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May 30th, 2015
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  1. League of Legends Personal Lore Rankings (Not sorted within tiers)
  3. Very High:
  4. Ahri
  5. Azir
  6. Braum (PUNCH A MOUNTAIN.)
  7. Diana
  8. Leona
  9. Lissandra
  10. Nami
  11. Orianna
  12. Riven
  13. Sion
  14. Swain
  15. Thresh
  16. Vel'koz
  17. Viktor
  18. Volibear
  19. Xerath
  20. Yasuo
  21. Zac
  23. High:
  24. Aatrox
  25. Anivia
  26. Ashe
  27. Blitzcrank
  28. Darius
  29. Draven
  30. Elise
  31. Irelia
  32. Jarvan IV
  33. Jax
  34. Karthus
  35. Kassadin
  36. Kha'zix
  37. LeBlanc
  38. Lucian
  39. Malzahar
  40. Nasus
  41. Nautilus
  42. Olaf
  43. Quinn
  44. Rumble
  45. Sejuani
  46. Soraka
  47. Teemo
  48. Twitch
  49. Udyr
  50. Vi
  51. Wukong (Taking into account Master Yi's account of the encounter, lower otherwise.)
  52. Zyra
  54. Medium:
  55. Bard
  56. Annie
  57. Caitlyn
  58. Cho'gath
  59. Dr. Mundo
  60. Gangplank
  61. Garen
  62. Gnar
  63. Graves
  64. Hecarim
  65. Jayce
  66. Jinx
  67. Kalista
  68. Katarina
  69. Kennen
  70. Kog'maw
  71. Lee Sin
  72. Lulu
  73. Lux
  74. Master Yi
  75. Mordekaiser
  76. Morgana
  77. Nunu
  78. Pantheon
  79. Rek'sai
  80. Renekton
  81. Rengar
  82. Shyvana
  83. Sivir
  84. Skarner (Assuming his old lore about his race is intact and just moved to Shurima. If not, it drops to Very Low without a replacement.)
  85. Sona
  86. Syndra
  87. Talon
  88. Tristana
  89. Trundle
  90. Tryndamere
  91. Twisted Fate (Could be bumped to a high if his lore was later fixed to better fit with Graves)
  92. Urgot
  93. Varus
  94. Vayne
  95. Yorick
  96. Zed
  97. Zilean
  99. Low:
  100. Akali
  101. Brand
  102. Cassiopeia
  103. Corki
  104. Ezreal
  105. Fiddlesticks
  106. Fizz
  107. Gragas
  108. Heimerdinger
  109. Janna
  110. Karma
  111. Kayle
  112. Maokai
  113. Miss Fortune
  114. Nidalee
  115. Ryze
  116. Shen
  117. Veigar
  118. Warwick
  119. Xin Zhao
  120. Ziggs
  122. Very Low:
  123. Alistar
  124. Amumu (I didn't know he may have been changed to be a non-Yordle, though, that's new info)
  125. Evelynn
  126. Galio
  127. Malphite
  128. Nocturne
  129. Poppy
  130. Rammus (Moreso for being almost completely lore-less than having explicitly bad lore.)
  131. Shaco
  132. Singed (NOTE: The only lore Singed has is his old, explicitly non-canon Warwick apprentice lore, so I only had that to rate. If it was replaced with generic lore and his other contributions were kept, he'd be a Medium.)
  133. Taric
  134. Vladimir
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