
RPG maker horrible game

Dec 15th, 2014
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  1. Summer? At some kind of Japanese Festival, I don't care, group of friends decided to enter a test of courage together. However, only one person is chosen from the group and her goal is to ring a bell inside a abandoned house. She can't leave because of the door behind her is locked (by her friends), so she has to explore the house alone. Of course it's a RPG maker game, there are puzzles, traps, deaths etc... She finds it, however the sound seems a little out of place and a ominous presence appears. The spirit takes voice and decides to grant her one of her wish, to release her in two ways. She is then granted a instant killing poison she to choose her own way of fulfilling it. Later on, wandering around, still trapped inside the house she encounters her friends one by one, being now trapped just like her. She decides to joins up them searching for a way to escape. They decide to split up into 2 groups and with the poison in her possession she can attempt murder on anyone she teamed up with.
  3. You can kill everyone of her friends in the game (Expect one person), however certain circumstances might lead your demise as friends will try to find their other lost (long dead) friends. It's up to you to construct a crime scene that will put you out of the suspicion. If you manage to successfully avoid being detected and kill all by one friend (The one you can't kill, because she is most conscious and most suspicious of you), you move onto the final chapter where the truth is revealed. They were not your friends, they were bullies that made your life miserable. You can't choose not to kill the last person, as she is the most hated by protagonist. You also don't kill her with poison, because you already used up all of it.
  5. If you choose not to kill anyone, you and everyone you spared escapes. However, the poison you were carrying kills you moment you take a step outside. You can't get rid of the poison in any conventional way, because it's inside of you. The only way is to spill a dip of your blood from your finger using a needle (for example). That way the poison transfers to anyone you touch, purifying yourself step by step, and that is the only way to save the protagonist.
  7. Perhaps it was some kind of demon or a vengeful spirit curse, but in the game it's not possible to get rid of the ominous presence that gave the poison to the protagonist in the first place. It might be true that she already had a vile in her possession before entering the house and there was no ghosts inside the house. I want to leave those questions open.
  9. The goal with using friends as victims is to create an atmosphere of fake emotions. At first they want to escape from danger, but second after they insult the protagonist and prefer to force her (By any means continent) to preform seemingly dangerous tasks in their place. You should be thinking that you kinda want to kill them, but then again they are still humans right? They can change and get rid of their corrupted ways of treating the protagonist? I think people are usually set to believe there is a good ending when everyone does not die, but this game is exactly the opposite. You should think first of how to make a murder happen, without you being a suspect.
  12. I'm trying my mind on this thing.
  14. Anna Balerka, A girl curiously looking into a piece many have tried to capture. She lives alone in a mansion you probably never heard before, as it no longer exists. Wouldn't that actually mean she is no longer alive? You could say that, but first hear about her story.
  16. As a painter, searching for a higher quality, she would create landscapes and sceneries that you might even like, but that was not her goal. She wanted to create something truly magnificent, surpassing even the concept of art itself. Spending day after a day on this task, she became more and more miserable, sinking into hopelessness. "If I can't reach it, if I can't spend myself as an artist, my worth is the same as this blank canvas!" she lamented. Her art would become more and more wicked, screaming loudly with her melancholy and paint-like-tears smearing over her work. However, one day it changed as she discovered something.
  18. In her room, behind a dusted carpet, there was a large dressing mirror that reflected a image of the girl. She carefully examined it, and thought of a splendid idea which filled her with great joy. She quickly took for her stool and started painting. However, you could say that something was amiss. The girl, or rather her reflection in the mirror was smiling, unlike Anna. Perhaps she was so happy with her brush, she didn't noticed that discrepancy while painting her own portrait. Even though she finished it without the awareness of that, it wasn't satisfying for the artist. She started searching her house for cute clothes she could pose in, which she did find without a problem. But don't you think it was a little strange for her to live on her own?
  20. Night after night, she created portraits of herself, more beautiful than you could ever imagine. Was she happy, was she sad? Certainly, she was so absorbed in her work she started losing her grip on reality. Losing her mind slowly, unknown voices were heard. Her dreams inundated her with visions of her portrait coming alive. Sometimes she wasn't aware if she was the human or the painting any more. I will tell you however, she didn't really find bothersome or worrying. Instead she got used to them, as they helped her inspire her further work.
  22. On one day, she realised something about her room. The mirror was losing its composure, one fragment falling on the ground for each painting she made. Of course she tried to repair it, but picking up the glass pieces and gluing them back had no effect. So without a fix, she thought "I wonder if I have another one somewhere else, if not I would be very sad and won't know what to do any more." She could have just brought another? But soon the mirror broke down completely. At that time she was somewhere else.
  24. All her paintings were seen on the displays throughout the hallway, as she appeared walking around her own gallery. She could see other people, shapes of humans walking around. For them the room was empty, or rather there was nothing to look at. They were simply passing through Anna as if she was not-existing. Actually, the girl never craved for attention. But just now, something in her heart changed. She decided to calm herself down and stain her sorrows with her brush. However, as soon she entered her room she realised something for the first time. It was empty, not a single person or a piece of furniture inside, except one mirror that stood still. That grieved her eyes and slowly, she approached her reflection. But the girl on the other side was not crying, her expression was as if she was a doll, emotionless. She looked unlike anything alive, with her charm and grace superior to even the most prettiest humans. Just like a painting or reflection in the mirror, she was not moving, unlike Anna.
  26. The girl reached out her hands towards her own reflection and ran towards it. Tears started to dip down through her fingers, causing the tiny droplets to melt the glass into pieces which then felt onto the ground. However, she wasn't weeping because of loneliness, but from something else. The doll that noticed her, simply turned and smiled with screeching movement. They both reached their hands through the illusion, but Anna's could only touch the surface of mirror. Pushing with all her strength onto it, her frantic strain removed the remaining shards of glass from the frame and the mirror was no longer. In turn, she released her feelings to speak "I have finally reached the goal, fulfilled my ambition, completed my existence! My masterpiece, the beautiful living doll of the painting, I give you my heart to live!" Those were her last words before a dense fog tainted her vision.
  28. What happen to the doll in the reflection afterwards? Perhaps that boundary there was taken care of by someone...
  30. Otasa no hime Merry in Total Institution. Or Actually Pripara Touhou and the tale of sucking money out of kids.
  31. She denies that she is addicted, with bangs under her eyes(As in being late night Otaku).
  32. She only wears her own clothes and grows very protective if someone tries to issue her anything else. (They are cheap frills btw.)
  33. She hides her cellphone, and uses it inside the toilet to play mobile games. (Even though there is usually no reception she can use a gap to get internet connection.)
  34. Of course phones are banned, but she somehow is able to roll it (It's a flat screen) and hide it inside the bed supports. (Also she licks and kisses and says unsettling things to the screen.)
  35. Renko is the doctor and tried to get into her but she completely ignores her presence. (Looks away or down not saying a word.)
  36. Renko tried to inject her into a group but Merry grew violent and attacked other girls. (It's why she is in isolation.) ("But I hate this dull town, I want to live in Gensokyou." "RL are the Real Losers." "How can you live in such escapisms?" "Shut the F&$* Up! *Punch*")
  37. Renko soon discovers that Merry is hiding her phone and takes it away after hiding inside the toilet. (How she does it? Simply being glued into the celling.)
  38. After that Merry decides to break out, and take the phone back with force. Stealth out of the room, by using a trick. (What kind of trick? I want to call my parents of course, because hey, she doesn't have a phone. Anyway she jumps off the stairs, but actually hands on the ledge and drops a shoe. The nurse thinks she has fallen down so she runs down while Merry climbs back up.)
  39. Renko enters in the office of Renko but soon discovered that she is a Love liver as well, and challenges her to a Idol battle which would determine whenever she leaves or stays.
  40. Merry of course wins, after a fierce duel, they becomes somehow friends as well as and form a Otaku club.
  41. Of course the game they play is Youkai Idol game, based on Touhou. (The settings is Gensokyou and almost each comiket Zun releases a new episode which introduces new Idols which are beaten by the Main Idols of course.)
  43. "Sham it, Slam it, Jam you, Meri!"
  44. "Twinkle Twinkle gleam? More like Twinkle Twinkle Shit, It's a game for kids with autism."
  45. "That card? 5 Magic stones? What brand (game) it is? Could it be a secret one?"
  46. "Do you remember our first Phantasm rare? People didn't even believe at the time it was possible to get. We received nothing but threads and negative comments but as soon as we posted that video, 1 million yen bid in just the first day."
  47. "Don't you think that posting videos makes people happy? It's like actual idol work! People can make their idol dreams into reality!"
  48. "Those things you mention from your dreams, they give me new merch ideas!"
  50. Rjuöndzouyjk
  51. Ok Important stuff. I want to make Cthullu Hifuu. Cthifullu. What I want to do is to make a story about humans around the world suddenly unable to wake up after sleeping for long like more than 8 hours and over 12.
