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Lua 2016 March 30th Chariot Babylon

a guest
Mar 31st, 2016
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  1. [2849.656] Initializing Lua 5.1.4
  2. [2892.953] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
  3. [2892.953] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
  4. [2892.953] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
  5. [2892.953] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
  6. [2949.828] EUI_context: ==================================================================================================
  7. [2949.828] EUI_context: EUI CONTEXT LuaContext: 19CB4D70
  8. [2949.828] EUI_context: ==================================================================================================
  9. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 293C1EE3-1176-44F6-AC1F-59663826DE74 Genghis Khan's Mongolia
  10. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: B685D5DE-7CCA-4E75-81B4-2F60754E6330 Isabella's Spain and Pachacuti's Incan Empire
  11. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: ECF7C605-BA11-4CAC-8D80-D71306AAC471 Kamehameha's Polynesian Empire
  12. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: B3030D39-C0D8-4BC7-91B1-7AD1CAF585AB Harald Bluetooth's Denmark
  13. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 112C22B2-5308-42B6-B734-171CCAB3037B Sejong The Great's Korea
  14. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: BBB0D085-A0B1-4475-B007-3E549CF3ADC3 Wonders of the Ancient World
  15. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: EA67AED5-5859-4875-BF3A-360FE9E55D1B Conquest of the New World Deluxe
  16. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 7459BA32-5764-44AE-8E95-01AD0E0EFD48 Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon
  17. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 3F49DF54-68B6-44D1-A930-A168628FAA59 Explorers Map Pack
  18. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 46EAEFFC-7B1D-443D-BFC8-F825DFEFB094 Scrambled Continents Map Pack
  19. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 4255F5F7-D3AB-4E55-ACEE-4670082040ED Scrambled Nations Map Pack
  20. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 0E3751A1-F840-4E1B-9706-519BF484E59D Gods & Kings Expansion Pack
  21. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 6DA07636-4123-4018-B643-6575B4EC336B Brave New World Expansion Pack
  22. [2949.828] EUI_context: Active DLC: 8871E748-29A4-4910-8C57-8C99E32D0167 Upgrade Data 1
  23. [2949.828] EUI_context: Disabled: CBE91AF6-0683-4326-BC77-58BB489E509F Tablet Data 1
  24. [2949.828] EUI_context: ==================================================================================================
  25. [2949.937] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
  26. [2949.937] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
  27. [2949.953] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
  28. [2949.953] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
  29. [2949.968] UnitFlagManager: This is the modded UnitFlagManager from 'Improvement - Airbases merged with the Flagpromotions mod, merged by Lynnes'
  30. [2950.093] ActionInfoPanel: This is the modded ActionInfoPanel from 'UI - City Expansion'
  31. [2950.109] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\Tutorial\Lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion2.lua
  32. [2950.109] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion\Tutorial\lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion1.lua
  33. [2950.125] UICityExpansion: This is the 'UI - City Expansion' mod script.
