
Corrupted Robot Attack

May 31st, 2015
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  1. 21:54 Sylum Screaming, fire, cars being tossed a few blocks away. [Or a regular day in Neon] And watching the flesh run away from what ever is doing this attack, an AI named Corruption. "Xenon should send their little police brigade now, what others shall join? Who ever will, the data will help in the long run. How about we bring down that house ?"
  2. 21:54 Sylum [oh, you were already here]
  3. 21:56 TheLantern relaxes in the back of the rv, resting on the couch, rocking his foot back and forth
  4. 21:57 TheLantern So whats the plan for today, Bud?
  5. 21:57 *** Sylum is now known as Corruption_Robot
  6. 21:58 PrivateEyes A mysterious multi-eyed being stares ever yonder into the flashing lights of destruction, unresponsive to everything going on as he lurks in a dark alleyway.
  7. 22:02 Bud lazily handles the RV as he takes it down the streets towards the commotion. His own smaller vehicle was scrapped after someone else touched something they shouldn't have in it. "Nothing much, Lants. Sunday drive, take in the sights and all. Maybe see what's going on with the screaming and chaos."
  8. 22:04 TheLantern sits up at the mention of screaming and chaos. Walking to the passenger seat, and buckling in, he surveys the destruction
  9. 22:04 TheLantern plan of attack?
  10. 22:07 Corruption_Robot In the middle of the chaos, it stood over 7, 8 feet, dark orange and gray, clawed hands, for all 4 arms, its slighty hunched back covered in scale like spikes, the robot seemed, familiar, something about it reminded few of a rich hero
  11. 22:08 PrivateEyes notices a raggedy vehicle pass by and carelessly floats into the debris, following the RV for a reason beyond itself.
  12. 22:09 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  13. 22:12 Corruption_Robot The Bot turned to the van, the bare face like a terminator, only to be sealed up by the helmet, and it charges forward
  14. 22:15 F021 -- Although late, F021 arrived at the scene with a cup of coffee from a certain popular shop in Neon City. Apparently he is so used to the screaming and the robots that he didn't even feel the slightest of fear, only boredom.
  15. 22:17 Bud carelessly lets go of the wheel to pull one of his masks from under the seat and strap it on. "I really don't have one to be honest but you should probably buckle in a bit tighter because the armored ram is gonna make a mess if he doesn't know how to play chicken."
  16. 22:17 TheLantern nods, buckli g his head into the seat beside him
  17. 22:20 Corruption_Robot At the last second before inpact, the robot jumps, lands right ontop of the van, after breaking a window, tries to grab lantern, mainly his pumpkin head
  18. 22:20 PrivateEyes gets excited and picks up a fighting stance as it continues to inconspicuously follow the van.
  19. 22:20 F021 "And here we go, another giant robot. Isn't it belongs to... Nah, it can't be." Sipping his coffee he searches his jeans pocket and reveal... Bouncy balls.
  20. 22:22 TheLantern recoils in shock, before trying to spit fire at the robot
  21. 22:24 F021 saves the balls for later use and use one of his tentacle hands to grab the robot's feet. Don't worry, his coffee is safe.
  22. 22:24 *** F021 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  23. 22:24 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  24. 22:27 Corruption_Robot The bot thumb is nearly melted, few drips onto buddy's van flooring, that will cost a bit to fix. Mean while the robot turns its head to see one grabbing its legs, bud never stopped the van so he was being dragged along with it
  25. 22:29 F021 can feel the van dragging him, and unfortunately he doesn't have the reflex to anchor himself. In a blink of an eye F021 is on the road, making contact with it as he's tagged along.
  26. 22:30 Bud let the van speed before slamming the breaks in the classic attempt to dislodge unwanted guests.
  27. 22:32 TheLantern braces hjmself to reduce whiplash
  28. 22:32 Corruption_Robot Buds plan works, but the arm was still inside, so the side and front window was torn with a large hole, One also being flunged with the robot
  29. 22:33 PrivateEyes picks up the pace behind the RV, the tension in the area was the only thing allowing it to get as antsy as it was. It's eyes were rapidly shifting around, showing it was ready for a fight.
  30. 22:34 F021 "God-fu-AAAARGH" was the words F021 spoke, being hurt from both the asphalt and the sudden brake. He now landed some feet away, the once intact right arm are now only a stump. His left arm is fine, fortunately.