  52. The dreams people experienced, at least the part that managed to wake up, was something like a realistic simulation. They would not be aware that they are sleeping, simply going up from the bed doing normal things. Everything would appear as if they were still in the normal world. But if they looked very carefully at some details, they would realise they were actually sleeping all this time. It would drive them insane and cause irreversible mental damage. This nightmare would kill people, they would simply lose pulse while sleeping and cease to have any signals of living. There is no cure but some people are trying to work on it.
  53. So we have 3 heroes which are hifuus and support characters which are related to hifuu. Now let's shape the characters.
  55. Renko(Myself), something is eating her brain from inside out. She is being chased by someone from her dreams that even appears on daylight. Of course she wants to remain human but well, I'm not sure what is going to happen. At some point in the beginning she joins a secret organization that supposedly wants to explore the hidden world. Their goal is to find a way to wake up people, such as her sister. She is called to a place inside her dream and somehow is recruited in reality. The relation with her sister is not good, she would like to bully her and manipulate her but unfortunately she is sleeping. Because of that her anger grows and she wants to punish Sumireko for her escapism/decision. This is a part why she joins, in hope she will be able to find her sister. However when she actually dies she feels a little sorry for her.
  57. Marry(Friend), she exist in several conciousness at one time. She appears to be sleeping in the human world but you can communicate with her within a delay. At the start of novel our heroes learn that she is being held by a group of curious scientist that want to solve the riddle of the plague that is happening around the world. However it is unclear if Marry volunteered for this position or was taken against her will. She is also full of herself, thinking that she would find answers to the universe, she feels superior to humans. She also suggests to everyone that leaving to the dreamworld/suicide will solve everything, even if she is not clear about it. In the end perhaps it was a certain dream creature she meet was the caused of her to crazy like this.
  59. Sumireko(Sister), she is basically a spoiled child that hates reality and herself. I want her to die in a certain way, that she is already in coma from the start. Somehow she meets Renko in the dreamworld and to escape the fate of being awakened she kills herself inside the dream. Perhaps Renko would blame herself for that, but I also want her to somehow respect Sumireko's decision. She is a submissive type of person who would rather take than give, but would also want her sister to stop bullying her in reality. Because of that weakness she decided that it would be the best for her to escape to the dream world leaving her reality behind. Before the story starts, unknown to the parents she made a deal with Renko that she would stay with her and help her with house chores in return. This would also mean that she would allow her to be bullied. But she had enough, she went to deep sleep and in her dream she is trying to drag in her sister in. However half way she turns and begs her not to come, as if there was some kind of danger in the dream world. The danger is Marry who suggested that suicide/ascension would end her problems, making her the killer.
  61. Doremy(Her) is somehow in this story but she is to never take a place on the stage. To make her a reality lies and deceit is all I need from Marry. Marry basically says she solved the problem, people wake up, and everything is okay. The reason in the first place for that she was tired from recent events and went to sleep, leaving everyone to be trapped inside a nightmare. That was something she did against her own will, which is to eat nightmares because they taste good.
  63. Okay what happens later I guess is that our heroes does manage to solve the problems, only temperately, which they are not aware. After dealing with a strange otherworldly creature they think the pandemic is over, everyone was reported to wake up. But the real thread and cause of it lurks deeply inside of the dream world, still waiting on a spider's net. What happens after is that Marry is caught and somehow returns changed. She says hello to Renko in the middle of the night like nothing happens and pulls out a knife. Furthermore she states that she killed a person and she will prove that she became immortal by silting her neck. After that she rises up, but Renko is already walking. I wonder what is going to kill her first, the worm or Marry?
  65. Reality Concept: There are random things and fates. Fate is something that you can't change and is going to happen no matter what. However it is not predictable when is going to happen. It just shocks you when it does. However if you were aware of when it was going to happen then you could change it. This is what ascension means. Of course people are born with 3 major fates that are going to happen to their lives at certain points, which are young, middle and old. If you could only change one then perhaps you would not be able to die at all, even though death is not really something that happens because of fate, or is it?
  66. There are dreams about reality, something like Deja vu. They appear to be visions of the future but in reality they are your perspective from another life of you. Everything you remember is more like it happened at some point, and some things you don't recall clearly did not happened in your current but past or future life. For example the life as a child did not really happened since no one remembers it. Only those things you remember is reality, making someone who remembers everything very powerful.
  68. I have a idea of making the setting as a play/theatre with referencing to people as actors and stage elements. It will have some kind of 3 parts to a act. I want a commentator as the narrator.
  70. Following someone, following in footsteps. Somehow following is a certain human instinct that I want to explore. People created a God in a image of someone above rules.
  72. This Novel or something should be about making choices or lacking the power to make them. Those choices are the answers to life and death. There is a choice where Renko must advice Marry. But the truth is that Marry was behind the choice and Renko's advice did nothing.
  74. 1-1 Renko tries to escape from a pursuer on streets. (There is no one else on the streets anyway)
  75. 1-2 Renko goes into a train by someone is still following her. (Somehow being tailed by something in the shadow inside of the train)
  76. 1-3 Renko goes back to home and feeds her sleeping sister. (She doesn't take a good care of her)
  77. 2-1 Something about how the world turned into like this.
  78. 2-2 Sumireko tries to reach her sister through her dreams, tries to tell her to stop from coming. She explains why would she do it, because of lack of confidence in life. (Finds a phone booth)
  79. 2-3 Back in reality Renko receives a phone call. She is a little confused but recalls the time when they both looked at the moon. (There is no one on the other side)
  80. 3-1 Somehow she realises it was from Marry who is currently in a sanatorium. (But she got released recently so she is at her house)
  81. 3-2 Going to her house Renko meets some people, strangers, who escorts her inside (Captures her and start question her presence)
  82. 3-3 However after a while she is released and meets with Marry who was the one that said a good word about her.
  83. 3-4 There is a brief information exchange about Marry condition and Renko is asked for help. (Her reason to help was to get rid of a worm inside of her brain)
  84. 4-1 This should be a Sumireko chapter, we learn about how Marry and Sumireko meet and their plans of stopping the sleeper plague. (They also talk about Renko's special condition and involvement as Sumireko wants Merry to leave Renko alone.) (It's also that Sumireko created a Urban legend that people can somehow travel to different places in their dreams.)
  85. 4-2 This should be a Sumireko chapter, she follows Renko everywhere, trying to make her at least fear the night and the dream world. (Although Renko seems not to bother about it)
  86. 4-3 This should be a Sumireko chapter, she discoverers that the research group disappeared. (They are probably dead)
  87. 5-1 After learning the demise of the research group, Renko thinks that the only way to fix the problem is going to the dream world and finding the stranger who invades the world of humans. (She still doesn't know who is the stranger)
  88. 5-2 She decides that to willingly get captured by the stranger. (Although she fears more the fate of dying because of the worm inside of her brain)
  89. 5-3 Renko awakens to her senses without conviction whenever she was inside reality or dream before. She is calmed by the breeze and no longer can feel anything inside of her brain. (Which is a lie because it is still there)
  90. 5-4 Meanwhile Sumireko tries to find her sister before it would too late, and stop her from coming here ever again. (She is convinced that her mind would not handle the truth this world carries)
  91. 6-1 Finally she finds Renko's body being eaten alive by crows and worms, but still alive. Sumireko helps her up but her sister is only half present (She appears to notice her presence)
  92. 6-2 Renko finally awakens with the intend of killing her sister in order to stop both the worm in her head and the stranger following her. (But something else happens that prevents it)
  93. 6-3 Sumireko despise hearing and listening to words of her sister takes a knife and kills herself. (Renko simply looks while she falls down)
  94. 7-1 The reality is distorted, people from dream and awake worlds start to merge inside of Renko's mind. (It drives her insane)
  95. 7-2 After trying to stab herself multiple times and feeling nothing she meets the only sane person to her, Marry. (Which invites her to follow)
  96. 7-3 It appears that she needed help in waking a person from her sleep. (Which is Doremi) Renko needs to speak her true name to awake her.
  97. 8-1 Doremi explains what has happened in the past days and that there was simply nothing she could do to stop it. Everything should be returning to normal now.
  98. 8-2 Returning to the real world, Renko tries to contact Marry for them both to visit the grave of Sumireko, but does not reach her.
  99. 8-3 Renko grows somehow tired or even sick and goes to sleep with her worries. (Even though her brain tells her not to)
  100. 8-4 Inside of a nightmare Renko learns of the true nature of Sumireko's death and solves the problems by force. (As in kills Marry)
  101. 9-1 Wondering around, looking at the world made with spirals, she decides to make up by drilling the insides of her brain. (Of course that does not kill the worm in her brain, but makes her forget about it)
  102. 9-2 Renko wakes up, in the middle of the night, from the nightmare which she forgets about. She gets a call from Marry to meet her at night.
  103. 9-3 Marry confesses that she witnessed the future and that she is control of life and death. She kills herself to get attention but Renko has her back turned and walks away.