  34. [2950.125] UICityExpansion: City Expansion ButtonPopupType: 83
  35. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
  36. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
  37. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
  38. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarPlunderTradeRoutePopup.lua
  39. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion2\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
  40. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
  41. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\NetworkKickedPopup.lua
  42. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\CityPlotManagementPopup.lua
  43. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCommandPopup.lua
  44. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivEnterTerritoryPopup.lua
  45. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\LiberateMinorPopup.lua
  46. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ReturnCivilianPopup.lua
  47. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\AnnexCityPopup.lua
  48. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
  49. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\BarbarianRansomPopup.lua
  50. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmGiftPopup.lua
  51. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCityTaskPopup.lua
  52. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
  53. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
  54. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmPolicyBranchPopup.lua
  55. [2950.156] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivGoldPopup.lua
  56. [2950.203] BarbarianCampPopup: Barbarian Inmersion Era Changes Active
  57. [2950.203] BarbarianCampPopup: Barbarian Inmersion Era Promotion Changes Active
  58. [2950.203] BarbarianCampPopup: Barbarian Inmersion Era Changes Active
  59. [2950.203] BarbarianCampPopup: Barbarian Inmersion Era Promotion Changes Active
  60. [2950.203] BarbarianCampPopup: Barbarian Generals are active
  61. [2950.234] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 12
  62. [2950.234] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 2
  63. [2950.234] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 10
  64. [2950.250] EconomicGeneralInfo: Total Units - 12
  65. [2950.250] EconomicGeneralInfo: Maint Free Units - 2
  66. [2950.250] EconomicGeneralInfo: Paid Units - 10
  67. [2950.437] ChoosePantheonPopup: 31
  68. [2950.437] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
  69. [2950.437] ChoosePantheonPopup: 994
  70. [2950.468] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 31
  71. [2950.468] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 963
  72. [2950.468] ChooseIdeologyPopup: 994
  73. [2950.484] ChooseInternationalTradeRoutePopup: This is the modded ChooseInternationalTradeRoutePopup from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
  74. [2950.500] ChooseTradeUnitNewHome: This is the modded ChooseTradeUnitNewHome from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
  75. [2950.500] TradeRouteOverview: This is the modded TradeRouteOverview from 'UI - Trade Route Enhancements'
  76. [2950.578] InGame: This is the modded Bombardment from 'Global - City Bombard Range'
  77. [2950.578] BarbarianUnhappiness: Barbarian Unhappiness Active
  78. [2950.578] Promotions - Level Promotions: Promotions - Level Promotions Active
  79. [2950.578] BuildingsStorageYardAndStockpile: This is the 'Buildings - Storage yard and Stockpile' mod script.
  80. [2950.578] Fortress_Borders: Loaded Fortress Borders Script
  81. [2951.078] VorpostenOnlyHuman: onlyhumanvorposten script
  82. [2951.093] GlobalCityBombardRange: This is the 'Global - City Bombard Range' mod script.
  83. [2951.093] GlobalGAHappiness: This is the 'Global - GA Happiness' mod script.
  84. [2951.093] GlobalSpiceIslands: This is the 'Global - Spice Islands' mod script
  85. [2951.093] GoodyHutsNoAutoMapping: This is the 'Goody Huts - No Auto-Mapping' mod script.
  86. [2951.093] GoodyHutsTechRefund: This is the 'Goody Huts - Tech Refund' mod script
  87. [2951.093] ImprovementAirbases: This is the 'Improvement - Airbases' mod script.
  88. [2951.093] ImprovementPontoonBridge: This is the 'Improvement - Pontoon Bridge' mod script.
  89. [2951.140] MapsRandomGoodyHuts: This is the 'Maps - Random Goody Huts' mod script.
  90. [2951.171] PolicyFreeWarrior: This is the 'Policy - Free Warrior' mod script.
  91. [2951.171] PolicyRevealCapitals: This is the 'Policy - Reveal Capitals' mod script.
  92. [2951.171] Reforestation: -- Reforestation Mod Loaded --
  93. [2951.171] TechSatellitesRevealCities: This is the 'Tech - Satellites Reveal Cities' mod script.
  94. [2951.171] Destination: This is the 'UI - Destination' mod script.
  95. [2951.187] GreatWorkManager: This is the 'UI - Great Work Manager' mod script.
  96. [2951.187] GreatWorkManager: /InGame/TopPanel/TourismString is nil!
  97. [2951.187] WonderPlanner: This is the 'UI - Wonder Planner' mod script.
  98. [2951.187] UnitsPopulation: This is the 'Units - Population' mod script.
  99. [2951.187] UnitsProspectors: This is the 'Units - Prospectors' mod script.
  100. [2951.187] VisibleTradeUnits: This is the 'Units - Visible Trade Units' mod script.