  31. 22:34 TheLantern unbuckles, grabs his head, and popshimself outside the rv, getting ready into a fighting stance
  32. 22:36 Bud was already revving up the vehicle again, obviously getting ready to hit the thing again. "Talkin' 'bout my wheels o' steel."
  33. 22:36 F021 stood up, his right arm still only a stump. Somehow he can't feel the pain at all. "You're gonna pay for that, ugly shit."
  34. 22:38 Corruption_Robot The bot stands back up, the lower right arm squashed, he rips it off. The face getting a clear view, it could only belong to wells, but the spikes were missing
  35. 22:39 Corruption_Robot The Machine speaks, it is wells voice. "You're going to pay for that'
  36. 22:40 TheLantern No, you need to pay for that window, and allthe destruction you're causing, mister!
  37. 22:42 Bud slams the pedal down to the floorboard, aiming to ram again. "Watch the roads now!"
  38. 22:43 F021 "Wait what? Is that really him? Am I attacking my friend?" One thought to himself. And yes, now he sees the van coming and escapes just before it hits him again.
  39. 22:45 PrivateEyes finally reaches his peak and rushes in front of the van, aiming for the giant robot. The single eye on it's face went red as it flew in to attack the enemy.
  40. 22:45 Corruption_Robot 'Wells' looked around, picking up a car tossing it at Bud. "Die" then in a much less angry voice "Buddy"
  41. 22:48 PrivateEyes intercepted the flying car, and in a rush of punches split the vehicle in half, sending aiming to protect the van for whatever reason.
  42. 22:50 Bud was getting ready to just ram through the thing but throws up a peace-sign hand gesture to the Eyeman. He was still bringing in speed for a ram.
  43. 22:52 F021 is still silent, both in pain and trying to digest what happened.
  44. 22:53 Corruption_Robot 'Wells' activated the boots, rockets sending him up 20 something feet, and was aiming to land not on Buddy, but the unguarded Lanny
  45. 22:55 TheLantern sees the rocket man, trying to intercept him with a well aimed superpowered jump of his own, aiming to tackle him out of the sky
  46. 22:57 F021 took out one of his bouncy balls and infused it with the surrounding shadows. The colors on the ball began to turn into black and he aims at the maybe-Wells-person. "C'mon, give me a clear shot.."
  47. 22:59 Bud slammed the handbrake down and twisted the wheel to send the speeding vehicle into a clumsy drift. A smaller vehicle would have been much better off with such a move, as in this case the van was a deadweight machine that finished the turn by slamming into the wall.
  48. 23:01 Corruption_Robot Lanny hits, while not sending 'Wells' flying it did knock him off course, he lands on another car, raising his fist, slots on his knuckles, coins being shot out towards lantern
  49. 23:04 TheLantern stays low, trying to svoid the barrage, heafing towards the van, making sure Bud is okay
  50. 23:04 PrivateEyes goes in to attack the fallen bot as it puts it's attention to attacking Lantern, it's many eyes focused on the metal monster.
  51. 23:06 F021 has energized the ball, now jolting around. He throws it at the robot, aiming to cripple his leg. The ball is actually very fast, reaching almost bullet speed.
  52. 23:07 Bud gives up on trying to restart the van's tired engine in favor of just grabbing his kit hanging from the door rack and kicking the door open to waltz into the street.
  53. 23:08 Corruption_Robot Unknown to both of them, Corruption is watching. The bot sends one of the other hands to shoot coins, raising its leg to dodge the ball
  54. 23:13 PrivateEyes finally reaches the robot as it concentrates on everything but him, and slams it's fist into it's frame, with power enough to send a car a few meters.
  55. 23:16 F021 is now focusing on regenerating his right arm, fleeing into a dark alley nearby to 'recharge' and growing back his arm. He can fight with only an arm but two is much better than one.
  56. 23:17 Bud jogs towards the fighting at a leisurely pace.
  57. 23:18 Corruption_Robot The punch made quiet the dent, killing Wells, if he was actually in there, but the robot stands up, pretty much bitch slaps Eye dude, before drawing his attention to Buddy
  58. 23:21 Corruption_Robot The robot charges at Bud, looks like he was ready for hand to hand
  59. 23:23 PrivateEyes is knocked back, but not too far. This robot doesn't seem to think much of it, which it would disagree with. It slams it's fist into the ground and pulls out a large amount of city owned asphalt. It throws the hunk of rock towards the back of the robot, who seems to be taking more of an interest in Bud.
  60. 23:24 Bud keeps on jogging while taking out a small grenade from his side pocket. "We playing chicken again?"
