
Ana and (Jake) memo

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. [12:17] <fortuitousTenor> ** fortuitousTenor has joined Memo "General Chat" **
  2. [12:18] <fortuitousTenor> Wowza! This is the 1st time in a while I've seen this place so empty!
  3. [12:18] <fortuitousTenor> Anyone not AFK?
  4. [12:18] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm sort of here.
  5. [12:19] <bouncebackEschaton> Kind of doing something at the same time.
  6. [12:19] <bouncebackEschaton> Waiting to see if anything would happen.
  7. [12:19] <fortuitousTenor> Oh, alright then, how are you Eschaton?
  8. [12:19] <fortuitousTenor> By the way, what does Eschaton even mean?
  9. [12:20] <bouncebackEschaton> It's a scifi thing
  10. [12:20] <bouncebackEschaton> Post-singularity stuff.
  11. [12:20] <fortuitousTenor> You mean the stuff in the black holes?
  12. [12:20] <bouncebackEschaton> Sort of.
  13. [12:21] <bouncebackEschaton> It's kind of hard to describe.
  14. [12:26] <fortuitousTenor> I never had the patience to watch all those sciencey movies, I prefer musicals, I love singing in general in fact!
  15. [12:26] <bouncebackEschaton> Awesome!
  16. [12:26] <bouncebackEschaton> I can tell from the handle.
  17. [12:26] <fortuitousTenor> Why thank you!
  18. [12:27] <fortuitousTenor> Do you have any favorite music?
  19. [12:27] <bouncebackEschaton> Hmm...
  20. [12:27] <bouncebackEschaton> Lemme think...
  21. [12:28] <bouncebackEschaton> I dunno, it's pretty hard to pick just one.
  22. [12:28] <bouncebackEschaton> How about you?
  23. [12:31] <fortuitousTenor> I like the pop genre, and the one that has all those fancy beeps and boops. I can't remember what it was called.
  24. [12:31] <fortuitousTenor> It just gets you energetic!
  25. [12:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man I know!
  26. [12:31] <bouncebackEschaton> So awesome to listen to stuff like that!
  27. [12:33] <fortuitousTenor> I also like space, especially drawing space! Although it is easier to make images on my laptop then on paper.
  28. [12:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Cool!
  29. [12:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Can I see one of your pictures?
  30. [12:33] <fortuitousTenor> Sure!
  31. [12:34] <bouncebackEschaton> :D
  32. [12:35] <fortuitousTenor>
  33. [12:35] <fortuitousTenor> Sorry for the wait! I have sooo many downloads these days, I really need to clean the folder!
  34. [12:35] <bouncebackEschaton> Haha, fair enough
  35. [12:35] <bouncebackEschaton> You drew that?
  36. [12:36] <fortuitousTenor> I use imaging software on the computer.
  37. [12:36] <fortuitousTenor> So, more like a collage, sorta.
  38. [12:36] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, okay.
  39. [12:36] <bouncebackEschaton> Still, it looks really cool!
  40. [12:37] <fortuitousTenor> Thank you!
  41. [12:38] <fortuitousTenor> Nice to have someone who appreciates it, my mom is always going on and on about how I should go outside more often, and how pale I am, it just gets on my nerves sometimes!
  42. [12:38] <fortuitousTenor> :x
  43. [12:39] <bouncebackEschaton> Well I mean, it's pretty awesome to get outside too!
  44. [12:39] <bouncebackEschaton> Fresh air and the sun on your face, right?
  45. [12:40] <fortuitousTenor> That's true, but my parents think I should be outside almost the entire day! Just imagine how sunburnt I would get!
  46. [12:40] <bouncebackEschaton> Sunscreen!
  47. [12:40] <bouncebackEschaton> Great invention or greatest invention?
  48. [12:41] <bouncebackEschaton> (The answer is great, btw)
  49. [12:41] <bouncebackEschaton> (Telescopes are better, for one)
  50. [12:41] <fortuitousTenor> It would be if it didn't feel so slimy on my skin! :(
  51. [12:42] <bouncebackEschaton> Ugh, I know what you mean.
  52. [12:42] <bouncebackEschaton> But they make stuff that dries right away, you know!
  53. [12:43] == Jaczac [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  54. [12:44] <bouncebackEschaton> Even if that's not your thing, you could always go outside at night.
  55. [12:44] <bouncebackEschaton> That's what I do sometimes.
  56. [12:44] == Jaczac|DM [~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:3111:5665:b95f:3450] has quit [Ping timeout: 206 seconds]
  57. [12:44] <bouncebackEschaton> Just sit and stare at the stars, you know?
  58. [12:44] <fortuitousTenor> I think it's scary at night.
  59. [12:44] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, that's understandable.
  60. [12:45] <bouncebackEschaton> Never know when you're going to run into some creep, right?
  61. [12:45] <fortuitousTenor> Not many streetlamps where I live, so that is even worse!
  62. [12:45] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man, that's awful
  63. [12:45] <bouncebackEschaton> :( :( :(
  64. [12:45] <fortuitousTenor> I'll have to carry a lantern around or something!
  65. [12:45] <fortuitousTenor> XD
  66. [12:46] <bouncebackEschaton> Does your house have a roof? You could always head up there!
  67. [12:46] <fortuitousTenor> Well duh, what house doesn't?
  68. [12:46] <fortuitousTenor> :)
  69. [12:47] <bouncebackEschaton> :D
  70. [12:47] <bouncebackEschaton> You know what I mean!
  71. [12:47] <fortuitousTenor> But I don't think there is a latch up to the roof, to be honest!
  72. [12:47] <bouncebackEschaton> That would be what I meant.
  73. [12:48] <bouncebackEschaton> Not much good if you can't get to it.
  74. [12:48] <fortuitousTenor> I didn't know most houses had a latch to the roof anyways.
  75. [12:49] <bouncebackEschaton> I dunno if most do.
  76. [12:49] <bouncebackEschaton> But I'm sure at least some have a way up.
  77. [12:49] <bouncebackEschaton> If it's flat, you could try using a ladder!
  78. [12:50] <fortuitousTenor> I suppose I could!
  79. [12:50] <fortuitousTenor> I just hope there are no bees up there. :( I hate bees.
  80. [12:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, me too.
  81. [12:51] <bouncebackEschaton> But they need flowers, right? Does your house have a garden or anything?
  82. [12:52] <fortuitousTenor> Yes! But it is a vegetable garden, we have a lot of clover weeds though, and I think they are attract to them.
  83. [12:52] <bouncebackEschaton> :(
  84. [12:52] <bouncebackEschaton> That's too bad.
  85. [12:52] <bouncebackEschaton> But remember, they're just as scared of you as you are of them!
  86. [12:53] <fortuitousTenor> I don't know, they swarmed me once when I was turning on the sprinkler!
  87. [12:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Were they actually stinging, though?
  88. [12:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Bees are supposed to be real smart.
  89. [12:55] <fortuitousTenor> I didn't wait to find out, I just started running!
  90. [12:56] <bouncebackEschaton> :(
  91. [12:57] <bouncebackEschaton> At the very least, it's worth taking a look at the roof first.
  92. [12:57] <fortuitousTenor> I guess you are right, I'll go get off and do that!
  93. [12:57] <fortuitousTenor> Bye Eschaton!
  94. [12:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Bye!
  95. [12:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Good luck!
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