  101. [2951.187] WonderRaceDialog: ***[ Wonder Race Loaded ]***
  102. [2951.359] AdvisorInfoPopup: Closing Advisor Info
  103. [2951.359] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
  104. [2951.359] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
  105. [2956.890] PlotHelpManager: Loading EUI plot help LuaContext: 19CA7180 111.131
  106. ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
  107. | _ \| | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
  108. | |_) | |/ _ \| __| |_| |/ _ \ | '_ \| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  109. | __/| | (_) | |_| _ | __/ | |_) | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
  110. |_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
  111. |_| |___/
  112. [2956.890] PlotHelpManager: found default work rate 100
  113. [2956.890] PlotHelpManager: Finished loading EUI plot help 111.131
  114. [2956.890] CityBannerManager: Loading EUI city banners LuaContext: 19E5A950 111.131
  115. ____ _ _ ____ __ __
  116. / ___(_) |_ _ _| __ ) __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __| \/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __
  117. | | | | __| | | | _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
  118. | |___| | |_| |_| | |_) | (_| | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ |
  119. \____|_|\__|\__, |____/ \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
  120. |___/ |___/
  121. [2956.890] CityBannerManager: Finished loading EUI city banners 111.133
  122. [2956.890] UnitPanel: Loading EUI unit panel LuaContext: 1B6722B0 111.133
  123. _ _ _ _ ____ _
  124. | | | |_ __ (_) |_| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
  125. | | | | '_ \| | __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
  126. | |_| | | | | | |_| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
  127. \___/|_| |_|_|\__|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
  128. [2956.906] UnitPanel: Finished loading EUI unit panel 111.143
  129. [2956.906] NotificationPanel: Loading EUI notification panel LuaContext: 1B6AD450 111.143
  130. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _
  131. | \ | | ___ | |_(_)/ _(_) ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
  132. | \| |/ _ \| __| | |_| |/ __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
  133. | |\ | (_) | |_| | _| | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
  134. |_| \_|\___/ \__|_|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
  135. [2956.906] NotificationPanel: Finished loading EUI notification panel 111.152
  136. [2956.906] CityView: Loading EUI city view LuaContext: 19CB7170 111.152
  137. ____ _ _ __ ___
  138. / ___(_) |_ _ \ \ / (_) _____ __
  139. | | | | __| | | \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
  140. | |___| | |_| |_| |\ V / | | __/\ V V /
  141. \____|_|\__|\__, | \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/
  142. |___/
  143. [2956.906] CityView: Finished loading EUI city view 111.153
  144. [2956.906] TechTree: Loading EUI tech tree LuaContext: 19CB6B70 111.153
  145. _____ _ _____
  146. |_ _|__ ___| |_|_ _| __ ___ ___
  147. | |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| || '__/ _ \/ _ \
  148. | | __/ (__| | | | || | | __/ __/
  149. |_|\___|\___|_| |_|_||_| \___|\___|
  150. [2956.968] TechTree: Finished loading EUI tech tree 111.209
  151. [2956.968] TopPanel: Loading EUI top panel LuaContext: 19D4F370 111.209
  152. _____ ____ _
  153. |_ _|__ _ __ | _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
  154. | |/ _ \| '_ \| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
  155. | | (_) | |_) | __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
  156. |_|\___/| .__/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
  157. |_|
  158. [2956.968] TopPanel: Finished loading EUI top panel 111.209
  159. [3025.765] CityStateDiploPopup: CS Bogota gave a gift to Ariil Fenris of 4 (amount or ID), 12 (friendship boost), false (if first met), CULTURE (gift)
  160. [3025.765] CityStateDiploPopup: CS Bogota gave a gift to Maria Theresa of 4 (amount or ID), 12 (friendship boost), false (if first met), CULTURE (gift)
  161. [3025.765] CityStateDiploPopup: CS Bogota gave a gift to Casimir III of 4 (amount or ID), 12 (friendship boost), false (if first met), CULTURE (gift)
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