  105. "Are you afraid of sleeping but you want to escape reality? I think I know just the solution for that problem."
  106. "People need to sleep, they need to dream. But they are not entail wake up."
  107. "Come on I know you are reading this, leave a comment if you want.. I'm talking to you."
  108. "Have you ever had a dream where you a fictional character?"
  109. "Humans have selfish nature to begin with. Those with stronger minds collaborated a collective from which everyone gains at marginal level, confined within. Those that which challenge themselves to escape the loop, their curiosity reached to the deepest secret of worlds beyond imagination, exceeding sanity."
  110. "Knowledge is power of choice. Did you thought you were a protagonist? You had no free will to begin with."
  111. "Human brain is a mystery to the mind itself, but you do think the secrets will eventually be uncovered? You must be aware that already suggesting actions is possible, thus we might be close to uncovering that free will was always a myth. If that happens will there be any longer sense in religion, law or democracy. All your choices could emerge as manipulatable in a way that you won't be taking responsibility for them. Such thing must never happen, Humans have to always fear learning the truth behind it."
  112. "Who would you blame if no one is actually responsible? This thought pushes people to most heinous actions they can attempt."
  113. "I don't want to believe that I'm some actor on the stage, that my role is destined by the script, not by myself."
  114. "When I woke up on a bed of amaryllises I understood that I'm no longer alive. Since then they remind me of that terrible feeling of knowing that no matter what you do, you can't die."
  115. "You said you wanted to see what I am able Renko, and so I did manage to facilitate that for you."
  116. "In the end I think your sister wanted to protect you from becoming her, rather than me."
  117. "what are u gonna do now? I want to prevent it from happening again. I dont want ppl to die, trapped inside their dreams"
  118. "It was perhaps that dream Youkai who caused Marry powers to increase with much."
  119. "When you will become born again, you will be free of any Fates. Until then, sleep soundly my lotus child."
  121. Sumireko about Renko "It is strange from how we retain memories. Do you remember our time when we were young? Those moments of our joy we forgot, as if they have never existed in this life."0
  122. "I never had the courage or the will, but in this place and with you standing here. I should be thanking you for giving me the choice."0
  123. "You were right, by being a club member I couldn't grow up. I was always wanting more and more power that would allow me only to venture deeper into the never-ending nightmares."0
  124. "Those humans in Gensokyou, those were the only people I would call friends."0
  125. "You were always about your emotions. The difference in adult that they actually do consider other's feelings."0
  127. "I have acquired the Secrets behind the string theory. Those should have left alone, it's too terrifying to know what humans are actually capable. Therefore I must become the one that will Seal them again."
  129. This is the world where if you sleep for twelve hours you will become a burden to society. Only the Sealing Club is able bring it back to normal. But will they be able to save themselves first? Venture into the pitch-black secrets of the unknown nightmares!
  131. Doremi talks with Marry about her past and how everything happened so far. She talks about how she gained the power while she was affected by the plague.
  132. "It's in the contract! If you cheat your Fates, your soul might get detached and wicked. You might not be able to suffer death or even return to your entwined self. It's a big decision for a human."
  133. "How about I shall tell you then a story of a widow that loved her husband even after his death?"
  134. "Impossible, you have to be a Baku yourself human, if you were able to enter my dreams."
  135. "Baku are creatures that don't have a place called home. We were left overs thrown out to breathe with these phantasmagorias."
  141. Escape room Renmerry. Strange stories of boundaries lead to a house that was changed into a escape room once.
  143. How about this, Sumireko prints a book written by a youkai or something in the RL world. That book is later discovered by Renko who in turn is forced to go to the dream world with Marry to fix things. However they somehow they mix up things and end up making a mess unnoticeably which then turn spurs up the incident which causes people to sleep for a long time. It must be noted that Renko, different one that from the first story, is the one getting the idea of doing that.
  144. Sumi and Marry talk about going out in dream and stuff then they talk about the notes. Dream shperes, What is Gensokyou to them, Renko is a sister to her in this world. What is reality and what is dream for them both is messed up. Sumireko lost her dreams, while Marry didn't
  145. Renko and Marry talk about stuff, How they both disagree at stuff, How Marry seems insane for Renko. They talk about Sumireko, how Marry does not see a problem but Renko does.
  146. That note is reads different in other Marries, it's not even about suicide. They have to live a better life than I do.
  147. "I can wake up and forget about it's impossible tomorrow. The only dreams important to me are those that are there, in other words those that exist beyond an illusion."
  148. If she says that People can change their dreams into reality then what if I dare? With those secrets In my mind I could even change her memories into those that bring happiness to both of the Secret Sealing club members.
  149. Then Renko talks with Dore about stuff from the second chapter, they talk about the story from second chapter, they talk about how a Nightmare was created through the suicide note. That nightmarry was later invited to this world. They talk about how Sumireko had a hunch that Marry was behind the incident but never had proof that she needed.
  151. Calm
  152. Fucked up
  153. Mediocre
  154. Very weird
  155. Chill
  156. Mediocre
  157. Fairy like choir
  158. In a dark room alone
  159. Looking at the clock, waiting for a horrible thing to happen
  160. Chillax relax
  162. Sassy moving forward
  163. Enjoyment in simple things
  164. The breeze to expand the narrow-mind
  165. Neo-city of infinite possibilities
  166. Circling of dreams, escaping reality
  167. Never sought end
  168. The ending for chapter 8
  169. Don't blink, you just might miss it, the life
  170. Someday, sometime, until
  172. Sharing the dream - Side side project based on sharing a dream. Just like in anime, in the near future the technology advanced to the point it can control peoples dreams. Some company created a neuroware you put on before sleeping. It allows the user to modify the dream they will experience to the extend it wouldn't even feel like your own dream any more. The downside of this is that whenever you decide to participate you are forced into a movie-like state and any will to change the occurring plot will result in de-synchronization with the device. However, as the technology is fully digital it allows for much more than just watching an online video.
  174. A certain person, who name I would spoil, decided to try it out. I dunno how he got his hands on it, but surely there was way. After installing and several test runs, the machine was adjusted and the dream commenced. Inside of it our user found himself in a rehearsal for the purpose of rising their skills. Since this was a dream, it wasn't clear what performance they were practising for, although since they were testing their voice while dancing, it must have been a stage debut!
  176. With that in mind, our hero also found himself in a completely different body of a young female. The reason for that was that the device used a large cloud storage space created by extracting hundred thousand dreams each day. They specifications where later correlated with the users hidden desires, so that the dream would be something desirable, or in the case of our user at the very least bearable. But little did he knew, or she knew, that his idol partner was someone also changed into a girl, someone he knew outside of the dream! Image the awkward face when they would meet and talked about their idol dreams!
  178. Aliens kidnapping humans as calculators to play Doom.
  186. Uncommunicative self-centred reclusive person at sight. Throughout her addicting solo adventures in MMOs, mysteriously after reaching max level, she was always able to find some guild she could play with. Soon it was clear for her that those type of games are only with fun other people. But knowing that didn't change the fact that the bonds between others never interested her. As soon as she became bored with the game, she would no longer talk or see them again. With that mistake made, she moved on doing other things.
  188. One day she got inspired on a whim by a person who she admired. In the steps of her idolized subject, she decided to create a series of singing videos, among other random things she already have posted somewhere on the internet. She eagerly awaited the time when they will become popular. Days, weeks, months, and years passed, without a single comment on any of them. Are they that awful? Why there is not even a single reply? Those depressing questions clearly attributed for her worsening shrivelling state, as she slowly ceased her artistic activities.
  190. Instead she would, without saying a thing in the chat, watch random people on a streaming site. Why? To kill her already worthless time I guess. That was also came with a price. Slowly, unrecognised by her, that the person she was watching became someone who she wants to become friends with. When that certain streamer decided to play a MMO, before she realised, she was already going back to her addiction from the past.
  192. Her plan was simple, with a weak pc and a slow internet connection, not to enjoy it but only to get attention from others, she wanted to play along side her favourite streamer. The game become like a drug, a promising prospect, of becoming someone she desired in the past. However... suddenly Window 10 Forcibly updated!
  194. Now trapped into a virtual world full of fake Internet friends, is it really time to solo?
  196. "Perhaps if I tried to become more assertive..."
  197. "But I don't care what other think anymore."
  199. With that she decided to team up, and even if that medicine will taste bad, it will be good for her in the end!
  201. Additional notes:
  202. Due to her speaking habits and Avatar's appearance many people in the past MMOs took her for a girl. However she never told anyone her true gender, not in her previous MMOs, not after the update.
  204. She used to be a solo player for a while in the game, since her mixture of skills allowed for that. She was a target to PK groups which fallen to her unusual burst build. However she never killed or attacked anyone, just dealt enough damage for the aggressor to yield. That sprouted a reputation of her in those circles as they wanted to recruit her, but she declined.
  206. As she leveled up her skill set changed, dues the Fox Tail innate abilities, to a more support type skills. That was of the reasons that forced her to join in a group, despite her having problems with making friends at that point.
