
Gilgamesh at the library

Jan 16th, 2015
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  1. <gilgamesh_> im at the library and i think this dude is going to jihad
  2. <Suc> Livestream
  3. <chaosagent> lol
  4. <Suc> Plz
  5. <nbka> pics
  6. <gilgamesh_> or hes the most insane muslim ever
  7. <Suc> Lol, but why do you think that?
  8. <gilgamesh_> this dude is straight having a conversation with himself
  9. <Product> definitely livestream
  10. <-- Tskloz (~androirc@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  11. <Product> See something say something
  12. <-- Fear (4bb0511e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  13. <gilgamesh_> when a muslim whispers loudlu to himself "we are all going to die" you know the ahit has hit the fan
  14. <Suc> Hahahha
  15. <Suc> Are you in the office of a satirical magazine?
  16. <-- gilgamesh_ (cebc3f3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  17. <Suc> Is he ded
  18. <phobos> lot of seconds
  19. <nbka> cicada found him
  20. <Product> hmmmmmmmmm
  21. <Product> that's not good
  22. <phobos> well that other guy, Tskloz, timed out with 240 seconds. not worried about him?
  23. <nbka> double standards when talking about muslims after an attack
  24. <Suc> He didn't mention a creepy jihadist before timing out
  25. <Suc> (I'm not implying he's actually a jihadist, it was for humour's sake)
  26. <nbka> of course
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