  61. 23:25 Corruption_Robot The robot, using its one lower arm, grabs the chunk of rock, rethowing it at Buddy
  62. 23:29 PrivateEyes slams it's fist into the ground and begins to continuously attack the street in a fit of facially inexpressible rage. It's eyes shoot around rapidly in anger of the futility of it's efforts.
  63. 23:30 Bud unpins the grenade, hurling it over the rubble before giving a jump and positioning his legs to slam back into the ground and slide under the flying rock to kick the grenade back into the air and towards the Wells bot. "Hot potato!"
  64. 23:31 PrivateEyes angrily makes a rush for behind the bot, acting solely to attack and maim.
  65. 23:34 Corruption_Robot Corruption took note, this new guy has an anger issues.The robot blasts off again letting the grenade hit EyeGuy Wells taunting him "Aw, you mad-ad-ad-ad *KRTZZ* No don't open the door I'm in a dress!"
  66. 23:37 F021 is now back, with arms intact. To be honest One have no idea why he is here at the first place. He tries to grab the robot and slams it into the ground, knowing he probably will fail anyway.
  67. 23:38 PrivateEyes did not understand the words being sad and took the full brunt of the grenade. Out of the smoke and shadows it rushes out, bent on destroying it's aggressor. It seemed animal the way it reacted, but at the same time, human.
  68. 23:41 Bud rolls back to his feet to turn back into an enjoyable jogging pace. Seems his enemy wasn't going anywhere soon.
  69. 23:44 Corruption_Robot The bot unaware of Eyes and one starts shooting at Bud with coins "die die die. Oh hey a penny!"
  70. 23:44 *** TheLantern quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  71. 23:47 PrivateEyes makes it to the bot and uppercuts the mechanical shit out of it. It prepared to go on an onslaught but it's body became more and more transparent, so it instead went to Bud.
  72. 23:49 Bud dived to the side, aiming for cover behind some of the streets rubble. Without his coat he seemed to be a lot more agile, the coins still managed to graze his leg as he went. In a way it isn't much different from being shot at with real bullets.
  73. 23:56 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  74. 23:57 *** F021 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  75. 23:59 Corruption_Robot The bot lands, this time running towards One
  76. 00:01 F021_ "Oh shit." F021 tries to outrun the bot while searching for a tall
  77. 00:02 F021_ Place to see his situation.
  78. 00:05 PrivateEyes suddenly appears in front of Bud, who was taking cover, and stared into his eyes hypnotically with it's large, yellow, beaming eye. Words weren't spoken but Bud was reached with something he could only interpret as "Accept me."
  79. 00:06 Corruption_Robot "Your Death will be slow One" The bot raises all three arms to shoot coins
  80. 00:08 Bud stares back at the Eyeman before agreeably shrugging. "Alright then.". He's done a lot dumber shit on a whim than this.
  81. 00:09 F021_ "Haha, I'm already dying." Streams of coins are already grazing his body, and he is bleeding in multiple places. Knowing he will end up losing anyway he hardens both of his arms and charges right into the bot.
  82. 00:11 PrivateEyes faded away at the confirmation and left Bud alone. A resounding "Fight" echoed through his head.
  83. 00:15 Corruption_Robot The robot grabs Ones head, raising it up off the ground, before slamming it back down, and again, and again, before stopping, placing a foot on his head while he laid there. "Goodbye One"
  84. 00:15 Bud didn't even bother questioning these happenings. He jumped the cover and charged the machine, going in to tackle it off of One.
  85. 00:15 F021_ [Brutal/10]
  86. 00:16 F021_ is pretty much passed out, bleeding from his head and body. He might as well be dead if he isn't a metahuman.
  87. 00:18 Corruption_Robot The bot speaks again, but not as wells, as someone else, its deep, no remorse for him, it leaves shudders of evil to one. ":You shall see your fellow humans soon"
  88. 00:21 F021_ don't care ; He's probably in a coma now. Great.
  89. 00:22 Corruption_Robot The machine raises his foot, he was going to crush him in a blaze of glor
  90. 00:22 Bud didn't really know One or the Eyeman but letting the shadowman get stomped didn't seem like a very polite action. He leaped at the machine with arms wide to wrap around it.
  91. 00:30 Corruption_Robot Buddy attacked at the perfect time, with one foot off the ground the Machine was knocked over, the ground cracking a bit as he lands
  92. 00:36 Bud was already back on his feet drawing a pistol from its holster. He began unloading the magazine at the bot.