  208. At some part of her life in the MMO she had her sex changed. When that happened she avoided contact with her friends until she changed it again (But Fox tail powers or by a potion.) Atm it's in a corrupted "?" state that can't be fixed. If its unknown what caused that in the first place.
  210. Her singing voice changed after she became trapped into the game. Anyone who would even remember the videos she posted would not be able to recognize it.
  212. Making silly things was kinda a embarrassing hobby for her, but after the update she simply stopped caring about it. On a whim she can start singing in the middle of the battle, although its not clear if that has any effect on the battlefield.
  214. She also get ridiculed for making up strange and unpronounceable character names, which in turn forces others create nicknames for her. However, according to her, that is actually an inside joke to a character she likes.
  216. Appearance and features:
  218. Build:
  219. Meagre build, about 140-145 cm (~ 4'8") pale completion, showing younger impression.
  221. Her white fox ears with black tips are oriented to the front of her face. They are about 15 cm, while her tail, also in the same colours, reaches about 45 cm. Those features are usually hidden under her clothes. (Build
  223. Face:
  224. Sliver-like hair and fair red eyes. On the top of her, head between her fox ears, much like in foxes or other mammals there are short fur. The natural human hair grows from the side and back of her head. Two pigtails are held near the back of her hair with headbands and another pair at near end of each bunch. They are shoulder length and the right one is decorated by a fluff ball. (Hair colour rough hair style
  226. She wears a red hat with 3 fluffy balls handing from top of the ears. You shouldn't ask her why she wears it or why does it cover her ears, it's clearly not a good disguise. (Hat shape and colour
  228. If you look closely you can tell that she has very small whiskers on her face. It's something that she wants to hide from others, so don't ask her about it either!
  230. Outfit:
  231. Tea Green/Magnolia Asian-looking shirt (Tangzhuang/Vietnamese shortened top part of áo dài), Various prints of wild berry flowers as well as Fox footprints. Buttons are fluffy shaped spheres reaching to waist, sleeves are mid range, shirt reaches fairly to the hips.
  233. She wears a white on glove on her right hand, which holds her signature weapon, the microphone stand bow/ microphone cable whip.
  235. The Tea Green bubble knee-length skirt she is wearing matches her dress in colour. It has an invisible back button that once unfasten can be used as an opening for her tail. Unfortunately rarely does she wants to show her tail to others like that. It has also a mind of its own, so sometimes when she gets overly excited it might show up from the bottom of the skirt. (Skirt kinda Design
  237. Similar to slippers, her red-lined white Moccasin flats with blackish tips resembling fox ears are filled with white fluff around the topline. They have a single fluffy ball hanging from their outward side. She also has ankle length white socks with fox footprints.
  239. Hidden underneath the clothes, she wears bloomers, for the sake that it allows her tail to be outside, and a small camisole.
  241. Sometimes, if the weather calls for it she wears a huge red coat, that is covering almost all of her clothes. (Coat shape
  243. "Well, no need to get all Fiery just because I'm hot. You might burn."
  245. A VN where you can switch the tinelines, and in one timeline MC is Male and in other is Female
  247. ?Timeline where Okarin tries to expose lies Stratfor and such.
  249. >[Kurisu] Amadeus never becomes operational, the project is revamped towards a data mining AI. It is disused as a virtual AI.
  250. >The app is later revealed to have pseudo hacking tendencies causing users to leak their personal information through a back door.
  251. >Dr. Leskinen is then charged by a number of cyber hacking crimes, although they never prove his fault.
  252. >Victor Chondria University is forced to close the research projects on AIs.
  253. >Maho is now jobless, and in need to pay student loans, she can no longer live out of her scholarship.
  254. >Furthermore Leskinen sees her as a potential threat therefore screws her out of the patent for Amadeus and tried to make her silent on what was going behind the scenes.
  255. >Maho is forced to escape to Japan, hopefully finding a job there.
  256. >Maho is meet with Moeka at some point. She has a mission to take over the data from the hard drive, the cover up is the interview.
  257. >At that point some masked man go in and try to steal the laptop, but then end up destroying in a gun fight.
  258. >Maho escapes with Moeka with her driving skills, at that point Moeka receives another message from FB to cancel her current missions and she disappears.
  259. >Maho, who lost ties to Kirisu, becomes more interdependent and evolves from her Salieri personality.
  260. >She joins up with Daru to create something since she can't find a job in her field of knowledge.
  261. >They end up making a virtual dreaming machine, which takes advantage of the compression LHC uses.
  262. >This notion gives an idea to SERN, which in turn uses that technology to control humans in a non-violent way in the near Dystopian future.
  263. >They use the forgetting feature to erase any malicious intent from parties fighting against them as well as the time machine to determine where exactly they should strike.
  264. >SERN at that point has the monopoly on Time machine knowledge and operations.
  265. >Although there are no longer any wars or incense to revolt, humanity faces a crisis of having extremely low birthrate in 2036.
  266. >This causes Suzuha not to go back in time at all, because this issue would not be as important to back to time for.
  268. (Technically you could create an AI that would be better at speedrunning than humans. Unlike that method and Science, the speedrunning I like is more about self-improvement than endlessly improving the artificial best time you can get in a game.)
  269. (Is it possible to change the rules of physics? If they are determined by something, not random, it would be possible, however we can't say for sure.)
  270. (God does not play dice > God = Hidden/unobservable variables, Dice = random nature of universe. This quote is meant to inspire people in searching the answer to the universe, rather than relying on Chaos Theories.)
  271. (People talk with others to change, people talk to themselves when they don't want to change.)
  272. (This is the timeline where nothing can happened, Amadeus was never created, Time machine data is no more, Evil organizations are disbanded, Suzuha does not time travel, There are no war flashbacks, Orakin is depressed.)
  273. (Fate vs chaos theory. People accepted a god in order to protect themselves from the chaos of the world, the "reality" of physical evidence laid before them.)
  274. (Emotions, feelings, the idea of feeling is the evidence of having a free will. People pursue emotions, therefore whichever emotion is most logical to them becomes a choice. But rather choosing certain emotional path, the choice is made by eliminating all other emotions.)
  276. ?Unwritten = Seemingly you get trapped into a MMO story, but talks about things that are Unwritten. Eg: Dreams, Connections between people, Individual stories.
  278. [MMO Early production] = Pre-dating a little the 8th generation of consoles, In hope of reviving the old design of the MMO genre, [Ryszard G.] decided to create a MMO that would resemble old MMOs but would go even further and deeper. Providing the founding, In the first three years of production basic concepts where set in stone. The company name was [Avalon] or something I decide on later.
  280. = Those basic concepts where, Players are responsible for creating the world, there are no NPCs. When a player logs out, their character is still in the world and acts like a AI controlled player, more or less becoming a NPC. Furthermore, Players where given the ability of gathering raw resources and forging them into items that range from simple weapons, magic materials to buildings, like the many sandbox MMOs that are playable today. However the difference was that the story and lore supposed to take a major part in the game's world.
  282. = The game world supposed to be a different reality that ours, while the players where travellers from our world. It basically supposed to break the 4th wall on purpose and engage the players head on. Saying so, in the game you where supposed to learn about an ancient language and decipher words in order to unlock dungeons as a part of levelling progression. Those words, sent by the grace of the god, carried the power of creation, but they also supposed to cryptic references to Earth's secret history and Mythology.
  284. [About the lore] = Many years ago, when the Earth was destroyed by a meteor, the sentient beings who where alive at that time foreseen the upcoming doom their world was facing. To avoid total destruction of life on Earth, they created a different version of reality where beings where able to use their imagination to bring shape to the words they spoken. However, their history was unwritten, therefore to this day they where unnoticed. However the game itself allows you to connect to this world and experience it.
  286. = Why can you connect to this world today? It is not certain or known for a fact, but it seems that the beings from that world are trying to connect for some reason with the humans of this world. Their goals are unknown.
  288. [Middle development] = Thanks to the newer technology, it was [Ryszard G.]'s idea that the game would include immersive technology into the experience, as it agreed to the game concept. This technology was both [VR Displays] and the results of [Human Connectome Project] that allowed for a further study into Neurostimulation, which in turn created a whole new research on a device that would fool human senses. The 5 year period of development, in which [Ryszard G.] was also backer and programmer, shaped a device called [Synapse].
  290. = At the time, the VR technology combined with [Synapse] was growing ever so in popularity, but also become infamous. The major use of this hardware was VR simulator games that the general public either described as "Cheap Thrills" or "Indecent Fantasies". Therefore for the MMO to be successful, good way to implement this technology into the game was required. [Ryszard G.] and other devs however, found it very fitting to the vision and gameplay to game, albeit investors being sceptic. Even if the price of development now increased, the assets they required came from crowdfunding and pre-game shop that included rewards such as "Original Avatar", "Ownership of land in game" or "Involvement in story production".
