
Swimming with the Draconequus Chapter 1

Sep 19th, 2012
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  1. >After blacking out, you go into a sort of lucid dream like state where you find yourself in an infinitesimally large black nothingness.
  2. >Your feet feel like they are on the ground, but you can keep moving down.
  3. >After floating around for a few minutes you start to feel heavy.
  4. >Another bright white light flashes and you wake up.
  5. >Opening your eyes seems to be quite painful, but once they finally open you are greeted by something you can’t quite comprehend.
  6. >It’s what appears to be a white horse with a horn and what you assume are wings.
  7. “What did that guy give me?”
  8. >What followed was even more terrifying.
  9. >”I do not know who “that guy” is or what he gave you, but who are you and what are you doing in my room?” it says with a slightly irritated tone.
  10. “You can talk?”
  11. >”Yes I can, now answer my question.” Its tone only becoming more cross.
  12. “Well, I’m Anonymous, but who are you? What are you? Where am I?”
  13. >”Well Anonymous, I am Celestia, the princess of the sun, I am what is called an alicorn, you are in the Canterlot castle right now. Any other questions?”
  14. “I'm sure I have some, but none come to mind. I am just really confused right now.”
  15. >”Well, I would appreciate it if you could remove yourself from my shrubbery.” She says with a light chuckle.
  16. “Heh, yeah right away princess.” You quickly remove yourself from the plant and dust yourself off.
  17. >”Please call me Celestia.”
  18. “If you say so Celestia. So where is this Canterlot place?”
  21. >”It is located in Equestria, right in the middle of it to be exact.”
  22. “What’s Equestria?”
  23. >She has a look of disbelief
  24. >”This is no time for jokes Anonymous.”
  25. “I’m serious, I've never heard of Equestria before, I’m from Georgia.”
  26. >”Georgia? Where is that?” She looks as if she is concerned.
  27. “Right in the good old USA.”
  28. >”Oh my, this is not good, Anonymous, I need you to trust me on this.” Is all you hear before a horn is pressured into your forehead.
  29. >That familiar burning sensation is returned to your entire body as you lose vision again, and you feel your fingertips start burning.
  30. >You black out for the umpteenth time today and return to the familiar blackness.
  31. >Only this time you are not alone.
  32. >Celestia is standing in front of you panting heavily with an exhausted look on her face.
  33. “What just happened?”
  34. >After she catches her breath she mutters “I have brought myself into your subconscious to evaluate how and why you are here.” She seems to have regained her composure, but her ethereal mane has stopped flowing and remains stationary.
  35. “Well that isn’t terrifying or anything, what else can you do?”
  36. >”Well depending on what I find, you will be finding out.”
  37. >That doesn't sit well with you, but what can you do?
  38. “So how is this going to go down? What are you going to do?”
  39. >She says nothing, but a picture appears out of thin air in front of you and buzzes to life, exposing a myriad of color and light.
  42. >Then the images start, at first it is of you and your mother and sister sitting down for a meal.
  43. >You can feel the smile embroidering your face as the cozy scene plays.
  44. >You gaze at Celestia and she looks happy as well.
  45. >Then it changes to the Funeral. You look to Celestia with a look of sadness, but she doesn’t seem to understand what is happening.
  46. >Her ignorance is swiftly removed as you take your stance next to the coffins and look at the lifeless bodies inhabiting them.
  47. >You shut your eyes to kill the image away, but it is imprinted on your eyelids it seems.
  48. >Giving up all hope of stopping the tears that seem to be in a race to escape your eyes, you feel something wrap around your shoulder.
  49. >You are surprised to Celestias leg draped over your shoulder and a tear creeping down her face.
  50. >”Were they family?”
  51. “The only that I had left, my mother and sister. Both taken at once.”
  52. >”I am so sorry anonymous.”
  53. >You have nothing to say, but you take notice that the scene has changed to the first time you met Rachel.
  54. >”Who is this?”
  55. “My ex-girlfriend, she was the only thing keeping me alive. Then she left me.”
  56. >You didn’t expect her to say anything, so when she remained silent, you weren’t surprised.
  57. >Scene changes again; it’s you paying respects to the graves one last time.
  58. >You take your leave from the muddy graves and head to the bridge.
  59. >When you arrive at the strange fellow In the coat Celestia gasps.
  60. >”No, it can’t be… How could /he/ be back.”
  63. >The video pauses and Celestia turns to you.
  64. >”Anonymous stay still for a moment.”
  65. >A ray of light blasts at you and you tingle for a few seconds.
  66. >The look on Celestias face is a scary, mixture of fear and anger.
  67. >”I just knew he would try something like this again. I am sorry Anonymous, but this is for the better of my children.”
  68. >She doesn’t even give you a chance to speak as you are blasted with another beam.
  69. >You wake up in shackles with more of the horses surrounding you, all wearing some kind of jewelry.
  70. >C: Anonymous, for the safety of my little ponies, I must banish you from this land. You are contaminated by Discord and it is not safe to be around you.”
  71. >You are speechless, but you need to speak up.
  72. “What are you talking about, I didn’t do anything to anyone? Who is Discord?.
  73. >Her face remains as regal and stoic as ever as she turns and nods coldly to the horses with the jewelry.
  74. >More fucking laser beams. But unlike before you feel no tingling, only an immense cold feeling starting from your toes and creeping up your body.
  75. >You look down and are horrified by the sight below.
  76. >Stiff white coating, resembling clay was inching its way up your body, then it hit your torso.
  77. >You couldn’t breathe at all, it felt like your lungs had disappeared. Everything was getting stiff.
  78. >If you weren’t terrified a joke may have been in order.
  79. >Darkness overthrew the light as it reached your retinas.
  82. >Everything was gone. The only comparable darkness you have ever felt was when she took you into your subconscious. Except this one was literally nothing.
  83. >You couldn’t move you couldn’t see, even thoughts were gone. Until you heard that voice.
  84. >That familiarly scary yet soothing voice had snuck itself into your ear and it whispered softly.
  85. >”Having fun Anonymous? How was your time with Tia?”
  86. >”She was always one for new comers. It’s a shame I tainted you. But don’t think it was done for no reason.”
  87. >”Look Anonymous, I need you and you need me, we are both stuck here for the time being, but I believe I can change that.”
  88. >”But I am going to need you to trust me. Oh who am I kidding, it’s not like you have any say in the matter.”
  89. >”Now, let’s get you out of that prison, I know how it feels. Absolutely horrible.
  90. >And with that, you feel sensations flooding your body.
  91. >It’s like an exact reversal of what has previously happened, the cold icy feeling that had taken claim over your body was melting away.
  92. >Then you go for your first breath. It hurt like a bitch. It burnt at first, but then as the cold transmitted to heat you felt great relief.
  93. >It was like coming up for air after being submerged in water.
  94. >As your legs regained feeling, you fell to your knees.
  95. >”Oh Anonymous, I’m flattered but there is no need to bow.”
  96. “You smug son of a bitch what did those pills do to me!”
  97. >You were absolutely fucking mad.
  98. >”Time will tell Anonymous, but for now you need to rest.”
  101. >He places a talon on your nose and you’re gone.
  102. >”Oh if he keeps up like this, it will prove quite a challenge to break him. But I believe I know what to do.” A mischievous grin warping his face.
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