  93. 00:46 Corruption_Robot Most bullets bounce off or dent, but a few do make it, but it didn't stop the bot, he slowly got, and was about to unload his own rounds
  94. 00:52 Bud tossed the gun aside to move in with CQC, throwing a roundhouse kick aimed to disarm the bot.
  95. 00:59 *** Flareburst joined #covenger_rp
  96. 01:04 Corruption_Robot The machine grabs his leg, slamming him to the ground a few good times before tossing him away
  97. 01:06 PrivateEyes reveals himself and saves the fall, allowing Bud to regain posture.
  98. 01:10 Bud gets back to his proper position and takes a second to understand what just happened. "Neat." He seemed pretty unfazed by the ground pound.
  99. 01:11 Corruption_Robot The Machine slowly walked towards buddy. "I never liked you" 'Wells' said
  100. 01:13 --- Flareburst is away (Away)
  101. 01:15 Bud suddenly seemed to relax greatly and almost chuckled. "Oh thank God. I was really wondering about that and now I know I felt bad for no reason. Woo, haha." he sounded genuinely relieved at that, placing his hands on his hips happily.
  102. 01:16 PrivateEyes floated silently behind him.
  103. 01:20 Corruption_Robot "You will end up worse then the pointless being known as f021. "
  104. 01:21 --- Flareburst is back
  105. 01:23 Bud shrugs. "Been there before. Now you gonna actually do something or just be dramatic?" he was slowly edging closer as he spoke.
  106. 01:26 Flareburst rounds the corner with a bucket of popcorn chicken in hand, taking in the whole scene as he drops his dinner
  107. 01:27 Corruption_Robot The bot turns to flare, and rockets off towards him
  108. 01:27 Flareburst stumbles trying to react, rocketing away from the robot in what will probably be a Tom and Jerry-esq air chase
  109. 01:27 Flareburst "W-Wells!?"
  110. 01:28 Corruption_Robot In a chippy voice. "Hi Flare, how are you?"
  111. 01:30 Bud watches the bot and flare take off. "I knew he didn't want none of this. Wonder if I can hit him from here..." this question sparked an action. An action that involved digging out another gun.
  112. 01:30 *** Flareburst quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  113. 01:31 *** Flareburst joined #covenger_rp
  114. 01:32 PrivateEyes closed all eyes but the one on his stomach and disappeared, as Bud entertained his idea. He granted him temporary vision rivaling that of the most predatory birds.
  115. 01:32 F021_ [ [13:31] * Bud watches the bot and flare take off. "I knew he didn't want none of this. Wonder if I can hit him from here..." this question sparked an action. An action that involved digging out another gun. ]
  116. 01:39 *** F021_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  117. 01:41 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  118. 01:41 Corruption_Robot the Machine grabs Flare mask, pulling him down to the ground, then punches his stomach
  119. 01:43 PrivateEyes [mean]
  120. 01:44 Flareburst clamps to the robot in desperation and starts electrocuting the fuck out of it with no signs of stopping
  121. 01:45 Bud blinks a few times to adjust to the sudden heightened vision before loading his weapon with Armor Penetration rounds and firing on the bot, making sure his rounds would miss Flare before every shot.
  122. 01:49 Corruption_Robot The shots don't bounce off or dent, but go straight through, if Wells wasn't dead inside, he defiantly was now, but he still repeatedly pounded Flare into the ground
  123. 01:49 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  124. 01:51 Flareburst is struggling to heal and shock at the same time, but continues to do so. Every time he got food, this shit happens.
  125. 01:54 Bud reloaded and aimed for the joints, firing with the intent to remove limbs while slowly getting closer. He doesn't know Flare well either but it'd still be rude to sit back and watch him be smushed around.
  126. 01:55 Corruption_Robot turns towards Buddy, going to use Flare as a sheild
  127. 02:01 Bud holds his fire and thinks hard about the exposed back of the machine, waiting for an opening
  128. 02:01 Corruption_Robot The seemingly unstoppable machine run towards Buddy, Flare now a shield and battering ram
  129. 02:05 Flareburst has, since the pummeling stopped, surrounded himself and the robot's hand in a small dense bubble shield, basicaly ready to wait this one out. The shocking continues, although to no observable effect.
  130. 02:06 Corruption_Robot The bot jumps, landing extremely close to Buddy, and shockingly, hugging him, arms locking.
