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Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. 25/male/nj/aerospace tech. The relationship was 4 years. Everything was good. I loved her very much, she was my life. Her family was not so good, her mom is an alcoholic, dad does heroin (had to pick him up off the bathroom floor while the tourniquet was still in his arm.), her brother is in and out of jail for his heroin habit. She was strangely enough, stable. We move in together after 7 months of being together. I was dumb, and we made joint finances together(checking and credit.) Cars are in both my name and one of them she is a cosigner. So basically we were married with the certificates. About 2 years into the relationship she gets diagnosed woth multiple sclerosis. I was there by her bedside and sleeping next to her in the hospital. I am also in the reserves, so for 3 weeks out of the year i disappear. My fatal mistake was one year i left for wisconsin for annual training. I get homesick so I focus on work and dont talk to anyone. During that time she starts to let go because she thought I was avoiding her or something. Slowly but surely she starts letting me go and one night she gets a call from one of her old friends asking if she wants to go to the bar. She works 10 hour shifts and i thought go ahead, you had a long week, be careful call me if anything i live you. She said shell only be gone an hour and the she loves me very much. This was at 7pm. 10 11 rolls around and I get worried but i thought no news is good news. She wakes me up at 2am stone cold sober and tells me she kissed a guy and how she didnt want it to stop. And that its not working out. It destroys me, i drink for like a week straight when in not at work. During that time she is going out every night sometimes not coming home at all and acting like breaking up with me is the best thing to ever happen to her. Now im a little better but it still hurts from time to time because we still live together. I see her and even though she hurt me so bad i sometimes still want her back even though i know im better off. She says we started acting like roommates doing but when you work all the time, there are times when it gets that way. I always kissed her goodnight and kiss her goodbye when i went to work. Now i just have to get past all that and just learn to be myself again. Taking it a day at a time.
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