
Never Contact Me Again

Aug 26th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Right off the bat, I just want to tell everyone in the speedrun community: steer clear of Tharixer and Rozer.
  2. I'm going to break this down for them, so that they finally understand what I have had to deal with for years now. I'm also going to try to keep this as short as humanly possible. Every year, I deal with something negative not from the Jak community as a whole, but from Tharixer and Rozer.
  3. To start things off in chronological order, what you have heard from the Luigi's Mansion speedrun community is true. Getting the WRs in Luigi's Mansion was something big for me. When there were runners that finally matched and even surpassed my times, I felt extremely threatened. It made me into a very bitter person and made me say things I shouldn't have said. That part is very true. I apologize to those earlier members of the LM community, as I was a very very sore loser. I know that there has been a lot of time that has elapsed since then and I am not proud of that time in my life as it was a very unhealthy way to stream and maintain relationships. To those I have hurt, I deeply apologize.
  4. It is true I had a very good relationship with Zeplins in the Jak and Daxter community. I have countless good memories of spending hours in Skype calls with Zeplins and another friend of mine, who I will not name, but if they are reading they can address themselves, BUT I have absolutely no recollection of ever engaging in more than a few words with Tharixer and Rozer over voice chat. I genuinely do not remember talking with them that much back then. In fact, I can only count on one hand the amount of times I actually physically spoke with Tharixer and Rozer and a few of the earlier runners (and to those runners I mean no offence). I remember talking to Tharixer and Rozer a few times in chat, but hardly ever outside of the stream. I don't remember sharing any strats with them at all as they ran separate games.
  8. I SPECIFICALLY remember telling Rozer (YES, YOU ROZER), that I didn't want to be a part of the community. I specifically told him that I didn't want ANYTHING to do with the community skype calls, mumble, messages, ANYTHING. I told him that before any drama between myself and the Jak and Daxter community EVER went down. THIS WAS IN 2014. Rozer said that that was fine. I didn't tell him at the time, but I did not want a repeat of what happened with the Luigi's Mansion community happening again. I knew that if some runners were to take the WRs I got in the early days of Jak running that I would be angry at them and I didn't want to be a part of the community for that reason. These messages are lost but I distinctly remember having this conversation and everything was presumably fine with me not being in the community.
  10. As for the ignoring of strats in my chat, I don't remember purposefully ignoring them. If I didn't see them in my chat, which Tharixer and Rozer say was absolutely flooded with people (which is a bad thing apparently), then I apologize. As for Boulder Skip, I literally don't remember taking credit for the trick at all. I don't even recollect finding it online. I don't even recollect Rozer calling me out on trying to take credit for the trick and I don't remember banning him for it.
  12. In fact, let me dive into something else.
  13. It is true that I banned a lot of people from my chat during those Jak and Daxter runs. But the only people I distinctly remember banning from my chat in those days was none other than Tharixer and Rozer. In fact, one such instance was me banning Tharixer because he was refusing to let me raid the person I wanted to raid after my stream was over. I clearly remember I wanted to raid Spikevegeta, as he was the only person streaming on my following page. Tharixer sent me several messages about raiding people I was not even following, and then saying "Well, spikevegeta would raid someone from the community." While that may be true, I was not following anyone else who was live on that particular day at that particular time. I was a good friend of spikevegeta and he didn't have many viewers, as to my recollection, he just began streaming for the night. Tharixer got progressively more angry with me, until I banned him. Isn't that the point of a stream? To stream and then raid your friends and people you follow? It's your stream, do what you want with it. I banned him because I thought he was being an asshole.
  14. After that, there were many people who would come in to my stream from other Jak runners' streams who were beating my times and spam my chat with a bunch of garbage. To that effect, I also banned them. Yes, I am a sore loser. But, that is also extremely annoying. Because of both of these things, I distanced myself from the community further.
  16. Jumping to AGDQ 2014, I had just created a friendship with a good friend of mine, who was on my couch for AGDQ2014. After my run concluded, he told me that a member of the Jak community, Prear, had told him to sabotage the run. Since this person and I became good friends, he didn't go through with it. I don't know if this was an act of a single person or if the community put him up to it and it really doesn't matter.
  18. After my run at AGDQ 2014, yes I thanked members of the community. At that point, I had had numerous interactions with Tharixer on his stream, which I frequented, as I enjoy watching Jak II and 3 speedruns. After AGDQ2014 ended, Rozer contacted me. It was a mile long direct message on Twitch about how I didn't thank him at the end of the stream and that it really irked him. However, at that point also, I literally had little to no contact with Rozer (through messages or voice chat) and hadn't said anything on the matter. He called me a hypocrite and just said how hurt he had been. I didn't even really know who he was and this only made me distance myself further from the community further.