  292. About [Synapse]= The device is a small ear piece that connects to the brain via non-invasive magnetic waves that incites certain neuron to cause a sensation. This way the user is safe from any harm done to the brain and the device itself can be easily removed at any time. However, due to the outlash of certain groups the device quickly became the number one worry in many of the loud mouths over the internet and in the media. They brought up arguments from unsatisfied user feedback, that the device may in fact damage your brain in very rare cases. This was of course just rumours, but very strong words nevertheless, that affected the financial success of it.
  294. = This device was removed from the market at some point, then brought back on an agreement that users must be Adult. Furthermore companies interested in making software for this device where also the ones that where interested in making VR Games. Therefore [Synapse] quickly became an toy for Adults, squandering it's potential.
  296. = To calibrate the device you need to visit a shop equipped with a MRI scanner, which then related the data onto the [Synapse] servers. After that all software that uses the device will properly use the ear piece hardware. The decryption of data that the [Synapse] device receive would take ages, and on top of that every brain is different therefore it is like trying to decrypt a quantum key.
  298. About Second Generations of [VR devices] = Second generation was made to improve up the primitive "Screen-on-face" devices. Nowadays the display is a half-circular advanced screen, allowing for a wider 180 field of view, higher resolution and less tiring on eyes. The screen itself is half-transparent as well, when it is turned off (With a hotkey on keyboard for example) you can enjoy the convenience of not having to take it off and looking and your computer screen or something. Also, just as a safety measure against seizure, it is suggested that when the screen is turning on the user is supposed to close their eyes for 5 seconds, and then open them when the screen is on.
  300. [Late development and release] = To finalize the development of [Unwritten] testers where to ask to test out certain functions within the game. Those functions where mainly basic gameplay, but also the usage of [Synapse] that supposed to immerse the player. The results where not as someone expected because the gameplay was too overarching, you were not able to really feel that you are in another world, rather it felt like playing a game with an annoying feeling every now and then.
  302. = This caused a major overhaul of the UI vision of the game. What was change was that most of the indications of damage dealt, skill cooldowns, icons and names over player's head, things that where not necessary where completely rethinked and replaced of with a simulation from [Synapse].
  303. This made the players to feel a lot more immersed in the game.
  305. = Furthermore the developers thought that it was most beneficial for the game to stay even more cryptic about the game mechanics and removed the client. The game itself was transformed to be just a visual and sense transmission from the Game's servers. Obviously that put a strain on the players, because now they where required to have a very good connection in order to play the game without lag.
  307. = On the release however, only about 1000 people where online at most of the times. This was because the game world itself was barren, and most people already seen an MMO like that.
  309. [After Release] = A few months after the release, the game boosted in popularity. This was due the game marketing and personal experiences that where shared online. It was nothing like before, the game gained popularity as a bridge between a virtual world and the real one. That imagine was supposed by the developers too, for example they left cryptic messages in form of strange sensations in the game which the community tired to decipher jointly. It was almost too perfect, like if inside of the game there was actually a ghost AI that tried to communicate with the players.
  311. = The hype was on, people really got fascinated by the image on a virtual MMO from manga and anime. They joked around that at some point everyone is fall into a coma altogether. This didn't happen but the game itself got more popular, in both a wrong and a right way. The developers originally planned only one server, but now they had to split, and many of the players where unhappy to hear that. They where also not allowed to bring any of their characters over to the new server.
  313. [Server 02] = The opening of this server is the begging of the story. On a good day Server 01 had about 36000 players online, but since the split they have about 28000 and 15000 respectably.
  315. [Current Gameplay] = The game, despite using all 5 senses, uses a controller of choice for gameplay. It works very well with their a gamepad or keyboard + mouse. This is because [Synapse] can only send information, it can't read information from the brain.
  317. = Game has 5 archetypes, depending on the equipped weapon, the character has access to the archetype's skills. Those Archetypes are : Tank, Huge hp that sustains damage, crowd control, melee depended, can block most of the physical attacks.
  318. >Rogue, fast attacking dps, Can dash and has a lot of move options.
  319. >Ranger, Long range dps, evades attacks with dodging.
  320. >Priest, the only one with the ability to buff and heal allies, can protect allies from magic.
  321. >Wizard, Magic dps, has a variety of spells but doesn't have many defensive options.
  323. = They can equip up to 8 different skills, and learn them by using weapons for a certain time. Furthermore, after they learn all the skills from a certain weapon they have to equip a different one if they want to learn any new skills. This way the player can create their own class so to speak. Also, only skills from one archetype at a time can be equipped.
  325. = Weapons and equipment is crafted by players, they usually require drops from rare monsters that can be found in dungeons. Players can check which material is needed to craft an item, however in order to know which dungeon they need to visit they need to understand how to use the [Words]. Skilfully crafted [Words] may yield great rewards, therefore knowledge and understanding of them is sought by players.
  327. = Weapons give all the stats to the players, literally giving all essential equipment in one package. Each weapon has 250 upgrade points, which can be distributed to 4 stats: Health, Mana, PDef, MDef. Each point increases that stat by 1 and requires 1 item, however it is also required to use special items every 10 points. To much controversy, it is also possible to upgrade star rank on special "Backers only" items with the same materials you would have to use for making respective ranked weapon.
  329. = Players also can equip 3 accessories, each one rather than giving stats, changes something about the skills or basic attack. Those effects can vary from "Recover half mana on a teched grab" or "Increase speed by 20% for 5 sec after dashing and landing an attack (cooldown 100 sec)". The players don't know how much of that is random, but it seems the effects are context sensitive (Boots giving you speed related effects.)
  331. = Accessories are crafted by imbuing [Words] on them, which also sacrifice them. Doing so your character can no longer use that certain word for crafting dungeons or other accessories, though they can still teach that [Word] to others. Because of that, already imbued accessories can't be traded.
  333. = Combat in this game consist of using skills, attacking and defending at the right time. For example, while a Tank can protect the party from physical attacks, a Priest is required to deflect and protect against magic attacks. The system has multiple interactions between how skill interact in a party, a good teamwork is required to make it all work.
  335. = Monsters in the game consist of 3 types: Wandering, single monsters that can be sometimes found in the wild. They drop the most basic materials.
  336. >Horde, multiple groups of monsters or boss monsters that are zone-event related. They are far too strong for a single player to deal with. Their AI is set to drive away players from their nesting grounds and/or kill them if they resist. They can sometimes drop a rarer material
  337. >Dungeon, Those monsters are highly powerful and set to kill all players mercilessly. Defeating them is required to gain the most powerful materials.
  339. = Crafting eventually lead to building which you can do anywhere on a flat ground, as long as the building fits. Human towns are not uncommon, they are in fact beneficial for the players. After logging out the player character becomes controlled by the AI. This only works however, if your home is set in vicinity of other players, and only one character for an account can be set to be an AI at one time.
  340. The activities of what the AI can preform is: Guard, the AI will defend an area from other hostile players and monsters.
  341. >Crafting, The AI will craft items that take time.
  342. >Self-training, This will in time further the experience unlock skills.
  344. = AI controller players are supposed to be interactive just like real players. They talk back, they can trade, they can do stuff you expected from an NPC. However it would be quite unfortunate for the player to die in this state and lose their items, therefore AI doesn't drop any loot.
  346. = Apart from gaining skills, there is are no levels, you don't get simply stronger by killing monsters or other players. Items themselves also have a set Rarity measured by stars. However by simply equipping an 5 Star Weapon you get the stats of a 1 Star weapon. Only by fighting with it for enough time you can take advantage of the full potential of it.
  348. = Invisible stamina exist in the game, you have to gather Stamina recovery items, like food and water, to keep it high. Low Stamina will extend your cooldowns, and zero stamina will make the character 20% slower. Stamina depletes with every action, like gathering and attacking. The rate it's drained is not immediately, it ticks for a small amount every minute or so. When the player is tired their [Synapse] sends a starving sensation and their avatar is trying to catch breath.
  350. = PvP in this game exist and anyone can attack any other player if they wish. After death the player drop one or more random item they where carrying, higher rarity items have less of a chance to be dropped. PK are rare, but sometimes people do it for fun, not for the reward. Furthermore, when looting containers you can only take 20% of raw materials from it, then it goes under protection from further stealing for 24 hours.
  352. = Appart from ganking there is World Guild vs Guild PvP, sometimes for fun sometimes for actual domination. It is hard to win a siege however, because of the AI that will protect towns when it's under attack.
  354. = When a player die, they can either respawn at their bed or at a random location in the world. It is however allowed to respawn on a friend's bed if both players have been friended mutually.
  356. = Even though the maps in the game are created by players, when the players attempted to map the entire world it took a few days. They found that the map loops around, like Earth.
  358. = A whole different content that the devs where asked to release was the "Battle Royale" gameplay mod. This mod, released sometime after the main game, uses the assets from the game itself, making 100 players fight in a slowly closing zone for survival of the fittest. Each week there is a special, 1000 man battle with 5 man teams. The winner of the match receive some currency for winning that can be spend in the game's online shop. Needless to say, this mod is much more popular than the main game, and doesn't require a subscription.
