR" (typo included) on her arm, one is an Oni with an AK97 on her back, and the names of her parents, one on each shoulder blade, as well as various minimalistic "tribal" designs as sleeve tattoos on both arms.
  22. Condensed Statistics:
  23. Age: 19
  24. Sex: F
  25. Height: 6'0"
  26. Weight: 220 (190 without chrome)
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