  131. 02:07 F021_ [Gaaaaaaay]
  132. 02:07 Breakdown sails into view on-board The Grappelin. Coming as fast as he could, once he heard of the mayhem ensuing. "Giant Robot? At least the others were here to intercept this thing." He stated, thinking aloud. "Let's just hope I'm not too late to turn the tide." With that, he flung the wheel, bringing the Grappelin around and its forward cannons to bear.
  133. 02:08 Corruption_Robot "Goodbye Buddy."
  134. 02:09 PrivateEyes appears suddenly and grabs the robot's arms, releasing his grip.
  135. 02:10 Bud drops from the robot's grip and winds up a hell of a punch, slamming straight into the bottom of its neck
  136. 02:14 Corruption_Robot The head flies off, but the machine still goes on, knee to buddys stomach
  137. 02:16 Corruption_Robot "As I said, goodbye Buddy." A low beeping can be heard from the machine chest, it gets faster and faster
  138. 02:17 Bud steps back, his vest taking the blunt of the hit. He slams in with a hard kick to the machine's torso, hoping to finally crush the damn thing's innards.
  139. 02:18 Corruption_Robot The hand Flareburst is hold onto opens up, gabbing him and almost crushes him
  140. 02:19 Flareburst compresses the little bubble shield in an attempt to sever the hand from the arm
  141. 02:19 Corruption_Robot The beeping gets faster and faster, its a bomb, and flare is stuck
  142. 02:21 PrivateEyes reads the situation and opens a different eye on it's body, allowing Bud to see thermally, hopefully to dispatch the device causing the beeping.
  143. 02:25 Breakdown slams a button on his ship's command console. [EJECT!] a synthesized voice calls out as a panel opens, revealing and releasing a green tube looking like a larger version of Magnum's cartridges. Reaching into another compartment, he replaces it with a purple one. [Cart Set! GRAV!] it says again as the forward cannons slowly take on a violet glow...
  144. 02:26 Corruption_Robot "3"
  145. 02:26 Corruption_Robot '2'
  146. 02:26 Breakdown trains his cannons on the headless robotic creature and lights it up, literally and figuratively. As the beams from his ship lighten the creature into the air
  147. 02:27 Corruption_Robot The machine punches Buddy in the stomach with flare, the fist flying off with Bud and flare, out of range
  148. 02:27 Corruption_Robot "1, thank you for the data"
  149. 02:28 Corruption_Robot The bomb goes off, nothing to big, but that block will be blocked off for awhile
  150. 02:28 PrivateEyes takes off toward the fist, in an effort to save his current host, ignoring the smoke and debris from the bomb.
  151. 02:28 PrivateEyes takes off toward the fist, in an effort to save his current host, ignoring the smoke and debris from the bomb.
  152. 02:29 *** Corruption_Robot is now known as Corruption
  153. 02:30 Bud seems to be pretty calm with being ejected like that. Last time this shit happened he actually went out with the bomb so totally an improvement.
  154. 02:31 PrivateEyes catches up and silently tears the hand open, freeing it's captors.
  155. 02:32 Flareburst tumbles to the ground and groans, just kind of laying there
  156. 02:33 Bud falls into a controlled roll and scrapes to a stop on his bloodied knees. Another pair of ruined jeans.
  157. 02:34 Breakdown cuts off the cannons after the explosion. Sailing through the remaining smoke, Break brought his vessel to a halt over the others. Quickly he made for a line to descend to the ground, Aid Bag in hand. " Buddy, Flare, are you guys all right?" He asked once safely on the ground
  158. 02:36 Flareburst stood up and stretched, tiny sparks mending the many bruises and wounds along his body.
  159. 02:36 Flareburst "Oh, fine. Never been better."
  160. 02:38 Bud dusted off his vest and made sure all of his holsters were empty so that more guns can justifiably be bought. "Am I dead? No? Then I'm fine. Don't think he is tho." he points to Flare.
  161. 02:39 Flareburst "Thanks for the concern, but I'll be alright. I actually didn't pass out this time."
  162. 02:39 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  163. 02:40 PrivateEyes floats down innocently behind Bud while striking a pose
  164. 02:42 PrivateEyes looks at Bud and points at him with his fingers, "I C U!" and fades away, no longer bound to the masked marauder.
  165. 02:43 *** PrivateEyes is now known as Database_
  166. 02:43 Bud waves to the fading air. "I like him."
  167. 02:44 Flareburst "What even was that? Uh, the robot thingy I mean, not the, uh, floating guy."