  360. [Other Current things] = The devs are involved in the story directly, and cause events for the players to create an illusion of an ongoing story in the world.
  362. = The customization on the character's model is pretty detailed, but with soo many players, most of the players can look similar. This is not true however for Custom avatars, that are unique and can only be bought on online auctions.
  364. = Due to the individual [Synapse] configuration, the devs can more or less tell if the player uses multiple accounts. It is generally allowed to only have one account per person due to how logging out works.
  366. = The game despite being in 12 year development has a small fee each month, this fee was set due popularity concerns. However, since the game also has an online shop, mainly fashion items, devs are considering dropping the monthly fee altogether in the game will get "enough popular". The cost of the game is about 60$ (Or whatever the inflation dictates) and the fee is 5-3$ per month depending on the packet. A bundle with [VR device] and [Synapse] would be around 500$.
  368. [Story] = The story itself supposed to be a "We are getting trapped in a MMO again" red herring, which later develops into discovering illusion that was set by the antagonist of the story. It follows different perspectives of players that form a group which is determined to find out the servers of the game, which makes them believe that the game itself is actually something out of a MMO-related novel. They don't get trapped of course, but they also can't stop playing the game for that reason.
  370. List of events = Story starts at some point after Wolf played the game, he has a mix 2-3 Star equips. He became really skilled at his class, but because of his class he can only really 1vs1 other people. He is however a self-proclaimed defender of the weak, which leads to a misunderstanding at some point.
  371. >I guess at the start of the story, you got to make it actually interesting, not just MMO. I will give Main hero a dream in which he finds a [Word] that works in the game.
  372. >At some point other characters are introduces, the join Wolf's party to travel together, because they form a slight connection online.
  373. >Sooner or later, Wolf says that something is following him, that's why he travels, to escape from something following him.
  374. >At a certain night, Lunar appears to the party and leaves a cryptic message, [Words] she used form a dungeon without monsters, but a vision of human progress.
  375. >Everyone is dumbfounded, not knowing what to make out of it, they decide to keep it a secret for now, since this information might be worth a lot.
  376. >After going to a convenience store, Wolf encounters Lunar in RL. (However the story is actually a lie made by him
  377. >Other Wolf pack players also experience strange things in RL, like someone sent him a printed picture of their character in game, or having their images in their fanart folder renamed into a message. The clues point that Lunar did it.
  378. >Suddenly in the game, there is an event, the Sun blocks the moon, making in eternal night. It is up the heroes to solve the problem.
  379. >They do beat the boss, but nothing happens. They are left with a riddle, and the solution to that riddle is to do something in RL.
  380. >Wolf starts to have dreams about Lunar, where she talks to him. He relates those dreams to his party members, and they also say they had that kind of dream (Without it being clear if they had it or not
  381. >During all of that, I need to make sure the characters have their own motivation to learn more and get closer to Lunar.
  382. >At some point I should put like a tournament ark or helping a smaller guild ark.
  383. >Also the further the story goes, I should say that "Gameplay and UI" elements (eg. Damage numbers) are less and less visible for players.
  384. >At the very end I want Lunar to uncover the lie, and trying to meet all the main characters in the RL. However, Jr. can't get in touch with Wolf's player, therefore has to arrange a meeting with just 3 on skype. Each one is asked to move to a park or something, where they find a mic set. Though WRose's character speaks he lies everyone that WRose asked him to do that, of Jr. knowing the truth doesn't reveal anyone yet.
  385. >Afterwards, the people that where in the chat each have a talk with a person that is important in their life, about their problem.
  386. >Some time after, like an hear or so, Main characters meet again in the game and talk about Wolf. They miss him and discuss is such a "Hero" could really exist in rl.
  387. >Directly after that Jr. goes to the place where Wolf's IP was. They confirm every apartment, everyone seems not to match be the place where Wolf lived, Except one place. Landlord says that the single no vacant apparent from 1 year ago, didn't use any electricity, the meter records show. Jr. without leads is convinced that Wolf would be able to have his own power source, but without any leads he must give up on the investigation.
  389. [Characters, Main character] = Main character which name is related with Wolf and freedom, his main motif is a boy who cried wolf. It is not required to actually use [Synapse] to play this game, though the Devs highly recommend that the players use it. For our Main character however, because he is a little below 24 Neet, Male, he doesn't really have the money to afford the device, and plays without it. Furthermore he actually lies other players that he is occasionally "feeling something" adding the eerie aspect of the game cryptic story. This is of course a placebo effect, which we don't get to learn until further in the story.
  391. = For his appearance, A tall man, dressed in black and other edgy colours. He has wild unkempt longish black hair and a small chin beard, glasses (John Leons or sunglasses), has a frock coat coated on shoulders or edges with a wolf fur, skinny leather pants with a oversized belt, and somekind of leather biker boots. He also have several chains that hand either on his buttons, shoes or belt. His weapon is a samurai-like Sword and a Double barrel hand shotgun in the other hand. He plays a Rogue class, and looks up strats at the secret wiki, aka Dust Loop, that is off google. Furthermore he uses a Harley-like Bike to travel the world. He also says takes smoke breaks in the RL, but he doesn't actually smoke, and one of his stamina recovery item in the game is a pack of cigars. His demeanour is that of a [Nomad] aka. a person who doesn't sits down and constantly moves.
  393. [Characters, Main antagonist] = [Ryszard G.]'s son, about 30 years old major in Economics and Marketing. He has invited into the company of his father because he couldn't find a job on his own regrettably. His responsibility was to successful sell the game, however because of the devs plan to involve GMs into the game itself, he was forced to take control of at least one of the mysterious Avatars in the game. His choice was [Lunar] (I might change the name later) A mysterious ghost like Moon Goddess that watches over silently over players. His goal as [Lunar] was to find players that are trying to find more about the "Ghost in the system" and deliver them a foreboding message, along with messing and scaring them.
  395. = However, his true goals is different. Fitting the name, [Lunar] or Eclipse, his life was forever shrouded in his father's Achievements. For example, he was regarded as one of the most influential video game developers of all time, and went to space at some time. His son however, loathe that such dreams should ever be possible for a single person, that it was all a twisted fate that younger people nowadays can't reach both economically and socially. Therefore his revenge plan was to sabotage his father's game, but do a twist of fate the game got really popular a little after the launch. Now he spends time figuring out why the players actually play this for and finds out that they are actually stuck in a dream-like fantasy that is this game. He then sets in motion plan that would reveal the game's hidden secrets, ruining the fun and illusion for the players, but he also can't do that openly or else he might get sued by breaching the NDA.
  397. "You should chase after your dreams they say. You should think realistically about your future they say. There is no way our generation is able to reach such ridiculous dreams, you guys might as well stop now."
  399. "The rabbit hole really goes down doesn't it? No, my goal was to prove that games are nothing but entertainment, that even if you became the main hero, you quit the game and return to reality feeling ever so empty. My father might have been right, but this generation is different, we can no longer afford to delve into out fantasies and day-dreams."
  401. [Characters, Ryszard G.] His name is a reference to one of the bigger names in Video game history. It is quite fitting because [Unwritten] is also a reference to Tabula Rasa. He is about 50-60 years old, he done a lot of things in life that normal people can only envy. His new-found interest into creating a Virtual MMO came from the fact many MMOs lacked the old design which he wanted to embrace but also because of the challenge. He is a loving parent albeit self-centred. His interests is Space travel and Roleplaying Games, especially the roleplaying part.
  403. "I saw what you have been doing and I knew what you wanted to learn. That's why I let you go."
  405. "If there was a mathematical way to reach happiness, any and every equation should be able to reach that point. However, clearly humans haven't reached that point of advancement, despite all this ever advancing new technology. For me personally, what I wanted to do was to bring myself to create something memorable, at least for myself. So as soon as I was satisfied, I found that I needed to move on onto different things. At the same time, I noticed how others enjoy my games, and that became my new goal. As long as I can do it for others, it is fine, and that is the extend of what I can do. I will never truly be satisfied of myself, I made mistakes I can't change, but this is the solution I came up with, the only one that I was able to reach."
  407. [Characters, Side characters] Not much is known of how I want the side characters connect with the story altogether, but I want to at least flesh out some concepts. Firstly all the characters have a different reason for playing the game. Second, all of them are adults, maybe with one exception. Lastly, even if they don't all agree with each other, or have different goals, they also each individually have reason to why they want to solve the mystery of the "Ghost AI".
  409. [WRose] = He supposed to be a player that is playing the game for the sake of feeling like a girl. Uses keyboard/voice recognition program with a voice synthesizer program instead of his real voice. The name and cutesy Avatar of a little girl supposed to symbolize his ideal version of himself. Even if you ask him if he is actually a girl, or is he actually transgender, he would rather say "I am just myself here." He is about 25~ or more, he has a job and have never been in a relationship because of his desire of having a second chance at life as a girl. Further more, his motivation of discovering the secret of the "Ghost AI" is to be recognized by friends as a girl. That being said, no one actually learns in the end. I think, rather than quitting the act, he would just quit the game altogether. He also makes music videos using synthesizers.