  24. These tweets that Tharixer linked are in response to my name being printed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the fastest completion of Jak and Daxter. At the time, I did not have this record and the Jak and Daxter community ganged up on me, saying that I had falsely told Guinness that I had the record, when I didn't have it anymore. What REALLY happened, was that Guinness never contacted me and never asked if I wanted to be in the book. They just did it without my knowledge. Tharixer, Rozer, blahpy, and a few others were all attacking me about the entry when I had absolutely no input on it whatsoever. This was after years of Tharixer and Rozer pulling stunts at least once a year that would stir up more drama. They would always stir up something about me not being a part of the community and that members of the Jak community thought I hated them all. Some of the tweets have been deleted by blahpy, as I believe we are both on better terms, though now I have no idea. But Tharixer and Rozer have, throughout almost 6 years, created drama OVER and OVER again with literally NO provocation.
  26. As for everything that happened with the SGDQ 2016 run, I apologized for that. I know you don't want to hear this because I know that you two, Tharixer and Rozer, need someone to blame for everything, but I have literally no idea what you want me to do about chat. What do you want from me?????? Headstrong is an amazing runner and I apologize for chat being that way, for real. If I could make them all stop with their bigotry, I would. But what do you want me to do? This shit happens everywhere. Honestly, I think this is more Tharixer and Rozer just piling on more blame. As for who GDQ picks for their runs, I literally have no part in that. Again, what do you want from me? Never saw the video by Apollo Legend.
  28. A little while ago in 2018, I got some downright weird messages from a Jak community member, Ruh, in my chat, asking for personal details, photos, etc. It turns out that Ruh had been on vacation with other members of the community, mainly Josh, and had wanted to fly me out to AGDQ 2019 to be with all the other Jak runners. As I know nobody in that community likes me because of Tharixer and Rozer's doing, I found this to be super strange. Though the sentiment was very sweet, it weirded me out (I know members of the Jak community will have a field day with this if I don't explain myself, so I think Ruh, Josh and the rest of the runners OUTSIDE of Tharixer and Rozer are great. I just never wanted to be in the community because I'm a very angry, competitive person when I play video games and wanted to spare you guys my shitty side). However, you can see in Ruh's message that everyone he was on vacation with who I presume are all members of the community who I have had little to no contact with all think that I hate them, which is not the case. In fact, I have nothing but the utmost respect for all the runners who run Jak as it is a demanding and very intense run.
  29. The message is here:
  31. Yes, I got the pastebin from Tharixer. He leaves out every bit of blame for himself and for Rozer and blames me for everything. The most disgusting thing is is he used Barbie's experience with calebhart to reel me in to the message. Shame on you. All of this could have been RESOLVED if you guys had just let it all go and left. me. alone.
  33. My initial distancing from the community was for the community's sake. I did it to spare them my mean side, which I don't show often. Everyone gets competitive and deals with it in certain ways. I apologize to everyone in the Luigi's Mansion community and in the Jak and Daxter community that I've hurt, EXCEPT for Tharixer and Rozer. Yea, I could have definitely handled things differently, BUT I TOLD THEM FROM THE LITERAL GET-GO I DIDN'T WANT TO BE IN THE COMMUNITY.
  35. THARIXER AND ROZER, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME???????????????????????????????????
  36. WHAT DO YOU WANT???????????????????????????????????
  38. This has nothing to do with the Jak and Daxter community anymore, because I did grow up and I did cool down and I don't take WRs seriously anymore because it has ruined a lot of my relationships and I have no excuse for that. But you two have been harassing me for YEARS and it needs to stop. THE REASON WHY I DON'T WANT TO JOIN THE COMMUNITY IS BECAUSE OF YOU TWO.
  41. To all of those in the speedrun community, steer clear of Tharixer and Rozer. They are dangerous people. They will screw with you and turn people against you. They consistently (literally every year for 7 years) have contacted me in some form or using other people to tell me to "join the community". Let's get this right, I banned Rozer after TWO minutes of him following me on Twitter and no, I don't regret it. Every single time I see these things from Tharixer and Rozer, it scares the shit out of me. The Jak community is great and you will find many amazing people like Headstrong, blahpy, Ruh, and Josh who will help you run the game (if I left anyone out, sorry. Please don't send me a long DM about it). They will help you. But stay away from those two. For the love of God. This needs to stop now.
  43. Tharixer and Rozer, never contact me again. I genuinely hope you get the help you both desperately need. If you contact me, I'm reporting the shit out of you. :)
  45. ADDENDUM: Yes, I got a message quite recently from Rozer asking for clips of my Jak videos for help with his project, which he said was a Jak WR video. I was not at my computer for two days and could not respond to his message. In my stream chat, Rozer showed up and demanded an explanation as to why I didn't answer him. I said I was away and that I'd get to it. When I tried to respond to his discord message, he had already blocked me.
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