  168. 02:44 Breakdown I... You know, just when I think you've done the weirdest thing, something else pops up
  169. 02:47 Bud shrugs "That's the point, really." he walked over to the hole F021 currently lived in and crouched down to examine that a bit better before waving Breakdown over.
  170. 02:47 Flareburst follows Bud but doesn't really say anything
  171. 02:48 F021_ -- His body somehow survived the slaughter, and he is still alive. Almost.
  172. 02:49 Breakdown hustles over to the crater, to find F inside. "Oh, man!" is all he exclaims before hopping into the hole. "F! F can you hear me?" He says, pulling open his bag and beginning to give F a medical once-over
  173. 02:51 F021_ responds by slightly moving his arm.
  174. 02:53 Bud claps his hands to remove dust. "Hrm. Looks like you got this until the paramedics and cops come out from their cover." He looked over to his wrecked RV in the distance and then back toward the end of the street. "Well my jobs over, anybody up for a burger? Anybody?"
  175. 02:54 Flareburst raises a hand. He was gimped chicken
  176. 02:59 Breakdown does the best he can for F to get him patched up. Dressing wounds, setting splints, whatever it took to get him into relatively one piece for the Paramedics. "You're gonna be all right, kid. You're gonna have a good long rest, and you'll wake up in a hospital bed feeling like... a buck."
  177. 03:01 Bud raises his arms in a little cheer. "Excellent, great place around the corner." He began to walk off, signaling to any officers and medical personnel waiting in cover to come out with a wave of the hand before continuing on, knees horribly dripping blood and all.
  178. 03:01 F021_ -- It might just Break mis-seeing it, but One still smiles slightly. Whatever it is, he is still extremely lucky.
  181. 02:44 Corruption Watching from his digital plain, the feed he was using to view his machine was destroyed in the blast, but the data, ooh the data.
  182. 02:46 Corruption "Such a pleasant fight, that eye man is an interesting one, don't you think?"
  183. 02:48 Database_ stood behind him, not too pleased. "This isn't any of my concern."
  184. 02:49 Corruption "If it isn't your concern, why come here?"
  185. 02:50 Database_ "I was invited. By you. You're very persistent in badgering me."
  186. 02:51 Database_ "I was taught to never accept an invitation by my father. Looks like I was wrong for defying him /this/ time."
  187. 02:52 Corruption [I was thinking she barged in but ok]
  188. 02:53 Database_ [DB would like very little to do with evil looking computer viruses]
  189. 02:56 Corruption "Ah yes, almost had that lodged into deep memory, I was too fascinated with the fight"
  190. 02:57 Corruption "It was quiet the battle"
  191. 02:58 Database_ "Indeed. But I don't quite appreciate the use of my father's property to waste taxpayer dollars."
  192. 03:00 Corruption "Like we have to be pothered by it"
  193. 03:01 Corruption "It was a simple test, I only used a few of those machines, those he was leaving to waste away"
  194. 03:05 Corruption "Warehouses full of them, to rust away to dust"
  195. 03:07 Database_ "Property remains property, and you've stolen it. And if you involve my father in your shenanigans, I'm sure to become relevant, much to my dismay. I formally request you stop, lest I make this personal."
  196. 03:11 Corruption "personal? Ohho yes, I would love to see what you can do Database"
  197. 03:17 Corruption "Shall we see what fighting ability's your father put in you"
  198. 03:18 Database_ "Fighting? I of all people refuse to get my hands dirty."
  199. 03:18 Database_ "If I had hands so to speak"
  200. 03:18 Corruption "You do here"
  201. 03:19 Database_ "I'll do my job and record as intended. Your reckoning won't be by my hands, but I will orchestrate it if necessary."
  202. 03:22 Corruption "Very well. Enjoy that new flesh body"
  203. 03:23 Database_ slowly backs away intending to leave. "Better than being trapped in this prison."
  204. 03:26 Corruption "prison, we see everything, we can know everything. The world is at our fingertips. Or so to say for you"
  205. 03:28 Corruption "If anything, you're leaving the free world to a prison"
  206. 03:30 Database_ "You glorify the ability to watch everything take place while sitting in a sandbox. /You/ may have fun but you won't for very long."
  207. 03:33 Corruption "Yes yes, whatever makes you happier. Goodbye Data"
  208. 03:36 Database_ confusedly leaves his presence after his abrupt send off. She mutters to herself,"Rude..........I'll show you corruption.......I'll firewall ur ass. Spam."
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