  411. = For WRose's appearance, She has a back tied princess-like brained medium Carnation pink hair, a white corset like shirt covered with shrug cardigan (With long sleeves, layering left to right), A bubble Skirt resembling rose with fluff that goes up from the waistline (See Candid), white tights with green rose-like vines, White Mary Janes with a fluff material on their Collar lining, all is finished with pedal and rose bud accessories. She Colour scheme is Green, White, Pink. Her weapon in a flowery staff. vines coming down and around the rod from the top which is a flower bud. The staff supposed to resemble a mic stand. Her posture is that of a small girl, she is rarely energetic in her emotes and sits down in Seiza.
  413. [Titania] = She is not very good at things in general, albeit trying hard, but at least she thinks she is good player. For that reason she really enjoys herself in a video game, and on top of that the mystery of the "Ghost AI" is really why she plays the game. It's a sensation that can't be simply replaced by anything for her. She is always cheerful and wears an optimistic/not serious face that is not bothered by failures. In RL she is just a high school kid (Around 17) and is a member of the School's running team.
  415. = Her appearance in the game is that of a fully armoured female paladin that has a long blonde pony tail that hands off her helmet. Her colours should be Gold, Heliotrope and Azure. Her weapon of choice is a giant two handed sword. Her behaviour is very sporadic, as she makes out of place jokes, and sits down with her legs straighten or bended.
  417. [Darku] An old guy who plays a female character. He is a nostalgia fan, always talking how this game is great and how it reminds him of his old times. He is about 30~, has a job and a family (Though he might be in separation), but he doesn't talk about his RL. He seeks connection with others the most, especially after learning of a "Mysterious AI ghost". His goal is to keep playing with people around him, to the extend of seeking a romantic relationship.
  419. = His character's appearance is that of an ambiguous Drow ranger of medium posture with her skin is lilak-like violet. Her hair is white, brained with a beads extension that covers her left red eye. She has a hooded long coat, a skirt and a shirt that resembles a school uniform, leather boots, and carries a arrow quiver. Her elf like ears either stick out of the hood or having holes in the hood, are pointy like an elf's would. Her weapon of choice is a long bow. The owner doesn't hide the fact that he is a male if asked, and that also gives her a boyish behaviour. sitting down with crossed over legs is her sitting emote.
  421. -Veteran WoW-player (Probably like a WoW-like name) Not sure if male, perhaps an ambiguous Custom Avatar? He plays this game because most of his guild members switched over another MMO into this. He is still playing WoW, being the leader of one of the most hardcore PvP and PvE guild on some server. He is pretty proud of his achievements overall, and has a high position in a programming related company. Knowing that the game is basically a stream you are watching, he was really septic about playing it at first, but now he is hooked up. He has no interested and time to search for a "Ghost" but is all open for a juicy info. I guess if he finds time between managing guilds on different games, he might join occasionally the MC's party. Furthermore, his views on PvP is to keep it to Arena only, he kinda hates PKing.
  423. [Rival Character-player] = Though his actual name Albert, everyone calls him from the main cast Anti-wolf. He is a self-proclaimed pvp master. I guess he is a male and a neet at similar age as the main character. He plays the same class, Rogue, and his motif might be A wolf or a fox or some predator. He is also a Neet because he is changing his jobs, but not really a neet because he actually does have a job set up, just he is not working atm. He also is very straight forward and likes to argue whenever he feels others tell a lie.
  425. [Characters, devs' Avatars] = Lunar, and several other GM controlled Avatars are totally invisible to players and have GM powers. Those powers can vary from their role, but they can do things like changing inventory, doing creepy things with your screen and [Synapse] and leave messages on textures and whatnot in an unknown Language that players have to decrypt. When players first experienced they they thought of them as secret npc quest or something, but that wasn't the case. They soon realised that they must like an AI in the game if not the GMs. However, because GMs themselves are not allowed to say anything about their secret, Under heavy financial consequences, the players stuck with the idea that those events are caused by a "Ghost AI" that is invisible. That idea was simply closer to the image of what the players actually wanted the MMO to be.
  426. Furthermore, the company declared that "No [Avalon] Employee is playing this game on different rules than the players" which was made into a Meme "Devs don't play".
  428. About Lunar's Appearance = Lunar, or what the players call her is a Moon Bunny, usually depicted as a lady or a girl that is wearing a large white coat and a Lunula around her neck, sometimes having a bunny-girl outfit, complete with bunny ears, underneath. A less common addition to her image is her carrying an Egg or being herself pregnant. The [Words] that are associated with her are; Rebirth/Change, Deceit/Falsehood and Ascension/Entitlement. When she appears to the players, they usually feel vast space or emptiness and hear or see children playing or crying. She also only appears at the night of full Moon (In the game).
  430. Other Devs' Avatars= The name Ares comes from the association with War. This "Ghost" supports conflict between player guilds, either giving them the means to do or a sign. Whenever there is war, it is usually caused by Ares, people say. However his [Words] rather than power conflict, they depict a conflict within a being. His fanart is pretty much what Ares, the Greek God, looks like.
  432. = Karma, as people call her or him, is a "Ghost" that sometimes visits PKs to bother them with monsters or He/she rewards players for helping each other. After that she/he them a message, making it known it was her/him. Because of Karma's [Words] being rather ambiguous, centered on balance. Players don't give Karma a gender in fanart. Additionally since people complained on forums that Karma killed them, the phrase "You got Karma'd" became a meme.
  434. [Words] and [Synapse] = Is it Important to note that because [Synapse] is such a mystery to how it actually works, [Words] and the existence of the "Ghost Avatars" can only be experienced via [Synapse]. Even if players where to screenshot or take a picture of the screen, the "vision" is experienced via brain. Since there where unsuccessful attempts on copying and emulating such data, it is considered that the information sent is in Quantum State.
  436. [Unwritten] narration about Humans who became Gods = The game official Lore is that many years ago, when the world was to end, humans living at the time decided to create a pocket world, the very same one that the players inhabit. Still, the Lore doesn't mention anything about the "Ghost AI". When they first did something, players thought this was a bug but at the same time received [Words] which made them think this was a GM event. A few forum topics later, it was generally decided that this message was sent by "Humans from many years ago" aka. "Ghost AI".
  438. = To further this decision, the secret of [Synapse] collided with someone posting a research on possible telepathy device that the [Synapse] company was researching. The theory behind that was "The ongoing research on Morphic fields that tested whenever it might be based on Quantum Data, should also tell if humans are able to deliberately tether into that field. That pose a further question, if is it possible for other than a <Living human> conciousness to exist inside Morphic fields?" Whenever that was an Alien or a dead person or an AI was up to the readers, but somehow the AI part stuck the most.
  440. ?
  442. ============================================================================================================
  444. ?The Gifted ones = Set in a 19 century that is kinda unstable politically and the power source allows for construction of railway and advanced weapons. In the midst of the turmoil, an accident happened and several people experience something dreadful.
  446. Visitants = They are monster from other worlds, it is unknown from where or why did they came, but even if several people wanted to pin that idea on new technology, the general public will deny it (Because without the Drapirit people will fear a war). They form is horrific, and hard to believe to others. Their abilities vary from their form and place of nesting.
  448. Drapirit = A fictional compound responsible for fuel. It is a crystallised black crystal containing tar, both of which can be used as a fuel. Crystals are harder to burn, and are easy to break, but the liquid is easier to manage. At this point of history, people developed a way to burn those crystals into a more useful energy than black powder. It's used in weapons, lamps, trains, ships and factories. Despite is being poisonous to the body, scientist are trying to find a way to neutralize the negative effects.
  450. The Gifted = people who were affected by Visitants. It is said that anyone can become one as long as they stay within the contact to them or other people affected. Only the gifted can see Visitants and only they can fight them. Additionally, because no one really wants that disease, people in general stay away from them, shoving them off.
  452. = The Gifted also receive powers that are special to each one of them, like seeing through walls and being able to reach through them to a certain extend. It is something that only the monster would do, therefore they are not welcome to using those powers. The power however only works within the affect zone, if they decide to leave they become just normal people which can infect others or invite Visitors to other cities.
  454. = Affected areas with monsters inside of them usually extend to entire buildings if not streets (For example, a museum). It is there where the society locks away the gifted, forcing them to live in a ghetto.
  456. Getting rid of monsters = Because the Gifted are treated as lower class and other people can't fight the visitants, the public supposed to help the affected to get rid of them, but they don't. Even if they help them, for example give them food or shelter, they will still not solve the problem of the monsters. Because of that Gifted live in poverty, hoping that if one day they clear the area out of monsters, they will be freed.
  458. About the plot = Orphanage full of young kids, up to 12 and several older ones, like 15-19. They live in a museum of history, on the first floor, the other floors are twisted by monsters who lurk in their zone. Our hero has the power to see through walls and reach out a hand thought it to a certain extend. Kids are generally unhappy and hungry all the times, they think about stealing from others, but there are armed guards that lock them behind a fence.
  460. About the themes = Parents abusing their children, or the younger generation, forcing them to do risky jobs with no pay. The monster designs are nightmares of adult people, which they refuse to deal with.
  462. Main character = Polek, is an imaginary friend without a clear past and when others touch him/her they don't feel the body. Powers are seeing through closeby walls and putting the hand through. She/he is forced into a male role.
  463. Once rich girl, she can't put up with being poor so she has expensive clothes on her at all times. She can make gold which melts in one day at specific times of the day (When the clock's hands meet or where they are parted by 180^). She is bossy and the leader of the guest hall group, she also is the master of Polek.
  464. A person who likes drawing. She/he is quite peaceful and doesn't want to use her power to control colour. She has to eat in order for her ability to work (Like eating bananas or eggs to control the yellow colour)
  466. ============================================================================================================
  468. ?Endre & Laifa ~ the Alchemist of Life and Death
  470. A story about a fictional fantasy world that can't end.
  472. In the beginning of the story 8 warriors return with spoils that suggest that they have a beast that "evil". From the scales and the "teeth" the group creates weapons of awesome power and become the royal guards that defend the kingdom. This induce the industrial revolution and by some reason the humanity enters the so called golden age.
  474. On the side, for some reason the old ways of making money, such as alchemy, is pushed away in favour for the new style of manufacturing. This is a problem for Laifandela (or Laifa for short) and her mother whose solely source of income is alchemy. They have to move out of the city and live in the country side, adapt to the environment and try running business there.
  476. This forces Laifa to help her mother, collect materials, fight monsters and learn alchemy... but one day she finds an giant egg and decided to take it home. She doesn't know what to do with it exactly, but her mother teaches her that "If the egg breaks, a life is lost. If the egg hatches, a life is born." With those words Laifa decided that she would try to make the egg hatch and...
  478. Eventually from the egg hatches a dragon-like creature which is adorable but also... a dragon. Dragons have been constantly depicted as evil creatures that bring the end of the world, thus they can't be allowed to live. But why would Laifa would kill an innocent creature, moreover something she grew emotional with? Hiding the truth from her mother, she decides to feed and rise the dragon on her own, but one day...
  480. As she was feeding her little hatchling, she gets bitten accidentally and bleeds profusely and almost dies, only saved by her mother discovering everything that happened. All this time the dragon, called Endre, looks at Laifa stupefied, not realising what has happened. As Laifa loses conciousness, she walks close to her and looks at the blood, curiously she starts licking the wound, and at that moment the mother enters.
  482. Obviously in this situation the mother instantly tries to murder the dragon without thinking, but the dragon escapes. Then she goes back to Laifa and tends to her wounds using alchemy. Some time passes and Laifa wakes up in a bed, with bandages and confused to what has happened. Her mother explains the situation, still not knowing of that it was her daughter that nurtured Endre all this time. From her point of view it was the little dragon that suddenly attacked her and almost killed her.
  484. Knowing so Laifa doesn't reveal the truth, but instead decides to become an adventurer both to get stronger and to find Endre. During this time, her mother is at first reluctant to her idea but then turns supportive. And so Laifa travels around the world, meets various people and have her own fair share of adventures, both with ups and downs. However something happens...
  486. At some point Laifa divulge her secret to others and combined with her alchemical power it worries the people around her. Knowing so, she wants to prove to everyone that she only desirers to help others, be it humans or otherwise. But that doesn't really click with the kingdom officials, so 8 Royal guards are send to apprehend her. When they met something happens and then...
  488. We go back to the story from the perspective of Endre, who grown up into a humanoid form that hides her tail and horns. The very first scene we see is her returning to Laifa's mother and treating her as she was her mother, saying like "Mother I'm home!" But that was of course her mistake, as she realises that person is not Laifa.
  490. After a small talk the two return to the topic of Laifa and her whereabouts. Her mother doesn't know she was captured so she says that her daughter is probably somewhere on an adventure. So this makes Endre also interested in adventuring as well. The other thing is that she also watched Laifa doing alchemy so she practised it and is also an alchemist who is an adventurer who is also a dragon, thus a little big stronger.
  492. And then, just like Laifa, she goes on an adventure and meets the same people, doing almost the same things etc... She is however a dragon, she is completely aware that if she comes clear she would be potentially murdered. But eventually she learns that Laifa... is not dead as she thought at first, since she did bite her unconsciously back in the day, but actually held captive in the capital for the rest of her life.
  494. So Endre obviously decides to rescue her. This is however not really possible since the 8 royal guards would surely kill her before she would be able to even catch a glimpse of her... unless she uses some kind of alchemy. Thus her quest of alchemy and self-improvement begins... only to realise that she grew as strong as she would be able to annihilate the entire of humanity in one go.
  496. Humanity doesn't seem to care, whatever goes. Hopelessness (Can't change) Futility (There is no way to change humanity)
  498. This power scares Endre, since she was shown kindness by Laifa, even though they were supposed to be mortal enemies according to the human logic. Thus instead she does what Laifa would do, try to improve the world by using alchemy... She does things like fixing crops, making monsters less often attack or giving people the means of gaining income... though there is a problem.
  500. As she tries to talk and figure out a solution to the problems of many, to the problems of her party members, she notices a pattern. No matter what she tries, there is no change, even human she ever met is seemingly stuck in a string of fate that sets their role in the world. This is no joke to her, and though she felt once overly powerful, now she is completely powerless. However...
  502. She also finds that helping not only humans, but monsters has merit. During her travels, simillary to Laifa, instead of killing everything on her path, she also helped invidual monsters to restore the natural order of the biome. This prespetice gave her an opporunity to learn more about how the human knowledge forces the monsters to be regarded as a threat, instead of a system that every living being is a part of.
  504. And so, the clues lead to her to the sky, wherein dragons supposely are born. There she finds a giant palace in the sky that is silk white. Inside she has to fight a giant boss or something. Of course she defeats it but is not really satisfied as many questions are still unaswered. She wanted to learn about the world but instead...
  506. After the battle Endre notices that the creature she was fighting was reborn right in front of her eyes. Previously it was a weird shape with a shield on the torso, but now it looked as it should, a giant blueish spider. Knowing that it could speak, she decides to asks her questions...
  508. The truth is revealed to her, many years ago when the skies were being reborn, the spider shredded its carpace unseccesfully, and dropped the old one into the world. 8 warriors found that and decided they would lie, bringing back the pieces and forging them into weapons and armour. However since the shreding was not completely only 7 out of 8 received the armour.
  510. Another thing also happened, because it took a little bit longer for the spider to shred, the clouds were not reformed in time and through the skies a thin line made through, a line of life. This margin of miscalucation gave birth to the only truly alive human, Laifa, which was not bound to the vocation.
  512. Now the world works interconnected between humans, monsters, plants etc... but there is no continuation. This is because as long as the threat of life from the outside is connected to this world, it can't move on from the state of perpetually sustaining itself. Yes, Endre can kill the spider again, but it will be instantly reborn. She can also kill everything the world, but so it will be also reborn.
  514. She can't fix anyone, she can't help anyone to pass over their state, their role. However, only she has the power of choose her own destiny... only her and Laifa. Thus to fix this problem she eventually have to make the choice, to kill Laifa and sever the life threat, enabling her world to progress once more.
  516. In the last scene we also learn that Laifa become eventually aware of her position, as she constatnly observed Endre from her cell using alchemy. Endre was the one in the end that was allowed to do stuff, as the world itself prevented Laifa, since she was a human. The dragon however, as an envoy of the spider was given the absolute power to end things, thus she was not subjected to world's will who truly improsoned Laifa, forcing her to become an observer.
  518. In the end Laifa doesn't want Endre to kill her, rather she wants to give life to the world. She believes that the soul that inhabited her all this time, which came from the outside, came in this world to learn. Whichever lesson it would be taking back... she doesn't know. She only wishes that her life's journey will be passed on, in that other world.
  520. Characters
  521. Laifa - Quite lively? Adventurous? Inquisitive? girl who is growing through the story. As she notices during her adventure that no one actually ages like her she is a little put off but... eventually she figures out why.
  523. Endre - Dragon. Originally a hatchling, she grows up to a girl the same size as normal people and behaving normally. However, she is also distant with humans, and tends to judge them from her own perspective.
  525. Something dad - I want to make a dad character who thought that was a really good dad, but eventually realises that he abused his position and forced his kid to do things that he eventually regreted. This is to say, he was like a King.
  526. "Don't become like me" Hammering down negative of yourself in others. (And therefore hurting them in process)
  528. Something sister - This character shows love to a lifeless doll. The implication of that is that she wasn't shown true love by anyone and loneliness caused her to avoid people altogether. However when she met the doll she discovered her "lifelessness" through mirrored appearance.
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